Switch from using tabs to 4 spaces for meson.build indentation, for the
basic infrastructure and tooling files, as well as doc and kernel

Signed-off-by: Bruce Richardson <bruce.richard...@intel.com>
 buildtools/chkincs/meson.build    |  24 +-
 buildtools/meson.build            |  34 +-
 buildtools/pkg-config/meson.build |  34 +-
 config/arm/meson.build            | 630 +++++++++++++++---------------
 config/meson.build                | 286 +++++++-------
 config/ppc/meson.build            |   8 +-
 config/x86/meson.build            |  64 +--
 doc/api/meson.build               |  36 +-
 doc/guides/meson.build            |  25 +-
 doc/meson.build                   |   6 +-
 kernel/freebsd/meson.build        |  32 +-
 kernel/linux/kni/meson.build      |  41 +-
 kernel/linux/meson.build          | 111 +++---
 meson.build                       |  94 ++---
 meson_options.txt                 |  84 ++--
 usertools/meson.build             |  11 +-
 16 files changed, 759 insertions(+), 761 deletions(-)

diff --git a/buildtools/chkincs/meson.build b/buildtools/chkincs/meson.build
index f28cfd3cd..34dcd81ce 100644
--- a/buildtools/chkincs/meson.build
+++ b/buildtools/chkincs/meson.build
@@ -2,19 +2,19 @@
 # Copyright(c) 2021 Intel Corporation
 if not get_option('check_includes')
-       build = false
-       subdir_done()
+    build = false
+    subdir_done()
 if is_windows
-       # for windows, the shebang line in the script won't work.
-       error('option "check_includes" is not supported on windows')
+    # for windows, the shebang line in the script won't work.
+    error('option "check_includes" is not supported on windows')
 gen_c_file_for_header = find_program('gen_c_file_for_header.py')
 gen_c_files = generator(gen_c_file_for_header,
-       output: '@BASENAME@.c',
-       arguments: ['@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'])
+        output: '@BASENAME@.c',
+        arguments: ['@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'])
 cflags = machine_args
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ sources += gen_c_files.process(dpdk_chkinc_headers)
 deps = []
 foreach l:enabled_libs
-       deps += get_variable('static_rte_' + l)
+    deps += get_variable('static_rte_' + l)
 executable('chkincs', sources,
-       c_args: cflags,
-       include_directories: includes,
-       dependencies: deps,
-       link_whole: dpdk_static_libraries + dpdk_drivers,
-       install: false)
+        c_args: cflags,
+        include_directories: includes,
+        dependencies: deps,
+        link_whole: dpdk_static_libraries + dpdk_drivers,
+        install: false)
diff --git a/buildtools/meson.build b/buildtools/meson.build
index 9c9347457..c520896b4 100644
--- a/buildtools/meson.build
+++ b/buildtools/meson.build
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ binutils_avx512_check = 
 # set up map-to-win script using python, either built-in or external
 python3 = import('python').find_installation(required: false)
 if python3.found()
-       py3 = [python3]
+    py3 = [python3]
-       py3 = ['meson', 'runpython']
+    py3 = ['meson', 'runpython']
 map_to_win_cmd = py3 + files('map_to_win.py')
 sphinx_wrapper = py3 + files('call-sphinx-build.py')
@@ -21,27 +21,27 @@ sphinx_wrapper = py3 + files('call-sphinx-build.py')
 pmdinfo = py3 + files('gen-pmdinfo-cfile.py') + [meson.current_build_dir()]
 pmdinfogen = py3 + files('pmdinfogen.py')
 if host_machine.system() == 'windows'
-       if cc.get_id() == 'gcc'
-               pmdinfo += 'ar'
-       else
-               pmdinfo += 'llvm-ar'
-       endif
-       pmdinfogen += 'coff'
+    if cc.get_id() == 'gcc'
+        pmdinfo += 'ar'
+    else
+        pmdinfo += 'llvm-ar'
+    endif
+    pmdinfogen += 'coff'
-       pmdinfo += 'ar'
-       pmdinfogen += 'elf'
+    pmdinfo += 'ar'
+    pmdinfogen += 'elf'
 # TODO: starting from Meson 0.51.0 use
-#      python3 = import('python').find_installation('python',
-#              modules : python3_required_modules)
+#     python3 = import('python').find_installation('python',
+#        modules : python3_required_modules)
 python3_required_modules = []
 if host_machine.system() != 'windows'
-       python3_required_modules = ['elftools']
+    python3_required_modules = ['elftools']
 foreach module : python3_required_modules
-       script = 'import importlib.util; import sys; 
exit(importlib.util.find_spec("@0@") is None)'
-       if run_command(py3, '-c', script.format(module)).returncode() != 0
-               error('missing python module: @0@'.format(module))
-       endif
+    script = 'import importlib.util; import sys; 
exit(importlib.util.find_spec("@0@") is None)'
+    if run_command(py3, '-c', script.format(module)).returncode() != 0
+        error('missing python module: @0@'.format(module))
+    endif
diff --git a/buildtools/pkg-config/meson.build 
index 39a8fd1c8..0412883c8 100644
--- a/buildtools/pkg-config/meson.build
+++ b/buildtools/pkg-config/meson.build
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 pkg = import('pkgconfig')
 pkg_extra_cflags = ['-include', 'rte_config.h'] + machine_args
 if is_freebsd
-       pkg_extra_cflags += ['-D__BSD_VISIBLE']
+    pkg_extra_cflags += ['-D__BSD_VISIBLE']
 # When calling pkg-config --static --libs, pkg-config will always output the
@@ -28,30 +28,30 @@ endif
 pkg.generate(name: 'dpdk-libs',
-       filebase: 'libdpdk-libs',
-       description: '''Internal-only DPDK pkgconfig file. Not for direct use.
+        filebase: 'libdpdk-libs',
+        description: '''Internal-only DPDK pkgconfig file. Not for direct use.
 Use libdpdk.pc instead of this file to query DPDK compile/link arguments''',
-       version: meson.project_version(),
-       subdirs: [get_option('include_subdir_arch'), '.'],
-       extra_cflags: pkg_extra_cflags,
-       libraries: ['-Wl,--as-needed'] + dpdk_libraries,
-       libraries_private: dpdk_extra_ldflags)
+        version: meson.project_version(),
+        subdirs: [get_option('include_subdir_arch'), '.'],
+        extra_cflags: pkg_extra_cflags,
+        libraries: ['-Wl,--as-needed'] + dpdk_libraries,
+        libraries_private: dpdk_extra_ldflags)
 platform_flags = []
 if not is_windows
-       platform_flags += ['-Wl,--export-dynamic'] # ELF only
+    platform_flags += ['-Wl,--export-dynamic'] # ELF only
 pkg.generate(name: 'DPDK', # main DPDK pkgconfig file
-       filebase: 'libdpdk',
-       version: meson.project_version(),
-       description: '''The Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK).
+        filebase: 'libdpdk',
+        version: meson.project_version(),
+        description: '''The Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK).
 Note that CFLAGS might contain an -march flag higher than typical baseline.
 This is required for a number of static inline functions in the public 
-       requires: ['libdpdk-libs', libbsd], # may need libbsd for string funcs
-                         # if libbsd is not enabled, then this is blank
-       libraries_private: ['-Wl,--whole-archive'] +
-                       dpdk_drivers + dpdk_static_libraries +
-                       ['-Wl,--no-whole-archive'] + platform_flags
+        requires: ['libdpdk-libs', libbsd], # may need libbsd for string funcs
+                      # if libbsd is not enabled, then this is blank
+        libraries_private: ['-Wl,--whole-archive'] +
+            dpdk_drivers + dpdk_static_libraries +
+            ['-Wl,--no-whole-archive'] + platform_flags
 # For static linking with dependencies as shared libraries,
diff --git a/config/arm/meson.build b/config/arm/meson.build
index b9f70f2e7..3a1c1a598 100644
--- a/config/arm/meson.build
+++ b/config/arm/meson.build
@@ -5,22 +5,22 @@
 # common flags to all aarch64 builds, with lowest priority
 flags_common = [
-       # Accelerate rte_memcpy. Be sure to run unit test (memcpy_perf_autotest)
-       # to determine the best threshold in code. Refer to notes in source file
-       # (lib/librte_eal/arm/include/rte_memcpy_64.h) for more info.
-       ['RTE_ARCH_ARM64_MEMCPY', false],
-       #       ['RTE_ARM64_MEMCPY_ALIGNED_THRESHOLD', 2048],
-       #       ['RTE_ARM64_MEMCPY_UNALIGNED_THRESHOLD', 512],
-       # Leave below RTE_ARM64_MEMCPY_xxx options commented out,
-       # unless there are strong reasons.
-       #       ['RTE_ARM64_MEMCPY_SKIP_GCC_VER_CHECK', false],
-       #       ['RTE_ARM64_MEMCPY_ALIGN_MASK', 0xF],
-       #       ['RTE_ARM64_MEMCPY_STRICT_ALIGN', false],
-       ['RTE_SCHED_VECTOR', false],
-       ['RTE_ARM_USE_WFE', false],
-       ['RTE_ARCH_ARM64', true],
-       ['RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE', 128]
+        # Accelerate rte_memcpy. Be sure to run unit test 
+        # to determine the best threshold in code. Refer to notes in source 
+        # (lib/librte_eal/arm/include/rte_memcpy_64.h) for more info.
+        ['RTE_ARCH_ARM64_MEMCPY', false],
+        #    ['RTE_ARM64_MEMCPY_ALIGNED_THRESHOLD', 2048],
+        #    ['RTE_ARM64_MEMCPY_UNALIGNED_THRESHOLD', 512],
+        # Leave below RTE_ARM64_MEMCPY_xxx options commented out,
+        # unless there are strong reasons.
