Configure the load balanded (ldb) or directed (dir) port.
The consumer queue (CQ) and producer port (PP) are also
set up here.

Signed-off-by: Timothy McDaniel <>
 doc/guides/eventdevs/dlb2.rst              |  75 +++
 drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2.c                  | 498 ++++++++++++++++
 drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.c            |   8 +
 drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.h            |   8 +
 drivers/event/dlb2/pf/base/dlb2_resource.c | 922 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_main.c          |  28 +
 drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_pf.c            | 180 ++++++
 7 files changed, 1719 insertions(+)

diff --git a/doc/guides/eventdevs/dlb2.rst b/doc/guides/eventdevs/dlb2.rst
index e57e009..8027af7 100644
--- a/doc/guides/eventdevs/dlb2.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/eventdevs/dlb2.rst
@@ -82,6 +82,81 @@ The queue's ``nb_atomic_flows`` parameter is ignored by the 
DLB2 PMD, because
 the DLB2 does not limit the number of flows a queue can track. In the DLB2, all
 load-balanced queues can use the full 16-bit flow ID range.
+Load-Balanced Queues
+A load-balanced queue can support atomic and ordered scheduling, or atomic and
+unordered scheduling, but not atomic and unordered and ordered scheduling. A
+queue's scheduling types are controlled by the event queue configuration.
+If the user sets the ``RTE_EVENT_QUEUE_CFG_ALL_TYPES`` flag, the
+``nb_atomic_order_sequences`` determines the supported scheduling types.
+With non-zero ``nb_atomic_order_sequences``, the queue is configured for atomic
+and ordered scheduling. In this case, ``RTE_SCHED_TYPE_PARALLEL`` scheduling is
+supported by scheduling those events as ordered events.  Note that when the
+event is dequeued, its sched_type will be ``RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ORDERED``. Else if
+``nb_atomic_order_sequences`` is zero, the queue is configured for atomic and
+unordered scheduling. In this case, ``RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ORDERED`` is unsupported.
+If the ``RTE_EVENT_QUEUE_CFG_ALL_TYPES`` flag is not set, schedule_type
+dictates the queue's scheduling type.
+The ``nb_atomic_order_sequences`` queue configuration field sets the ordered
+queue's reorder buffer size.  DLB2 has 4 groups of ordered queues, where each
+group is configured to contain either 1 queue with 1024 reorder entries, 2
+queues with 512 reorder entries, and so on down to 32 queues with 32 entries.
+When a load-balanced queue is created, the PMD will configure a new sequence
+number group on-demand if num_sequence_numbers does not match a pre-existing
+group with available reorder buffer entries. If all sequence number groups are
+in use, no new group will be created and queue configuration will fail. (Note
+that when the PMD is used with a virtual DLB2 device, it cannot change the
+sequence number configuration.)
+The queue's ``nb_atomic_flows`` parameter is ignored by the DLB2 PMD, because
+the DLB2 does not limit the number of flows a queue can track. In the DLB2, all
+load-balanced queues can use the full 16-bit flow ID range.
+Load-balanced and Directed Ports
+DLB2 ports come in two flavors: load-balanced and directed. The eventdev API
+does not have the same concept, but it has a similar one: ports and queues that
+are singly-linked (i.e. linked to a single queue or port, respectively).
+The ``rte_event_dev_info_get()`` function reports the number of available
+event ports and queues (among other things). For the DLB2 PMD, max_event_ports
+and max_event_queues report the number of available load-balanced ports and
+queues, and max_single_link_event_port_queue_pairs reports the number of
+available directed ports and queues.
+When a scheduling domain is created in ``rte_event_dev_configure()``, the user
+specifies ``nb_event_ports`` and ``nb_single_link_event_port_queues``, which
+control the total number of ports (load-balanced and directed) and the number
+of directed ports. Hence, the number of requested load-balanced ports is
+``nb_event_ports - nb_single_link_event_ports``. The ``nb_event_queues`` field
+specifies the total number of queues (load-balanced and directed). The number
+of directed queues comes from ``nb_single_link_event_port_queues``, since
+directed ports and queues come in pairs.
+When a port is setup, the ``RTE_EVENT_PORT_CFG_SINGLE_LINK`` flag determines
+whether it should be configured as a directed (the flag is set) or a
+load-balanced (the flag is unset) port. Similarly, the
+``RTE_EVENT_QUEUE_CFG_SINGLE_LINK`` queue configuration flag controls
+whether it is a directed or load-balanced queue.
+Load-balanced ports can only be linked to load-balanced queues, and directed
+ports can only be linked to directed queues. Furthermore, directed ports can
+only be linked to a single directed queue (and vice versa), and that link
+cannot change after the eventdev is started.
+The eventdev API does not have a directed scheduling type. To support directed
+traffic, the dlb PMD detects when an event is being sent to a directed queue
+and overrides its scheduling type. Note that the originally selected scheduling
+type (atomic, ordered, or parallel) is not preserved, and an event's sched_type
+will be set to ``RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ATOMIC`` when it is dequeued from a directed
 Flow ID
diff --git a/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2.c b/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2.c
index 8c1e06d..9e8dcce 100644
--- a/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2.c
+++ b/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2.c
@@ -999,6 +999,503 @@ dlb2_eventdev_queue_setup(struct rte_eventdev *dev,
        return ret;
+static int
+dlb2_init_consume_qe(struct dlb2_port *qm_port, char *mz_name)
+       struct dlb2_cq_pop_qe *qe;
+       qe = rte_zmalloc(mz_name,
+                       DLB2_NUM_QES_PER_CACHE_LINE *
+                               sizeof(struct dlb2_cq_pop_qe),
+                       RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
+       if (qe == NULL) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: no memory for consume_qe\n");
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       qm_port->consume_qe = qe;
+       qe->qe_valid = 0;
+       qe->qe_frag = 0;
+       qe->qe_comp = 0;
+       qe->cq_token = 1;
+       /* Tokens value is 0-based; i.e. '0' returns 1 token, '1' returns 2,
+        * and so on.
+        */
+       qe->tokens = 0; /* set at run time */
+       qe->meas_lat = 0;
+       qe->no_dec = 0;
+       /* Completion IDs are disabled */
+       qe->cmp_id = 0;
+       return 0;
+static int
+dlb2_init_int_arm_qe(struct dlb2_port *qm_port, char *mz_name)
+       struct dlb2_enqueue_qe *qe;
+       qe = rte_zmalloc(mz_name,
+                       DLB2_NUM_QES_PER_CACHE_LINE *
+                               sizeof(struct dlb2_enqueue_qe),
+                       RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
+       if (qe == NULL) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: no memory for complete_qe\n");
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       qm_port->int_arm_qe = qe;
+       /* V2 - INT ARM is CQ_TOKEN + FRAG */
+       qe->qe_valid = 0;
+       qe->qe_frag = 1;
+       qe->qe_comp = 0;
+       qe->cq_token = 1;
+       qe->meas_lat = 0;
+       qe->no_dec = 0;
+       /* Completion IDs are disabled */
+       qe->cmp_id = 0;
+       return 0;
+static int
+dlb2_init_qe_mem(struct dlb2_port *qm_port, char *mz_name)
+       int ret, sz;
+       sz = DLB2_NUM_QES_PER_CACHE_LINE * sizeof(struct dlb2_enqueue_qe);
+       qm_port->qe4 = rte_zmalloc(mz_name, sz, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
+       if (qm_port->qe4 == NULL) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: no qe4 memory\n");
+               ret = -ENOMEM;
+               goto error_exit;
+       }
+       ret = dlb2_init_int_arm_qe(qm_port, mz_name);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: dlb2_init_int_arm_qe ret=%d\n", ret);
+               goto error_exit;
+       }
+       ret = dlb2_init_consume_qe(qm_port, mz_name);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: dlb2_init_consume_qe ret=%d\n", ret);
+               goto error_exit;
+       }
+       return 0;
+       dlb2_free_qe_mem(qm_port);
+       return ret;
+static int
+dlb2_hw_create_ldb_port(struct dlb2_eventdev *dlb2,
+                       struct dlb2_eventdev_port *ev_port,
+                       uint32_t dequeue_depth,
+                       uint32_t enqueue_depth)
+       struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle = &dlb2->qm_instance;
+       struct dlb2_create_ldb_port_args cfg = {0};
+       int ret;
+       struct dlb2_port *qm_port = NULL;
+       char mz_name[RTE_MEMZONE_NAMESIZE];
+       uint32_t qm_port_id;
+       uint16_t ldb_credit_high_watermark;
+       uint16_t dir_credit_high_watermark;
+       if (handle == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       if (dequeue_depth < DLB2_MIN_CQ_DEPTH) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: invalid enqueue_depth, must be at least 
+                            DLB2_MIN_CQ_DEPTH);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (enqueue_depth < DLB2_MIN_ENQUEUE_DEPTH) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: invalid enqueue_depth, must be at least 
+                            DLB2_MIN_ENQUEUE_DEPTH);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       rte_spinlock_lock(&handle->resource_lock);
+       /* We round up to the next power of 2 if necessary */
+       cfg.cq_depth = rte_align32pow2(dequeue_depth);
+       cfg.cq_depth_threshold = 1;
+       cfg.cq_history_list_size = DLB2_NUM_HIST_LIST_ENTRIES_PER_LDB_PORT;
+       if (handle->cos_id == DLB2_COS_DEFAULT)
+               cfg.cos_id = 0;
+       else
+               cfg.cos_id = handle->cos_id;
+       cfg.cos_strict = 0;
+       /* User controls the LDB high watermark via enqueue depth. The DIR high
+        * watermark is equal, unless the directed credit pool is too small.
