> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shy Shyman <s...@mellanox.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 13:51
> To: dev@dpdk.org
> Cc: Slava Ovsiienko <viachesl...@mellanox.com>; sta...@dpdk.org
> Subject: [PATCH] net/mlx5: fix file path location of HW counters
> When debugging performance of a DPDK application the user may need to
> view the different statistics of DPDK(for example out_of_buffer) This can be
> enabled by using testpmd command 'show port xstats <port_id>' for
> example.
> The current implementation assumes legacy mode in which the counters are
> at <ibdev_path>/<port_id>/hw_counters/<file_name>.
> In switchdev mode the counters file is located right after the device name,
> hence resides at <ibdev_path>/hw_counters.
> The fix tries to open the path in the second location after a failure to open
> the file from the first location.
> Fixes: 9c0a9eed37f1 ("net/mlx5: switch to the names in the shared IB
> context")
> Cc: sta...@dpdk.org
> Cc: viachesl...@mellanox.com
> Signed-off-by: Shy Shyman <s...@mellanox.com>
Acked-by: Viacheslav Ovsiienko <viachesl...@mellanox.com>