Add port link entry point. Directed queues are identified and created
at this stage. Their setup deferred until link-time, at which
point we know the directed port ID. Directed queue setup
will only fail if this queue is already setup or there are
no directed queues left to configure.

Signed-off-by: Timothy McDaniel <>
Reviewed-by: Gage Eads <>
 drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2.c                  | 302 ++++++++++++++
 drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.c            |   6 +
 drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.h            |   6 +
 drivers/event/dlb2/pf/base/dlb2_resource.c | 633 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_main.c          |  10 +
 drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_pf.c            |  50 +++
 6 files changed, 1007 insertions(+)

diff --git a/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2.c b/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2.c
index 9e8dcce..c6593c7 100644
--- a/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2.c
+++ b/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2.c
@@ -1496,6 +1496,307 @@ dlb2_eventdev_port_setup(struct rte_eventdev *dev,
        return 0;
+static int16_t
+dlb2_hw_map_ldb_qid_to_port(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                           uint32_t qm_port_id,
+                           uint16_t qm_qid,
+                           uint8_t priority)
+       struct dlb2_map_qid_args cfg;
+       int32_t ret;
+       if (handle == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       /* Build message */
+       cfg.port_id = qm_port_id;
+       cfg.qid = qm_qid;
+       cfg.priority = EV_TO_DLB2_PRIO(priority);
+       ret = dlb2_iface_map_qid(handle, &cfg);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: map qid error, ret=%d (driver status: 
+                            ret, dlb2_error_strings[cfg.response.status]);
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: grp=%d, qm_port=%d, qm_qid=%d prio=%d\n",
+                            handle->domain_id, cfg.port_id,
+                            cfg.qid,
+                            cfg.priority);
+       } else {
+               DLB2_LOG_DBG("dlb2: mapped queue %d to qm_port %d\n",
+                            qm_qid, qm_port_id);
+       }
+       return ret;
+static int
+dlb2_event_queue_join_ldb(struct dlb2_eventdev *dlb2,
+                         struct dlb2_eventdev_port *ev_port,
+                         struct dlb2_eventdev_queue *ev_queue,
+                         uint8_t priority)
+       int first_avail = -1;
+       int ret, i;
+       for (i = 0; i < DLB2_MAX_NUM_QIDS_PER_LDB_CQ; i++) {
+               if (ev_port->link[i].valid) {
+                       if (ev_port->link[i].queue_id == ev_queue->id &&
+                           ev_port->link[i].priority == priority) {
+                               if (ev_port->link[i].mapped)
+                                       return 0; /* already mapped */
+                               first_avail = i;
+                       }
+               } else if (first_avail == -1)
+                       first_avail = i;
+       }
+       if (first_avail == -1) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: qm_port %d has no available QID slots.\n",
+                            ev_port->;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       ret = dlb2_hw_map_ldb_qid_to_port(&dlb2->qm_instance,
+                                         ev_port->,
+                                         ev_queue->,
+                                         priority);
+       if (!ret)
+               ev_port->link[first_avail].mapped = true;
+       return ret;
+static int32_t
+dlb2_hw_create_dir_queue(struct dlb2_eventdev *dlb2,
+                        struct dlb2_eventdev_queue *ev_queue,
+                        int32_t qm_port_id)
+       struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle = &dlb2->qm_instance;
+       struct dlb2_create_dir_queue_args cfg;
+       int32_t ret;
+       /* The directed port is always configured before its queue */
+       cfg.port_id = qm_port_id;
+       if (ev_queue->depth_threshold == 0) {
+               cfg.depth_threshold = RTE_PMD_DLB2_DEFAULT_DEPTH_THRESH;
+               ev_queue->depth_threshold = RTE_PMD_DLB2_DEFAULT_DEPTH_THRESH;
+       } else
+               cfg.depth_threshold = ev_queue->depth_threshold;
+       ret = dlb2_iface_dir_queue_create(handle, &cfg);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: create DIR event queue error, ret=%d 
(driver status: %s)\n",