+        #    ['RTE_ARM64_MEMCPY_SKIP_GCC_VER_CHECK', false],
+        #    ['RTE_ARM64_MEMCPY_ALIGN_MASK', 0xF],
+        #    ['RTE_ARM64_MEMCPY_STRICT_ALIGN', false],
+        ['RTE_SCHED_VECTOR', false],
+        ['RTE_ARM_USE_WFE', false],
+        ['RTE_ARCH_ARM64', true],
+        ['RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE', 128]
 ## Part numbers are specific to Arm implementers
@@ -29,381 +29,381 @@ flags_common = [
 # part number specific aarch64 flags have higher priority
 #     (will overwrite both common and implementer specific flags)
 implementer_generic = {
-       'description': 'Generic armv8',
-       'flags': [
-               ['RTE_MACHINE', '"armv8a"'],
-               ['RTE_USE_C11_MEM_MODEL', true],
-               ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 256],
-               ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 4]
-       ],
-       'part_number_config': {
-               'generic': {'machine_args': ['-march=armv8-a+crc',
-                                            '-moutline-atomics']}
-       }
+    'description': 'Generic armv8',
+    'flags': [
+        ['RTE_MACHINE', '"armv8a"'],
+        ['RTE_USE_C11_MEM_MODEL', true],
+        ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 256],
+        ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 4]
+    ],
+    'part_number_config': {
+        'generic': {'machine_args': ['-march=armv8-a+crc',
+                         '-moutline-atomics']}
+    }
 part_number_config_arm = {
-       '0xd03': {'machine_args':  ['-mcpu=cortex-a53']},
-       '0xd04': {'machine_args':  ['-mcpu=cortex-a35']},
-       '0xd07': {'machine_args':  ['-mcpu=cortex-a57']},
-       '0xd08': {'machine_args':  ['-mcpu=cortex-a72']},
-       '0xd09': {'machine_args':  ['-mcpu=cortex-a73']},
-       '0xd0a': {'machine_args':  ['-mcpu=cortex-a75']},
-       '0xd0b': {'machine_args':  ['-mcpu=cortex-a76']},
-       '0xd0c': {
-               'machine_args':  ['-march=armv8.2-a+crypto',
-                                 '-mcpu=neoverse-n1'],
-               'flags': [
-                       ['RTE_MACHINE', '"neoverse-n1"'],
-                       ['RTE_ARM_FEATURE_ATOMICS', true],
-                       ['RTE_MAX_MEM_MB', 1048576],
-                       ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 160],
-                       ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 2]
-               ]
-       },
-       '0xd49': {
-               'machine_args':  ['-march=armv8.5-a+crypto+sve2'],
-               'flags': [
-                       ['RTE_MACHINE', '"neoverse-n2"'],
-                       ['RTE_ARM_FEATURE_ATOMICS', true],
-                       ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 64],
-                       ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 1]
-               ]
-       }
+    '0xd03': {'machine_args':  ['-mcpu=cortex-a53']},
+    '0xd04': {'machine_args':  ['-mcpu=cortex-a35']},
+    '0xd07': {'machine_args':  ['-mcpu=cortex-a57']},
+    '0xd08': {'machine_args':  ['-mcpu=cortex-a72']},
+    '0xd09': {'machine_args':  ['-mcpu=cortex-a73']},
+    '0xd0a': {'machine_args':  ['-mcpu=cortex-a75']},
+    '0xd0b': {'machine_args':  ['-mcpu=cortex-a76']},
+    '0xd0c': {
+        'machine_args':  ['-march=armv8.2-a+crypto',
+                  '-mcpu=neoverse-n1'],
+        'flags': [
+            ['RTE_MACHINE', '"neoverse-n1"'],
+            ['RTE_ARM_FEATURE_ATOMICS', true],
+            ['RTE_MAX_MEM_MB', 1048576],
+            ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 160],
+            ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 2]
+        ]
+    },
+    '0xd49': {
+        'machine_args':  ['-march=armv8.5-a+crypto+sve2'],
+        'flags': [
+            ['RTE_MACHINE', '"neoverse-n2"'],
+            ['RTE_ARM_FEATURE_ATOMICS', true],
+            ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 64],
+            ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 1]
+        ]
+    }
 implementer_arm = {
-       'description': 'Arm',
-       'flags': [
-               ['RTE_MACHINE', '"armv8a"'],
-               ['RTE_USE_C11_MEM_MODEL', true],
-               ['RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE', 64],
-               ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 64],
-               ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 4]
-       ],
-       'part_number_config': part_number_config_arm
+    'description': 'Arm',
+    'flags': [
+        ['RTE_MACHINE', '"armv8a"'],
+        ['RTE_USE_C11_MEM_MODEL', true],
+        ['RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE', 64],
+        ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 64],
+        ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 4]
+    ],
+    'part_number_config': part_number_config_arm
 flags_part_number_thunderx = [
-       ['RTE_MACHINE', '"thunderx"'],
-       ['RTE_USE_C11_MEM_MODEL', false]
+    ['RTE_MACHINE', '"thunderx"'],
+    ['RTE_USE_C11_MEM_MODEL', false]
 implementer_cavium = {
-       'description': 'Cavium',
-       'flags': [
-               ['RTE_MAX_VFIO_GROUPS', 128],
-               ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 96],
-               ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 2]
-       ],
-       'part_number_config': {
-               '0xa1': {
-                       'machine_args': ['-mcpu=thunderxt88'],
-                       'flags': flags_part_number_thunderx
-               },
-               '0xa2': {
-                       'machine_args': ['-mcpu=thunderxt81'],
-                       'flags': flags_part_number_thunderx
-               },
-               '0xa3': {
-                       'machine_args': ['-mcpu=thunderxt83'],
-                       'flags': flags_part_number_thunderx
-               },
-               '0xaf': {
-                       'machine_args': ['-march=armv8.1-a+crc+crypto',
-                                        '-mcpu=thunderx2t99'],
-                       'flags': [
-                               ['RTE_MACHINE', '"thunderx2"'],
-                               ['RTE_ARM_FEATURE_ATOMICS', true],
-                               ['RTE_USE_C11_MEM_MODEL', true],
-                               ['RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE', 64],
-                               ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 256]
-                       ]
-               },
-               '0xb2': {
-                       'machine_args': ['-march=armv8.2-a+crc+crypto+lse',
-                                        '-mcpu=octeontx2'],
-                       'flags': [
-                               ['RTE_MACHINE', '"octeontx2"'],
-                               ['RTE_ARM_FEATURE_ATOMICS', true],
-                               ['RTE_USE_C11_MEM_MODEL', true],
-                               ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 36],
-                               ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 1]
-                       ]
-               }
-       }
+    'description': 'Cavium',
+    'flags': [
+        ['RTE_MAX_VFIO_GROUPS', 128],
+        ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 96],
+        ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 2]
+    ],
+    'part_number_config': {
+        '0xa1': {
+            'machine_args': ['-mcpu=thunderxt88'],
+            'flags': flags_part_number_thunderx
+        },
+        '0xa2': {
+            'machine_args': ['-mcpu=thunderxt81'],
+            'flags': flags_part_number_thunderx
+        },
+        '0xa3': {
+            'machine_args': ['-mcpu=thunderxt83'],
+            'flags': flags_part_number_thunderx
+        },
+        '0xaf': {
+            'machine_args': ['-march=armv8.1-a+crc+crypto',
+                     '-mcpu=thunderx2t99'],
+            'flags': [
+                ['RTE_MACHINE', '"thunderx2"'],
+                ['RTE_ARM_FEATURE_ATOMICS', true],
+                ['RTE_USE_C11_MEM_MODEL', true],
+                ['RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE', 64],
+                ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 256]
+            ]
+        },
+        '0xb2': {
+            'machine_args': ['-march=armv8.2-a+crc+crypto+lse',
+                     '-mcpu=octeontx2'],
+            'flags': [
+                ['RTE_MACHINE', '"octeontx2"'],
+                ['RTE_ARM_FEATURE_ATOMICS', true],
+                ['RTE_USE_C11_MEM_MODEL', true],
+                ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 36],
+                ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 1]
+            ]
+        }
+    }
 implementer_ampere = {
-       'description': 'Ampere Computing',
-       'flags': [
-               ['RTE_MACHINE', '"emag"'],
-               ['RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE', 64],
-               ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 32],
-               ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 1]
-       ],
-       'part_number_config': {
-               '0x0': {'machine_args':  ['-march=armv8-a+crc+crypto',
-                                         '-mtune=emag']}
-       }
+    'description': 'Ampere Computing',
+    'flags': [
+        ['RTE_MACHINE', '"emag"'],
+        ['RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE', 64],
+        ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 32],
+        ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 1]
+    ],
+    'part_number_config': {
+        '0x0': {'machine_args':  ['-march=armv8-a+crc+crypto',
+                      '-mtune=emag']}
+    }
 implementer_qualcomm = {
-       'description': 'Qualcomm',
-       'flags': [
-               ['RTE_MACHINE', '"armv8a"'],
-               ['RTE_USE_C11_MEM_MODEL', true],
-               ['RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE', 64],
-               ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 64],
-               ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 1]
-       ],
-       'part_number_config': {
-               '0xc00': {'machine_args':  ['-march=armv8-a+crc']}
-       }
+    'description': 'Qualcomm',
+    'flags': [
+        ['RTE_MACHINE', '"armv8a"'],
+        ['RTE_USE_C11_MEM_MODEL', true],
+        ['RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE', 64],
+        ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 64],
+        ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 1]
+    ],
+    'part_number_config': {
+        '0xc00': {'machine_args':  ['-march=armv8-a+crc']}
+    }
 ## Arm implementers (ID from MIDR in Arm Architecture Reference Manual)
 implementers = {
-       'generic': implementer_generic,
-       '0x41': implementer_arm,
-       '0x43': implementer_cavium,
-       '0x50': implementer_ampere,
-       '0x51': implementer_qualcomm
+    'generic': implementer_generic,
+    '0x41': implementer_arm,
+    '0x43': implementer_cavium,
+    '0x50': implementer_ampere,
+    '0x51': implementer_qualcomm
 # SoC specific aarch64 flags have the highest priority
 #     (will overwrite all other flags)
 soc_generic = {
-       'description': 'Generic un-optimized build for all aarch64 machines',
-       'implementer': 'generic',
-       'part_number': 'generic'
+    'description': 'Generic un-optimized build for all aarch64 machines',
+    'implementer': 'generic',
+    'part_number': 'generic'
 soc_armada = {
-       'description': 'Marvell ARMADA',
-       'implementer': '0x41',
-       'part_number': '0xd08',
-       'flags': [
-               ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 16],
-               ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 1]
-       ],
-       'numa': false
+    'description': 'Marvell ARMADA',
+    'implementer': '0x41',
+    'part_number': '0xd08',
+    'flags': [
+        ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 16],
+        ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 1]
+    ],
+    'numa': false
 soc_bluefield = {
-       'description': 'NVIDIA BlueField',
-       'implementer': '0x41',