+        */
+       ldb_credit_high_watermark = enqueue_depth;
+       /* If there are no directed ports, the kernel driver will ignore this
+        * port's directed credit settings. Don't use enqueue_depth if it would
+        * require more directed credits than are available.
+        */
+       dir_credit_high_watermark =
+               RTE_MIN(enqueue_depth,
+                       handle->cfg.num_dir_credits / dlb2->num_ports);
+       /* Per QM values */
+       ret = dlb2_iface_ldb_port_create(handle, &cfg,  dlb2->poll_mode);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: dlb2_ldb_port_create error, ret=%d (driver 
status: %s)\n",
+                            ret, dlb2_error_strings[cfg.response.status]);
+               goto error_exit;
+       }
+       qm_port_id =;
+       DLB2_LOG_DBG("dlb2: ev_port %d uses qm LB port %d <<<<<\n",
+                    ev_port->id, qm_port_id);
+       qm_port = &ev_port->qm_port;
+       qm_port->ev_port = ev_port; /* back ptr */
+       qm_port->dlb2 = dlb2; /* back ptr */
+       /*
+        * Allocate and init local qe struct(s).
+        * Note: MOVDIR64 requires the enqueue QE (qe4) to be aligned.
+        */
+       snprintf(mz_name, sizeof(mz_name), "dlb2_ldb_port%d",
+                ev_port->id);
+       ret = dlb2_init_qe_mem(qm_port, mz_name);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: init_qe_mem failed, ret=%d\n", ret);
+               goto error_exit;
+       }
+       qm_port->id = qm_port_id;
+       qm_port->cached_ldb_credits = 0;
+       qm_port->cached_dir_credits = 0;
+       /* CQs with depth < 8 use an 8-entry queue, but withhold credits so
+        * the effective depth is smaller.
+        */
+       qm_port->cq_depth = cfg.cq_depth <= 8 ? 8 : cfg.cq_depth;
+       qm_port->cq_idx = 0;
+       qm_port->cq_idx_unmasked = 0;
+       if (dlb2->poll_mode == DLB2_CQ_POLL_MODE_SPARSE)
+               qm_port->cq_depth_mask = (qm_port->cq_depth * 4) - 1;
+       else
+               qm_port->cq_depth_mask = qm_port->cq_depth - 1;
+       qm_port->gen_bit_shift = __builtin_popcount(qm_port->cq_depth_mask);
+       /* starting value of gen bit - it toggles at wrap time */
+       qm_port->gen_bit = 1;
+       qm_port->int_armed = false;
+       /* Save off for later use in info and lookup APIs. */
+       qm_port->qid_mappings = &dlb2->qm_ldb_to_ev_queue_id[0];
+       qm_port->dequeue_depth = dequeue_depth;
+       qm_port->owed_tokens = 0;
+       qm_port->issued_releases = 0;
+       /* Save config message too. */
+       rte_memcpy(&qm_port->cfg.ldb, &cfg, sizeof(qm_port->cfg.ldb));
+       /* update state */
+       qm_port->state = PORT_STARTED; /* enabled at create time */
+       qm_port->config_state = DLB2_CONFIGURED;
+       qm_port->dir_credits = dir_credit_high_watermark;
+       qm_port->ldb_credits = ldb_credit_high_watermark;
+       qm_port->credit_pool[DLB2_DIR_QUEUE] = &dlb2->dir_credit_pool;
+       qm_port->credit_pool[DLB2_LDB_QUEUE] = &dlb2->ldb_credit_pool;
+       DLB2_LOG_DBG("dlb2: created ldb port %d, depth = %d, ldb credits=%d, 
dir credits=%d\n",
+                    qm_port_id,
+                    dequeue_depth,
+                    qm_port->ldb_credits,
+                    qm_port->dir_credits);
+       rte_spinlock_unlock(&handle->resource_lock);
+       return 0;
+       if (qm_port)
+               dlb2_free_qe_mem(qm_port);
+       rte_spinlock_unlock(&handle->resource_lock);
+       DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: create ldb port failed!\n");
+       return ret;
+static void
+dlb2_port_link_teardown(struct dlb2_eventdev *dlb2,
+                       struct dlb2_eventdev_port *ev_port)
+       struct dlb2_eventdev_queue *ev_queue;
+       int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < DLB2_MAX_NUM_QIDS_PER_LDB_CQ; i++) {
+               if (!ev_port->link[i].valid)
+                       continue;
+               ev_queue = &dlb2->ev_queues[ev_port->link[i].queue_id];
+               ev_port->link[i].valid = false;
+               ev_port->num_links--;
+               ev_queue->num_links--;
+       }
+static int
+dlb2_hw_create_dir_port(struct dlb2_eventdev *dlb2,
+                       struct dlb2_eventdev_port *ev_port,
+                       uint32_t dequeue_depth,
+                       uint32_t enqueue_depth)
+       struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle = &dlb2->qm_instance;
+       struct dlb2_create_dir_port_args cfg = {0};
+       int ret;
+       struct dlb2_port *qm_port = NULL;
+       char mz_name[RTE_MEMZONE_NAMESIZE];
+       uint32_t qm_port_id;
+       uint16_t ldb_credit_high_watermark;
+       uint16_t dir_credit_high_watermark;
+       if (dlb2 == NULL || handle == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       if (dequeue_depth < DLB2_MIN_CQ_DEPTH) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: invalid dequeue_depth, must be %d-%d\n",
+                            DLB2_MIN_CQ_DEPTH, DLB2_MAX_INPUT_QUEUE_DEPTH);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (enqueue_depth < DLB2_MIN_ENQUEUE_DEPTH) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: invalid enqueue_depth, must be at least 
+                            DLB2_MIN_ENQUEUE_DEPTH);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       rte_spinlock_lock(&handle->resource_lock);
+       /* Directed queues are configured at link time. */
+       cfg.queue_id = -1;
+       /* We round up to the next power of 2 if necessary */
+       cfg.cq_depth = rte_align32pow2(dequeue_depth);
+       cfg.cq_depth_threshold = 1;
+       /* User controls the LDB high watermark via enqueue depth. The DIR high
+        * watermark is equal, unless the directed credit pool is too small.