+                            ret, dlb2_error_strings[cfg.response.status]);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       return;
+static int
+dlb2_eventdev_dir_queue_setup(struct dlb2_eventdev *dlb2,
+                             struct dlb2_eventdev_queue *ev_queue,
+                             struct dlb2_eventdev_port *ev_port)
+       int32_t qm_qid;
+       qm_qid = dlb2_hw_create_dir_queue(dlb2, ev_queue, ev_port->;
+       if (qm_qid < 0) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("Failed to create the DIR queue\n");
+               return qm_qid;
+       }
+       dlb2->qm_dir_to_ev_queue_id[qm_qid] = ev_queue->id;
+       ev_queue-> = qm_qid;
+       return 0;
+static int
+dlb2_do_port_link(struct rte_eventdev *dev,
+                 struct dlb2_eventdev_queue *ev_queue,
+                 struct dlb2_eventdev_port *ev_port,
+                 uint8_t prio)
+       struct dlb2_eventdev *dlb2 = dlb2_pmd_priv(dev);
+       int err;
+       /* Don't link until start time. */
+       if (dlb2->run_state == DLB2_RUN_STATE_STOPPED)
+               return 0;
+       if (ev_queue->qm_queue.is_directed)
+               err = dlb2_eventdev_dir_queue_setup(dlb2, ev_queue, ev_port);
+       else
+               err = dlb2_event_queue_join_ldb(dlb2, ev_port, ev_queue, prio);
+       if (err) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("port link failure for %s ev_q %d, ev_port %d\n",
+                            ev_queue->qm_queue.is_directed ? "DIR" : "LDB",
+                            ev_queue->id, ev_port->id);
+               rte_errno = err;
+               return -1;
+       }
+       return 0;
+static int
+dlb2_validate_port_link(struct dlb2_eventdev_port *ev_port,
+                       uint8_t queue_id,
+                       bool link_exists,
+                       int index)
+       struct dlb2_eventdev *dlb2 = ev_port->dlb2;
+       struct dlb2_eventdev_queue *ev_queue;
+       bool port_is_dir, queue_is_dir;
+       if (queue_id > dlb2->num_queues) {
+               rte_errno = -EINVAL;
+               return -1;
+       }
+       ev_queue = &dlb2->ev_queues[queue_id];
+       if (!ev_queue->setup_done &&
+           ev_queue->qm_queue.config_state != DLB2_PREV_CONFIGURED) {
+               rte_errno = -EINVAL;
+               return -1;
+       }
+       port_is_dir = ev_port->qm_port.is_directed;
+       queue_is_dir = ev_queue->qm_queue.is_directed;
+       if (port_is_dir != queue_is_dir) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("%s queue %u can't link to %s port %u\n",
+                            queue_is_dir ? "DIR" : "LDB", ev_queue->id,
+                            port_is_dir ? "DIR" : "LDB", ev_port->id);
+               rte_errno = -EINVAL;
+               return -1;
+       }
+       /* Check if there is space for the requested link */
+       if (!link_exists && index == -1) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("no space for new link\n");
+               rte_errno = -ENOSPC;
+               return -1;
+       }
+       /* Check if the directed port is already linked */
+       if (ev_port->qm_port.is_directed && ev_port->num_links > 0 &&
+           !link_exists) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("Can't link DIR port %d to >1 queues\n",
+                            ev_port->id);
+               rte_errno = -EINVAL;
+               return -1;
+       }
+       /* Check if the directed queue is already linked */
+       if (ev_queue->qm_queue.is_directed && ev_queue->num_links > 0 &&
+           !link_exists) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("Can't link DIR queue %d to >1 ports\n",
+                            ev_queue->id);
+               rte_errno = -EINVAL;
+               return -1;
+       }
+       return 0;
+static int
+dlb2_eventdev_port_link(struct rte_eventdev *dev, void *event_port,
+                       const uint8_t queues[], const uint8_t priorities[],
+                       uint16_t nb_links)
+       struct dlb2_eventdev_port *ev_port = event_port;
+       struct dlb2_eventdev *dlb2;
+       int i, j;
+       RTE_SET_USED(dev);
+       if (ev_port == NULL) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: evport not setup\n");
+               rte_errno = -EINVAL;
+               return 0;
+       }
+       if (!ev_port->setup_done &&
+           ev_port->qm_port.config_state != DLB2_PREV_CONFIGURED) {
+               DLB2_LOG_ERR("dlb2: evport not setup\n");
+               rte_errno = -EINVAL;
+               return 0;
+       }
+       /* Note: rte_event_port_link() ensures the PMD won't receive a NULL
+        * queues pointer.
