When a matching device is found via PCI probe create a rawdev instance for
each queue on the hardware. Use empty self-test function for these devices
so that the overall rawdev_autotest does not report failures.

Signed-off-by: Bruce Richardson <bruce.richard...@intel.com>
 drivers/raw/ioat/idxd_pci.c            | 235 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 drivers/raw/ioat/ioat_common.c         |  62 +++++++
 drivers/raw/ioat/ioat_private.h        |  37 ++++
 drivers/raw/ioat/ioat_rawdev_test.c    |   7 +
 drivers/raw/ioat/ioat_spec.h           |  52 ++++++
 drivers/raw/ioat/meson.build           |   1 +
 drivers/raw/ioat/rte_ioat_rawdev_fns.h |  35 +++-
 7 files changed, 426 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 drivers/raw/ioat/ioat_common.c

diff --git a/drivers/raw/ioat/idxd_pci.c b/drivers/raw/ioat/idxd_pci.c
index f6af9d33a..11c07efaa 100644
--- a/drivers/raw/ioat/idxd_pci.c
+++ b/drivers/raw/ioat/idxd_pci.c
@@ -3,8 +3,10 @@
 #include <rte_bus_pci.h>
+#include <rte_memzone.h>
 #include "ioat_private.h"
+#include "ioat_spec.h"
 #define IDXD_VENDOR_ID         0x8086
 #define IDXD_DEVICE_ID_SPR     0x0B25
@@ -16,17 +18,244 @@ const struct rte_pci_id pci_id_idxd_map[] = {
        { .vendor_id = 0, /* sentinel */ },
+static inline int
+idxd_pci_dev_command(struct idxd_rawdev *idxd, enum rte_idxd_cmds command)
+       uint8_t err_code;
+       uint16_t qid = idxd->qid;
+       int i = 0;
+       if (command >= idxd_disable_wq && command <= idxd_reset_wq)
+               qid = (1 << qid);
+       rte_spinlock_lock(&idxd->u.pci->lk);
+       idxd->u.pci->regs->cmd = (command << IDXD_CMD_SHIFT) | qid;
+       do {
+               rte_pause();
+               err_code = idxd->u.pci->regs->cmdstatus;
+               if (++i >= 1000) {
+                       IOAT_PMD_ERR("Timeout waiting for command response from 
+                       rte_spinlock_unlock(&idxd->u.pci->lk);
+                       return err_code;
+               }
+       } while (idxd->u.pci->regs->cmdstatus & CMDSTATUS_ACTIVE_MASK);
+       rte_spinlock_unlock(&idxd->u.pci->lk);
+       return err_code & CMDSTATUS_ERR_MASK;
+static int
+idxd_is_wq_enabled(struct idxd_rawdev *idxd)
+       uint32_t state = (idxd->u.pci->wq_regs[idxd->qid].wqcfg[WQ_STATE_IDX] 
+       return (state & WQ_STATE_MASK) == 0x1;
+static const struct rte_rawdev_ops idxd_pci_ops = {
+               .dev_selftest = idxd_rawdev_test
+/* each portal uses 4 x 4k pages */
+#define IDXD_PORTAL_SIZE (4096 * 4)
+static int
+init_pci_device(struct rte_pci_device *dev, struct idxd_rawdev *idxd)
+       struct idxd_pci_common *pci;
+       uint8_t nb_groups, nb_engines, nb_wqs;
+       uint16_t grp_offset, wq_offset; /* how far into bar0 the regs are */
+       uint16_t wq_size, total_wq_size;
+       uint8_t lg2_max_batch, lg2_max_copy_size;
+       unsigned int i, err_code;
+       pci = malloc(sizeof(*pci));
+       if (pci == NULL) {
+               IOAT_PMD_ERR("%s: Can't allocate memory", __func__);
+               goto err;
+       }
+       rte_spinlock_init(&pci->lk);
+       /* assign the bar registers, and then configure device */
+       pci->regs = dev->mem_resource[0].addr;
+       grp_offset = (uint16_t)pci->regs->offsets[0];
+       pci->grp_regs = RTE_PTR_ADD(pci->regs, grp_offset * 0x100);
+       wq_offset = (uint16_t)(pci->regs->offsets[0] >> 16);
+       pci->wq_regs = RTE_PTR_ADD(pci->regs, wq_offset * 0x100);
+       pci->portals = dev->mem_resource[2].addr;
+       /* sanity check device status */
+       if (pci->regs->gensts & GENSTS_DEV_STATE_MASK) {
+               /* need function-level-reset (FLR) or is enabled */
+               IOAT_PMD_ERR("Device status is not disabled, cannot init");