-       'part_number': '0xd08',
-       'flags': [
-               ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 16],
-               ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 1]
-       ],
-       'numa': false
+    'description': 'NVIDIA BlueField',
+    'implementer': '0x41',
+    'part_number': '0xd08',
+    'flags': [
+        ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 16],
+        ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 1]
+    ],
+    'numa': false
 soc_dpaa = {
-       'description': 'NXP DPAA',
-       'implementer': '0x41',
-       'part_number': '0xd08',
-       'flags': [
-               ['RTE_MACHINE', '"dpaa"'],
-               ['RTE_LIBRTE_DPAA2_USE_PHYS_IOVA', false],
-               ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 16],
-               ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 1]
-       ],
-       'numa': false
+    'description': 'NXP DPAA',
+    'implementer': '0x41',
+    'part_number': '0xd08',
+    'flags': [
+        ['RTE_MACHINE', '"dpaa"'],
+        ['RTE_LIBRTE_DPAA2_USE_PHYS_IOVA', false],
+        ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 16],
+        ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 1]
+    ],
+    'numa': false
 soc_emag = {
-       'description': 'Ampere eMAG',
-       'implementer': '0x50',
-       'part_number': '0x0'
+    'description': 'Ampere eMAG',
+    'implementer': '0x50',
+    'part_number': '0x0'
 soc_graviton2 = {
-       'description': 'AWS Graviton2',
-       'implementer': '0x41',
-       'part_number': '0xd0c',
-       'numa': false
+    'description': 'AWS Graviton2',
+    'implementer': '0x41',
+    'part_number': '0xd0c',
+    'numa': false
 soc_n1sdp = {
-       'description': 'Arm Neoverse N1SDP',
-       'implementer': '0x41',
-       'part_number': '0xd0c',
-       'flags': [
-               ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 4]
-       ],
-       'numa': false
+    'description': 'Arm Neoverse N1SDP',
+    'implementer': '0x41',
+    'part_number': '0xd0c',
+    'flags': [
+        ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 4]
+    ],
+    'numa': false
 soc_n2 = {
-       'description': 'Arm Neoverse N2',
-       'implementer': '0x41',
-       'part_number': '0xd49',
-       'numa': false
+    'description': 'Arm Neoverse N2',
+    'implementer': '0x41',
+    'part_number': '0xd49',
+    'numa': false
 soc_octeontx2 = {
-       'description': 'Marvell OCTEON TX2',
-       'implementer': '0x43',
-       'part_number': '0xb2',
-       'numa': false
+    'description': 'Marvell OCTEON TX2',
+    'implementer': '0x43',
+    'part_number': '0xb2',
+    'numa': false
 soc_stingray = {
-       'description': 'Broadcom Stingray',
-       'implementer': '0x41',
-       'flags': [
-               ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 16],
-               ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 1]
-       ],
-       'part_number': '0xd08',
-       'numa': false
+    'description': 'Broadcom Stingray',
+    'implementer': '0x41',
+    'flags': [
+        ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', 16],
+        ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', 1]
+    ],
+    'part_number': '0xd08',
+    'numa': false
 soc_thunderx2 = {
-       'description': 'Marvell ThunderX2 T99',
-       'implementer': '0x43',
-       'part_number': '0xaf'
+    'description': 'Marvell ThunderX2 T99',
+    'implementer': '0x43',
+    'part_number': '0xaf'
 soc_thunderxt88 = {
-       'description': 'Marvell ThunderX T88',
-       'implementer': '0x43',
-       'part_number': '0xa1'
+    'description': 'Marvell ThunderX T88',
+    'implementer': '0x43',
+    'part_number': '0xa1'
 socs = {
-       'generic': soc_generic,
-       'armada': soc_armada,
-       'bluefield': soc_bluefield,
-       'dpaa': soc_dpaa,
-       'emag': soc_emag,
-       'graviton2': soc_graviton2,
-       'n1sdp': soc_n1sdp,
-       'n2': soc_n2,
-       'octeontx2': soc_octeontx2,
-       'stingray': soc_stingray,
-       'thunderx2': soc_thunderx2,
-       'thunderxt88': soc_thunderxt88
+    'generic': soc_generic,
+    'armada': soc_armada,
+    'bluefield': soc_bluefield,
+    'dpaa': soc_dpaa,
+    'emag': soc_emag,
+    'graviton2': soc_graviton2,
+    'n1sdp': soc_n1sdp,
+    'n2': soc_n2,
+    'octeontx2': soc_octeontx2,
+    'stingray': soc_stingray,
+    'thunderx2': soc_thunderx2,
+    'thunderxt88': soc_thunderxt88
 dpdk_conf.set('RTE_ARCH_ARM', 1)
 dpdk_conf.set('RTE_FORCE_INTRINSICS', 1)
 if dpdk_conf.get('RTE_ARCH_32')
-       # armv7 build
-       dpdk_conf.set('RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE', 64)
-       dpdk_conf.set('RTE_ARCH_ARMv7', 1)
-       # the minimum architecture supported, armv7-a, needs the following,
-       machine_args += '-mfpu=neon'
+    # armv7 build
+    dpdk_conf.set('RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE', 64)
+    dpdk_conf.set('RTE_ARCH_ARMv7', 1)
+    # the minimum architecture supported, armv7-a, needs the following,
+    machine_args += '-mfpu=neon'
-       # aarch64 build
-       soc = get_option('platform')
-       soc_config = {}
-       if not meson.is_cross_build()
-               if machine == 'generic'
-                       # generic build
-                       if soc != ''
-                               error('Building for a particular platform is ' +
-                                     'unsupported with generic build.')
-                       endif
-                       implementer_id = 'generic'
-                       part_number = 'generic'
-               elif soc != ''
-                       soc_config = socs.get(soc, {'not_supported': true})
-               else
-                       # native build
-                       # The script returns ['Implementer', 'Variant', 
-                       # 'Primary Part number', 'Revision']
-                       detect_vendor = find_program(join_paths(
-                                       meson.current_source_dir(), 
-                       cmd = run_command(detect_vendor.path())
-                       if cmd.returncode() == 0
-                               cmd_output = 
cmd.stdout().to_lower().strip().split(' ')
-                               implementer_id = cmd_output[0]
-                               part_number = cmd_output[3]
-                       else
-                               error('Error when getting Arm Implementer ID 
and part number.')
-                       endif
-               endif
-       else
-               # cross build
-               soc = meson.get_cross_property('platform', '')
-               if soc == ''
-                       error('Arm SoC must be specified in the cross file.')
-               endif
-               soc_config = socs.get(soc, {'not_supported': true})
-       endif
-       soc_flags = []
-       if soc_config.has_key('not_supported')
-               error('SoC @0@ not supported.'.format(soc))
-       elif soc_config != {}
-               implementer_id = soc_config['implementer']
-               implementer_config = implementers[implementer_id]
-               part_number = soc_config['part_number']
-               soc_flags = soc_config.get('flags', [])
-               if not soc_config.get('numa', true)
-                       has_libnuma = 0
-               endif
-               disable_drivers += ',' + soc_config.get('disable_drivers', '')
-               enable_drivers += ',' + soc_config.get('enable_drivers', '')
-       endif
-       if implementers.has_key(implementer_id)
-               implementer_config = implementers[implementer_id]
-       else
-               error('Unsupported Arm implementer: @0@. 
'.format(implementer_id) +
-                     'Please add support for it or use the generic ' +
-                     '(-Dmachine=generic) build.')
-       endif
-       message('Arm implementer: ' + implementer_config['description'])
-       message('Arm part number: ' + part_number)
-       part_number_config = implementer_config['part_number_config']
-       if part_number_config.has_key(part_number)
-               # use the specified part_number machine args if found
-               part_number_config = part_number_config[part_number]
-       else
-               # unknown part number
-               error('Unsupported part number @0@ of implementer @1@. '
-                     .format(part_number, implementer_id) +
-                     'Please add support for it or use the generic ' +
-                     '(-Dmachine=generic) build.')
-       endif
-       # add/overwrite flags in the proper order
-       dpdk_flags = flags_common + implementer_config['flags'] + 
part_number_config.get('flags', []) + soc_flags
-       # apply supported machine args
-       machine_args = [] # Clear previous machine args
-       foreach flag: part_number_config['machine_args']
-               if cc.has_argument(flag)
-                       machine_args += flag
-               endif
-       endforeach
-       # apply flags
-       foreach flag: dpdk_flags
-               if flag.length() > 0
-                       dpdk_conf.set(flag[0], flag[1])
-               endif
-       endforeach
+    # aarch64 build
+    soc = get_option('platform')
+    soc_config = {}
+    if not meson.is_cross_build()
+        if machine == 'generic'
+            # generic build
+            if soc != ''
+                error('Building for a particular platform is unsupported with 
generic build.')
+            endif
+            implementer_id = 'generic'
+            part_number = 'generic'
+        elif soc != ''
+            soc_config = socs.get(soc, {'not_supported': true})
+        else
+            # native build
+            # The script returns ['Implementer', 'Variant', 'Architecture',
+            # 'Primary Part number', 'Revision']
+            detect_vendor = 
find_program(join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'armv8_machine.py'))
+            cmd = run_command(detect_vendor.path())
+            if cmd.returncode() == 0
+                cmd_output = cmd.stdout().to_lower().strip().split(' ')
+                implementer_id = cmd_output[0]
+                part_number = cmd_output[3]
+            else
+                error('Error when getting Arm Implementer ID and part number.')
+            endif
+        endif
+    else
+        # cross build
+        soc = meson.get_cross_property('platform', '')
+        if soc == ''
+            error('Arm SoC must be specified in the cross file.')
+        endif
+        soc_config = socs.get(soc, {'not_supported': true})
+    endif
+    soc_flags = []
+    if soc_config.has_key('not_supported')
+        error('SoC @0@ not supported.'.format(soc))
+    elif soc_config != {}
+        implementer_id = soc_config['implementer']
+        implementer_config = implementers[implementer_id]
+        part_number = soc_config['part_number']
+        soc_flags = soc_config.get('flags', [])
+        if not soc_config.get('numa', true)
+            has_libnuma = 0
+        endif
+        disable_drivers += ',' + soc_config.get('disable_drivers', '')
+        enable_drivers += ',' + soc_config.get('enable_drivers', '')
+    endif
+    if implementers.has_key(implementer_id)
+        implementer_config = implementers[implementer_id]
+    else
+        error('Unsupported Arm implementer: @0@. '.format(implementer_id) +
+              'Please add support for it or use the generic ' +
+              '(-Dmachine=generic) build.')
+    endif
+    message('Arm implementer: ' + implementer_config['description'])
+    message('Arm part number: ' + part_number)
+    part_number_config = implementer_config['part_number_config']
+    if part_number_config.has_key(part_number)
+        # use the specified part_number machine args if found
+        part_number_config = part_number_config[part_number]
+    else
+        # unknown part number
+        error('Unsupported part number @0@ of implementer @1@. '
+              .format(part_number, implementer_id) +
+              'Please add support for it or use the generic ' +
+              '(-Dmachine=generic) build.')
