> -----Original Message-----
> From: McDaniel, Timothy <timothy.mcdan...@intel.com>
> Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2020 1:21 PM
> Cc: dev@dpdk.org; Carrillo, Erik G <erik.g.carri...@intel.com>; Eads, Gage
> <gage.e...@intel.com>; Van Haaren, Harry <harry.van.haa...@intel.com>;
> jer...@marvell.com
> Subject: [PATCH v2 16/22] event/dlb2: add dequeue and its burst variants
> Add support for dequeue, dequeue_burst, ...
> DLB2 does not currently support interrupts, but instead use
> umonitor/umwait if supported by the processor. This allows
> the software to monitor and wait on writes to a cache-line.
> DLB2 supports normal and sparse cq mode. In normal mode the
> hardware will pack 4 QEs into each cache line. In sparse cq
> mode, the hardware will only populate one QE per cache line.
> Software must be aware of the cq mode, and take the appropriate
> actions, based on the mode.
> Signed-off-by: Timothy McDaniel <timothy.mcdan...@intel.com>

Reviewed-by: Gage Eads <gage.e...@intel.com>


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