+               goto err;
+       }
+       if (pci->regs->cmdstatus & CMDSTATUS_ACTIVE_MASK) {
+               /* command in progress */
+               IOAT_PMD_ERR("Device has a command in progress, cannot init");
+               goto err;
+       }
+       /* read basic info about the hardware for use when configuring */
+       nb_groups = (uint8_t)pci->regs->grpcap;
+       nb_engines = (uint8_t)pci->regs->engcap;
+       nb_wqs = (uint8_t)(pci->regs->wqcap >> 16);
+       total_wq_size = (uint16_t)pci->regs->wqcap;
+       lg2_max_copy_size = (uint8_t)(pci->regs->gencap >> 16) & 0x1F;
+       lg2_max_batch = (uint8_t)(pci->regs->gencap >> 21) & 0x0F;
+       IOAT_PMD_DEBUG("nb_groups = %u, nb_engines = %u, nb_wqs = %u",
+                       nb_groups, nb_engines, nb_wqs);
+       /* zero out any old config */
+       for (i = 0; i < nb_groups; i++) {
+               pci->grp_regs[i].grpengcfg = 0;
+               pci->grp_regs[i].grpwqcfg[0] = 0;
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < nb_wqs; i++)
+               pci->wq_regs[i].wqcfg[0] = 0;
+       /* put each engine into a separate group to avoid reordering */
+       if (nb_groups > nb_engines)
+               nb_groups = nb_engines;
+       if (nb_groups < nb_engines)
+               nb_engines = nb_groups;
+       /* assign engines to groups, round-robin style */
+       for (i = 0; i < nb_engines; i++) {
+               IOAT_PMD_DEBUG("Assigning engine %u to group %u",
+                               i, i % nb_groups);
+               pci->grp_regs[i % nb_groups].grpengcfg |= (1ULL << i);
+       }
+       /* now do the same for queues and give work slots to each queue */
+       wq_size = total_wq_size / nb_wqs;
+       IOAT_PMD_DEBUG("Work queue size = %u, max batch = 2^%u, max copy = 
+                       wq_size, lg2_max_batch, lg2_max_copy_size);
+       for (i = 0; i < nb_wqs; i++) {
+               /* add engine "i" to a group */
+               IOAT_PMD_DEBUG("Assigning work queue %u to group %u",
+                               i, i % nb_groups);
+               pci->grp_regs[i % nb_groups].grpwqcfg[0] |= (1ULL << i);
+               /* now configure it, in terms of size, max batch, mode */
+               pci->wq_regs[i].wqcfg[0] = wq_size;
+               pci->wq_regs[i].wqcfg[2] = 0x11; /* TODO: use defines - 
dedicated mode, priority 1 */
+               pci->wq_regs[i].wqcfg[3] = (lg2_max_batch << 5) |
+                               lg2_max_copy_size;
+       }
+       /* dump the group configuration to output */
+       for (i = 0; i < nb_groups; i++) {
+               IOAT_PMD_DEBUG("## Group %d", i);
+               IOAT_PMD_DEBUG("    GRPWQCFG: %"PRIx64, 
+               IOAT_PMD_DEBUG("    GRPENGCFG: %"PRIx64, 
+               IOAT_PMD_DEBUG("    GRPFLAGS: %"PRIx32, 
+       }
+       idxd->u.pci = pci;
+       idxd->max_batches = wq_size;
+       /* enable the device itself */
+       err_code = idxd_pci_dev_command(idxd, idxd_enable_dev);
+       if (err_code) {
+               IOAT_PMD_ERR("Error enabling device: code %#x", err_code);
+               return err_code;
+       }
+       IOAT_PMD_DEBUG("IDXD Device enabled OK");
+       return nb_wqs;
+       free(pci);
+       return -1;
 static int
 idxd_rawdev_probe_pci(struct rte_pci_driver *drv, struct rte_pci_device *dev)
-       int ret = 0;
+       struct idxd_rawdev idxd = {0};
+       uint8_t nb_wqs;
+       int qid, ret = 0;
        char name[32];
        rte_pci_device_name(&dev->addr, name, sizeof(name));
        IOAT_PMD_INFO("Init %s on NUMA node %d", name, dev->device.numa_node);
        dev->device.driver = &drv->driver;
-       return ret;