+        */
+       if (nb_links == 0) {
+               DLB2_LOG_DBG("dlb2: nb_links is 0\n");
+               return 0; /* Ignore and return success */
+       }
+       dlb2 = ev_port->dlb2;
+       DLB2_LOG_DBG("Linking %u queues to %s port %d\n",
+                    nb_links,
+                    ev_port->qm_port.is_directed ? "DIR" : "LDB",
+                    ev_port->id);
+       for (i = 0; i < nb_links; i++) {
+               struct dlb2_eventdev_queue *ev_queue;
+               uint8_t queue_id, prio;
+               bool found = false;
+               int index = -1;
+               queue_id = queues[i];
+               prio = priorities[i];
+               /* Check if the link already exists. */
+               for (j = 0; j < DLB2_MAX_NUM_QIDS_PER_LDB_CQ; j++)
+                       if (ev_port->link[j].valid) {
+                               if (ev_port->link[j].queue_id == queue_id) {
+                                       found = true;
+                                       index = j;
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                       } else if (index == -1) {
+                               index = j;
+                       }
+               /* could not link */
+               if (index == -1)
+                       break;
+               /* Check if already linked at the requested priority */
+               if (found && ev_port->link[j].priority == prio)
+                       continue;
+               if (dlb2_validate_port_link(ev_port, queue_id, found, index))
+                       break; /* return index of offending queue */
+               ev_queue = &dlb2->ev_queues[queue_id];
+               if (dlb2_do_port_link(dev, ev_queue, ev_port, prio))
+                       break; /* return index of offending queue */
+               ev_queue->num_links++;
+               ev_port->link[index].queue_id = queue_id;
+               ev_port->link[index].priority = prio;
+               ev_port->link[index].valid = true;
+               /* Entry already exists?  If so, then must be prio change */
+               if (!found)
+                       ev_port->num_links++;
+       }
+       return i;
 static void
 dlb2_entry_points_init(struct rte_eventdev *dev)
@@ -1507,6 +1808,7 @@ dlb2_entry_points_init(struct rte_eventdev *dev)
                .queue_setup      = dlb2_eventdev_queue_setup,
                .port_def_conf    = dlb2_eventdev_port_default_conf_get,
                .port_setup       = dlb2_eventdev_port_setup,
+               .port_link        = dlb2_eventdev_port_link,
                .dump             = dlb2_eventdev_dump,
                .xstats_get       = dlb2_eventdev_xstats_get,
                .xstats_get_names = dlb2_eventdev_xstats_get_names,
diff --git a/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.c b/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.c
index 01818c7..7d1ba73 100644
--- a/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.c
+++ b/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.c
@@ -51,3 +51,9 @@ int (*dlb2_iface_ldb_port_create)(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
 int (*dlb2_iface_dir_port_create)(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
                                  struct dlb2_create_dir_port_args *cfg,
                                  enum dlb2_cq_poll_modes poll_mode);
+int (*dlb2_iface_dir_queue_create)(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                                  struct dlb2_create_dir_queue_args *cfg);
+int (*dlb2_iface_map_qid)(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                         struct dlb2_map_qid_args *cfg);
diff --git a/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.h b/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.h
index a6b923a..4eddd14 100644
--- a/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.h
+++ b/drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2_iface.h
@@ -50,4 +50,10 @@ extern int (*dlb2_iface_ldb_port_create)(struct dlb2_hw_dev 
 extern int (*dlb2_iface_dir_port_create)(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
                                         struct dlb2_create_dir_port_args *cfg,
                                         enum dlb2_cq_poll_modes poll_mode);
+extern int (*dlb2_iface_dir_queue_create)(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                                       struct dlb2_create_dir_queue_args *cfg);
+extern int (*dlb2_iface_map_qid)(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                                struct dlb2_map_qid_args *cfg);
 #endif /* _DLB2_IFACE_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/base/dlb2_resource.c 
index a633d3e..14ad262 100644
--- a/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/base/dlb2_resource.c
+++ b/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/base/dlb2_resource.c
@@ -4895,3 +4895,636 @@ int dlb2_hw_create_dir_port(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
        return 0;
+static void dlb2_configure_dir_queue(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                                    struct dlb2_hw_domain *domain,
+                                    struct dlb2_dir_pq_pair *queue,
+                                    struct dlb2_create_dir_queue_args *args,
+                                    bool vdev_req,
+                                    unsigned int vdev_id)
+       union dlb2_sys_dir_vasqid_v r0 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_sys_dir_qid_its r1 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_lsp_qid_dir_depth_thrsh r2 = { {0} };
+       union dlb2_sys_dir_qid_v r5 = { {0} };
+       unsigned int offs;
+       /* QID write permissions are turned on when the domain is started */
+       r0.field.vasqid_v = 0;
+       offs = domain->id.phys_id * DLB2_MAX_NUM_DIR_QUEUES +
+               queue->id.phys_id;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_DIR_VASQID_V(offs), r0.val);
+       /* Don't timestamp QEs that pass through this queue */
+       r1.field.qid_its = 0;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                   DLB2_SYS_DIR_QID_ITS(queue->id.phys_id),
+                   r1.val);