+    endif
+    # add/overwrite flags in the proper order
+    dpdk_flags = flags_common + implementer_config['flags'] + 
part_number_config.get('flags', []) + soc_flags
+    # apply supported machine args
+    machine_args = [] # Clear previous machine args
+    foreach flag: part_number_config['machine_args']
+        if cc.has_argument(flag)
+            machine_args += flag
+        endif
+    endforeach
+    # apply flags
+    foreach flag: dpdk_flags
+        if flag.length() > 0
+            dpdk_conf.set(flag[0], flag[1])
+        endif
+    endforeach
 message('Using machine args: @0@'.format(machine_args))
 if (cc.get_define('__ARM_NEON', args: machine_args) != '' or
-    cc.get_define('__aarch64__', args: machine_args) != '')
-       compile_time_cpuflags += ['RTE_CPUFLAG_NEON']
+        cc.get_define('__aarch64__', args: machine_args) != '')
+    compile_time_cpuflags += ['RTE_CPUFLAG_NEON']
 if cc.get_define('__ARM_FEATURE_CRC32', args: machine_args) != ''
-       compile_time_cpuflags += ['RTE_CPUFLAG_CRC32']
+    compile_time_cpuflags += ['RTE_CPUFLAG_CRC32']
 if cc.get_define('__ARM_FEATURE_CRYPTO', args: machine_args) != ''
-       compile_time_cpuflags += ['RTE_CPUFLAG_AES', 'RTE_CPUFLAG_PMULL',
+    compile_time_cpuflags += [
+    ]
diff --git a/config/meson.build b/config/meson.build
index 6e6ef8c0e..9e49abc0f 100644
--- a/config/meson.build
+++ b/config/meson.build
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
 supported_exec_envs = ['freebsd', 'linux', 'windows']
 exec_env = host_machine.system()
 if not supported_exec_envs.contains(exec_env)
-       error('unsupported system type "@0@"'.format(exec_env))
+    error('unsupported system type "@0@"'.format(exec_env))
 # define a handy variable for checking which OS we have.
 # gives us "is_windows", "is_freebsd" and "is_linux"
 foreach env:supported_exec_envs
-       set_variable('is_' + env, exec_env == env)
+    set_variable('is_' + env, exec_env == env)
 # MS linker requires special treatment.
@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ is_ms_linker = is_windows and (cc.get_id() == 'clang')
 # depending on the configuration options
 pver = meson.project_version().split('.')
 major_version = '@0@.@1@'.format(pver.get(0), pver.get(1))
-abi_version = run_command(find_program('cat', 'more'),
-       abi_version_file).stdout().strip()
+abi_version = run_command(find_program('cat', 'more'), 
 # Libraries have the abi_version as the filename extension
 # and have the soname be all but the final part of the abi_version.
@@ -35,21 +34,21 @@ so_version = abi_version.split('.')[0]
 dpdk_conf.set('RTE_VER_YEAR', pver.get(0).to_int())
 dpdk_conf.set('RTE_VER_MONTH', pver.get(1).to_int())
 if pver.get(2).contains('-rc')
-       rc_ver = pver.get(2).split('-rc')
-       dpdk_conf.set('RTE_VER_MINOR', rc_ver.get(0).to_int())
-       dpdk_conf.set_quoted('RTE_VER_SUFFIX', '-rc')
-       dpdk_conf.set('RTE_VER_RELEASE', rc_ver.get(1).to_int())
+    rc_ver = pver.get(2).split('-rc')
+    dpdk_conf.set('RTE_VER_MINOR', rc_ver.get(0).to_int())
+    dpdk_conf.set_quoted('RTE_VER_SUFFIX', '-rc')
+    dpdk_conf.set('RTE_VER_RELEASE', rc_ver.get(1).to_int())
-       dpdk_conf.set('RTE_VER_MINOR', pver.get(2).to_int())
-       dpdk_conf.set_quoted('RTE_VER_SUFFIX', '')
+    dpdk_conf.set('RTE_VER_MINOR', pver.get(2).to_int())
+    dpdk_conf.set_quoted('RTE_VER_SUFFIX', '')
 # for actual, non-rc releases, set the release value to 99 to ensure releases
 # have higher version numbers than their respective release candidates
-       dpdk_conf.set('RTE_VER_RELEASE', 99)
+    dpdk_conf.set('RTE_VER_RELEASE', 99)
 pmd_subdir_opt = get_option('drivers_install_subdir')
 if pmd_subdir_opt.contains('<VERSION>')
-       pmd_subdir_opt = abi_version.join(pmd_subdir_opt.split('<VERSION>'))
+    pmd_subdir_opt = abi_version.join(pmd_subdir_opt.split('<VERSION>'))
 driver_install_path = join_paths(get_option('libdir'), pmd_subdir_opt)
 eal_pmd_path = join_paths(get_option('prefix'), driver_install_path)
@@ -58,9 +57,8 @@ eal_pmd_path = join_paths(get_option('prefix'), 
 # e.g. ixgbe depends on librte_bus_pci. This means that the bus drivers need
 # to be in the library path, so symlink the drivers from the main lib 
 if not is_windows
-       meson.add_install_script('../buildtools/symlink-drivers-solibs.sh',
-                       get_option('libdir'),
-                       pmd_subdir_opt)
+    meson.add_install_script('../buildtools/symlink-drivers-solibs.sh',
+            get_option('libdir'), pmd_subdir_opt)
 # init disable/enable driver lists that will be populated in different places
@@ -69,9 +67,9 @@ enable_drivers = ''
 # set the machine type and cflags for it
 if meson.is_cross_build()
-       machine = host_machine.cpu()
+    machine = host_machine.cpu()
-       machine = get_option('machine')
+    machine = get_option('machine')
 # machine type 'generic' is special, it selects the per arch agreed common
@@ -82,17 +80,17 @@ endif
 # This can be bumped up by the DPDK project, but it can never be an
 # invariant like 'native'
 if machine == 'default' or machine == 'generic'
-       if host_machine.cpu_family().startswith('x86')
-               # matches the old pre-meson build systems generic machine
-               machine = 'corei7'
-       elif host_machine.cpu_family().startswith('arm')
-               machine = 'armv7-a'
-       elif host_machine.cpu_family().startswith('aarch')
-               # arm64 manages generic config in config/arm/meson.build
-               machine = 'generic'
-       elif host_machine.cpu_family().startswith('ppc')
-               machine = 'power8'
-       endif
+    if host_machine.cpu_family().startswith('x86')
+        # matches the old pre-meson build systems generic machine
+        machine = 'corei7'
+    elif host_machine.cpu_family().startswith('arm')
+        machine = 'armv7-a'
+    elif host_machine.cpu_family().startswith('aarch')
+        # arm64 manages generic config in config/arm/meson.build
+        machine = 'generic'
+    elif host_machine.cpu_family().startswith('ppc')
+        machine = 'power8'
+    endif
 dpdk_conf.set('RTE_MACHINE', machine)
@@ -100,10 +98,10 @@ machine_args = []
 # ppc64 does not support -march= at all, use -mcpu and -mtune for that
 if host_machine.cpu_family().startswith('ppc')
-       machine_args += '-mcpu=' + machine
-       machine_args += '-mtune=' + machine
+    machine_args += '-mcpu=' + machine
+    machine_args += '-mtune=' + machine
-       machine_args += '-march=' + machine
+    machine_args += '-march=' + machine
 toolchain = cc.get_id()
@@ -114,88 +112,88 @@ dpdk_conf.set('RTE_ARCH_64', cc.sizeof('void *') == 8)
 dpdk_conf.set('RTE_ARCH_32', cc.sizeof('void *') == 4)
 if not is_windows
-       add_project_link_arguments('-Wl,--no-as-needed', language: 'c')
+    add_project_link_arguments('-Wl,--no-as-needed', language: 'c')
 # use pthreads if available for the platform
 if not is_windows
-       add_project_link_arguments('-pthread', language: 'c')
-       dpdk_extra_ldflags += '-pthread'
+    add_project_link_arguments('-pthread', language: 'c')
+    dpdk_extra_ldflags += '-pthread'
 # on some OS, maths functions are in a separate library
 if cc.find_library('m', required : false).found()
-       # some libs depend on maths lib
-       add_project_link_arguments('-lm', language: 'c')
-       dpdk_extra_ldflags += '-lm'
+    # some libs depend on maths lib
+    add_project_link_arguments('-lm', language: 'c')
+    dpdk_extra_ldflags += '-lm'
 if is_linux
-       link_lib = 'dl'
+    link_lib = 'dl'
-       link_lib = ''
+    link_lib = ''
 # if link_lib is empty, do not add it to project properties
 if link_lib != ''
-       add_project_link_arguments('-l' + link_lib, language: 'c')
-       dpdk_extra_ldflags += '-l' + link_lib
+    add_project_link_arguments('-l' + link_lib, language: 'c')
+    dpdk_extra_ldflags += '-l' + link_lib
 # check for libraries used in multiple places in DPDK
 has_libnuma = 0
 find_libnuma = true
 if meson.is_cross_build() and not meson.get_cross_property('numa', true)
-       # don't look for libnuma if explicitly disabled in cross build
-       find_libnuma = false
+    # don't look for libnuma if explicitly disabled in cross build
+    find_libnuma = false
 if find_libnuma
-       numa_dep = cc.find_library('numa', required: false)
-       if numa_dep.found() and cc.has_header('numaif.h')
-               dpdk_conf.set10('RTE_HAS_LIBNUMA', true)
-               has_libnuma = 1
-               add_project_link_arguments('-lnuma', language: 'c')
-               dpdk_extra_ldflags += '-lnuma'
-       endif
+    numa_dep = cc.find_library('numa', required: false)
+    if numa_dep.found() and cc.has_header('numaif.h')
+        dpdk_conf.set10('RTE_HAS_LIBNUMA', true)
+        has_libnuma = 1
+        add_project_link_arguments('-lnuma', language: 'c')
+        dpdk_extra_ldflags += '-lnuma'
+    endif
 has_libfdt = 0
 fdt_dep = cc.find_library('libfdt', required: false)
 if fdt_dep.found() and cc.has_header('fdt.h')
-       dpdk_conf.set10('RTE_HAS_LIBFDT', true)
-       has_libfdt = 1
-       add_project_link_arguments('-lfdt', language: 'c')
-       dpdk_extra_ldflags += '-lfdt'
+    dpdk_conf.set10('RTE_HAS_LIBFDT', true)
+    has_libfdt = 1
+    add_project_link_arguments('-lfdt', language: 'c')
+    dpdk_extra_ldflags += '-lfdt'
 libexecinfo = cc.find_library('libexecinfo', required: false)
 if libexecinfo.found() and cc.has_header('execinfo.h')
-       add_project_link_arguments('-lexecinfo', language: 'c')
-       dpdk_extra_ldflags += '-lexecinfo'