+        */
+       ldb_credit_high_watermark = enqueue_depth;
+       /* Don't use enqueue_depth if it would require more directed credits
+        * than are available.
+        */
+       dir_credit_high_watermark =
+               RTE_MIN(enqueue_depth,
+                       handle->cfg.num_dir_credits / dlb2->num_ports);
+       /* Per QM values */
+       ret = dlb2_iface_dir_port_create(handle, &cfg,  dlb2->poll_mode);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: dlb2_dir_port_create error, ret=%d (driver 
status: %s)\n",
+                            ret, dlb2_error_strings[cfg.response.status]);
+               goto error_exit;
+       }
+       qm_port_id =;
+       DLB2_LOG_DBG("dlb2: ev_port %d uses qm DIR port %d <<<<<\n",
+                    ev_port->id, qm_port_id);
+       qm_port = &ev_port->qm_port;
+       qm_port->ev_port = ev_port; /* back ptr */
+       qm_port->dlb2 = dlb2;  /* back ptr */
+       /*
+        * Init local qe struct(s).
+        * Note: MOVDIR64 requires the enqueue QE to be aligned
+        */
+       snprintf(mz_name, sizeof(mz_name), "dlb2_dir_port%d",
+                ev_port->id);
+       ret = dlb2_init_qe_mem(qm_port, mz_name);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: init_qe_mem failed, ret=%d\n", ret);
+               goto error_exit;
+       }
+       qm_port->id = qm_port_id;
+       qm_port->cached_ldb_credits = 0;
+       qm_port->cached_dir_credits = 0;
+       /* CQs with depth < 8 use an 8-entry queue, but withhold credits so
+        * the effective depth is smaller.
+        */
+       qm_port->cq_depth = cfg.cq_depth <= 8 ? 8 : cfg.cq_depth;
+       qm_port->cq_idx = 0;
+       qm_port->cq_idx_unmasked = 0;
+       if (dlb2->poll_mode == DLB2_CQ_POLL_MODE_SPARSE)
+               qm_port->cq_depth_mask = (cfg.cq_depth * 4) - 1;
+       else
+               qm_port->cq_depth_mask = cfg.cq_depth - 1;
+       qm_port->gen_bit_shift = __builtin_popcount(qm_port->cq_depth_mask);
+       /* starting value of gen bit - it toggles at wrap time */
+       qm_port->gen_bit = 1;
+       qm_port->int_armed = false;
+       /* Save off for later use in info and lookup APIs. */
+       qm_port->qid_mappings = &dlb2->qm_dir_to_ev_queue_id[0];
+       qm_port->dequeue_depth = dequeue_depth;
+       qm_port->owed_tokens = 0;
+       qm_port->issued_releases = 0;
+       /* Save config message too. */
+       rte_memcpy(&qm_port->cfg.dir, &cfg, sizeof(qm_port->cfg.dir));
+       /* update state */
+       qm_port->state = PORT_STARTED; /* enabled at create time */
+       qm_port->config_state = DLB2_CONFIGURED;
+       qm_port->dir_credits = dir_credit_high_watermark;
+       qm_port->ldb_credits = ldb_credit_high_watermark;
+       qm_port->credit_pool[DLB2_DIR_QUEUE] = &dlb2->dir_credit_pool;
+       qm_port->credit_pool[DLB2_LDB_QUEUE] = &dlb2->ldb_credit_pool;
+       DLB2_LOG_DBG("dlb2: created dir port %d, depth = %d cr=%d,%d\n",
+                    qm_port_id,
+                    dequeue_depth,
+                    dir_credit_high_watermark,
+                    ldb_credit_high_watermark);
+       rte_spinlock_unlock(&handle->resource_lock);
+       return 0;
+       if (qm_port)
+               dlb2_free_qe_mem(qm_port);
+       rte_spinlock_unlock(&handle->resource_lock);
+       DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: create dir port failed!\n");
+       return ret;
+static int
+dlb2_eventdev_port_setup(struct rte_eventdev *dev,
+                        uint8_t ev_port_id,
+                        const struct rte_event_port_conf *port_conf)
+       struct dlb2_eventdev *dlb2;
+       struct dlb2_eventdev_port *ev_port;
+       int ret;
+       if (dev == NULL || port_conf == NULL) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("Null parameter\n");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       dlb2 = dlb2_pmd_priv(dev);
+       if (ev_port_id >= DLB2_MAX_NUM_PORTS)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       if (port_conf->dequeue_depth >
+               evdev_dlb2_default_info.max_event_port_dequeue_depth ||
+           port_conf->enqueue_depth >
+               evdev_dlb2_default_info.max_event_port_enqueue_depth)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       ev_port = &dlb2->ev_ports[ev_port_id];
+       /* configured? */
+       if (ev_port->setup_done) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("evport %d is already configured\n", ev_port_id);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       ev_port->qm_port.is_directed = port_conf->event_port_cfg &
+       if (!ev_port->qm_port.is_directed) {
+               ret = dlb2_hw_create_ldb_port(dlb2,
+                                             ev_port,
+                                             port_conf->dequeue_depth,
+                                             port_conf->enqueue_depth);
+               if (ret < 0) {
+                       DLB2_LOG_ERR("Failed to create the lB port ve 
+                                    ev_port_id);
+                       return ret;
+               }
+       } else {
+               ret = dlb2_hw_create_dir_port(dlb2,
+                                             ev_port,
+                                             port_conf->dequeue_depth,
+                                             port_conf->enqueue_depth);
+               if (ret < 0) {
+                       DLB2_LOG_ERR("Failed to create the DIR port\n");
+                       return ret;
+               }
+       }
+       /* Save off port config for reconfig */
+       ev_port->conf = *port_conf;
+       ev_port->id = ev_port_id;
+       ev_port->enq_configured = true;
+       ev_port->setup_done = true;
+       ev_port->inflight_max = port_conf->new_event_threshold;
+       ev_port->implicit_release = !(port_conf->event_port_cfg &
+       ev_port->outstanding_releases = 0;
+       ev_port->inflight_credits = 0;
+       ev_port->credit_update_quanta = RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_DLB2_SW_CREDIT_QUANTA;
+       ev_port->dlb2 = dlb2; /* reverse link */
+       /* Tear down pre-existing port->queue links */
+       if (dlb2->run_state == DLB2_RUN_STATE_STOPPED)
+               dlb2_port_link_teardown(dlb2, &dlb2->ev_ports[ev_port_id]);
+       dev->data->ports[ev_port_id] = &dlb2->ev_ports[ev_port_id];
+       return 0;
 static void
 dlb2_entry_points_init(struct rte_eventdev *dev)
@@ -1009,6 +1506,7 @@ dlb2_entry_points_init(struct rte_eventdev *dev)
                .queue_def_conf   = dlb2_eventdev_queue_default_conf_get,
                .queue_setup      = dlb2_eventdev_queue_setup,
                .port_def_conf    = dlb2_eventdev_port_default_conf_get,
+               .port_setup       = dlb2_eventdev_port_setup,
                .dump             = dlb2_eventdev_dump,
                .xstats_get       = dlb2_eventdev_xstats_get,
                .xstats_get_names = dlb2_eventdev_xstats_get_names,
diff --git a/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.c b/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.c
index 4c07574..01818c7 100644
--- a/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.c
+++ b/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.c
@@ -43,3 +43,11 @@ int (*dlb2_iface_set_sn_allocation)(struct dlb2_hw_dev 
 int (*dlb2_iface_get_sn_occupancy)(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
                                   struct dlb2_get_sn_occupancy_args *args);
+int (*dlb2_iface_ldb_port_create)(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                                 struct dlb2_create_ldb_port_args *cfg,
+                                 enum dlb2_cq_poll_modes poll_mode);
+int (*dlb2_iface_dir_port_create)(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                                 struct dlb2_create_dir_port_args *cfg,
+                                 enum dlb2_cq_poll_modes poll_mode);
diff --git a/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.h b/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.h
index 4c88fe0..a6b923a 100644
--- a/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.h
+++ b/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.h
@@ -42,4 +42,12 @@ extern int (*dlb2_iface_set_sn_allocation)(struct 
dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
 extern int (*dlb2_iface_get_sn_occupancy)(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
                                  struct dlb2_get_sn_occupancy_args *args);
+extern int (*dlb2_iface_ldb_port_create)(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                                        struct dlb2_create_ldb_port_args *cfg,
+                                        enum dlb2_cq_poll_modes poll_mode);
+extern int (*dlb2_iface_dir_port_create)(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                                        struct dlb2_create_dir_port_args *cfg,
+                                        enum dlb2_cq_poll_modes poll_mode);
 #endif /* _DLB2_IFACE_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/base/dlb2_resource.c 
index e6ea0d7..a633d3e 100644
--- a/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/base/dlb2_resource.c
+++ b/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/base/dlb2_resource.c
@@ -3973,3 +3973,925 @@ int dlb2_set_group_sequence_numbers(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
        return 0;
+static void dlb2_ldb_port_configure_pp(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                                      struct dlb2_hw_domain *domain,
+                                      struct dlb2_ldb_port *port,
+                                      bool vdev_req,
+                                      unsigned int vdev_id)
+       union dlb2_sys_ldb_pp2vas r0 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_sys_ldb_pp_v r4 = { {0} };
+       r0.field.vas = domain->id.phys_id;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_LDB_PP2VAS(port->id.phys_id), r0.val);
+       if (vdev_req) {
+               union dlb2_sys_vf_ldb_vpp2pp r1 = { {0} };
+               union dlb2_sys_ldb_pp2vdev r2 = { {0} };
+               union dlb2_sys_vf_ldb_vpp_v r3 = { {0} };
+               unsigned int offs;
+               u32 virt_id;
+               /*
+                * DLB uses producer port address bits 17:12 to determine the
+                * producer port ID. In Scalable IOV mode, PP accesses come
+                * through the PF MMIO window for the physical producer port,
+                * so for translation purposes the virtual and physical port
+                * IDs are equal.
