About the title, it is not a single file but one file per lib/driver.
I think it would better convey the idea by saying "remove .def files".

06/04/2021 19:59, David Marchand:
> Rather than have two files that keeps getting out of sync, let's
> annotate the version.map to generate the Windows export file.
> Note: Existing version.map annotation achieved with:
> $ for dir in lib/librte_eal drivers/common/mlx5; do
>     ./buildtools/map-list-symbol.sh $dir/*.map |
>     while read file version sym; do
>       ! git grep -qw $sym $dir/*.def || continue;
>       sed -i -e "s/$sym;/$sym; # WINDOWS_NO_EXPORT/" $dir/*.map;
>     done;
>   done

This patch keeps the exact same behaviour, right?
There are a lot of symbols in EAL and mlx5 which should
be exported for Windows too, but it is open for future fixes, right?

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