+    add_project_link_arguments('-lexecinfo', language: 'c')
+    dpdk_extra_ldflags += '-lexecinfo'
 # check for libbsd
 libbsd = dependency('libbsd', required: false, method: 'pkg-config')
 if libbsd.found()
-       dpdk_conf.set('RTE_USE_LIBBSD', 1)
+    dpdk_conf.set('RTE_USE_LIBBSD', 1)
 # check for pcap
 pcap_dep = dependency('libpcap', required: false, method: 'pkg-config')
 if not pcap_dep.found()
-       # pcap got a pkg-config file only in 1.9.0
-       pcap_dep = cc.find_library('pcap', required: false)
+    # pcap got a pkg-config file only in 1.9.0
+    pcap_dep = cc.find_library('pcap', required: false)
 if pcap_dep.found() and cc.has_header('pcap.h', dependencies: pcap_dep)
-       dpdk_conf.set('RTE_PORT_PCAP', 1)
-       dpdk_extra_ldflags += '-lpcap'
+    dpdk_conf.set('RTE_PORT_PCAP', 1)
+    dpdk_extra_ldflags += '-lpcap'
 # for clang 32-bit compiles we need libatomic for 64-bit atomic ops
 if cc.get_id() == 'clang' and dpdk_conf.get('RTE_ARCH_64') == false
-       atomic_dep = cc.find_library('atomic', required: true)
-       add_project_link_arguments('-latomic', language: 'c')
-       dpdk_extra_ldflags += '-latomic'
+    atomic_dep = cc.find_library('atomic', required: true)
+    add_project_link_arguments('-latomic', language: 'c')
+    dpdk_extra_ldflags += '-latomic'
 # add -include rte_config to cflags
@@ -203,48 +201,48 @@ add_project_arguments('-include', 'rte_config.h', 
language: 'c')
 # enable extra warnings and disable any unwanted warnings
 warning_flags = [
-       # -Wall is added by meson by default, so add -Wextra only
-       '-Wextra',
-       # additional warnings in alphabetical order
-       '-Wcast-qual',
-       '-Wdeprecated',
-       '-Wformat',
-       '-Wformat-nonliteral',
-       '-Wformat-security',
-       '-Wmissing-declarations',
-       '-Wmissing-prototypes',
-       '-Wnested-externs',
-       '-Wold-style-definition',
-       '-Wpointer-arith',
-       '-Wsign-compare',
-       '-Wstrict-prototypes',
-       '-Wundef',
-       '-Wwrite-strings',
-       # globally disabled warnings
-       '-Wno-address-of-packed-member',
-       '-Wno-packed-not-aligned',
-       '-Wno-missing-field-initializers'
+        # -Wall is added by meson by default, so add -Wextra only
+        '-Wextra',
+        # additional warnings in alphabetical order
+        '-Wcast-qual',
+        '-Wdeprecated',
+        '-Wformat',
+        '-Wformat-nonliteral',
+        '-Wformat-security',
+        '-Wmissing-declarations',
+        '-Wmissing-prototypes',
+        '-Wnested-externs',
+        '-Wold-style-definition',
+        '-Wpointer-arith',
+        '-Wsign-compare',
+        '-Wstrict-prototypes',
+        '-Wundef',
+        '-Wwrite-strings',
+        # globally disabled warnings
+        '-Wno-address-of-packed-member',
+        '-Wno-packed-not-aligned',
+        '-Wno-missing-field-initializers',
 if cc.get_id() == 'gcc' and cc.version().version_compare('>=10.0')
 # FIXME: Bugzilla 396
-       warning_flags += '-Wno-zero-length-bounds'
+    warning_flags += '-Wno-zero-length-bounds'
 if not dpdk_conf.get('RTE_ARCH_64')
 # for 32-bit, don't warn about casting a 32-bit pointer to 64-bit int - it's 
-       warning_flags += '-Wno-pointer-to-int-cast'
+    warning_flags += '-Wno-pointer-to-int-cast'
 if cc.get_id() == 'intel'
-       warning_ids = [181, 188, 2203, 2279, 2557, 3179, 3656]
-       foreach i:warning_ids
-               warning_flags += '-diag-disable=@0@'.format(i)
-       endforeach
+    warning_ids = [181, 188, 2203, 2279, 2557, 3179, 3656]
+    foreach i:warning_ids
+        warning_flags += '-diag-disable=@0@'.format(i)
+    endforeach
 foreach arg: warning_flags
-       if cc.has_argument(arg)
-               add_project_arguments(arg, language: 'c')
-       endif
+    if cc.has_argument(arg)
+        add_project_arguments(arg, language: 'c')
+    endif
 # set other values pulled from the build options
@@ -258,9 +256,9 @@ dpdk_conf.set('RTE_MAX_VFIO_GROUPS', 64)
 dpdk_conf.set('RTE_LIBRTE_DPAA2_USE_PHYS_IOVA', true)
 if dpdk_conf.get('RTE_ARCH_64')
-       dpdk_conf.set('RTE_MAX_MEM_MB', 524288)
+    dpdk_conf.set('RTE_MAX_MEM_MB', 524288)
 else # for 32-bit we need smaller reserved memory areas
-       dpdk_conf.set('RTE_MAX_MEM_MB', 2048)
+    dpdk_conf.set('RTE_MAX_MEM_MB', 2048)
@@ -270,24 +268,24 @@ dpdk_conf.set('RTE_COMPILE_TIME_CPUFLAGS', 
 # apply cross-specific options
 if meson.is_cross_build()
-       # configure RTE_MAX_LCORE and RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES from cross file
-       cross_max_lcores = meson.get_cross_property('max_lcores', 0)
-       if cross_max_lcores != 0
-               message('Setting RTE_MAX_LCORE from cross file')
-               dpdk_conf.set('RTE_MAX_LCORE', cross_max_lcores)
-       endif
-       cross_max_numa_nodes = meson.get_cross_property('max_numa_nodes', 0)
-       if cross_max_numa_nodes != 0
-               message('Setting RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES from cross file')
-               dpdk_conf.set('RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', cross_max_numa_nodes)
-       endif
+    # configure RTE_MAX_LCORE and RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES from cross file
+    cross_max_lcores = meson.get_cross_property('max_lcores', 0)
+    if cross_max_lcores != 0
+        message('Setting RTE_MAX_LCORE from cross file')
+        dpdk_conf.set('RTE_MAX_LCORE', cross_max_lcores)
+    endif
+    cross_max_numa_nodes = meson.get_cross_property('max_numa_nodes', 0)
+    if cross_max_numa_nodes != 0
+        message('Setting RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES from cross file')
+        dpdk_conf.set('RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', cross_max_numa_nodes)
+    endif
 # set the install path for the drivers
 dpdk_conf.set_quoted('RTE_EAL_PMD_PATH', eal_pmd_path)
-               subdir: get_option('include_subdir_arch'))
+        subdir: get_option('include_subdir_arch'))
 # enable VFIO only if it is linux OS
 dpdk_conf.set('RTE_EAL_VFIO', is_linux)
@@ -297,53 +295,53 @@ add_project_arguments('-D_GNU_SOURCE', language: 'c')
 # specify -D__BSD_VISIBLE for FreeBSD
 if is_freebsd
-       add_project_arguments('-D__BSD_VISIBLE', language: 'c')
+    add_project_arguments('-D__BSD_VISIBLE', language: 'c')
 if is_windows
-       # VirtualAlloc2() is available since Windows 10 / Server 2016.
-       add_project_arguments('-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0A00', language: 'c')
+    # VirtualAlloc2() is available since Windows 10 / Server 2016.
+    add_project_arguments('-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0A00', language: 'c')
-       # Use MinGW-w64 stdio, because DPDK assumes ANSI-compliant formatting.
-       if cc.get_id() == 'gcc'
-               add_project_arguments('-D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO', language: 'c')
-       endif
+    # Use MinGW-w64 stdio, because DPDK assumes ANSI-compliant formatting.
+    if cc.get_id() == 'gcc'
+        add_project_arguments('-D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO', language: 'c')
+    endif
-       # Disable secure CRT deprecated warnings for clang
-       if cc.get_id() == 'clang'
-               add_project_arguments('-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS', language: 
-       endif
+    # Disable secure CRT deprecated warnings for clang
+    if cc.get_id() == 'clang'
+        add_project_arguments('-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS', language: 'c')
+    endif
-       add_project_link_arguments('-lws2_32', language: 'c')
+    add_project_link_arguments('-lws2_32', language: 'c')
-       # Contrary to docs, VirtualAlloc2() is exported by mincore.lib
-       # in Windows SDK, while MinGW exports it by advapi32.a.
-       if is_ms_linker
-               add_project_link_arguments('-lmincore', language: 'c')
-       endif
+    # Contrary to docs, VirtualAlloc2() is exported by mincore.lib
+    # in Windows SDK, while MinGW exports it by advapi32.a.
+    if is_ms_linker
+        add_project_link_arguments('-lmincore', language: 'c')
+    endif
-       add_project_link_arguments('-ladvapi32', '-lsetupapi', language: 'c')
-       add_project_link_arguments('-ldbghelp', language: 'c')
+    add_project_link_arguments('-ladvapi32', '-lsetupapi', language: 'c')
+    add_project_link_arguments('-ldbghelp', language: 'c')
 if get_option('b_lto')
-       if cc.has_argument('-ffat-lto-objects')
-               add_project_arguments('-ffat-lto-objects', language: 'c')
-       else
-               error('compiler does not support fat LTO objects - please turn 
LTO off')
-       endif
-       # workaround for gcc bug 81440
-       if cc.get_id() == 'gcc' and cc.version().version_compare('<8.0')
-               add_project_arguments('-Wno-lto-type-mismatch', language: 'c')
-               add_project_link_arguments('-Wno-lto-type-mismatch', language: 
-       endif
+    if cc.has_argument('-ffat-lto-objects')
+        add_project_arguments('-ffat-lto-objects', language: 'c')
+    else
+        error('compiler does not support fat LTO objects - please turn LTO 
+    endif
+    # workaround for gcc bug 81440
+    if cc.get_id() == 'gcc' and cc.version().version_compare('<8.0')
+        add_project_arguments('-Wno-lto-type-mismatch', language: 'c')
+        add_project_link_arguments('-Wno-lto-type-mismatch', language: 'c')
+    endif
 if get_option('default_library') == 'both'
-       error( '''
-    Unsupported value "both" for "default_library" option.
