On 12/7/2020 11:54 AM, oulijun wrote:
在 2020/12/3 19:51, Ferruh Yigit 写道:
Meeting minutes of 3 December 2020
* Release Dates
* 20.11 retrospective
* OvS
* Opens
* Arm
* Debian/Microsoft
* Intel
* Nvidia
* Red Hat
Release Dates
* v20.11 is released on Friday, 27 November 2020
* https://mails.dpdk.org/archives/dev/2020-November/193684.html
* https://core.dpdk.org/download/
* https://doc.dpdk.org/guides/rel_notes/release_20_11.html
* This was the biggest ever DPDK release, thanks to everyone who contributed.
* v21.02 dates
* Proposal/V1: Sunday, 20 December 2020
* -rc1: Friday, 15 January 2021
* Release: Friday, 5 February 2021
* Please send roadmaps, preferably before beginning of the release
* Thanks to NTT for sending roadmap
Hi, Ferruh Yigit
We plan to send the roadmap, but we're not sure what it requires? Is it per
vendor or per PMD vendor? What should he contain?
There is no strict formatting for it, the intention is to document the work
planned for the coming release, it is sent per vendor mostly. Following are the
past a few ones you can check as samples:
Lijun Ou
20.11 retrospective
(I tried to summarize as best as I can, please free to correct/add when needed)
* What went well
* Managed to get out this very big release on time
* Was more precise with dates
* Expectations on features were more clear in this release
* Good co-working between maintainers
* Communication was better, project become more resilient
* Akhil commented last minute stress was less
* Major gcc distribution didn't cause disruption this time
* LTS is doing good job overall
* Thanks to Luca and Kevin for their work there
* Things to improve
* next-net is busy, %60+ of the commits coming from next-net,
would be good to get more help, options to improve
* Add a co-maintainer in that level
* Andrew (backup maintainer) is great candidate if he can spare time
He is already helping on reviews
* He already covered during release when Ferruh is on holiday
* Testpmd maintainership is not working fine, find maintainers for it
* Should we add more vendor trees?
* Huawei is contributing more, should it have a vendor sub-tree?
* Huawei is being good citizen mostly
* CI can be improved
* Top level Thomas/David may felt the last minute stress more this time
* Pachwork update by Jerin, to add reviewer column may help
* This seems not exactly matching patchwork intention of using delegate
* Need to work on how to upstream this improvement
* It is causing more problem when expectation is not clear from vendors
* Security issues
* They didn't work very well, the busy release is affecting it
* Good thing is there is a well defined process, needs resource to
* Can help to allocate separate resource for it
* A technical project manager can do it, doesn't have to be developer
* v19.11.6-rc1 is out, please test
* http://inbox.dpdk.org/dev/20201203093856.299103-1-luca.bocca...@gmail.com/
* Target release date is 17 December
* v18.11.10 work is going on
* waiting for backports, request emails sent
* -rc1 is planned before holidays
* Second version of patch to switch DPDK 20.11 is sent, please review
* Asaf shared a draft release process documentation
* It will be sent as documentation patch for community review,
after initial review
DPDK Release Status Meetings
The DPDK Release Status Meeting is intended for DPDK Committers to discuss the
status of the master tree and sub-trees, and for project managers to track
progress or milestone dates.
The meeting occurs on every Thursdays at 8:30 UTC. on https://meet.jit.si/DPDK
If you wish to attend just send an email to
"John McNamara <john.mcnam...@intel.com>" for the invite.