+       r2.field.thresh = args->depth_threshold;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw,
+                   DLB2_LSP_QID_DIR_DEPTH_THRSH(queue->id.phys_id),
+                   r2.val);
+       if (vdev_req) {
+               union dlb2_sys_vf_dir_vqid_v r3 = { {0} };
+               union dlb2_sys_vf_dir_vqid2qid r4 = { {0} };
+               offs = vdev_id * DLB2_MAX_NUM_DIR_QUEUES + queue->id.virt_id;
+               r3.field.vqid_v = 1;
+               DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_VF_DIR_VQID_V(offs), r3.val);
+               r4.field.qid = queue->id.phys_id;
+               DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_VF_DIR_VQID2QID(offs), r4.val);
+       }
+       r5.field.qid_v = 1;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_SYS_DIR_QID_V(queue->id.phys_id), r5.val);
+       queue->queue_configured = true;
+static void
+dlb2_log_create_dir_queue_args(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                              u32 domain_id,
+                              struct dlb2_create_dir_queue_args *args,
+                              bool vdev_req,
+                              unsigned int vdev_id)
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "DLB2 create directed queue arguments:\n");
+       if (vdev_req)
+               DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "(Request from vdev %d)\n", vdev_id);
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "\tDomain ID: %d\n", domain_id);
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "\tPort ID:   %d\n", args->port_id);
+static int
+dlb2_verify_create_dir_queue_args(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                                 u32 domain_id,
+                                 struct dlb2_create_dir_queue_args *args,
+                                 struct dlb2_cmd_response *resp,
+                                 bool vdev_req,
+                                 unsigned int vdev_id)
+       struct dlb2_hw_domain *domain;
+       domain = dlb2_get_domain_from_id(hw, domain_id, vdev_req, vdev_id);
+       if (domain == NULL) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_INVALID_DOMAIN_ID;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (!domain->configured) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_DOMAIN_NOT_CONFIGURED;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (domain->started) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_DOMAIN_STARTED;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       /*
+        * If the user claims the port is already configured, validate the port
+        * ID, its domain, and whether the port is configured.
+        */
+       if (args->port_id != -1) {
+               struct dlb2_dir_pq_pair *port;
+               port = dlb2_get_domain_used_dir_pq(args->port_id,
+                                                  vdev_req,
+                                                  domain);
+               if (port == NULL || port->domain_id.phys_id !=
+                               domain->id.phys_id || !port->port_configured) {
+                       resp->status = DLB2_ST_INVALID_PORT_ID;
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+       }
+       /*
+        * If the queue's port is not configured, validate that a free
+        * port-queue pair is available.
+        */
+       if (args->port_id == -1 &&
+           dlb2_list_empty(&domain->avail_dir_pq_pairs)) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_DIR_QUEUES_UNAVAILABLE;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       return 0;
+ * dlb2_hw_create_dir_queue() - Allocate and initialize a DLB DIR queue.
+ * @hw:        Contains the current state of the DLB2 hardware.
+ * @domain_id: Domain ID
+ * @args: User-provided arguments.
+ * @resp: Response to user.
+ * @vdev_req: Request came from a virtual device.
+ * @vdev_id: If vdev_req is true, this contains the virtual device's ID.
+ *
+ * Return: returns < 0 on error, 0 otherwise. If the driver is unable to
+ * satisfy a request, resp->status will be set accordingly.
+ */
+int dlb2_hw_create_dir_queue(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                            u32 domain_id,
+                            struct dlb2_create_dir_queue_args *args,
+                            struct dlb2_cmd_response *resp,
+                            bool vdev_req,
+                            unsigned int vdev_id)
+       struct dlb2_dir_pq_pair *queue;
+       struct dlb2_hw_domain *domain;
+       int ret;
+       dlb2_log_create_dir_queue_args(hw, domain_id, args, vdev_req, vdev_id);
+       /*
+        * Verify that hardware resources are available before attempting to
+        * satisfy the request. This simplifies the error unwinding code.
+        */
+       ret = dlb2_verify_create_dir_queue_args(hw,
+                                               domain_id,
+                                               args,
+                                               resp,
+                                               vdev_req,
+                                               vdev_id);
+       if (ret)
+               return ret;
+       domain = dlb2_get_domain_from_id(hw, domain_id, vdev_req, vdev_id);
+       if (domain == NULL) {
+               DLB2_HW_ERR(hw,
+                           "[%s():%d] Internal error: domain not found\n",
+                           __func__, __LINE__);
+               return -EFAULT;
+       }
+       if (args->port_id != -1)
+               queue = dlb2_get_domain_used_dir_pq(args->port_id,
+                                                   vdev_req,
+                                                   domain);
+       else
+               queue = DLB2_DOM_LIST_HEAD(domain->avail_dir_pq_pairs,
+                                          typeof(*queue));
+       if (queue == NULL) {
+               DLB2_HW_ERR(hw,
+                           "[%s():%d] Internal error: no available dir 
+                           __func__, __LINE__);
+               return -EFAULT;
+       }
+       dlb2_configure_dir_queue(hw, domain, queue, args, vdev_req, vdev_id);
+       /*
+        * Configuration succeeded, so move the resource from the 'avail' to
+        * the 'used' list (if it's not already there).
