Added the files to illustrate the selector table usage.

Signed-off-by: Cristian Dumitrescu <>
 examples/pipeline/examples/selector.cli  | 31 ++++++++
 examples/pipeline/examples/selector.spec | 95 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 examples/pipeline/examples/selector.txt  |  4 +
 3 files changed, 130 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 examples/pipeline/examples/selector.cli
 create mode 100644 examples/pipeline/examples/selector.spec
 create mode 100644 examples/pipeline/examples/selector.txt

diff --git a/examples/pipeline/examples/selector.cli 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36f3ead54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/pipeline/examples/selector.cli
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+; Copyright(c) 2020 Intel Corporation
+mempool MEMPOOL0 buffer 2304 pool 32K cache 256 cpu 0
+link LINK0 dev 0000:18:00.0 rxq 1 128 MEMPOOL0 txq 1 512 promiscuous on
+link LINK1 dev 0000:18:00.1 rxq 1 128 MEMPOOL0 txq 1 512 promiscuous on
+link LINK2 dev 0000:3b:00.0 rxq 1 128 MEMPOOL0 txq 1 512 promiscuous on
+link LINK3 dev 0000:3b:00.1 rxq 1 128 MEMPOOL0 txq 1 512 promiscuous on
+pipeline PIPELINE0 create 0
+pipeline PIPELINE0 port in 0 link LINK0 rxq 0 bsz 32
+pipeline PIPELINE0 port in 1 link LINK1 rxq 0 bsz 32
+pipeline PIPELINE0 port in 2 link LINK2 rxq 0 bsz 32
+pipeline PIPELINE0 port in 3 link LINK3 rxq 0 bsz 32
+pipeline PIPELINE0 port out 0 link LINK0 txq 0 bsz 32
+pipeline PIPELINE0 port out 1 link LINK1 txq 0 bsz 32
+pipeline PIPELINE0 port out 2 link LINK2 txq 0 bsz 32
+pipeline PIPELINE0 port out 3 link LINK3 txq 0 bsz 32
+pipeline PIPELINE0 port out 4 sink none
+pipeline PIPELINE0 build ./examples/pipeline/examples/selector.spec
+pipeline PIPELINE0 selector s group add
+pipeline PIPELINE0 selector s group member add 
+pipeline PIPELINE0 commit
+pipeline PIPELINE0 selector s show
+thread 1 pipeline PIPELINE0 enable
diff --git a/examples/pipeline/examples/selector.spec 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..72e49cb1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/pipeline/examples/selector.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+; Copyright(c) 2020 Intel Corporation
+; A selector table is made out of groups of weighted members, with a given 
member potentially part
+; of several groups. The select operation returns a member ID by first 
selecting a group based on an
+; input group ID and then selecting a member within that group by hashing one 
or several input
+; header or meta-data fields. It is very useful for implementing an Equal-Cost 
Multi-Path (ECMP) or
+; Weighted-Cost Multi-Path (WCMP) enabled FIB or a load balancer. It is part 
of the action selector
+; construct described by the P4 Portable Switch Architecture (PSA) 
+; Normally, an action selector FIB is built with a routing table (the base 
table), a selector table
+; (the group table) and a next hop table (the member table). One of the 
routing table actions sets
+; up the group ID meta-data field used as the index into the group table, 
which produces the member
+; ID meta-data field, i.e. the next hop ID that is used as the index into the 
next hop table. The
+; next hop action prepares the output packet for being sent next hop in the 
network by prepending
+; one or several headers to the packet (Ethernet at the very least), 
decrementing the TTL and
+; recomputing the IPv4 checksum, etc. The selector allows for multiple next 
hops to be specified
+; for any given route as opposed to a single next hop per route; for every 
packet, its next hop is
+; picked out of the set of next hops defined for the route while preserving 
the packet ordering
+; within the flow, with the flow defined by the selector n-tuple fields.
+; In this simple example, the base table and the member table are striped out 
in order to focus
+; exclusively on illustrating the selector table. The group_id is read from 
the destination MAC
+; address and the selector n-tuple is represented by the Protocol, the source 
IP address and the
+; destination IP address fields. The member_id produced by the selector table 
is used to identify
+; the output port which facilitates the testing of different member weights by 
simply comparing the
+; rates of output packets sent on different ports.
+// Headers
+struct ethernet_h {
+       bit<48> dst_addr
+       bit<48> src_addr
+       bit<16> ethertype
+struct ipv4_h {
+       bit<8> ver_ihl
+       bit<8> diffserv
+       bit<16> total_len
+       bit<16> identification
+       bit<16> flags_offset
+       bit<8> ttl
+       bit<8> protocol
+       bit<16> hdr_checksum
+       bit<32> src_addr
+       bit<32> dst_addr
+header ethernet instanceof ethernet_h
+header ipv4 instanceof ipv4_h
+// Meta-data
+struct metadata_t {
+       bit<32> port_in
+       bit<32> port_out
+       bit<32> group_id
+metadata instanceof metadata_t
+// Selectors.
+selector s {
+       group_id m.group_id
+       selector {
+               h.ipv4.protocol
+               h.ipv4.src_addr
+               h.ipv4.dst_addr
+       }
+       member_id m.port_out
+       n_groups_max 64
+       n_members_per_group_max 16
+// Pipeline.
+apply {
+       rx m.port_in
+       extract h.ethernet
+       extract h.ipv4
+       mov m.group_id h.ethernet.dst_addr
+       table s
+       emit h.ethernet
+       emit h.ipv4
+       tx m.port_out
diff --git a/examples/pipeline/examples/selector.txt 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b3c83c773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/pipeline/examples/selector.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+group 0 member 0 weight 1
+group 0 member 1 weight 1
+group 0 member 2 weight 2
+group 0 member 3 weight 4

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