+                */
+               if (hw->virt_mode == DLB2_VIRT_SRIOV)
+                       virt_id = port->id.virt_id;
+               else
+                       virt_id = port->id.phys_id;
+               r1.field.pp = port->id.phys_id;
+               offs = vdev_id * DLB2_MAX_NUM_LDB_PORTS + virt_id;
+               DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_VF_LDB_VPP2PP(offs), r1.val);
+               r2.field.vdev = vdev_id;
+               DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                           DLB2_SYS_LDB_PP2VDEV(port->id.phys_id),
+                           r2.val);
+               r3.field.vpp_v = 1;
+               DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_VF_LDB_VPP_V(offs), r3.val);
+       }
+       r4.field.pp_v = 1;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                   DLB2_SYS_LDB_PP_V(port->id.phys_id),
+                   r4.val);
+static int dlb2_ldb_port_configure_cq(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                                     struct dlb2_hw_domain *domain,
+                                     struct dlb2_ldb_port *port,
+                                     uintptr_t cq_dma_base,
+                                     struct dlb2_create_ldb_port_args *args,
+                                     bool vdev_req,
+                                     unsigned int vdev_id)
+       union dlb2_sys_ldb_cq_addr_l r0 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_sys_ldb_cq_addr_u r1 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_sys_ldb_cq2vf_pf_ro r2 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_chp_ldb_cq_tkn_depth_sel r3 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_lsp_cq_ldb_tkn_depth_sel r4 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_chp_hist_list_lim r5 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_chp_hist_list_base r6 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_lsp_cq_ldb_infl_lim r7 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_chp_hist_list_push_ptr r8 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_chp_hist_list_pop_ptr r9 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_sys_ldb_cq_at r10 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_sys_ldb_cq_pasid r11 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_chp_ldb_cq2vas r12 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_lsp_cq2priov r13 = { {0} };
+       /* The CQ address is 64B-aligned, and the DLB only wants bits [63:6] */
+       r0.field.addr_l = cq_dma_base >> 6;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_LDB_CQ_ADDR_L(port->id.phys_id), r0.val);
+       r1.field.addr_u = cq_dma_base >> 32;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_LDB_CQ_ADDR_U(port->id.phys_id), r1.val);
+       /*
+        * 'ro' == relaxed ordering. This setting allows DLB2 to write
+        * cache lines out-of-order (but QEs within a cache line are always
+        * updated in-order).
+        */
+       r2.field.vf = vdev_id;
+       r2.field.is_pf = !vdev_req && (hw->virt_mode != DLB2_VIRT_SIOV);
+ = 1;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_LDB_CQ2VF_PF_RO(port->id.phys_id), r2.val);
+       if (args->cq_depth <= 8) {
+               r3.field.token_depth_select = 1;
+       } else if (args->cq_depth == 16) {
+               r3.field.token_depth_select = 2;
+       } else if (args->cq_depth == 32) {
+               r3.field.token_depth_select = 3;
+       } else if (args->cq_depth == 64) {
+               r3.field.token_depth_select = 4;
+       } else if (args->cq_depth == 128) {
+               r3.field.token_depth_select = 5;
+       } else if (args->cq_depth == 256) {
+               r3.field.token_depth_select = 6;
+       } else if (args->cq_depth == 512) {
+               r3.field.token_depth_select = 7;
+       } else if (args->cq_depth == 1024) {
+               r3.field.token_depth_select = 8;
+       } else {
+               DLB2_HW_ERR(hw,
+                           "[%s():%d] Internal error: invalid CQ depth\n",
+                           __func__, __LINE__);
+               return -EFAULT;
+       }
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                   DLB2_CHP_LDB_CQ_TKN_DEPTH_SEL(port->id.phys_id),
+                   r3.val);
+       /*
+        * To support CQs with depth less than 8, program the token count
+        * register with a non-zero initial value. Operations such as domain
+        * reset must take this initial value into account when quiescing the
+        * CQ.
+        */
+       port->init_tkn_cnt = 0;
+       if (args->cq_depth < 8) {
+               union dlb2_lsp_cq_ldb_tkn_cnt r14 = { {0} };
+               port->init_tkn_cnt = 8 - args->cq_depth;
+               r14.field.token_count = port->init_tkn_cnt;
+               DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                           DLB2_LSP_CQ_LDB_TKN_CNT(port->id.phys_id),
+                           r14.val);
+       } else {
+               DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                           DLB2_LSP_CQ_LDB_TKN_CNT(port->id.phys_id),
+                           DLB2_LSP_CQ_LDB_TKN_CNT_RST);
+       }
+       r4.field.token_depth_select = r3.field.token_depth_select;
+       r4.field.ignore_depth = 0;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                   DLB2_LSP_CQ_LDB_TKN_DEPTH_SEL(port->id.phys_id),
+                   r4.val);
+       /* Reset the CQ write pointer */
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                   DLB2_CHP_LDB_CQ_WPTR(port->id.phys_id),
+                   DLB2_CHP_LDB_CQ_WPTR_RST);
+       r5.field.limit = port->hist_list_entry_limit - 1;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_CHP_HIST_LIST_LIM(port->id.phys_id), r5.val);
+       r6.field.base = port->hist_list_entry_base;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_CHP_HIST_LIST_BASE(port->id.phys_id), r6.val);
+       /*
+        * The inflight limit sets a cap on the number of QEs for which this CQ
+        * can owe completions at one time.