+       ret = init_pci_device(dev, &idxd);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               IOAT_PMD_ERR("Error initializing PCI hardware");
+               return ret;
+       }
+       nb_wqs = (uint8_t)ret;
+       /* set up one device for each queue */
+       for (qid = 0; qid < nb_wqs; qid++) {
+               char qname[32];
+               /* add the queue number to each device name */
+               snprintf(qname, sizeof(qname), "%s-q%d", name, qid);
+               idxd.qid = qid;
+               idxd.public.portal = RTE_PTR_ADD(idxd.u.pci->portals,
+                               qid * IDXD_PORTAL_SIZE);
+               if (idxd_is_wq_enabled(&idxd))
+                       IOAT_PMD_ERR("Error, WQ %u seems enabled", qid);
+               ret = idxd_rawdev_create(qname, &dev->device,
+                               &idxd, &idxd_pci_ops);
+               if (ret != 0){
+                       IOAT_PMD_ERR("Failed to create rawdev %s", name);
+                       if (qid == 0) /* if no devices using this, free pci */
+                               free(idxd.u.pci);
+                       return ret;
+               }
+       }
+       return 0;
+static int
+idxd_rawdev_destroy(const char *name)
+       int ret;
+       uint8_t err_code;
+       struct rte_rawdev *rdev;
+       struct idxd_rawdev *idxd;
+       if (!name) {
+               IOAT_PMD_ERR("Invalid device name");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       rdev = rte_rawdev_pmd_get_named_dev(name);
+       if (!rdev) {
+               IOAT_PMD_ERR("Invalid device name (%s)", name);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       idxd = rdev->dev_private;
+       /* disable the device */
+       err_code = idxd_pci_dev_command(idxd, idxd_disable_dev);
+       if (err_code) {
+               IOAT_PMD_ERR("Error disabling device: code %#x", err_code);
+               return err_code;
+       }
+       IOAT_PMD_DEBUG("IDXD Device disabled OK");
+       /* free device memory */
+       if (rdev->dev_private != NULL) {
+               IOAT_PMD_DEBUG("Freeing device driver memory");
+               rdev->dev_private = NULL;
+               rte_free(idxd->public.batch_ring);
+               rte_free(idxd->public.hdl_ring);
+               rte_memzone_free(idxd->mz);
+       }
+       /* rte_rawdev_close is called by pmd_release */
+       ret = rte_rawdev_pmd_release(rdev);
+       if (ret)
+               IOAT_PMD_DEBUG("Device cleanup failed");
+       return 0;
 static int
@@ -39,6 +268,8 @@ idxd_rawdev_remove_pci(struct rte_pci_device *dev)
        IOAT_PMD_INFO("Closing %s on NUMA node %d", name, 
+       ret = idxd_rawdev_destroy(name);
        return ret;
diff --git a/drivers/raw/ioat/ioat_common.c b/drivers/raw/ioat/ioat_common.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4397be886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/raw/ioat/ioat_common.c
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2020 Intel Corporation
+ */
+#include <rte_rawdev_pmd.h>
+#include <rte_memzone.h>
+#include "ioat_private.h"
+idxd_rawdev_create(const char *name, struct rte_device *dev,
+                  const struct idxd_rawdev *base_idxd,
+                  const struct rte_rawdev_ops *ops)
+       struct idxd_rawdev *idxd;
+       struct rte_rawdev *rawdev = NULL;
+       const struct rte_memzone *mz = NULL;
+       char mz_name[RTE_MEMZONE_NAMESIZE];
+       int ret = 0;
+       if (!name) {
+               IOAT_PMD_ERR("Invalid name of the device!");
+               ret = -EINVAL;
+               goto cleanup;
+       }
+       /* Allocate device structure */
+       rawdev = rte_rawdev_pmd_allocate(name, sizeof(struct idxd_rawdev),
+                                        dev->numa_node);
+       if (rawdev == NULL) {
