Currently, base frequency detection code is a bit of an unmaintainable
mess that has a couple of Coverity issues (dead code, and a resource
leak). Rather than just fixing the issues and leaving the rest in place,
refactor the code in a way that makes it more maintainable and less
prone to such Coverity issues in the first place.

Coverity issue: 369693
Coverity issue: 369694

Fixes: 4db9587bbf72 ("power: check sysfs base frequency")

Signed-off-by: Anatoly Burakov <>
 lib/librte_power/            |   7 +
 lib/librte_power/power_pstate_cpufreq.c | 178 ++++++++++++++----------
 2 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/librte_power/ b/lib/librte_power/
index 9a2dcbfc7a..fd408ffd4c 100644
--- a/lib/librte_power/
+++ b/lib/librte_power/
@@ -5,6 +5,13 @@ if not is_linux
        build = false
        reason = 'only supported on Linux'
+# we do some snprintf magic so silence format-nonliteral
+flag_nonliteral = '-Wno-format-nonliteral'
+if cc.has_argument(flag_nonliteral)
+       cflags += flag_nonliteral
 sources = files('rte_power.c', 'power_acpi_cpufreq.c',
                'power_kvm_vm.c', 'guest_channel.c',
diff --git a/lib/librte_power/power_pstate_cpufreq.c 
index 8a1fffaed5..add06720db 100644
--- a/lib/librte_power/power_pstate_cpufreq.c
+++ b/lib/librte_power/power_pstate_cpufreq.c
@@ -37,6 +37,13 @@
                } \
 } while (0)
+#define FOPEN_OR_ERR_GOTO(f, label) do { \
+               if ((f) == NULL) { \
+                       RTE_LOG(ERR, POWER, "File not opened\n"); \
+                       goto label; \
+               } \
+} while (0)
 #define FOPS_OR_NULL_GOTO(ret, label) do { \
                if ((ret) == NULL) { \
                        RTE_LOG(ERR, POWER, "fgets returns nothing\n"); \
@@ -148,93 +155,107 @@ out:     close(fd);
        return ret;
+static int
+open_core_sysfs_file(const char *template, unsigned int core, const char *mode,
+               FILE **f)
+       char fullpath[PATH_MAX];
+       FILE *tmpf;
+       /* silenced -Wformat-nonliteral here */
+       snprintf(fullpath, sizeof(fullpath), template, core);
+       tmpf = fopen(fullpath, mode);
+       if (tmpf == NULL)
+               return -1;
+       *f = tmpf;
+       return 0;
+static int
+read_core_sysfs_u32(FILE *f, uint32_t *val)
+       char buf[BUFSIZ];
+       uint32_t fval;
+       char *s;
+       s = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f);
+       if (s == NULL)
+               return -1;
+       /* fgets puts null terminator in, but do this just in case */
+       buf[BUFSIZ - 1] = '\0';
+       /* strip off any terminating newlines */
+       if (strlen(buf))
+               strtok(buf, "\n");
+       fval = strtoul(buf, NULL, POWER_CONVERT_TO_DECIMAL);
+       /* write the value */
+       *val = fval;
+       return 0;
  * It is to fopen the sys file for the future setting the lcore frequency.
 static int
 power_init_for_setting_freq(struct pstate_power_info *pi)
-       FILE *f_min, *f_max, *f_base = NULL, *f_base_max;
-       char fullpath_min[PATH_MAX];
-       char fullpath_max[PATH_MAX];
-       char fullpath_base[PATH_MAX];
-       char fullpath_base_max[PATH_MAX];
-       char buf_base[BUFSIZ];
-       char *s_base;
-       char *s_base_max;
-       uint32_t base_ratio = 0;
-       uint32_t base_max_ratio = 0;
-       uint64_t max_non_turbo = 0;
-       int  ret_val = 0;
-       snprintf(fullpath_base_max,
-                       sizeof(fullpath_base_max),
-                       POWER_SYSFILE_BASE_MAX_FREQ,
-                       pi->lcore_id);
-       f_base_max = fopen(fullpath_base_max, "r");
-       FOPEN_OR_ERR_RET(f_base_max, -1);
-       if (f_base_max != NULL) {
-               s_base_max = fgets(buf_base, sizeof(buf_base), f_base_max);
-               FOPS_OR_NULL_GOTO(s_base_max, out);
-               buf_base[BUFSIZ-1] = '\0';
-               if (strlen(buf_base))
-                       /* Strip off terminating '\n' */
-                       strtok(buf_base, "\n");
-               base_max_ratio =
