This series implements the eventdev ABI changes required by
the DLB and DLB2 PMDs. This ABI change was announced in the
20.08 release notes [1]. This patch was initially part of
the V1 DLB PMD patchset.

The DLB hardware does not conform exactly to the eventdev interface.
1) It has a limit on the number of queues that may be linked to a port.
2) Some ports are further restricted to a maximum of 1 linked queue.
3) It does not (currently) have the ability to carry the flow_id as part
of the event (QE) payload.

Due to the above, we would like to propose the following enhancements.

1) Add new fields to the rte_event_dev_info struct. These fields allow
the device to advertise its capabilities so that applications can take
the appropriate actions based on those capabilities.

2) Add a new field to the rte_event_dev_config struct. This field allows
the application to specify how many of its ports are limited to a single
link, or will be used in single link mode.

3) Replace the dedicated implicit_release_disabled field with a bit field
of explicit port capabilities. The implicit_release_disable functionality
is assigned to one bit, and a port-is-single-link-only attribute is
assigned to another, with the remaining bits available for future

Note that it was requested that we split this app/test
changes out from the eventdev ABI changes. As a result,
neither of these patches will bujild without the other
also being applied.


Timothy McDaniel (2):
  eventdev: implement ABI change
  eventdev: update app and examples for new eventdev ABI

 app/test-eventdev/evt_common.h                     | 11 ++++
 app/test-eventdev/test_order_atq.c                 | 30 +++++++---
 app/test-eventdev/test_order_common.c              |  1 +
 app/test-eventdev/test_order_queue.c               | 31 +++++++---
 app/test/test_eventdev.c                           |  4 +-
 drivers/event/dpaa/dpaa_eventdev.c                 |  3 +-
 drivers/event/dpaa2/dpaa2_eventdev.c               |  5 +-
 drivers/event/dsw/dsw_evdev.c                      |  3 +-
 drivers/event/octeontx/ssovf_evdev.c               |  5 +-
 drivers/event/octeontx2/otx2_evdev.c               |  3 +-
 drivers/event/opdl/opdl_evdev.c                    |  3 +-
 drivers/event/skeleton/skeleton_eventdev.c         |  5 +-
 drivers/event/sw/sw_evdev.c                        |  8 ++-
 drivers/event/sw/sw_evdev_selftest.c               |  6 +-
 .../eventdev_pipeline/pipeline_worker_generic.c    |  6 +-
 examples/eventdev_pipeline/pipeline_worker_tx.c    |  1 +
 examples/l2fwd-event/l2fwd_event_generic.c         |  7 ++-
 examples/l2fwd-event/l2fwd_event_internal_port.c   |  6 +-
 examples/l3fwd/l3fwd_event_generic.c               |  7 ++-
 examples/l3fwd/l3fwd_event_internal_port.c         |  6 +-
 lib/librte_eventdev/rte_event_eth_tx_adapter.c     |  2 +-
 lib/librte_eventdev/rte_eventdev.c                 | 66 +++++++++++++++++++---
 lib/librte_eventdev/rte_eventdev.h                 | 51 ++++++++++++++---
 lib/librte_eventdev/rte_eventdev_pmd_pci.h         |  1 -
 lib/librte_eventdev/rte_eventdev_trace.h           |  7 ++-
 lib/librte_eventdev/       |  4 +-
 26 files changed, 218 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)


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