On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 5:47 AM Honnappa Nagarahalli
<honnappa.nagaraha...@arm.com> wrote:
> > On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 2:45 PM Aaron Conole <acon...@redhat.com> wrote:
> > > Thanks for working on this.  Sadly, I think we will have to abandon
> > > Travis soon - given the new changes it is looking very awful.  Robot
> > > already is starved for job time.
> I am looking at [1], is DPDK not considered as open source project?
> [1] https://blog.travis-ci.com/oss-announcement

Ilya (@OVS) contacted the Travis support.
The reply is that a project that has sponsored contributors can not
ask for free tokens on Travis CI.

I personally did not try to contact their support given this response.

> > > Since we don't have ARM test runs, I guess we will have to rely on
> > > something else for that coverage now, but I like that there is
> > > coverage included at least to compile.
> >
> > For ARM test runs, UNH is a good candidate but nothing prevents other ARM
> > based CI from being added.
> Is it possible to keep Travis CI for Arm?

For individuals, the 10k credits with the current DPDK jobs get burned
in something like 4 runs (read: 4 runs a month).
Even if we narrow the configuration to only ARM, this will at best
give us x3, so let's say 12 runs a month.

Now consider the ovsrobot and the number of series that hit the list
on a worst^Wbest day like a week before rc1.

> > > I will need to update the robot to pull information from github
> > > actions, so for now it will need to be manually checked (but here's an
> > > example of a run:
> > > https://github.com/ovsrobot/dpdk/actions/runs/382073265).  What's nice is
> > the robot is already primed to run the jobs, so that's good.
> Is there any guarantee that GitHub actions will be free forever?

There is no "forever".
At least, UNH lab which the project sponsors seems viable on the mid/long term.

David Marchand

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