+        */
+       r7.field.limit = args->cq_history_list_size;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_LSP_CQ_LDB_INFL_LIM(port->id.phys_id), r7.val);
+       r8.field.push_ptr = r6.field.base;
+       r8.field.generation = 0;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                   DLB2_CHP_HIST_LIST_PUSH_PTR(port->id.phys_id),
+                   r8.val);
+       r9.field.pop_ptr = r6.field.base;
+       r9.field.generation = 0;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_CHP_HIST_LIST_POP_PTR(port->id.phys_id), r9.val);
+       /*
+        * Address translation (AT) settings: 0: untranslated, 2: translated
+        * (see ATS spec regarding Address Type field for more details)
+        */
+       r10.field.cq_at = 0;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_LDB_CQ_AT(port->id.phys_id), r10.val);
+       if (vdev_req && hw->virt_mode == DLB2_VIRT_SIOV) {
+               r11.field.pasid = hw->pasid[vdev_id];
+               r11.field.fmt2 = 1;
+       }
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                   DLB2_SYS_LDB_CQ_PASID(port->id.phys_id),
+                   r11.val);
+       r12.field.cq2vas = domain->id.phys_id;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_CHP_LDB_CQ2VAS(port->id.phys_id), r12.val);
+       /* Disable the port's QID mappings */
+       r13.field.v = 0;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_LSP_CQ2PRIOV(port->id.phys_id), r13.val);
+       return 0;
+static int dlb2_configure_ldb_port(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                                  struct dlb2_hw_domain *domain,
+                                  struct dlb2_ldb_port *port,
+                                  uintptr_t cq_dma_base,
+                                  struct dlb2_create_ldb_port_args *args,
+                                  bool vdev_req,
+                                  unsigned int vdev_id)
+       int ret, i;
+       port->hist_list_entry_base = domain->hist_list_entry_base +
+                                    domain->hist_list_entry_offset;
+       port->hist_list_entry_limit = port->hist_list_entry_base +
+                                     args->cq_history_list_size;
+       domain->hist_list_entry_offset += args->cq_history_list_size;
+       domain->avail_hist_list_entries -= args->cq_history_list_size;
+       ret = dlb2_ldb_port_configure_cq(hw,
+                                        domain,
+                                        port,
+                                        cq_dma_base,
+                                        args,
+                                        vdev_req,
+                                        vdev_id);
+       if (ret < 0)
+               return ret;
+       dlb2_ldb_port_configure_pp(hw,
+                                  domain,
+                                  port,
+                                  vdev_req,
+                                  vdev_id);
+       dlb2_ldb_port_cq_enable(hw, port);
+       for (i = 0; i < DLB2_MAX_NUM_QIDS_PER_LDB_CQ; i++)
+               port->qid_map[i].state = DLB2_QUEUE_UNMAPPED;
+       port->num_mappings = 0;
+       port->enabled = true;
+       port->configured = true;
+       return 0;
+static void
+dlb2_log_create_ldb_port_args(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                             u32 domain_id,
+                             uintptr_t cq_dma_base,
+                             struct dlb2_create_ldb_port_args *args,
+                             bool vdev_req,
+                             unsigned int vdev_id)
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "DLB2 create load-balanced port arguments:\n");
+       if (vdev_req)
+               DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "(Request from vdev %d)\n", vdev_id);
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "\tDomain ID:                 %d\n",
+                   domain_id);
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "\tCQ depth:                  %d\n",
+                   args->cq_depth);
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "\tCQ hist list size:         %d\n",
+                   args->cq_history_list_size);
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "\tCQ base address:           0x%lx\n",
+                   cq_dma_base);
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "\tCoS ID:                    %u\n", args->cos_id);
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "\tStrict CoS allocation:     %u\n",
+                   args->cos_strict);
+static int
+dlb2_verify_create_ldb_port_args(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                                u32 domain_id,
+                                uintptr_t cq_dma_base,
+                                struct dlb2_create_ldb_port_args *args,
+                                struct dlb2_cmd_response *resp,
+                                bool vdev_req,
+                                unsigned int vdev_id)
+       struct dlb2_hw_domain *domain;
+       int i;
+       domain = dlb2_get_domain_from_id(hw, domain_id, vdev_req, vdev_id);
+       if (domain == NULL) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_INVALID_DOMAIN_ID;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (!domain->configured) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_DOMAIN_NOT_CONFIGURED;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (domain->started) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_DOMAIN_STARTED;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (args->cos_id >= DLB2_NUM_COS_DOMAINS) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_INVALID_COS_ID;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (args->cos_strict) {
+               if (dlb2_list_empty(&domain->avail_ldb_ports[args->cos_id])) {
+                       resp->status = DLB2_ST_LDB_PORTS_UNAVAILABLE;
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+       } else {
+               for (i = 0; i < DLB2_NUM_COS_DOMAINS; i++) {
+                       if (!dlb2_list_empty(&domain->avail_ldb_ports[i]))
+                               break;
+               }
+               if (i == DLB2_NUM_COS_DOMAINS) {
+                       resp->status = DLB2_ST_LDB_PORTS_UNAVAILABLE;
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+       }
+       /* Check cache-line alignment */
+       if ((cq_dma_base & 0x3F) != 0) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_INVALID_CQ_VIRT_ADDR;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (args->cq_depth != 1 &&
+           args->cq_depth != 2 &&
+           args->cq_depth != 4 &&
+           args->cq_depth != 8 &&
+           args->cq_depth != 16 &&
+           args->cq_depth != 32 &&
+           args->cq_depth != 64 &&
+           args->cq_depth != 128 &&
+           args->cq_depth != 256 &&
+           args->cq_depth != 512 &&
+           args->cq_depth != 1024) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_INVALID_CQ_DEPTH;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       /* The history list size must be >= 1 */
+       if (!args->cq_history_list_size) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_INVALID_HIST_LIST_DEPTH;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (args->cq_history_list_size > domain->avail_hist_list_entries) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_HIST_LIST_ENTRIES_UNAVAILABLE;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       return 0;
+ * dlb2_hw_create_ldb_port() - Allocate and initialize a load-balanced port and
+ *     its resources.
+ * @hw:        Contains the current state of the DLB2 hardware.
+ * @domain_id: Domain ID
+ * @args: User-provided arguments.
+ * @cq_dma_base: Base DMA address for consumer queue memory
+ * @resp: Response to user.
+ * @vdev_req: Request came from a virtual device.
+ * @vdev_id: If vdev_req is true, this contains the virtual device's ID.
+ *
+ * Return: returns < 0 on error, 0 otherwise. If the driver is unable to
+ * satisfy a request, resp->status will be set accordingly.
+ */
+int dlb2_hw_create_ldb_port(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                           u32 domain_id,
+                           struct dlb2_create_ldb_port_args *args,
+                           uintptr_t cq_dma_base,
+                           struct dlb2_cmd_response *resp,
+                           bool vdev_req,
+                           unsigned int vdev_id)
+       struct dlb2_hw_domain *domain;
+       struct dlb2_ldb_port *port;
+       int ret, cos_id, i;
+       dlb2_log_create_ldb_port_args(hw,
+                                     domain_id,
+                                     cq_dma_base,
+                                     args,
+                                     vdev_req,
+                                     vdev_id);
+       /*
+        * Verify that hardware resources are available before attempting to
+        * satisfy the request. This simplifies the error unwinding code.
+        */
+       ret = dlb2_verify_create_ldb_port_args(hw,
+                                              domain_id,
+                                              cq_dma_base,
+                                              args,
+                                              resp,
+                                              vdev_req,
+                                              vdev_id);
+       if (ret)
+               return ret;
+       domain = dlb2_get_domain_from_id(hw, domain_id, vdev_req, vdev_id);
+       if (domain == NULL) {
+               DLB2_HW_ERR(hw,
+                           "[%s():%d] Internal error: domain not found\n",
+                           __func__, __LINE__);
+               return -EFAULT;
+       }
+       if (args->cos_strict) {
+               cos_id = args->cos_id;
+               port = DLB2_DOM_LIST_HEAD(domain->avail_ldb_ports[cos_id],
+                                         typeof(*port));
+       } else {
+               int idx;
+               for (i = 0; i < DLB2_NUM_COS_DOMAINS; i++) {
+                       idx = (args->cos_id + i) % DLB2_NUM_COS_DOMAINS;
+                       port = DLB2_DOM_LIST_HEAD(domain->avail_ldb_ports[idx],
+                                                 typeof(*port));
+                       if (port)
+                               break;
+               }
+               cos_id = idx;
+       }
+       if (port == NULL) {
+               DLB2_HW_ERR(hw,
+                           "[%s():%d] Internal error: no available ldb 
+                           __func__, __LINE__);
+               return -EFAULT;
+       }
+       if (port->configured) {
+               DLB2_HW_ERR(hw,
+                           "[%s()] Internal error: avail_ldb_ports contains 
configured ports.\n",
+                           __func__);
+               return -EFAULT;
+       }
+       ret = dlb2_configure_ldb_port(hw,
+                                     domain,
+                                     port,
+                                     cq_dma_base,
+                                     args,
+                                     vdev_req,
+                                     vdev_id);
+       if (ret < 0)
+               return ret;
+       /*
+        * Configuration succeeded, so move the resource from the 'avail' to
+        * the 'used' list.