+    error( '''
+ Unsupported value "both" for "default_library" option.
-    NOTE: DPDK always builds both shared and static libraries.  Please set
-    "default_library" to either "static" or "shared" to select default linkage
-    for apps and any examples.''')
+ NOTE: DPDK always builds both shared and static libraries.  Please set
+ "default_library" to either "static" or "shared" to select default linkage
+ for apps and any examples.''')
diff --git a/config/ppc/meson.build b/config/ppc/meson.build
index 0d8da87e6..1c196b8db 100644
--- a/config/ppc/meson.build
+++ b/config/ppc/meson.build
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # Copyright(c) 2018 Luca Boccassi <bl...@debian.org>
 if not dpdk_conf.get('RTE_ARCH_64')
-       error('Only 64-bit compiles are supported for this platform type')
+    error('Only 64-bit compiles are supported for this platform type')
 dpdk_conf.set('RTE_ARCH', 'ppc_64')
 dpdk_conf.set('RTE_ARCH_PPC_64', 1)
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ dpdk_conf.set('RTE_ARCH_PPC_64', 1)
 # is used, resulting in a build failure.
 power9_supported = cc.has_argument('-mcpu=power9')
 if not power9_supported
-       machine = 'power8'
-       machine_args = ['-mcpu=power8', '-mtune=power8']
-       dpdk_conf.set('RTE_MACHINE','power8')
+    machine = 'power8'
+    machine_args = ['-mcpu=power8', '-mtune=power8']
+    dpdk_conf.set('RTE_MACHINE','power8')
 # overrides specific to ppc64
diff --git a/config/x86/meson.build b/config/x86/meson.build
index 31bfa63b1..34b116481 100644
--- a/config/x86/meson.build
+++ b/config/x86/meson.build
@@ -3,57 +3,57 @@
 # get binutils version for the workaround of Bug 97
 if not is_windows
-       binutils_ok = run_command(binutils_avx512_check)
-       if binutils_ok.returncode() != 0 and cc.has_argument('-mno-avx512f')
-               machine_args += '-mno-avx512f'
-               warning('Binutils error with AVX512 assembly, disabling AVX512 
-       endif
+    binutils_ok = run_command(binutils_avx512_check)
+    if binutils_ok.returncode() != 0 and cc.has_argument('-mno-avx512f')
+        machine_args += '-mno-avx512f'
+        warning('Binutils error with AVX512 assembly, disabling AVX512 
+    endif
 # we require SSE4.2 for DPDK
 if cc.get_define('__SSE4_2__', args: machine_args) == ''
-       message('SSE 4.2 not enabled by default, explicitly enabling')
-       machine_args += '-msse4'
+    message('SSE 4.2 not enabled by default, explicitly enabling')
+    machine_args += '-msse4'
 base_flags = ['SSE', 'SSE2', 'SSE3','SSSE3', 'SSE4_1', 'SSE4_2']
 foreach f:base_flags
-       compile_time_cpuflags += ['RTE_CPUFLAG_' + f]
+    compile_time_cpuflags += ['RTE_CPUFLAG_' + f]
 optional_flags = [
-       'AES',
-       'AVX',
-       'AVX2',
-       'AVX512BW',
-       'AVX512CD',
-       'AVX512DQ',
-       'AVX512F',
-       'AVX512VL',
-       'PCLMUL',
-       'RDRND',
-       'RDSEED',
-       'VPCLMULQDQ',
+    'AES',
+    'AVX',
+    'AVX2',
+    'AVX512BW',
+    'AVX512CD',
+    'AVX512DQ',
+    'AVX512F',
+    'AVX512VL',
+    'PCLMUL',
+    'RDRND',
+    'RDSEED',
 foreach f:optional_flags
-       if cc.get_define('__@0@__'.format(f), args: machine_args) == '1'
-               if f == 'PCLMUL' # special case flags with different defines
-                       f = 'PCLMULQDQ'
-               elif f == 'RDRND'
-                       f = 'RDRAND'
-               endif
-               compile_time_cpuflags += ['RTE_CPUFLAG_' + f]
-       endif
+    if cc.get_define('__@0@__'.format(f), args: machine_args) == '1'
+        if f == 'PCLMUL' # special case flags with different defines
+            f = 'PCLMULQDQ'
+        elif f == 'RDRND'
+            f = 'RDRAND'
+        endif
+        compile_time_cpuflags += ['RTE_CPUFLAG_' + f]
+    endif
 dpdk_conf.set('RTE_ARCH_X86', 1)
 if dpdk_conf.get('RTE_ARCH_64')
-       dpdk_conf.set('RTE_ARCH_X86_64', 1)
-       dpdk_conf.set('RTE_ARCH', 'x86_64')
+    dpdk_conf.set('RTE_ARCH_X86_64', 1)
+    dpdk_conf.set('RTE_ARCH', 'x86_64')
-       dpdk_conf.set('RTE_ARCH_I686', 1)
-       dpdk_conf.set('RTE_ARCH', 'i686')
+    dpdk_conf.set('RTE_ARCH_I686', 1)
+    dpdk_conf.set('RTE_ARCH', 'i686')
 dpdk_conf.set('RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE', 64)
diff --git a/doc/api/meson.build b/doc/api/meson.build
index dfdefdc92..d34c38369 100644
--- a/doc/api/meson.build
+++ b/doc/api/meson.build
@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ htmldir = join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'doc', 'dpdk')
 # false it would be impossible to install the docs.
 # So use a configure option for now.
 example = custom_target('examples.dox',
-       output: 'examples.dox',
-       command: [generate_examples, join_paths(meson.source_root(), 
'examples'), '@OUTPUT@'],
-       depfile: 'examples.dox.d',
-       install: get_option('enable_docs'),
-       install_dir: htmldir,
-       build_by_default: get_option('enable_docs'))
+        output: 'examples.dox',
+        command: [generate_examples, join_paths(meson.source_root(), 
'examples'), '@OUTPUT@'],
+        depfile: 'examples.dox.d',
+        install: get_option('enable_docs'),
+        install_dir: htmldir,
+        build_by_default: get_option('enable_docs'))
 cdata = configuration_data()
 cdata.set('VERSION', meson.project_version())
@@ -39,23 +39,23 @@ cdata.set('TOPDIR', meson.source_root())
 cdata.set('STRIP_FROM_PATH', meson.source_root())
 cdata.set('WARN_AS_ERROR', 'NO')
 if get_option('werror')
-       cdata.set('WARN_AS_ERROR', 'YES')
+    cdata.set('WARN_AS_ERROR', 'YES')
 doxy_conf = configure_file(input: 'doxy-api.conf.in',
-       output: 'doxy-api.conf',
-       configuration: cdata)
+        output: 'doxy-api.conf',
+        configuration: cdata)
 doxy_build = custom_target('doxygen',
-       depends: example,
-       depend_files: 'doxy-api-index.md',
-       input: doxy_conf,
-       output: 'html',
-       depfile: 'html.d',
-       command: [generate_doxygen, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@', generate_css],
-       install: get_option('enable_docs'),
-       install_dir: htmldir,
-       build_by_default: get_option('enable_docs'))
+        depends: example,
+        depend_files: 'doxy-api-index.md',
+        input: doxy_conf,
+        output: 'html',
+        depfile: 'html.d',
+        command: [generate_doxygen, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@', generate_css],
+        install: get_option('enable_docs'),
+        install_dir: htmldir,
+        build_by_default: get_option('enable_docs'))
 doc_targets += doxy_build
 doc_target_names += 'Doxygen_API'
diff --git a/doc/guides/meson.build b/doc/guides/meson.build
index 9c35efb5b..03b8bee56 100644
--- a/doc/guides/meson.build
+++ b/doc/guides/meson.build
@@ -4,28 +4,27 @@
 sphinx = find_program('sphinx-build', required: get_option('enable_docs'))
 if not sphinx.found()
-       subdir_done()
+    subdir_done()
 extra_sphinx_args = []
 if get_option('werror')
-       extra_sphinx_args += '-W'
+    extra_sphinx_args += '-W'
 htmldir = join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'doc', 'dpdk')
 html_guides = custom_target('html_guides',
-       input: files('index.rst'),
-       output: 'html',
-       command: [sphinx_wrapper, sphinx, meson.project_version(),
-               meson.current_source_dir(), meson.current_build_dir(),
-               extra_sphinx_args],
-       depfile: '.html.d',
-       build_by_default: get_option('enable_docs'),
-       install: get_option('enable_docs'),
-       install_dir: htmldir)
+        input: files('index.rst'),
+        output: 'html',
+        command: [sphinx_wrapper, sphinx, meson.project_version(),
+            meson.current_source_dir(), meson.current_build_dir(),
+            extra_sphinx_args],
+        depfile: '.html.d',
+        build_by_default: get_option('enable_docs'),
+        install: get_option('enable_docs'),
+        install_dir: htmldir)
-                       install_dir: join_paths(htmldir,'_static', 'css'))
+install_data(files('custom.css'), install_dir: join_paths(htmldir,'_static', 
 doc_targets += html_guides
 doc_target_names += 'HTML_Guides'
diff --git a/doc/meson.build b/doc/meson.build
index c5410d85d..959606b96 100644
--- a/doc/meson.build
+++ b/doc/meson.build
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ subdir('api')
 if doc_targets.length() == 0
-       message = 'No docs targets found'
+    message = 'No docs targets found'
-       message = 'Building docs:'
+    message = 'Building docs:'
 run_target('doc', command: ['echo', message, doc_target_names],
-       depends: doc_targets)
+    depends: doc_targets)
diff --git a/kernel/freebsd/meson.build b/kernel/freebsd/meson.build
index dc156a43f..bf5aa20a5 100644
--- a/kernel/freebsd/meson.build
+++ b/kernel/freebsd/meson.build
@@ -10,26 +10,26 @@ kmods = ['contigmem', 'nic_uio']
 # files from the individual meson.build files, and then use a custom
 # target to call make, passing in the values as env parameters.
 kmod_cflags = ['-I' + meson.build_root(),
-               '-I' + join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'config'),
-               '-include rte_config.h']
+        '-I' + join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'config'),
+        '-include rte_config.h']