+               IOAT_PMD_ERR("Unable to allocate raw device");
+               ret = -ENOMEM;
+               goto cleanup;
+       }
+       snprintf(mz_name, sizeof(mz_name), "rawdev%u_private", rawdev->dev_id);
+       mz = rte_memzone_reserve(mz_name, sizeof(struct idxd_rawdev),
+                       dev->numa_node, RTE_MEMZONE_IOVA_CONTIG);
+       if (mz == NULL) {
+               IOAT_PMD_ERR("Unable to reserve memzone for private data\n");
+               ret = -ENOMEM;
+               goto cleanup;
+       }
+       rawdev->dev_private = mz->addr;
+       rawdev->dev_ops = ops;
+       rawdev->device = dev;
+       rawdev->driver_name = RTE_STR(IOAT_PMD_RAWDEV_NAME);
+       idxd = rawdev->dev_private;
+       *idxd = *base_idxd; /* copy over the main fields already passed in */
+       idxd->rawdev = rawdev;
+       idxd->mz = mz;
+       return 0;
+       if (rawdev)
+               rte_rawdev_pmd_release(rawdev);
+       return ret;
diff --git a/drivers/raw/ioat/ioat_private.h b/drivers/raw/ioat/ioat_private.h
index d87d4d055..2ddaddc37 100644
--- a/drivers/raw/ioat/ioat_private.h
+++ b/drivers/raw/ioat/ioat_private.h
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@
  * @b EXPERIMENTAL: these structures and APIs may change without prior notice
+#include <rte_spinlock.h>
+#include <rte_rawdev_pmd.h>
+#include "rte_ioat_rawdev.h"
 extern int ioat_pmd_logtype;
 #define IOAT_PMD_LOG(level, fmt, args...) rte_log(RTE_LOG_ ## level, \
@@ -24,4 +28,37 @@ extern int ioat_pmd_logtype;
 #define IOAT_PMD_ERR(fmt, args...)    IOAT_PMD_LOG(ERR, fmt, ## args)
 #define IOAT_PMD_WARN(fmt, args...)   IOAT_PMD_LOG(WARNING, fmt, ## args)
+struct idxd_pci_common {
+       rte_spinlock_t lk;
+       volatile struct rte_idxd_bar0 *regs;
+       volatile struct rte_idxd_wqcfg *wq_regs;
+       volatile struct rte_idxd_grpcfg *grp_regs;
+       volatile void *portals;
+struct idxd_rawdev {
+       struct rte_idxd_rawdev public; /* the public members, must be first */
+       struct rte_rawdev *rawdev;
+       const struct rte_memzone *mz;
+       uint8_t qid;
+       uint16_t max_batches;
+       union {
+               struct {
+                       struct accfg_ctx *ctx;
+                       struct accfg_device *device;
+                       struct accfg_wq *wq;
+               } vdev;
+               struct idxd_pci_common *pci;
+       } u;
+extern int idxd_rawdev_create(const char *name, struct rte_device *dev,
+                      const struct idxd_rawdev *idxd,
+                      const struct rte_rawdev_ops *ops);
+extern int idxd_rawdev_test(uint16_t dev_id);
 #endif /* _IOAT_PRIVATE_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/raw/ioat/ioat_rawdev_test.c 
index e5b50ae9f..b208b8c19 100644
--- a/drivers/raw/ioat/ioat_rawdev_test.c
+++ b/drivers/raw/ioat/ioat_rawdev_test.c
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 #include <rte_mbuf.h>
 #include "rte_rawdev.h"
 #include "rte_ioat_rawdev.h"
+#include "ioat_private.h"
 #define TEST_SKIPPED 77
@@ -252,3 +253,9 @@ ioat_rawdev_test(uint16_t dev_id)
        return -1;
+idxd_rawdev_test(uint16_t dev_id __rte_unused)
+       return 0;
diff --git a/drivers/raw/ioat/ioat_spec.h b/drivers/raw/ioat/ioat_spec.h
index 9645e16d4..b865fc0ec 100644
--- a/drivers/raw/ioat/ioat_spec.h
+++ b/drivers/raw/ioat/ioat_spec.h
@@ -268,6 +268,58 @@ union rte_ioat_hw_desc {
        struct rte_ioat_pq_update_hw_desc pq_update;
+/*** Definitions for Intel(R) Data Streaming Accelerator Follow ***/
+#define IDXD_CMD_SHIFT 20
+enum rte_idxd_cmds {
+       idxd_enable_dev = 1,
+       idxd_disable_dev,
+       idxd_drain_all,
+       idxd_abort_all,
+       idxd_reset_device,
+       idxd_enable_wq,
+       idxd_disable_wq,