+        */
+       dlb2_list_del(&domain->avail_ldb_ports[cos_id], &port->domain_list);
+       dlb2_list_add(&domain->used_ldb_ports[cos_id], &port->domain_list);
+       resp->status = 0;
+       resp->id = (vdev_req) ? port->id.virt_id : port->id.phys_id;
+       return 0;
+static void
+dlb2_log_create_dir_port_args(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                             u32 domain_id,
+                             uintptr_t cq_dma_base,
+                             struct dlb2_create_dir_port_args *args,
+                             bool vdev_req,
+                             unsigned int vdev_id)
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "DLB2 create directed port arguments:\n");
+       if (vdev_req)
+               DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "(Request from vdev %d)\n", vdev_id);
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "\tDomain ID:                 %d\n",
+                   domain_id);
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "\tCQ depth:                  %d\n",
+                   args->cq_depth);
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "\tCQ base address:           0x%lx\n",
+                   cq_dma_base);
+static struct dlb2_dir_pq_pair *
+dlb2_get_domain_used_dir_pq(u32 id,
+                           bool vdev_req,
+                           struct dlb2_hw_domain *domain)
+       struct dlb2_list_entry *iter;
+       struct dlb2_dir_pq_pair *port;
+       RTE_SET_USED(iter);
+       if (id >= DLB2_MAX_NUM_DIR_PORTS)
+               return NULL;
+       DLB2_DOM_LIST_FOR(domain->used_dir_pq_pairs, port, iter)
+               if ((!vdev_req && port->id.phys_id == id) ||
+                   (vdev_req && port->id.virt_id == id))
+                       return port;
+       return NULL;
+static int
+dlb2_verify_create_dir_port_args(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                                u32 domain_id,
+                                uintptr_t cq_dma_base,
+                                struct dlb2_create_dir_port_args *args,
+                                struct dlb2_cmd_response *resp,
+                                bool vdev_req,
+                                unsigned int vdev_id)
+       struct dlb2_hw_domain *domain;
+       domain = dlb2_get_domain_from_id(hw, domain_id, vdev_req, vdev_id);
+       if (domain == NULL) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_INVALID_DOMAIN_ID;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (!domain->configured) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_DOMAIN_NOT_CONFIGURED;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (domain->started) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_DOMAIN_STARTED;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       /*
+        * If the user claims the queue is already configured, validate
+        * the queue ID, its domain, and whether the queue is configured.
+        */
+       if (args->queue_id != -1) {
+               struct dlb2_dir_pq_pair *queue;
+               queue = dlb2_get_domain_used_dir_pq(args->queue_id,
+                                                   vdev_req,
+                                                   domain);
+               if (queue == NULL || queue->domain_id.phys_id !=
+                               domain->id.phys_id ||
+                               !queue->queue_configured) {
+                       resp->status = DLB2_ST_INVALID_DIR_QUEUE_ID;
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+       }
+       /*
+        * If the port's queue is not configured, validate that a free
+        * port-queue pair is available.
+        */
+       if (args->queue_id == -1 &&
+           dlb2_list_empty(&domain->avail_dir_pq_pairs)) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_DIR_PORTS_UNAVAILABLE;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       /* Check cache-line alignment */
+       if ((cq_dma_base & 0x3F) != 0) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_INVALID_CQ_VIRT_ADDR;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (args->cq_depth != 1 &&
+           args->cq_depth != 2 &&
+           args->cq_depth != 4 &&
+           args->cq_depth != 8 &&
+           args->cq_depth != 16 &&
+           args->cq_depth != 32 &&
+           args->cq_depth != 64 &&
+           args->cq_depth != 128 &&
+           args->cq_depth != 256 &&
+           args->cq_depth != 512 &&
+           args->cq_depth != 1024) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_INVALID_CQ_DEPTH;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       return 0;
+static void dlb2_dir_port_configure_pp(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                                      struct dlb2_hw_domain *domain,
+                                      struct dlb2_dir_pq_pair *port,
+                                      bool vdev_req,
+                                      unsigned int vdev_id)
+       union dlb2_sys_dir_pp2vas r0 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_sys_dir_pp_v r4 = { {0} };
+       r0.field.vas = domain->id.phys_id;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_DIR_PP2VAS(port->id.phys_id), r0.val);
+       if (vdev_req) {
+               union dlb2_sys_vf_dir_vpp2pp r1 = { {0} };
+               union dlb2_sys_dir_pp2vdev r2 = { {0} };
+               union dlb2_sys_vf_dir_vpp_v r3 = { {0} };
+               unsigned int offs;
+               u32 virt_id;
+               /*
+                * DLB uses producer port address bits 17:12 to determine the
+                * producer port ID. In Scalable IOV mode, PP accesses come
+                * through the PF MMIO window for the physical producer port,
+                * so for translation purposes the virtual and physical port
+                * IDs are equal.
+                */
+               if (hw->virt_mode == DLB2_VIRT_SRIOV)
+                       virt_id = port->id.virt_id;
+               else
+                       virt_id = port->id.phys_id;
+               r1.field.pp = port->id.phys_id;
+               offs = vdev_id * DLB2_MAX_NUM_DIR_PORTS + virt_id;
+               DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_VF_DIR_VPP2PP(offs), r1.val);
+               r2.field.vdev = vdev_id;
+               DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                           DLB2_SYS_DIR_PP2VDEV(port->id.phys_id),
+                           r2.val);
+               r3.field.vpp_v = 1;
+               DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_VF_DIR_VPP_V(offs), r3.val);
+       }
+       r4.field.pp_v = 1;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                   DLB2_SYS_DIR_PP_V(port->id.phys_id),
+                   r4.val);
+static int dlb2_dir_port_configure_cq(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                                     struct dlb2_hw_domain *domain,
+                                     struct dlb2_dir_pq_pair *port,
+                                     uintptr_t cq_dma_base,
+                                     struct dlb2_create_dir_port_args *args,
+                                     bool vdev_req,
+                                     unsigned int vdev_id)
+       union dlb2_sys_dir_cq_addr_l r0 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_sys_dir_cq_addr_u r1 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_sys_dir_cq2vf_pf_ro r2 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_chp_dir_cq_tkn_depth_sel r3 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_lsp_cq_dir_tkn_depth_sel_dsi r4 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_sys_dir_cq_fmt r9 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_sys_dir_cq_at r10 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_sys_dir_cq_pasid r11 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_chp_dir_cq2vas r12 = { {0} };
+       /* The CQ address is 64B-aligned, and the DLB only wants bits [63:6] */
+       r0.field.addr_l = cq_dma_base >> 6;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_DIR_CQ_ADDR_L(port->id.phys_id), r0.val);
+       r1.field.addr_u = cq_dma_base >> 32;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_DIR_CQ_ADDR_U(port->id.phys_id), r1.val);
+       /*
+        * 'ro' == relaxed ordering. This setting allows DLB2 to write
+        * cache lines out-of-order (but QEs within a cache line are always
+        * updated in-order).