+        */
+       if (args->port_id == -1) {
+               dlb2_list_del(&domain->avail_dir_pq_pairs,
+                             &queue->domain_list);
+               dlb2_list_add(&domain->used_dir_pq_pairs,
+                             &queue->domain_list);
+       }
+       resp->status = 0;
+       resp->id = (vdev_req) ? queue->id.virt_id : queue->id.phys_id;
+       return 0;
+static bool
+dlb2_port_find_slot_with_pending_map_queue(struct dlb2_ldb_port *port,
+                                          struct dlb2_ldb_queue *queue,
+                                          int *slot)
+       int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < DLB2_MAX_NUM_QIDS_PER_LDB_CQ; i++) {
+               struct dlb2_ldb_port_qid_map *map = &port->qid_map[i];
+               if (map->state == DLB2_QUEUE_UNMAP_IN_PROG_PENDING_MAP &&
+                   map->pending_qid == queue->id.phys_id)
+                       break;
+       }
+       *slot = i;
+       return (i < DLB2_MAX_NUM_QIDS_PER_LDB_CQ);
+static void dlb2_ldb_port_change_qid_priority(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                                             struct dlb2_ldb_port *port,
+                                             int slot,
+                                             struct dlb2_map_qid_args *args)
+       union dlb2_lsp_cq2priov r0;
+       /* Read-modify-write the priority and valid bit register */
+       r0.val = DLB2_CSR_RD(hw, DLB2_LSP_CQ2PRIOV(port->id.phys_id));
+       r0.field.v |= 1 << slot;
+       r0.field.prio |= (args->priority & 0x7) << slot * 3;
+       DLB2_CSR_WR(hw, DLB2_LSP_CQ2PRIOV(port->id.phys_id), r0.val);
+       dlb2_flush_csr(hw);
+       port->qid_map[slot].priority = args->priority;
+static int dlb2_verify_map_qid_slot_available(struct dlb2_ldb_port *port,
+                                             struct dlb2_ldb_queue *queue,
+                                             struct dlb2_cmd_response *resp)
+       enum dlb2_qid_map_state state;
+       int i;
+       /* Unused slot available? */
+       if (port->num_mappings < DLB2_MAX_NUM_QIDS_PER_LDB_CQ)
+               return 0;
+       /*
+        * If the queue is already mapped (from the application's perspective),
+        * this is simply a priority update.
+        */
+       state = DLB2_QUEUE_MAPPED;
+       if (dlb2_port_find_slot_queue(port, state, queue, &i))
+               return 0;
+       state = DLB2_QUEUE_MAP_IN_PROG;
+       if (dlb2_port_find_slot_queue(port, state, queue, &i))
+               return 0;
+       if (dlb2_port_find_slot_with_pending_map_queue(port, queue, &i))
+               return 0;
+       /*
+        * If the slot contains an unmap in progress, it's considered
+        * available.
