Hi, Ferruh Yigit

On 2020/8/20 0:19, Ferruh Yigit wrote:
On 8/18/2020 4:07 AM, Wei Hu (Xavier) wrote:
From: Huisong Li <lihuis...@huawei.com>

This patch adds support for querying Rx/Tx queue information.

Currently, if there are not available Rx buffer descriptors in receiving
direction based on hns3 network engine, incoming packets will always be
dropped by hardware. This patch reports the '.rx_drop_en' information to
DPDK framework in the '.dev_infos_get', '.rxq_info_get' and
'.rx_queue_setup' ops implementation function.

Signed-off-by: Huisong Li <lihuis...@huawei.com>
Signed-off-by: Wei Hu (Xavier) <xavier.hu...@huawei.com>

@@ -2495,6 +2495,15 @@ hns3_dev_infos_get(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, struct 
rte_eth_dev_info *info)
                .nb_mtu_seg_max = HNS3_MAX_NON_TSO_BD_PER_PKT,
+ info->default_rxconf = (struct rte_eth_rxconf) {
+               /*
+                * If there are no available Rx buffer descriptors, incoming
+                * packets are always dropped by hardware based on hns3 network
+                * engine.
+                */
+               .rx_drop_en = 1,
+       };
Can you please separate this into two patches, first one for 'rx_drop_en'
related changes to existing code, second one to add queue info get functions?

And you may prefer to request backporting the 'rx_drop_en' patch.

Thanks for you suggestion.

I will update them in V3.

+hns3_rxq_info_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t queue_id,
+                 struct rte_eth_rxq_info *qinfo)
+       struct hns3_hw *hw = HNS3_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HW(dev->data->dev_private);
+       struct hns3_rx_queue *rxq = dev->data->rx_queues[queue_id];
+       if (rxq == NULL) {
+               hns3_err(hw, "queue pointer of rx queue_id (%u) is NULL.",
+                        queue_id);
+               return;
+       }
'rxq' should not be 'NULL' at this stage, because of the "queue_id >=
dev->data->nb_rx_queues" check in 'rte_eth_rx_queue_info_get()'.
Can you please check if it can be 'NULL' and if it can be, better to check it in
the ethdev API, instead of doing in each PMD, both for 'rxq' & 'txq'.

OK, I will send a email to add check rxq & txq in the rte_eth_rx_queue_info_get

and rte_eth_tx_queue_info_get API function.

Thanks, Xavier.

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