+        */
+       r2.field.vf = vdev_id;
+       r2.field.is_pf = !vdev_req && (hw->virt_mode != DLB2_VIRT_SIOV);
+ = 1;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_DIR_CQ2VF_PF_RO(port->id.phys_id), r2.val);
+       if (args->cq_depth <= 8) {
+               r3.field.token_depth_select = 1;
+       } else if (args->cq_depth == 16) {
+               r3.field.token_depth_select = 2;
+       } else if (args->cq_depth == 32) {
+               r3.field.token_depth_select = 3;
+       } else if (args->cq_depth == 64) {
+               r3.field.token_depth_select = 4;
+       } else if (args->cq_depth == 128) {
+               r3.field.token_depth_select = 5;
+       } else if (args->cq_depth == 256) {
+               r3.field.token_depth_select = 6;
+       } else if (args->cq_depth == 512) {
+               r3.field.token_depth_select = 7;
+       } else if (args->cq_depth == 1024) {
+               r3.field.token_depth_select = 8;
+       } else {
+               DLB2_HW_ERR(hw,
+                           "[%s():%d] Internal error: invalid CQ depth\n",
+                           __func__, __LINE__);
+               return -EFAULT;
+       }
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                   DLB2_CHP_DIR_CQ_TKN_DEPTH_SEL(port->id.phys_id),
+                   r3.val);
+       /*
+        * To support CQs with depth less than 8, program the token count
+        * register with a non-zero initial value. Operations such as domain
+        * reset must take this initial value into account when quiescing the
+        * CQ.
+        */
+       port->init_tkn_cnt = 0;
+       if (args->cq_depth < 8) {
+               union dlb2_lsp_cq_dir_tkn_cnt r13 = { {0} };
+               port->init_tkn_cnt = 8 - args->cq_depth;
+               r13.field.count = port->init_tkn_cnt;
+               DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                           DLB2_LSP_CQ_DIR_TKN_CNT(port->id.phys_id),
+                           r13.val);
+       } else {
+               DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                           DLB2_LSP_CQ_DIR_TKN_CNT(port->id.phys_id),
+                           DLB2_LSP_CQ_DIR_TKN_CNT_RST);
+       }
+       r4.field.token_depth_select = r3.field.token_depth_select;
+       r4.field.disable_wb_opt = 0;
+       r4.field.ignore_depth = 0;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                   DLB2_LSP_CQ_DIR_TKN_DEPTH_SEL_DSI(port->id.phys_id),
+                   r4.val);
+       /* Reset the CQ write pointer */
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                   DLB2_CHP_DIR_CQ_WPTR(port->id.phys_id),
+                   DLB2_CHP_DIR_CQ_WPTR_RST);
+       /* Virtualize the PPID */
+       r9.field.keep_pf_ppid = 0;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_DIR_CQ_FMT(port->id.phys_id), r9.val);
+       /*
+        * Address translation (AT) settings: 0: untranslated, 2: translated
+        * (see ATS spec regarding Address Type field for more details)
+        */
+       r10.field.cq_at = 0;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_DIR_CQ_AT(port->id.phys_id), r10.val);
+       if (vdev_req && hw->virt_mode == DLB2_VIRT_SIOV) {
+               r11.field.pasid = hw->pasid[vdev_id];
+               r11.field.fmt2 = 1;
+       }
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                   DLB2_SYS_DIR_CQ_PASID(port->id.phys_id),
+                   r11.val);
+       r12.field.cq2vas = domain->id.phys_id;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_CHP_DIR_CQ2VAS(port->id.phys_id), r12.val);
+       return 0;
+static int dlb2_configure_dir_port(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                                  struct dlb2_hw_domain *domain,
+                                  struct dlb2_dir_pq_pair *port,
+                                  uintptr_t cq_dma_base,
+                                  struct dlb2_create_dir_port_args *args,
+                                  bool vdev_req,
+                                  unsigned int vdev_id)
+       int ret;
+       ret = dlb2_dir_port_configure_cq(hw,
+                                        domain,
+                                        port,
+                                        cq_dma_base,
+                                        args,
+                                        vdev_req,
+                                        vdev_id);
+       if (ret < 0)
+               return ret;
+       dlb2_dir_port_configure_pp(hw,
+                                  domain,
+                                  port,
+                                  vdev_req,
+                                  vdev_id);
+       dlb2_dir_port_cq_enable(hw, port);
+       port->enabled = true;
+       port->port_configured = true;
+       return 0;
+ * dlb2_hw_create_dir_port() - Allocate and initialize a DLB directed port
+ *     and queue. The port/queue pair have the same ID and name.
+ * @hw:        Contains the current state of the DLB2 hardware.
+ * @domain_id: Domain ID
+ * @args: User-provided arguments.
+ * @cq_dma_base: Base DMA address for consumer queue memory
+ * @resp: Response to user.
+ * @vdev_req: Request came from a virtual device.
+ * @vdev_id: If vdev_req is true, this contains the virtual device's ID.
+ *
+ * Return: returns < 0 on error, 0 otherwise. If the driver is unable to
+ * satisfy a request, resp->status will be set accordingly.
+ */
+int dlb2_hw_create_dir_port(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                           u32 domain_id,
+                           struct dlb2_create_dir_port_args *args,
+                           uintptr_t cq_dma_base,
+                           struct dlb2_cmd_response *resp,
+                           bool vdev_req,
+                           unsigned int vdev_id)
+       struct dlb2_dir_pq_pair *port;
+       struct dlb2_hw_domain *domain;
+       int ret;
+       dlb2_log_create_dir_port_args(hw,
+                                     domain_id,
+                                     cq_dma_base,
+                                     args,
+                                     vdev_req,
+                                     vdev_id);
+       /*
+        * Verify that hardware resources are available before attempting to
+        * satisfy the request. This simplifies the error unwinding code.
+        */
+       ret = dlb2_verify_create_dir_port_args(hw,
+                                              domain_id,
+                                              cq_dma_base,
+                                              args,
+                                              resp,
+                                              vdev_req,
+                                              vdev_id);
+       if (ret)
+               return ret;
+       domain = dlb2_get_domain_from_id(hw, domain_id, vdev_req, vdev_id);
+       if (args->queue_id != -1)
+               port = dlb2_get_domain_used_dir_pq(args->queue_id,
+                                                  vdev_req,
+                                                  domain);
+       else
+               port = DLB2_DOM_LIST_HEAD(domain->avail_dir_pq_pairs,
+                                         typeof(*port));
+       if (port == NULL) {
+               DLB2_HW_ERR(hw,
+                           "[%s():%d] Internal error: no available dir 
+                           __func__, __LINE__);
+               return -EFAULT;
+       }
+       ret = dlb2_configure_dir_port(hw,
+                                     domain,
+                                     port,
+                                     cq_dma_base,
+                                     args,
+                                     vdev_req,
+                                     vdev_id);
+       if (ret < 0)
+               return ret;
+       /*
+        * Configuration succeeded, so move the resource from the 'avail' to
+        * the 'used' list (if it's not already there).
