On 12/2/2020 1:05 PM, lir...@marvell.com wrote:
From: Liron Himi <lir...@marvell.com>

With pkg-config support available within musdk library,
meson option 'lib_musdk_dir' can be removed.
PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable should be set appropriately
to use the musdk library.

Signed-off-by: Liron Himi <lir...@marvell.com>
Reviewed-by: Liron Himi <lir...@marvell.com>
  drivers/common/mvep/meson.build    | 14 +++++---------
  drivers/crypto/mvsam/meson.build   | 15 +++++----------
  drivers/net/mvneta/meson.build     | 19 +++++--------------
  drivers/net/mvneta/mvneta_ethdev.h |  1 +
  drivers/net/mvpp2/meson.build      | 15 +++++----------
  meson_options.txt                  |  2 --
  6 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

Hi Liron,

+1 to this change, but can you please make a new version to include build related document changes into this same patch?

Second patch updates document, both for this build related issues and other issues like new musdk version and supported features etc.. Instead you can move build related changes to this patch, and separate second patch for crypto and net, so that it can have proper commit logs for each and can be reviewed easier.


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