Consider the follow usage with testpmd:
1. first, startup testpmd:
testpmd> show port 0 rss-hash key
RSS functions:
 all ipv4-frag ipv4-other ipv6-frag ipv6-other ip
RSS key:
2. create a rss rule
testpmd> flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / end actions rss \
types ipv4-udp end queues end / end

3. show rss-hash key
testpmd> show port 0 rss-hash key
RSS functions:
 all ipv4-udp udp
RSS key:

As a result, the step 3 with RSS key and the step 1 RSS key
is not the same. The patch[1] to solve the above problems.

Lijun Ou (1):
  app/testpmd: fix the default RSS key configuration

 app/test-pmd/cmdline_flow.c | 8 ++++++++
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)


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