
19/11/2020 01:17, Luse, Paul E:
> Hi,
> Recently this patch 
> https://github.com/DPDK/dpdk/commit/5284adad3e95025f9901869f581c8c04ea642d32  
> made the following change:
> * mbuf: Removed the unioned fields ``userdata`` and ``udata64``
>   from the structure ``rte_mbuf``. It is replaced with dynamic fields.
> Which breaks the SPDK project’s crypto and compression capabilities as we use 
> userdata to store context for our operation so it can be retrieved upcon 
> completion of the operation.  It’s not clear to me that we are safe to use 
> the fields that were added:
>             uint64_t dynfield1[2]; /**< Reserved for dynamic fields. */
>             uint64_t dynfield1[3]; /**< Reserved for dynamic fields. */
> based on the comments.  Can someone please advise, why was this done and can 
> we use these fields?

We are doing some API changes in DPDK 20.11.
The mbuf changes were explained one year ago:

The API for dynamic fields is available since DPDK 19.11:

If you want an example, look how it is used in example apps.

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