Rather than having a single long complicated header file for general use we
can split things so that there is one header with all the publically needed
information - data structs and function prototypes - while the rest of the
internal details are put separately. This makes it easier to read,
understand and use the APIs.

Signed-off-by: Bruce Richardson <bruce.richard...@intel.com>
 drivers/raw/ioat/meson.build           |   1 +
 drivers/raw/ioat/rte_ioat_rawdev.h     | 144 +---------------------
 drivers/raw/ioat/rte_ioat_rawdev_fns.h | 164 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 drivers/raw/ioat/rte_ioat_rawdev_fns.h

diff --git a/drivers/raw/ioat/meson.build b/drivers/raw/ioat/meson.build
index 0878418ae..f66e9b605 100644
--- a/drivers/raw/ioat/meson.build
+++ b/drivers/raw/ioat/meson.build
@@ -8,4 +8,5 @@ sources = files('ioat_rawdev.c',
 deps += ['rawdev', 'bus_pci', 'mbuf']
+               'rte_ioat_rawdev_fns.h',
diff --git a/drivers/raw/ioat/rte_ioat_rawdev.h 
index fd3a8fe14..6d338f50c 100644
--- a/drivers/raw/ioat/rte_ioat_rawdev.h
+++ b/drivers/raw/ioat/rte_ioat_rawdev.h
@@ -14,12 +14,7 @@
  * @b EXPERIMENTAL: these structures and APIs may change without prior notice
-#include <x86intrin.h>
-#include <rte_atomic.h>
-#include <rte_memory.h>
-#include <rte_memzone.h>
-#include <rte_prefetch.h>
-#include "rte_ioat_spec.h"
+#include <rte_common.h>
 /** Name of the device driver */
 #define IOAT_PMD_RAWDEV_NAME rawdev_ioat
@@ -38,38 +33,6 @@ struct rte_ioat_rawdev_config {
        bool hdls_disable;        /**< when set, ignore user-supplied handle 
parameters */
- * @internal
- * Structure representing a device instance
- */
-struct rte_ioat_rawdev {
-       struct rte_rawdev *rawdev;
-       const struct rte_memzone *mz;
-       const struct rte_memzone *desc_mz;
-       volatile struct rte_ioat_registers *regs;
-       phys_addr_t status_addr;
-       phys_addr_t ring_addr;
-       unsigned short ring_size;
-       struct rte_ioat_generic_hw_desc *desc_ring;
-       bool hdls_disable;
-       __m128i *hdls; /* completion handles for returning to user */
-       unsigned short next_read;
-       unsigned short next_write;
-       /* some statistics for tracking, if added/changed update xstats fns*/
-       uint64_t enqueue_failed __rte_cache_aligned;
-       uint64_t enqueued;
-       uint64_t started;
-       uint64_t completed;
-       /* to report completions, the device will write status back here */
-       volatile uint64_t status __rte_cache_aligned;
  * Enqueue a copy operation onto the ioat device
@@ -104,38 +67,7 @@ struct rte_ioat_rawdev {
 static inline int
 rte_ioat_enqueue_copy(int dev_id, phys_addr_t src, phys_addr_t dst,
                unsigned int length, uintptr_t src_hdl, uintptr_t dst_hdl,
-               int fence)
-       struct rte_ioat_rawdev *ioat = rte_rawdevs[dev_id].dev_private;
-       unsigned short read = ioat->next_read;
-       unsigned short write = ioat->next_write;
-       unsigned short mask = ioat->ring_size - 1;
-       unsigned short space = mask + read - write;
-       struct rte_ioat_generic_hw_desc *desc;
-       if (space == 0) {
-               ioat->enqueue_failed++;
-               return 0;
-       }
-       ioat->next_write = write + 1;
-       write &= mask;
-       desc = &ioat->desc_ring[write];
-       desc->size = length;
-       /* set descriptor write-back every 16th descriptor */
-       desc->u.control_raw = (uint32_t)((!!fence << 4) | (!(write & 0xF)) << 
-       desc->src_addr = src;
-       desc->dest_addr = dst;
-       if (!ioat->hdls_disable)
-               ioat->hdls[write] = _mm_set_epi64x((int64_t)dst_hdl,
-                                       (int64_t)src_hdl);
-       rte_prefetch0(&ioat->desc_ring[ioat->next_write & mask]);
-       ioat->enqueued++;
-       return 1;
+               int fence);
  * Trigger hardware to begin performing enqueued copy operations
@@ -147,31 +79,7 @@ rte_ioat_enqueue_copy(int dev_id, phys_addr_t src, 
phys_addr_t dst,
  *   The rawdev device id of the ioat instance
 static inline void
-rte_ioat_do_copies(int dev_id)
-       struct rte_ioat_rawdev *ioat = rte_rawdevs[dev_id].dev_private;
-       ioat->desc_ring[(ioat->next_write - 1) & (ioat->ring_size - 1)].u
-                       .control.completion_update = 1;
-       rte_compiler_barrier();
-       ioat->regs->dmacount = ioat->next_write;
-       ioat->started = ioat->enqueued;
- * @internal
- * Returns the index of the last completed operation.
