'_filters' is compared twice, second one will be always false, removing
it using the message more relevant to the '_filters'.

Fixes: 2deb6b5246d7 ("app/procinfo: add collectd format and host id")
Cc: sta...@dpdk.org

Signed-off-by: Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yi...@intel.com>
Cc: romanx.korynkev...@intel.com
 app/proc-info/main.c | 4 +---
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/app/proc-info/main.c b/app/proc-info/main.c
index d743209f0d..35e5b596eb 100644
--- a/app/proc-info/main.c
+++ b/app/proc-info/main.c
@@ -420,11 +420,9 @@ static void collectd_resolve_cnt_type(char *cnt_type, 
size_t cnt_type_len,
        } else if ((type_end != NULL) &&
                   (strncmp(cnt_name, "flow_", strlen("flow_"))) == 0) {
                if (strncmp(type_end, "_filters", strlen("_filters")) == 0)
-                       strlcpy(cnt_type, "operations", cnt_type_len);
+                       strlcpy(cnt_type, "filter_result", cnt_type_len);
                else if (strncmp(type_end, "_errors", strlen("_errors")) == 0)
                        strlcpy(cnt_type, "errors", cnt_type_len);
-               else if (strncmp(type_end, "_filters", strlen("_filters")) == 0)
-                       strlcpy(cnt_type, "filter_result", cnt_type_len);
        } else if ((type_end != NULL) &&
                   (strncmp(cnt_name, "mac_", strlen("mac_"))) == 0) {
                if (strncmp(type_end, "_errors", strlen("_errors")) == 0)

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