+        */
+       state = DLB2_QUEUE_UNMAP_IN_PROG;
+       if (dlb2_port_find_slot(port, state, &i))
+               return 0;
+       state = DLB2_QUEUE_UNMAPPED;
+       if (dlb2_port_find_slot(port, state, &i))
+               return 0;
+       resp->status = DLB2_ST_NO_QID_SLOTS_AVAILABLE;
+       return -EINVAL;
+static struct dlb2_ldb_queue *
+dlb2_get_domain_ldb_queue(u32 id,
+                         bool vdev_req,
+                         struct dlb2_hw_domain *domain)
+       struct dlb2_list_entry *iter;
+       struct dlb2_ldb_queue *queue;
+       RTE_SET_USED(iter);
+       if (id >= DLB2_MAX_NUM_LDB_QUEUES)
+               return NULL;
+       DLB2_DOM_LIST_FOR(domain->used_ldb_queues, queue, iter)
+               if ((!vdev_req && queue->id.phys_id == id) ||
+                   (vdev_req && queue->id.virt_id == id))
+                       return queue;
+       return NULL;
+static struct dlb2_ldb_port *
+dlb2_get_domain_used_ldb_port(u32 id,
+                             bool vdev_req,
+                             struct dlb2_hw_domain *domain)
+       struct dlb2_list_entry *iter;
+       struct dlb2_ldb_port *port;
+       int i;
+       RTE_SET_USED(iter);
+       if (id >= DLB2_MAX_NUM_LDB_PORTS)
+               return NULL;
+       for (i = 0; i < DLB2_NUM_COS_DOMAINS; i++) {
+               DLB2_DOM_LIST_FOR(domain->used_ldb_ports[i], port, iter)
+                       if ((!vdev_req && port->id.phys_id == id) ||
+                           (vdev_req && port->id.virt_id == id))
+                               return port;
+               DLB2_DOM_LIST_FOR(domain->avail_ldb_ports[i], port, iter)
+                       if ((!vdev_req && port->id.phys_id == id) ||
+                           (vdev_req && port->id.virt_id == id))
+                               return port;
+       }
+       return NULL;
+static int dlb2_verify_map_qid_args(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                                   u32 domain_id,
+                                   struct dlb2_map_qid_args *args,
+                                   struct dlb2_cmd_response *resp,
+                                   bool vdev_req,
+                                   unsigned int vdev_id)
+       struct dlb2_hw_domain *domain;
+       struct dlb2_ldb_port *port;
+       struct dlb2_ldb_queue *queue;
+       int id;
+       domain = dlb2_get_domain_from_id(hw, domain_id, vdev_req, vdev_id);
+       if (domain == NULL) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_INVALID_DOMAIN_ID;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (!domain->configured) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_DOMAIN_NOT_CONFIGURED;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       id = args->port_id;
+       port = dlb2_get_domain_used_ldb_port(id, vdev_req, domain);
+       if (port == NULL || !port->configured) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_INVALID_PORT_ID;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (args->priority >= DLB2_QID_PRIORITIES) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_INVALID_PRIORITY;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       queue = dlb2_get_domain_ldb_queue(args->qid, vdev_req, domain);
+       if (queue == NULL || !queue->configured) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_INVALID_QID;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (queue->domain_id.phys_id != domain->id.phys_id) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_INVALID_QID;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (port->domain_id.phys_id != domain->id.phys_id) {
+               resp->status = DLB2_ST_INVALID_PORT_ID;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       return 0;
+static void dlb2_log_map_qid(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                            u32 domain_id,
+                            struct dlb2_map_qid_args *args,
+                            bool vdev_req,
+                            unsigned int vdev_id)
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "DLB2 map QID arguments:\n");
+       if (vdev_req)
+               DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "(Request from vdev %d)\n", vdev_id);
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "\tDomain ID: %d\n",
+                   domain_id);
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "\tPort ID:   %d\n",
+                   args->port_id);
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "\tQueue ID:  %d\n",
+                   args->qid);
+       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "\tPriority:  %d\n",
+                   args->priority);
+int dlb2_hw_map_qid(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                   u32 domain_id,
+                   struct dlb2_map_qid_args *args,
+                   struct dlb2_cmd_response *resp,
+                   bool vdev_req,
+                   unsigned int vdev_id)
+       struct dlb2_hw_domain *domain;
+       struct dlb2_ldb_queue *queue;
+       enum dlb2_qid_map_state st;
+       struct dlb2_ldb_port *port;
+       int ret, i, id;
+       u8 prio;
+       dlb2_log_map_qid(hw, domain_id, args, vdev_req, vdev_id);
+       /*
+        * Verify that hardware resources are available before attempting to
+        * satisfy the request. This simplifies the error unwinding code.
+        */
+       ret = dlb2_verify_map_qid_args(hw,
+                                      domain_id,
+                                      args,
+                                      resp,
+                                      vdev_req,
+                                      vdev_id);
+       if (ret)
+               return ret;
+       prio = args->priority;
+       domain = dlb2_get_domain_from_id(hw, domain_id, vdev_req, vdev_id);
+       if (domain == NULL) {
+               DLB2_HW_ERR(hw,
+                           "[%s():%d] Internal error: domain not found\n",
+                           __func__, __LINE__);
+               return -EFAULT;
+       }
+       id = args->port_id;
+       port = dlb2_get_domain_used_ldb_port(id, vdev_req, domain);
+       if (port == NULL) {
+               DLB2_HW_ERR(hw,
+                           "[%s():%d] Internal error: port not found\n",
+                           __func__, __LINE__);
+               return -EFAULT;
+       }
+       queue = dlb2_get_domain_ldb_queue(args->qid, vdev_req, domain);
+       if (queue == NULL) {
+               DLB2_HW_ERR(hw,
+                           "[%s():%d] Internal error: queue not found\n",
+                           __func__, __LINE__);
+               return -EFAULT;
+       }
+       /*
+        * If there are any outstanding detach operations for this port,
+        * attempt to complete them. This may be necessary to free up a QID
+        * slot for this requested mapping.