-                       strtoul(buf_base, NULL, POWER_CONVERT_TO_DECIMAL)
-                               / BUS_FREQ;
-       }
-       snprintf(fullpath_min, sizeof(fullpath_min), POWER_SYSFILE_MIN_FREQ,
-                       pi->lcore_id);
-       f_min = fopen(fullpath_min, "rw+");
-       FOPEN_OR_ERR_RET(f_min, -1);
-       snprintf(fullpath_max, sizeof(fullpath_max), POWER_SYSFILE_MAX_FREQ,
-                       pi->lcore_id);
-       f_max = fopen(fullpath_max, "rw+");
-       if (f_max == NULL)
-               fclose(f_min);
-       FOPEN_OR_ERR_RET(f_max, -1);
-       pi->f_cur_min = f_min;
-       pi->f_cur_max = f_max;
-       snprintf(fullpath_base, sizeof(fullpath_base), POWER_SYSFILE_BASE_FREQ,
-                       pi->lcore_id);
-       f_base = fopen(fullpath_base, "r");
-       FOPEN_OR_ERR_RET(f_base, -1);
-       if (f_base == NULL) {
-               /* No sysfs base_frequency, that's OK, continue without */
-               base_ratio = 0;
+       FILE *f_base = NULL, *f_base_max = NULL, *f_min = NULL, *f_max = NULL;
+       uint32_t base_ratio, base_max_ratio;
+       uint64_t max_non_turbo;
+       int ret;
+       /* open all files we expect to have open */
+       open_core_sysfs_file(POWER_SYSFILE_BASE_MAX_FREQ, pi->lcore_id, "r",
+                       &f_base_max);
+       FOPEN_OR_ERR_GOTO(f_base_max, err);
+       open_core_sysfs_file(POWER_SYSFILE_MIN_FREQ, pi->lcore_id, "rw+",
+                       &f_min);
+       FOPEN_OR_ERR_GOTO(f_min, err);
+       open_core_sysfs_file(POWER_SYSFILE_MAX_FREQ, pi->lcore_id, "rw+",
+                       &f_max);
+       FOPEN_OR_ERR_GOTO(f_max, err);
+       open_core_sysfs_file(POWER_SYSFILE_BASE_FREQ, pi->lcore_id, "r",
+                       &f_base);
+       /* base ratio file may not exist in some kernels, so no error check */
+       /* read base max ratio */
+       ret = read_core_sysfs_u32(f_base_max, &base_max_ratio);
+       FOPS_OR_ERR_GOTO(ret, err);
+       /* base ratio may not exist */
+       if (f_base != NULL) {
+               ret = read_core_sysfs_u32(f_base, &base_ratio);
+               FOPS_OR_ERR_GOTO(ret, err);
        } else {
-               s_base = fgets(buf_base, sizeof(buf_base), f_base);
-               FOPS_OR_NULL_GOTO(s_base, out);
-               buf_base[BUFSIZ-1] = '\0';
-               if (strlen(buf_base))
-                       /* Strip off terminating '\n' */
-                       strtok(buf_base, "\n");
-               base_ratio = strtoul(buf_base, NULL, POWER_CONVERT_TO_DECIMAL)
-                               / BUS_FREQ;
+               base_ratio = 0;
        /* Add MSR read to detect turbo status */
+       if (power_rdmsr(PLATFORM_INFO, &max_non_turbo, pi->lcore_id) < 0)
+               goto err;
+       /* no errors after this point */
-       if (power_rdmsr(PLATFORM_INFO, &max_non_turbo, pi->lcore_id) < 0) {
-               ret_val = -1;
-               goto out;
-       }
+       /* convert ratios to bins */
+       base_max_ratio /= BUS_FREQ;
+       base_ratio /= BUS_FREQ;
+       /* assign file handles */
+       pi->f_cur_min = f_min;
+       pi->f_cur_max = f_max;
        max_non_turbo = (max_non_turbo&NON_TURBO_MASK)>>NON_TURBO_OFFSET;
        POWER_DEBUG_TRACE("no turbo perf %"PRIu64"\n", max_non_turbo);
-       pi->non_turbo_max_ratio = max_non_turbo;
+       pi->non_turbo_max_ratio = (uint32_t)max_non_turbo;
         * If base_frequency is reported as greater than the maximum
@@ -260,7 +281,20 @@ power_init_for_setting_freq(struct pstate_power_info *pi)
        if (f_base != NULL)
-       return ret_val;
+       fclose(f_base_max);
+       /* f_min and f_max are stored, no need to close */
+       return 0;
+       if (f_base != NULL)
+               fclose(f_base);
+       if (f_base_max != NULL)
+               fclose(f_base_max);
+       if (f_min != NULL)
+               fclose(f_min);
+       if (f_max != NULL)
+               fclose(f_max);
+       return -1;
 static int

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