Meeting minutes of 3 December 2020 ----------------------------------
Agenda: * Release Dates * 20.11 retrospective * LTS * OvS * Opens Participants: * Arm * Debian/Microsoft * Intel * Nvidia * NXP * Red Hat Release Dates ------------- * v20.11 is released on Friday, 27 November 2020 * * * * This was the biggest ever DPDK release, thanks to everyone who contributed. * v21.02 dates * Proposal/V1: Sunday, 20 December 2020 * -rc1: Friday, 15 January 2021 * Release: Friday, 5 February 2021 * Please send roadmaps, preferably before beginning of the release * Thanks to NTT for sending roadmap 20.11 retrospective ------------------- (I tried to summarize as best as I can, please free to correct/add when needed) * What went well * Managed to get out this very big release on time * Was more precise with dates * Expectations on features were more clear in this release * Good co-working between maintainers * Communication was better, project become more resilient * Akhil commented last minute stress was less * Major gcc distribution didn't cause disruption this time * LTS is doing good job overall * Thanks to Luca and Kevin for their work there * Things to improve * next-net is busy, %60+ of the commits coming from next-net, would be good to get more help, options to improve * Add a co-maintainer in that level * Andrew (backup maintainer) is great candidate if he can spare time He is already helping on reviews * He already covered during release when Ferruh is on holiday * Testpmd maintainership is not working fine, find maintainers for it * Should we add more vendor trees? * Huawei is contributing more, should it have a vendor sub-tree? * Huawei is being good citizen mostly * CI can be improved * Top level Thomas/David may felt the last minute stress more this time * Pachwork update by Jerin, to add reviewer column may help * This seems not exactly matching patchwork intention of using delegate field * Need to work on how to upstream this improvement * It is causing more problem when expectation is not clear from vendors * Security issues * They didn't work very well, the busy release is affecting it * Good thing is there is a well defined process, needs resource to execute * Can help to allocate separate resource for it * A technical project manager can do it, doesn't have to be developer LTS --- * v19.11.6-rc1 is out, please test * * Target release date is 17 December * v18.11.10 work is going on * waiting for backports, request emails sent * -rc1 is planned before holidays OvS --- * Second version of patch to switch DPDK 20.11 is sent, please review Opens ----- * Asaf shared a draft release process documentation * It will be sent as documentation patch for community review, after initial review DPDK Release Status Meetings ============================ The DPDK Release Status Meeting is intended for DPDK Committers to discuss the status of the master tree and sub-trees, and for project managers to track progress or milestone dates. The meeting occurs on every Thursdays at 8:30 UTC. on If you wish to attend just send an email to "John McNamara <>" for the invite.