+        */
+       if (port->num_pending_removals)
+               dlb2_domain_finish_unmap_port(hw, domain, port);
+       ret = dlb2_verify_map_qid_slot_available(port, queue, resp);
+       if (ret)
+               return ret;
+       /* Hardware requires disabling the CQ before mapping QIDs. */
+       if (port->enabled)
+               dlb2_ldb_port_cq_disable(hw, port);
+       /*
+        * If this is only a priority change, don't perform the full QID->CQ
+        * mapping procedure
+        */
+       st = DLB2_QUEUE_MAPPED;
+       if (dlb2_port_find_slot_queue(port, st, queue, &i)) {
+               if (i >= DLB2_MAX_NUM_QIDS_PER_LDB_CQ) {
+                       DLB2_HW_ERR(hw,
+                                   "[%s():%d] Internal error: port slot 
tracking failed\n",
+                                   __func__, __LINE__);
+                       return -EFAULT;
+               }
+               if (prio != port->qid_map[i].priority) {
+                       dlb2_ldb_port_change_qid_priority(hw, port, i, args);
+                       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "DLB2 map: priority change\n");
+               }
+               st = DLB2_QUEUE_MAPPED;
+               ret = dlb2_port_slot_state_transition(hw, port, queue, i, st);
+               if (ret)
+                       return ret;
+               goto map_qid_done;
+       }
+       st = DLB2_QUEUE_UNMAP_IN_PROG;
+       if (dlb2_port_find_slot_queue(port, st, queue, &i)) {
+               if (i >= DLB2_MAX_NUM_QIDS_PER_LDB_CQ) {
+                       DLB2_HW_ERR(hw,
+                                   "[%s():%d] Internal error: port slot 
tracking failed\n",
+                                   __func__, __LINE__);
+                       return -EFAULT;
+               }
+               if (prio != port->qid_map[i].priority) {
+                       dlb2_ldb_port_change_qid_priority(hw, port, i, args);
+                       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "DLB2 map: priority change\n");
+               }
+               st = DLB2_QUEUE_MAPPED;
+               ret = dlb2_port_slot_state_transition(hw, port, queue, i, st);
+               if (ret)
+                       return ret;
+               goto map_qid_done;
+       }
+       /*
+        * If this is a priority change on an in-progress mapping, don't
+        * perform the full QID->CQ mapping procedure.
+        */
+       st = DLB2_QUEUE_MAP_IN_PROG;
+       if (dlb2_port_find_slot_queue(port, st, queue, &i)) {
+               if (i >= DLB2_MAX_NUM_QIDS_PER_LDB_CQ) {
+                       DLB2_HW_ERR(hw,
+                                   "[%s():%d] Internal error: port slot 
tracking failed\n",
+                                   __func__, __LINE__);
+                       return -EFAULT;
+               }
+               port->qid_map[i].priority = prio;
+               DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "DLB2 map: priority change only\n");
+               goto map_qid_done;
+       }
+       /*
+        * If this is a priority change on a pending mapping, update the
+        * pending priority
+        */
+       if (dlb2_port_find_slot_with_pending_map_queue(port, queue, &i)) {
+               if (i >= DLB2_MAX_NUM_QIDS_PER_LDB_CQ) {
+                       DLB2_HW_ERR(hw,
+                                   "[%s():%d] Internal error: port slot 
tracking failed\n",
+                                   __func__, __LINE__);
+                       return -EFAULT;
+               }
+               port->qid_map[i].pending_priority = prio;
+               DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "DLB2 map: priority change only\n");
+               goto map_qid_done;
+       }
+       /*
+        * If all the CQ's slots are in use, then there's an unmap in progress
+        * (guaranteed by dlb2_verify_map_qid_slot_available()), so add this
+        * mapping to pending_map and return. When the removal is completed for
+        * the slot's current occupant, this mapping will be performed.