 # to avoid warnings due to race conditions with creating the dev_if.h, etc.
 # files, serialize the kernel module builds. Each module will depend on
 # previous ones
 built_kmods = []
 foreach k:kmods
-       subdir(k)
-       built_kmods += custom_target(k,
-               input: [files('BSDmakefile.meson'), sources],
-               output: k + '.ko',
-               command: ['make', '-f', '@INPUT0@',
-                       'KMOD_OBJDIR=@OUTDIR@',
-                       'KMOD_SRC=@INPUT1@',
-                       'KMOD=' + k,
-                       'KMOD_CFLAGS=' + ' '.join(kmod_cflags),
-                       'CC=clang'],
-               depends: built_kmods, # make each module depend on prev
-               build_by_default: get_option('enable_kmods'),
-               install: get_option('enable_kmods'),
-               install_dir: '/boot/modules/')
+    subdir(k)
+    built_kmods += custom_target(k,
+            input: [files('BSDmakefile.meson'), sources],
+            output: k + '.ko',
+            command: ['make', '-f', '@INPUT0@',
+                'KMOD_OBJDIR=@OUTDIR@',
+                'KMOD_SRC=@INPUT1@',
+                'KMOD=' + k,
+                'KMOD_CFLAGS=' + ' '.join(kmod_cflags),
+                'CC=clang'],
+            depends: built_kmods, # make each module depend on prev
+            build_by_default: get_option('enable_kmods'),
+            install: get_option('enable_kmods'),
+            install_dir: '/boot/modules/')
diff --git a/kernel/linux/kni/meson.build b/kernel/linux/kni/meson.build
index 46b71c741..f43860bcb 100644
--- a/kernel/linux/kni/meson.build
+++ b/kernel/linux/kni/meson.build
@@ -2,27 +2,28 @@
 # Copyright(c) 2018 Luca Boccassi <bl...@debian.org>
 kni_mkfile = custom_target('rte_kni_makefile',
-       output: 'Makefile',
-       command: ['touch', '@OUTPUT@'])
+        output: 'Makefile',
+        command: ['touch', '@OUTPUT@'])
 kni_sources = files(
-       'kni_misc.c',
-       'kni_net.c',
-       'Kbuild')
+        'kni_misc.c',
+        'kni_net.c',
+        'Kbuild',
-       input: kni_sources,
-       output: 'rte_kni.ko',
-       command: ['make', '-j4', '-C', kernel_build_dir,
-               'M=' + meson.current_build_dir(),
-               'src=' + meson.current_source_dir(),
-               'MODULE_CFLAGS=-include ' + meson.source_root() + 
'/config/rte_config.h' +
-               ' -I' + meson.source_root() + '/lib/librte_eal/include' +
-               ' -I' + meson.source_root() + '/lib/librte_kni' +
-               ' -I' + meson.build_root() +
-               ' -I' + meson.current_source_dir(),
-               'modules'] + cross_args,
-       depends: kni_mkfile,
-       install: install,
-       install_dir: kernel_install_dir,
-       build_by_default: get_option('enable_kmods'))
+        input: kni_sources,
+        output: 'rte_kni.ko',
+        command: ['make', '-j4', '-C', kernel_build_dir,
+            'M=' + meson.current_build_dir(),
+            'src=' + meson.current_source_dir(),
+            'MODULE_CFLAGS=-include ' + meson.source_root() + 
'/config/rte_config.h' +
+            ' -I' + meson.source_root() + '/lib/librte_eal/include' +
+            ' -I' + meson.source_root() + '/lib/librte_kni' +
+            ' -I' + meson.build_root() +
+            ' -I' + meson.current_source_dir(),
+            'modules'] + cross_args,
+        depends: kni_mkfile,
+        install: install,
+        install_dir: kernel_install_dir,
+        build_by_default: get_option('enable_kmods'))
diff --git a/kernel/linux/meson.build b/kernel/linux/meson.build
index b43470679..3a00ea954 100644
--- a/kernel/linux/meson.build
+++ b/kernel/linux/meson.build
@@ -9,84 +9,83 @@ install = not meson.is_cross_build()
 cross_args = []
 if not meson.is_cross_build()
-       # native build
-       kernel_version = run_command('uname', '-r').stdout().strip()
-       kernel_install_dir = '/lib/modules/' + kernel_version + '/extra/dpdk'
-       if kernel_build_dir == ''
-               # use default path for native builds
-               kernel_build_dir = '/lib/modules/' + kernel_version + '/build'
-       endif
+    # native build
+    kernel_version = run_command('uname', '-r').stdout().strip()
+    kernel_install_dir = '/lib/modules/' + kernel_version + '/extra/dpdk'
+    if kernel_build_dir == ''
+        # use default path for native builds
+        kernel_build_dir = '/lib/modules/' + kernel_version + '/build'
+    endif
-       # test running make in kernel directory, using "make kernelversion"
-       make_returncode = run_command('make', '-sC', kernel_build_dir,
-                       'kernelversion').returncode()
-       if make_returncode != 0
-               # backward compatibility:
-               # the headers could still be in the 'build' subdir
-               if not kernel_build_dir.endswith('build') and not 
-                       kernel_build_dir = join_paths(kernel_build_dir, 'build')
-                       make_returncode = run_command('make', '-sC', 
-                                       'kernelversion').returncode()
-               endif
-       endif
+    # test running make in kernel directory, using "make kernelversion"
+    make_returncode = run_command('make', '-sC', kernel_build_dir,
+            'kernelversion').returncode()
+    if make_returncode != 0
+        # backward compatibility:
+        # the headers could still be in the 'build' subdir
+        if not kernel_build_dir.endswith('build') and not 
+            kernel_build_dir = join_paths(kernel_build_dir, 'build')
+            make_returncode = run_command('make', '-sC', kernel_build_dir,
+                    'kernelversion').returncode()
+        endif
+    endif
-       if make_returncode != 0
-               error('Cannot compile kernel modules as requested - are kernel 
headers installed?')
-       endif
+    if make_returncode != 0
+        error('Cannot compile kernel modules as requested - are kernel headers 
+    endif
-       foreach d:subdirs
-               subdir(d)
-       endforeach
+    foreach d:subdirs
+        subdir(d)
+    endforeach
-       subdir_done()
+    subdir_done()
 # cross build
 # if we are cross-compiling we need kernel_build_dir specified
 if kernel_build_dir == ''
-       error('Need "kernel_dir" option for kmod compilation when 
+    error('Need "kernel_dir" option for kmod compilation when cross-compiling')
 cross_compiler = find_program('c').path()
 if cross_compiler.endswith('gcc')
-       cross_prefix = run_command([py3, '-c', 'print("' + cross_compiler + 
+    cross_prefix = run_command([py3, '-c', 'print("' + cross_compiler + 
 elif cross_compiler.endswith('clang')
-       cross_prefix = ''
-       found_target = false
-       # search for '-target' and use the arg that follows
-       # (i.e. the value of '-target') as cross_prefix
-       foreach cross_c_arg : meson.get_cross_property('c_args')
-               if found_target and cross_prefix == ''
-                       cross_prefix = cross_c_arg
-               endif
-               if cross_c_arg == '-target'
-                       found_target = true
-               endif
-       endforeach
-       if cross_prefix == ''
-               error('Didn\'t find -target and its value in' +
-                     ' c_args in input cross-file.')
-       endif
-       linker = 'lld'
-       foreach cross_c_link_arg : meson.get_cross_property('c_link_args')
-               if cross_c_link_arg.startswith('-fuse-ld')
-                       linker = cross_c_link_arg.split('=')[1]
-               endif
-       endforeach
-       cross_args += ['CC=@0@'.format(cross_compiler), 
+    cross_prefix = ''
+    found_target = false
+    # search for '-target' and use the arg that follows
+    # (i.e. the value of '-target') as cross_prefix
+    foreach cross_c_arg : meson.get_cross_property('c_args')
+        if found_target and cross_prefix == ''
+            cross_prefix = cross_c_arg
+        endif
+        if cross_c_arg == '-target'
+            found_target = true
+        endif
+    endforeach
+    if cross_prefix == ''
+        error('Did not find -target and its value in c_args in input 
+    endif
+    linker = 'lld'
+    foreach cross_c_link_arg : meson.get_cross_property('c_link_args')
+        if cross_c_link_arg.startswith('-fuse-ld')
+            linker = cross_c_link_arg.split('=')[1]
+        endif
+    endforeach
+    cross_args += ['CC=@0@'.format(cross_compiler), 'LD=ld.@0@'.format(linker)]
-       error('Unsupported cross compiler: @0@'.format(cross_compiler))
+    error('Unsupported cross compiler: @0@'.format(cross_compiler))
 cross_arch = host_machine.cpu_family()
 if host_machine.cpu_family() == 'aarch64'
-       cross_arch = 'arm64'
+    cross_arch = 'arm64'
 cross_args += ['ARCH=@0@'.format(cross_arch),
-       'CROSS_COMPILE=@0@'.format(cross_prefix)]
+        'CROSS_COMPILE=@0@'.format(cross_prefix)]
 foreach d:subdirs
-       subdir(d)
+    subdir(d)
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index f4a2759bf..6d7f8c501 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -2,27 +2,27 @@
 # Copyright(c) 2017-2019 Intel Corporation
 project('DPDK', 'C',
-       # Get version number from file.
-       # Fallback to "more" for Windows compatibility.
-       version: run_command(find_program('cat', 'more'),
-               files('VERSION')).stdout().strip(),
-       license: 'BSD',
-       default_options: ['buildtype=release', 'default_library=static'],
-       meson_version: '>= 0.49'
+        # Get version number from file.
+        # Fallback to "more" for Windows compatibility.
