15/01/2021 14:26, Juraj Linkeš:
> A few options that disabled drivers in the old makefiles were improperly
> ported to the meson build system. Fix this by adding a to the list of

"by adding a" what?

> disabled drivers, similarly how the command line option works and remove
> unneeded driver options ported from the old makefile system, since they
> don't work in the current Meson build system.
> Add support for removing drivers for cross builds so that we can disable
> them in cross files.

Why disabling them?
If a driver is not supported it should disable itseld in its meson file.

> --- a/config/arm/arm64_armada_linux_gcc
> +++ b/config/arm/arm64_armada_linux_gcc
> @@ -18,3 +18,4 @@ implementer_id = '0x56'
>  part_number = '0xd08'
>  max_lcores = 16
>  max_numa_nodes = 1
> +disabled_drivers = ['bus/dpaa', 'bus/fslmc', 'common/dpaax']

It's removing NXP drivers on Marvell SoC. Fine.
And what about other useless drivers?

> --- a/config/arm/meson.build
> +++ b/config/arm/meson.build
> +# disable Arm drivers for all builds
> +disabled_drivers += ['net/avp', 'net/fm10k']

Why disabling avp and fm10k? Did they do something wrong to be banned?

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