+       idxd_drain_wq,
+       idxd_abort_wq,
+       idxd_reset_wq,
+/* General bar0 registers */
+struct rte_idxd_bar0 {
+       uint32_t version    __rte_cache_aligned; /* offset 0x00 */
+       uint64_t gencap     __rte_aligned(0x10); /* offset 0x10 */
+       uint64_t wqcap      __rte_aligned(0x10); /* offset 0x20 */
+       uint64_t grpcap     __rte_aligned(0x10); /* offset 0x30 */
+       uint64_t engcap     __rte_aligned(0x08); /* offset 0x38 */
+       uint64_t opcap      __rte_aligned(0x10); /* offset 0x40 */
+       uint64_t offsets[2] __rte_aligned(0x20); /* offset 0x60 */
+       uint32_t gencfg     __rte_aligned(0x20); /* offset 0x80 */
+       uint32_t genctrl    __rte_aligned(0x08); /* offset 0x88 */
+       uint32_t gensts     __rte_aligned(0x10); /* offset 0x90 */
+       uint32_t intcause   __rte_aligned(0x08); /* offset 0x98 */
+       uint32_t cmd        __rte_aligned(0x10); /* offset 0xA0 */
+       uint32_t cmdstatus  __rte_aligned(0x08); /* offset 0xA8 */
+       uint64_t swerror[4] __rte_aligned(0x20); /* offset 0xC0 */
+struct rte_idxd_wqcfg {
+       uint32_t wqcfg[8] __rte_aligned(32); /* 32-byte register */
+#define WQ_STATE_IDX    6 /* 7th 32-bit value in array */
+#define WQ_STATE_SHIFT 30
+#define WQ_STATE_MASK 0x3
+struct rte_idxd_grpcfg {
+       uint64_t grpwqcfg[4]  __rte_cache_aligned; /* 64-byte register set */
+       uint64_t grpengcfg;  /* offset 32 */
+       uint32_t grpflags;   /* offset 40 */
+#define CMDSTATUS_ACTIVE_MASK (1 << 31)
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/drivers/raw/ioat/meson.build b/drivers/raw/ioat/meson.build
index b343b7367..5eff76a1a 100644
--- a/drivers/raw/ioat/meson.build
+++ b/drivers/raw/ioat/meson.build
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ reason = 'only supported on x86'
 sources = files(
+       'ioat_common.c',
 deps += ['bus_pci',
diff --git a/drivers/raw/ioat/rte_ioat_rawdev_fns.h 
index 0cee6b1b0..aca91dd4f 100644
--- a/drivers/raw/ioat/rte_ioat_rawdev_fns.h
+++ b/drivers/raw/ioat/rte_ioat_rawdev_fns.h
@@ -39,9 +39,20 @@ struct rte_ioat_generic_hw_desc {
  * @internal
- * Structure representing a device instance
+ * Identify the data path to use.
+ * Must be first field of rte_ioat_rawdev and rte_idxd_rawdev structs
+ */
+enum rte_ioat_dev_type {
+       RTE_IOAT_DEV,
+       RTE_IDXD_DEV,
+ * @internal
+ * Structure representing an IOAT device instance  * Structure representing a 
device instance
 struct rte_ioat_rawdev {
+       enum rte_ioat_dev_type type;
        struct rte_rawdev *rawdev;
        const struct rte_memzone *mz;
        const struct rte_memzone *desc_mz;
@@ -77,6 +88,28 @@ struct rte_ioat_rawdev {
 #define RTE_IOAT_CHANSTS_HALTED                0x3
 #define RTE_IOAT_CHANSTS_ARMED                 0x4
+ * @internal
+ * Structure representing an IDXD device instance
+ */
+struct rte_idxd_rawdev {
+       enum rte_ioat_dev_type type;
+       void *portal; /* address to write the batch descriptor */
+       /* counters to track the batches and the individual op handles */
+       uint16_t batch_ring_sz;  /* size of batch ring */
+       uint16_t hdl_ring_sz;    /* size of the user hdl ring */
+       uint16_t next_batch;     /* where we write descriptor ops */
+       uint16_t next_completed; /* batch where we read completions */
+       uint16_t next_ret_hdl;   /* the next user hdl to return */
+       uint16_t last_completed_hdl; /* the last user hdl that has completed */
+       uint16_t next_free_hdl;  /* where the handle for next op will go */
+       struct rte_idxd_user_hdl *hdl_ring;
+       struct rte_idxd_desc_batch *batch_ring;
  * Enqueue a copy operation onto the ioat device

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