On Wed, 30 Dec 2020 13:12:44 +0200, Tal Shnaiderman wrote:
> Add support for tls functionality in EAL.
> The following functions are added:
> rte_thread_tls_create_key - function to create a tls data key.
> rte_thread_tls_delete_key - function to delete a tls data key.
> rte_thread_tls_set_value - function to set value bound to the tls key
> rte_thread_tls_get_value - function to get value bound to the tls key
> tls key will be defined by the new type rte_tls_key
> Windows implementation is under librte_eal/windows and
> implemented using WIN32 API for Windows only.
> common implementation is under librte_eal/common and
> implemented using pthread for UNIX and Windows compilation
> using extenral pthread libraries, when supported.
> Signed-off-by: Tal Shnaiderman <tal...@nvidia.com>
> ---
> v3: switch from pthread shim to generic eal implementation [DmitryK]
> v4: modify file names, function names, move unix code to common
> for future external pthreads support [DmitryK]
> v5: rename var used for extenal pthreads, add description in
> meson_options.txt. [DmitryK]
> v6: remove external_pthread support as it collide with pthread
> shim implementation [DmitryK]
> ---

Acked-by: Dmitry Kozlyuk <dmitry.kozl...@gmail.com>

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