Each cross-compilation case needs to define the target compiler
and the meson cross file.
Given the compiler is already defined in the cross file,
the latter is enough.

The function "build" is changed to accept a cross file alternatively
to the compiler name. In the case of a file (detected if readable),
the compiler is extracted with sed and tr, and the option --cross-file
is automatically added.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net>
 devtools/test-meson-builds.sh | 24 +++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/devtools/test-meson-builds.sh b/devtools/test-meson-builds.sh
index 18b874fac5..602167e43a 100755
--- a/devtools/test-meson-builds.sh
+++ b/devtools/test-meson-builds.sh
@@ -117,16 +117,24 @@ install_target () # <builddir> <installdir>
-build () # <directory> <target compiler> <meson options>
+build () # <directory> <target compiler | cross file> <meson options>
-       targetcc=$1
+       crossfile=
+       [ -r $1 ] && crossfile=$1 || targetcc=$1
        # skip build if compiler not available
        command -v ${CC##* } >/dev/null 2>&1 || return 0
+       if [ -n "$crossfile" ] ; then
+               cross="--cross-file $crossfile"
+               targetcc=$(sed -n 's,^c[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*,,p' \
+                       $crossfile | tr -d "'" | tr -d '"')
+       else
+               cross=
+       fi
        load_env $targetcc || return 0
-       config $srcdir $builds_dir/$targetdir --werror $*
+       config $srcdir $builds_dir/$targetdir $cross --werror $*
        compile $builds_dir/$targetdir
        if [ -n "$DPDK_ABI_REF_VERSION" ]; then
@@ -186,17 +194,15 @@ if [ "$ok" = "false" ] ; then
 build build-x86-default cc -Dlibdir=lib -Dmachine=$default_machine $use_shared
 # generic armv8a with clang as host compiler
 export CC="clang"
-build build-arm64-host-clang $c $use_shared \
-       --cross-file $srcdir/config/arm/arm64_armv8_linux_gcc
+build build-arm64-host-clang $f $use_shared
 unset CC
-# all gcc/arm configurations
+# some gcc/arm configurations
 for f in $srcdir/config/arm/arm64_[bdo]*gcc ; do
        export CC="$CCACHE gcc"
-       build build-$(basename $f | tr '_' '-' | cut -d'-' -f-2) $c \
-               $use_shared --cross-file $f
+       build build-$(basename $f | tr '_' '-' | cut -d'-' -f-2) $f $use_shared
        unset CC

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