在 2021/2/26 23:26, Ferruh Yigit 写道:
On 2/24/2021 1:28 AM, Lijun Ou wrote:
From: Hongbo Zheng <zhenghong...@huawei.com>
Enable the interrupt report of MAC when MAC state changes
and log the hardware MAC state value.
What is MAC TNL Interrupt, can you please provide more information in
the commit log?
TNL is the abbreviation of tunnel, which means port here.
Mac TNL interrupt indicates the MAC status report of the network port,
which will be generated when the MAC status changes.
And what is done as interrupt handling, as far as I can see it is doing
more that just logging it.
This patch enables MAC TNL interrupt reporting, and queries
and prints the corresponding MAC status when the interrupt
is received, then clear the mac interrupt status. Because this
interrupt uses the same interrupt as Ras, the interrupt log is
Signed-off-by: Hongbo Zheng <zhenghong...@huawei.com>
Signed-off-by: Lijun Ou <ouli...@huawei.com>