- */
-static inline int
-rte_ioat_get_last_completed(struct rte_ioat_rawdev *ioat, int *error)
-       uint64_t status = ioat->status;
-       /* lower 3 bits indicate "transfer status" : active, idle, halted.
-        * We can ignore bit 0.
-        */
-       return (status - ioat->ring_addr) >> 6;
+rte_ioat_do_copies(int dev_id);
  * Returns details of copy operations that have been completed
@@ -206,49 +114,9 @@ rte_ioat_get_last_completed(struct rte_ioat_rawdev *ioat, 
int *error)
 static inline int
 rte_ioat_completed_copies(int dev_id, uint8_t max_copies,
-               uintptr_t *src_hdls, uintptr_t *dst_hdls)
-       struct rte_ioat_rawdev *ioat = rte_rawdevs[dev_id].dev_private;
-       unsigned short mask = (ioat->ring_size - 1);
-       unsigned short read = ioat->next_read;
-       unsigned short end_read, count;
-       int error;
-       int i = 0;
-       end_read = (rte_ioat_get_last_completed(ioat, &error) + 1) & mask;
-       count = (end_read - (read & mask)) & mask;
-       if (error) {
-               rte_errno = EIO;
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (ioat->hdls_disable) {
-               read += count;
-               goto end;
-       }
-       if (count > max_copies)
-               count = max_copies;
-       for (; i < count - 1; i += 2, read += 2) {
-               __m128i hdls0 = _mm_load_si128(&ioat->hdls[read & mask]);
-               __m128i hdls1 = _mm_load_si128(&ioat->hdls[(read + 1) & mask]);
+               uintptr_t *src_hdls, uintptr_t *dst_hdls);
-               _mm_storeu_si128((void *)&src_hdls[i],
-                               _mm_unpacklo_epi64(hdls0, hdls1));
-               _mm_storeu_si128((void *)&dst_hdls[i],
-                               _mm_unpackhi_epi64(hdls0, hdls1));
-       }
-       for (; i < count; i++, read++) {
-               uintptr_t *hdls = (void *)&ioat->hdls[read & mask];
-               src_hdls[i] = hdls[0];
-               dst_hdls[i] = hdls[1];
-       }
-       ioat->next_read = read;
-       ioat->completed += count;
-       return count;
+/* include the implementation details from a separate file */
+#include "rte_ioat_rawdev_fns.h"
 #endif /* _RTE_IOAT_RAWDEV_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/raw/ioat/rte_ioat_rawdev_fns.h 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06b4edcbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/raw/ioat/rte_ioat_rawdev_fns.h
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2019-2020 Intel Corporation
+ */
+#include <x86intrin.h>
+#include <rte_memzone.h>
+#include <rte_prefetch.h>
+#include "rte_ioat_spec.h"
+ * @internal
+ * Structure representing a device instance
+ */
+struct rte_ioat_rawdev {
+       struct rte_rawdev *rawdev;
+       const struct rte_memzone *mz;
+       const struct rte_memzone *desc_mz;
+       volatile struct rte_ioat_registers *regs;
+       phys_addr_t status_addr;
+       phys_addr_t ring_addr;
+       unsigned short ring_size;
+       bool hdls_disable;
+       struct rte_ioat_generic_hw_desc *desc_ring;
+       __m128i *hdls; /* completion handles for returning to user */
+       unsigned short next_read;
+       unsigned short next_write;
+       /* some statistics for tracking, if added/changed update xstats fns*/
+       uint64_t enqueue_failed __rte_cache_aligned;
+       uint64_t enqueued;
+       uint64_t started;
+       uint64_t completed;
+       /* to report completions, the device will write status back here */
+       volatile uint64_t status __rte_cache_aligned;
+ * Enqueue a copy operation onto the ioat device
+ */
+static inline int
+rte_ioat_enqueue_copy(int dev_id, phys_addr_t src, phys_addr_t dst,