+        */
+       if (!dlb2_port_find_slot(port, DLB2_QUEUE_UNMAPPED, &i)) {
+               if (dlb2_port_find_slot(port, DLB2_QUEUE_UNMAP_IN_PROG, &i)) {
+                       enum dlb2_qid_map_state st;
+                       if (i >= DLB2_MAX_NUM_QIDS_PER_LDB_CQ) {
+                               DLB2_HW_ERR(hw,
+                                           "[%s():%d] Internal error: port 
slot tracking failed\n",
+                                           __func__, __LINE__);
+                               return -EFAULT;
+                       }
+                       port->qid_map[i].pending_qid = queue->id.phys_id;
+                       port->qid_map[i].pending_priority = prio;
+                       st = DLB2_QUEUE_UNMAP_IN_PROG_PENDING_MAP;
+                       ret = dlb2_port_slot_state_transition(hw, port, queue,
+                                                             i, st);
+                       if (ret)
+                               return ret;
+                       DLB2_HW_DBG(hw, "DLB2 map: map pending removal\n");
+                       goto map_qid_done;
+               }
+       }
+       /*
+        * If the domain has started, a special "dynamic" CQ->queue mapping
+        * procedure is required in order to safely update the CQ<->QID tables.
+        * The "static" procedure cannot be used when traffic is flowing,
+        * because the CQ<->QID tables cannot be updated atomically and the
+        * scheduler won't see the new mapping unless the queue's if_status
+        * changes, which isn't guaranteed.
+        */
+       ret = dlb2_ldb_port_map_qid(hw, domain, port, queue, prio);
+       /* If ret is less than zero, it's due to an internal error */
+       if (ret < 0)
+               return ret;
+       if (port->enabled)
+               dlb2_ldb_port_cq_enable(hw, port);
+       resp->status = 0;
+       return 0;
diff --git a/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_main.c 
index 2a089f6..a010e25 100644
--- a/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_main.c
+++ b/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_main.c
@@ -651,3 +651,13 @@ dlb2_pf_create_dir_port(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+dlb2_pf_create_dir_queue(struct dlb2_hw *hw,
+                        u32 id,
+                        struct dlb2_create_dir_queue_args *args,
+                        struct dlb2_cmd_response *resp)
+       return dlb2_hw_create_dir_queue(hw, id, args, resp, NOT_VF_REQ,
+                                       PF_ID_ZERO);
diff --git a/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_pf.c b/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_pf.c
index 2a82b8f..37be4b1 100644
--- a/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_pf.c
+++ b/drivers/event/dlb2/pf/dlb2_pf.c
@@ -406,6 +406,54 @@ dlb2_pf_dir_port_create(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
        return ret;
+static int
+dlb2_pf_dir_queue_create(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+                        struct dlb2_create_dir_queue_args *cfg)
+       struct dlb2_dev *dlb2_dev = (struct dlb2_dev *)handle->pf_dev;
+       struct dlb2_cmd_response response = {0};
+       int ret;
+       DLB2_INFO(dev->dlb2_device, "Entering %s()\n", __func__);
+       ret = dlb2_pf_create_dir_queue(&dlb2_dev->hw,
+                                      handle->domain_id,
+                                      cfg,
+                                      &response);
+       cfg->response = response;
+       DLB2_INFO(dev->dlb2_device, "Exiting %s() with ret=%d\n",
+                 __func__, ret);
+       return ret;
+static int
+dlb2_pf_map_qid(struct dlb2_hw_dev *handle,
+               struct dlb2_map_qid_args *cfg)
+       struct dlb2_dev *dlb2_dev = (struct dlb2_dev *)handle->pf_dev;
+       struct dlb2_cmd_response response = {0};
+       int ret;
+       DLB2_INFO(dev->dlb2_device, "Entering %s()\n", __func__);
+       ret = dlb2_hw_map_qid(&dlb2_dev->hw,
+                             handle->domain_id,
+                             cfg,
+                             &response,
+                             false,
+                             0);
+       cfg->response = response;
+       DLB2_INFO(dev->dlb2_device, "Exiting %s() with ret=%d\n",
+                 __func__, ret);
+       return ret;
 static void
@@ -419,7 +467,9 @@ dlb2_pf_iface_fn_ptrs_init(void)
        dlb2_iface_sched_domain_create = dlb2_pf_sched_domain_create;
        dlb2_iface_ldb_queue_create = dlb2_pf_ldb_queue_create;
        dlb2_iface_ldb_port_create = dlb2_pf_ldb_port_create;
+       dlb2_iface_dir_queue_create = dlb2_pf_dir_queue_create;
        dlb2_iface_dir_port_create = dlb2_pf_dir_port_create;
+       dlb2_iface_map_qid = dlb2_pf_map_qid;
        dlb2_iface_get_sn_allocation = dlb2_pf_get_sn_allocation;
        dlb2_iface_set_sn_allocation = dlb2_pf_set_sn_allocation;
        dlb2_iface_get_sn_occupancy = dlb2_pf_get_sn_occupancy;

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