+        version: run_command(find_program('cat', 'more'),
+            files('VERSION')).stdout().strip(),
+        license: 'BSD',
+        default_options: ['buildtype=release', 'default_library=static'],
+        meson_version: '>= 0.49'
 # check for developer mode
 developer_mode = false
 if get_option('developer_mode').auto()
-       if meson.version().version_compare('>=0.53') # fs module available
-               fs = import('fs')
-               developer_mode = fs.is_dir('.git')
-       endif
+    if meson.version().version_compare('>=0.53') # fs module available
+        fs = import('fs')
+        developer_mode = fs.is_dir('.git')
+    endif
-       developer_mode = get_option('developer_mode').enabled()
+    developer_mode = get_option('developer_mode').enabled()
 if developer_mode
-       message('## Building in Developer Mode ##')
+    message('## Building in Developer Mode ##')
 # set up some global vars for compiler, platform, configuration, etc.
@@ -39,20 +39,20 @@ dpdk_drvs_disabled = []
 abi_version_file = files('ABI_VERSION')
 if host_machine.cpu_family().startswith('x86')
-       arch_subdir = 'x86'
+    arch_subdir = 'x86'
 elif host_machine.cpu_family().startswith('arm') or 
-       arch_subdir = 'arm'
+    arch_subdir = 'arm'
 elif host_machine.cpu_family().startswith('ppc')
-       arch_subdir = 'ppc'
+    arch_subdir = 'ppc'
 # configure the build, and make sure configs here and in config folder are
 # able to be included in any file. We also store a global array of include dirs
 # for passing to pmdinfogen scripts
 global_inc = include_directories('.', 'config',
-       'lib/librte_eal/include',
-       'lib/librte_eal/@0@/include'.format(host_machine.system()),
-       'lib/librte_eal/@0@/include'.format(arch_subdir),
+    'lib/librte_eal/include',
+    'lib/librte_eal/@0@/include'.format(host_machine.system()),
+    'lib/librte_eal/@0@/include'.format(arch_subdir),
 # do configuration and get tool paths
@@ -74,25 +74,25 @@ subdir('doc')
 # install any example code into the appropriate install path
-       install_dir: get_option('datadir') + '/dpdk',
-       exclude_files: ex_file_excludes)
+        install_dir: get_option('datadir') + '/dpdk',
+        exclude_files: ex_file_excludes)
 # build kernel modules if enabled
 if get_option('enable_kmods')
-       subdir('kernel')
+    subdir('kernel')
 # check header includes if requested
 if get_option('check_includes')
-       subdir('buildtools/chkincs')
+    subdir('buildtools/chkincs')
 # write the build config
 build_cfg = 'rte_build_config.h'
 configure_file(output: build_cfg,
-               configuration: dpdk_conf,
-               install_dir: join_paths(get_option('includedir'),
-                               get_option('include_subdir_arch')))
+        configuration: dpdk_conf,
+        install_dir: join_paths(get_option('includedir'),
+            get_option('include_subdir_arch')))
 # build pkg-config files for dpdk
@@ -103,40 +103,40 @@ output_message = '\n=================\nLibraries 
 output_message += '\nlibs:\n\t'
 output_count = 0
 foreach lib:enabled_libs
-       output_message += lib + ', '
-       output_count += 1
-       if output_count == 8
-               output_message += '\n\t'
-               output_count = 0
-       endif
+    output_message += lib + ', '
+    output_count += 1
+    if output_count == 8
+        output_message += '\n\t'
+        output_count = 0
+    endif
 message(output_message + '\n')
 output_message = '\n===============\nDrivers Enabled\n===============\n'
 foreach class:dpdk_driver_classes
-       class_drivers = get_variable(class + '_drivers')
-       output_message += '\n' + class + ':\n\t'
-       output_count = 0
-       foreach drv:class_drivers
-               output_message += drv + ', '
-               output_count += 1
-               if output_count == 8
-                       output_message += '\n\t'
-                       output_count = 0
-               endif
-       endforeach
+    class_drivers = get_variable(class + '_drivers')
+    output_message += '\n' + class + ':\n\t'
+    output_count = 0
+    foreach drv:class_drivers
+        output_message += drv + ', '
+        output_count += 1
+        if output_count == 8
+            output_message += '\n\t'
+            output_count = 0
+        endif
+    endforeach
 message(output_message + '\n')
 output_message = '\n=================\nContent Skipped\n=================\n'
 output_message += '\nlibs:\n\t'
 foreach lib:dpdk_libs_disabled
-       reason = get_variable(lib.underscorify() + '_disable_reason')
-       output_message += lib + ':\t' + reason + '\n\t'
+    reason = get_variable(lib.underscorify() + '_disable_reason')
+    output_message += lib + ':\t' + reason + '\n\t'
 output_message += '\ndrivers:\n\t'
 foreach drv:dpdk_drvs_disabled
-       reason = get_variable(drv.underscorify() + '_disable_reason')
-       output_message += drv + ':\t' + reason + '\n\t'
+    reason = get_variable(drv.underscorify() + '_disable_reason')
+    output_message += drv + ':\t' + reason + '\n\t'
 message(output_message + '\n')
diff --git a/meson_options.txt b/meson_options.txt
index b78f3bd9d..530fcddfa 100644
--- a/meson_options.txt
+++ b/meson_options.txt
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
 # Please keep these options sorted alphabetically.
-option('check_includes', type: 'boolean', value: false,
-       description: 'build "chkincs" to verify each header file can compile 
-option('developer_mode', type: 'feature',
-       description: 'turn on additional build checks relevant for DPDK 
-option('disable_drivers', type: 'string', value: '',
-       description: 'Comma-separated list of drivers to explicitly disable.')
-option('drivers_install_subdir', type: 'string', value: 'dpdk/pmds-<VERSION>',
-       description: 'Subdirectory of libdir where to install PMDs. Defaults to 
using a versioned subdirectory.')
-option('enable_docs', type: 'boolean', value: false,
-       description: 'build documentation')
-option('enable_drivers', type: 'string', value: '',
-       description: 'Comma-separated list of drivers to build. If unspecified, 
build all drivers.')
-option('enable_driver_sdk', type: 'boolean', value: false,
-       description: 'Install headers to build drivers.')
-option('enable_kmods', type: 'boolean', value: false,
-       description: 'build kernel modules')
-option('examples', type: 'string', value: '',
-       description: 'Comma-separated list of examples to build by default')
-option('flexran_sdk', type: 'string', value: '',
-       description: 'Path to FlexRAN SDK optional Libraries for BBDEV device')
-option('ibverbs_link', type: 'combo', choices : ['static', 'shared', 
'dlopen'], value: 'shared',
-       description: 'Linkage method (static/shared/dlopen) for Mellanox PMDs 
with ibverbs dependencies.')
-option('include_subdir_arch', type: 'string', value: '',
-       description: 'subdirectory where to install arch-dependent headers')
-option('kernel_dir', type: 'string', value: '',
-       description: 'Path to the kernel for building kernel modules. Headers 
must be in $kernel_dir or $kernel_dir/build. Modules will be installed in 
-option('machine', type: 'string', value: 'native',
-       description: 'set the target machine type or "generic", a build usable 
on all machines of the build machine architecture or "native", which lets the 
compiler pick the architecture of the build machine.')
-option('max_ethports', type: 'integer', value: 32,
-       description: 'maximum number of Ethernet devices')
-option('max_lcores', type: 'integer', value: 128,
-       description: 'maximum number of cores/threads supported by EAL')
-option('max_numa_nodes', type: 'integer', value: 32,
-       description: 'maximum number of NUMA nodes supported by EAL')
-option('platform', type: 'string', value: '',
-       description: 'use configuration for a particular platform (such as a 
-option('enable_trace_fp', type: 'boolean', value: false,
-       description: 'enable fast path trace points.')
-option('tests', type: 'boolean', value: true,
-       description: 'build unit tests')
-option('use_hpet', type: 'boolean', value: false,
-       description: 'use HPET timer in EAL')
+option('check_includes', type: 'boolean', value: false, description:
+        'build "chkincs" to verify each header file can compile alone')
+option('developer_mode', type: 'feature', description:
+        'turn on additional build checks relevant for DPDK developers')
+option('disable_drivers', type: 'string', value: '', description:
+        'Comma-separated list of drivers to explicitly disable.')
+option('drivers_install_subdir', type: 'string', value: 'dpdk/pmds-<VERSION>', 
+        'Subdirectory of libdir where to install PMDs. Defaults to using a 
versioned subdirectory.')
+option('enable_docs', type: 'boolean', value: false, description:
+        'build documentation')
+option('enable_drivers', type: 'string', value: '', description:
+        'Comma-separated list of drivers to build. If unspecified, build all 
+option('enable_driver_sdk', type: 'boolean', value: false, description:
+        'Install headers to build drivers.')
+option('enable_kmods', type: 'boolean', value: false, description:
+        'build kernel modules')
+option('examples', type: 'string', value: '', description:
+        'Comma-separated list of examples to build by default')
+option('flexran_sdk', type: 'string', value: '', description:
+        'Path to FlexRAN SDK optional Libraries for BBDEV device')
+option('ibverbs_link', type: 'combo', choices : ['static', 'shared', 
'dlopen'], value: 'shared', description:
+        'Linkage method (static/shared/dlopen) for Mellanox PMDs with ibverbs 
+option('include_subdir_arch', type: 'string', value: '', description:
+        'subdirectory where to install arch-dependent headers')
+option('kernel_dir', type: 'string', value: '', description:
+        'Path to the kernel for building kernel modules. Headers must be in 
$kernel_dir or $kernel_dir/build. Modules will be installed in /lib/modules.')
+option('machine', type: 'string', value: 'native', description:
+        'set the target machine type or "generic", a build usable on all 
machines of the build machine architecture or "native", which lets the compiler 
pick the architecture of the build machine.')
+option('max_ethports', type: 'integer', value: 32, description:
+        'maximum number of Ethernet devices')
+option('max_lcores', type: 'integer', value: 128, description:
+        'maximum number of cores/threads supported by EAL')
+option('max_numa_nodes', type: 'integer', value: 32, description:
+        'maximum number of NUMA nodes supported by EAL')
+option('platform', type: 'string', value: '', description:
+        'use configuration for a particular platform (such as a SoC).')
+option('enable_trace_fp', type: 'boolean', value: false, description:
+        'enable fast path trace points.')
+option('tests', type: 'boolean', value: true, description:
+        'build unit tests')
+option('use_hpet', type: 'boolean', value: false, description:
+        'use HPET timer in EAL')
diff --git a/usertools/meson.build b/usertools/meson.build
index 596eaefb0..b6271a207 100644
--- a/usertools/meson.build
+++ b/usertools/meson.build
@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
 # Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation
-       'dpdk-devbind.py',
-       'dpdk-pmdinfo.py',
-       'dpdk-telemetry.py',
-       'dpdk-hugepages.py'
-],install_dir: 'bin')
+            'dpdk-devbind.py',
+            'dpdk-pmdinfo.py',
+            'dpdk-telemetry.py',
+            'dpdk-hugepages.py',
+        ],
+        install_dir: 'bin')

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