+               unsigned int length, uintptr_t src_hdl, uintptr_t dst_hdl,
+               int fence)
+       struct rte_ioat_rawdev *ioat = rte_rawdevs[dev_id].dev_private;
+       unsigned short read = ioat->next_read;
+       unsigned short write = ioat->next_write;
+       unsigned short mask = ioat->ring_size - 1;
+       unsigned short space = mask + read - write;
+       struct rte_ioat_generic_hw_desc *desc;
+       if (space == 0) {
+               ioat->enqueue_failed++;
+               return 0;
+       }
+       ioat->next_write = write + 1;
+       write &= mask;
+       desc = &ioat->desc_ring[write];
+       desc->size = length;
+       /* set descriptor write-back every 16th descriptor */
+       desc->u.control_raw = (uint32_t)((!!fence << 4) | (!(write & 0xF)) << 
+       desc->src_addr = src;
+       desc->dest_addr = dst;
+       if (!ioat->hdls_disable)
+               ioat->hdls[write] = _mm_set_epi64x((int64_t)dst_hdl,
+                                       (int64_t)src_hdl);
+       rte_prefetch0(&ioat->desc_ring[ioat->next_write & mask]);
+       ioat->enqueued++;
+       return 1;
+ * Trigger hardware to begin performing enqueued copy operations
+ */
+static inline void
+rte_ioat_do_copies(int dev_id)
+       struct rte_ioat_rawdev *ioat = rte_rawdevs[dev_id].dev_private;
+       ioat->desc_ring[(ioat->next_write - 1) & (ioat->ring_size - 1)].u
+                       .control.completion_update = 1;
+       rte_compiler_barrier();
+       ioat->regs->dmacount = ioat->next_write;
+       ioat->started = ioat->enqueued;
+ * @internal
+ * Returns the index of the last completed operation.
+ */
+static inline int
+rte_ioat_get_last_completed(struct rte_ioat_rawdev *ioat, int *error)
+       uint64_t status = ioat->status;
+       /* lower 3 bits indicate "transfer status" : active, idle, halted.
+        * We can ignore bit 0.
+        */
+       return (status - ioat->ring_addr) >> 6;
+ * Returns details of copy operations that have been completed
+ */
+static inline int
+rte_ioat_completed_copies(int dev_id, uint8_t max_copies,
+               uintptr_t *src_hdls, uintptr_t *dst_hdls)
+       struct rte_ioat_rawdev *ioat = rte_rawdevs[dev_id].dev_private;
+       unsigned short mask = (ioat->ring_size - 1);
+       unsigned short read = ioat->next_read;
+       unsigned short end_read, count;
+       int error;
+       int i = 0;
+       end_read = (rte_ioat_get_last_completed(ioat, &error) + 1) & mask;
+       count = (end_read - (read & mask)) & mask;
+       if (error) {
+               rte_errno = EIO;
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (ioat->hdls_disable) {
+               read += count;
+               goto end;
+       }
+       if (count > max_copies)
+               count = max_copies;
+       for (; i < count - 1; i += 2, read += 2) {
+               __m128i hdls0 = _mm_load_si128(&ioat->hdls[read & mask]);
+               __m128i hdls1 = _mm_load_si128(&ioat->hdls[(read + 1) & mask]);
+               _mm_storeu_si128((void *)&src_hdls[i],
+                               _mm_unpacklo_epi64(hdls0, hdls1));
+               _mm_storeu_si128((void *)&dst_hdls[i],
+                               _mm_unpackhi_epi64(hdls0, hdls1));
+       }
+       for (; i < count; i++, read++) {
+               uintptr_t *hdls = (void *)&ioat->hdls[read & mask];
+               src_hdls[i] = hdls[0];
+               dst_hdls[i] = hdls[1];
+       }
+       ioat->next_read = read;
+       ioat->completed += count;
+       return count;
+#endif /* _RTE_IOAT_RAWDEV_FNS_H_ */

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