+        */
+       if (args->queue_id == -1) {
+               dlb2_list_del(&domain->avail_dir_pq_pairs, &port->domain_list);
+               dlb2_list_add(&domain->used_dir_pq_pairs, &port->domain_list);
+       }
+       resp->status = 0;
+       resp->id = (vdev_req) ? port->id.virt_id : port->id.phys_id;
+       return 0;
diff --git a/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_main.c 
index 14bb04b..2a089f6 100644
--- a/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_main.c
+++ b/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_main.c
@@ -623,3 +623,31 @@ dlb2_pf_create_ldb_queue(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
        return dlb2_hw_create_ldb_queue(hw, id, args, resp, NOT_VF_REQ,
+dlb2_pf_create_ldb_port(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                       u32 id,
+                       struct dlb2_create_ldb_port_args *args,
+                       uintptr_t cq_dma_base,
+                       struct dlb2_cmd_response *resp)
+       return dlb2_hw_create_ldb_port(hw, id, args,
+                                      cq_dma_base,
+                                      resp,
+                                      NOT_VF_REQ,
+                                      PF_ID_ZERO);
+dlb2_pf_create_dir_port(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                       u32 id,
+                       struct dlb2_create_dir_port_args *args,
+                       uintptr_t cq_dma_base,
+                       struct dlb2_cmd_response *resp)
+       return dlb2_hw_create_dir_port(hw, id, args,
+                                      cq_dma_base,
+                                      resp,
+                                      NOT_VF_REQ,
+                                      PF_ID_ZERO);
diff --git a/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_pf.c b/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_pf.c
index a6cd178..2a82b8f 100644
--- a/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_pf.c
+++ b/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_pf.c
@@ -228,6 +228,184 @@ dlb2_pf_set_sn_allocation(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
        return ret;
+static void *
+dlb2_alloc_coherent_aligned(const struct rte_memzone **mz, uintptr_t *phys,
+                           size_t size, int align)
+       char mz_name[RTE_MEMZONE_NAMESIZE];
+       uint32_t core_id = rte_lcore_id();
+       unsigned int socket_id;
+       snprintf(mz_name, sizeof(mz_name) - 1, "event_dlb2_pf_%lx",
+                (unsigned long)rte_get_timer_cycles());
+       if (core_id == (unsigned int)LCORE_ID_ANY)
+               core_id = rte_get_main_lcore();
+       socket_id = rte_lcore_to_socket_id(core_id);
+       *mz = rte_memzone_reserve_aligned(mz_name, size, socket_id,
+                                        RTE_MEMZONE_IOVA_CONTIG, align);
+       if (*mz == NULL) {
+               DLB2_LOG_DBG("Unable to allocate DMA memory of size %zu bytes - 
+                            size, rte_strerror(rte_errno));
+               *phys = 0;
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       *phys = (*mz)->iova;
+       return (*mz)->addr;
+static int
+dlb2_pf_ldb_port_create(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                       struct dlb2_create_ldb_port_args *cfg,
+                       enum dlb2_cq_poll_modes poll_mode)
+       struct dlb2_dev *dlb2_dev = (struct dlb2_dev *)handle->pf_dev;
+       struct dlb2_cmd_response response = {0};
+       struct dlb2_port_memory port_memory;
+       int ret, cq_alloc_depth;
+       uint8_t *port_base;
+       const struct rte_memzone *mz;
+       int alloc_sz, qe_sz;
+       phys_addr_t cq_base;
+       phys_addr_t pp_base;
+       int is_dir = false;
+       DLB2_INFO(dev->dlb2_device, "Entering %s()\n", __func__);
+       if (poll_mode == DLB2_CQ_POLL_MODE_STD)
+               qe_sz = sizeof(struct dlb2_dequeue_qe);
+       else
+               qe_sz = RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
+       /* Calculate the port memory required, and round up to the nearest
+        * cache line.
+        */
+       cq_alloc_depth = RTE_MAX(cfg->cq_depth, DLB2_MIN_HARDWARE_CQ_DEPTH);
+       alloc_sz = cq_alloc_depth * qe_sz;
+       alloc_sz = RTE_CACHE_LINE_ROUNDUP(alloc_sz);
+       port_base = dlb2_alloc_coherent_aligned(&mz, &cq_base, alloc_sz,
+                                               PAGE_SIZE);
+       if (port_base == NULL)
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       /* Lock the page in memory */
+       ret = rte_mem_lock_page(port_base);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2 pf pmd could not lock page for device 
+               goto create_port_err;
+       }
+       memset(port_base, 0, alloc_sz);
+       ret = dlb2_pf_create_ldb_port(&dlb2_dev->hw,
+                                     handle->domain_id,
+                                     cfg,
+                                     cq_base,
+                                     &response);
+       if (ret)
+               goto create_port_err;
+       pp_base = (uintptr_t)dlb2_dev->hw.func_kva + PP_BASE(is_dir);
+       dlb2_port[][DLB2_LDB_PORT].pp_addr =
+               (void *)(pp_base + (PAGE_SIZE *;
+       dlb2_port[][DLB2_LDB_PORT].cq_base = (void *)(port_base);
+       memset(&port_memory, 0, sizeof(port_memory));
+       dlb2_port[][DLB2_LDB_PORT].mz = mz;
+       dlb2_list_init_head(&port_memory.list);
+       cfg->response = response;
+       return 0;
+       rte_memzone_free(mz);
+       DLB2_INFO(dev->dlb2_device, "Exiting %s() with ret=%d\n",
+                 __func__, ret);
+       return ret;
+static int
+dlb2_pf_dir_port_create(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                       struct dlb2_create_dir_port_args *cfg,
+                       enum dlb2_cq_poll_modes poll_mode)
+       struct dlb2_dev *dlb2_dev = (struct dlb2_dev *)handle->pf_dev;
+       struct dlb2_cmd_response response = {0};
+       struct dlb2_port_memory port_memory;
+       int ret;
+       uint8_t *port_base;
+       const struct rte_memzone *mz;
+       int alloc_sz, qe_sz;
+       phys_addr_t cq_base;
+       phys_addr_t pp_base;
+       int is_dir = true;
+       DLB2_INFO(dev->dlb2_device, "Entering %s()\n", __func__);
+       if (poll_mode == DLB2_CQ_POLL_MODE_STD)
+               qe_sz = sizeof(struct dlb2_dequeue_qe);
+       else
+               qe_sz = RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
+       /* Calculate the port memory required, and round up to the nearest
+        * cache line.
+        */
+       alloc_sz = cfg->cq_depth * qe_sz;
+       alloc_sz = RTE_CACHE_LINE_ROUNDUP(alloc_sz);
+       port_base = dlb2_alloc_coherent_aligned(&mz, &cq_base, alloc_sz,
+                                               PAGE_SIZE);
+       if (port_base == NULL)
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       /* Lock the page in memory */
+       ret = rte_mem_lock_page(port_base);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2 pf pmd could not lock page for device 
+               goto create_port_err;
+       }
+       memset(port_base, 0, alloc_sz);
+       ret = dlb2_pf_create_dir_port(&dlb2_dev->hw,
+                                     handle->domain_id,
+                                     cfg,
+                                     cq_base,
+                                     &response);
+       if (ret)
+               goto create_port_err;
+       pp_base = (uintptr_t)dlb2_dev->hw.func_kva + PP_BASE(is_dir);
+       dlb2_port[][DLB2_DIR_PORT].pp_addr =
+               (void *)(pp_base + (PAGE_SIZE *;
+       dlb2_port[][DLB2_DIR_PORT].cq_base =
+               (void *)(port_base);
+       memset(&port_memory, 0, sizeof(port_memory));
+       dlb2_port[][DLB2_DIR_PORT].mz = mz;
+       dlb2_list_init_head(&port_memory.list);
+       cfg->response = response;
+       return 0;
+       rte_memzone_free(mz);
+       DLB2_INFO(dev->dlb2_device, "Exiting %s() with ret=%d\n",
+                 __func__, ret);
+       return ret;
 static void
@@ -240,6 +418,8 @@ dlb2_pf_iface_fn_ptrs_init(void)
        dlb2_iface_get_cq_poll_mode = dlb2_pf_get_cq_poll_mode;
        dlb2_iface_sched_domain_create = dlb2_pf_sched_domain_create;
        dlb2_iface_ldb_queue_create = dlb2_pf_ldb_queue_create;
+       dlb2_iface_ldb_port_create = dlb2_pf_ldb_port_create;
+       dlb2_iface_dir_port_create = dlb2_pf_dir_port_create;
        dlb2_iface_get_sn_allocation = dlb2_pf_get_sn_allocation;
        dlb2_iface_set_sn_allocation = dlb2_pf_set_sn_allocation;
        dlb2_iface_get_sn_occupancy = dlb2_pf_get_sn_occupancy;

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