> On May 20, 2020, at 2:53 AM, Thomas Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net> wrote:
> 20/05/2020 00:58, Dharmik Thakkar:
>>> On May 19, 2020, at 2:42 AM, Thomas Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net> wrote:
>>>>> Update testpmd documentation to include RECORD configuration options,
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Dharmik Thakkar <dharmik.thak...@arm.com>
>>>>> Reviewed-by: Honnappa Nagarahalli <honnappa.nagaraha...@arm.com>
>>>>> Reviewed-by: Phil Yang <phil.y...@arm.com>
>>>> Acked-by: Bernard Iremonger <bernard.iremon...@intel.com>
>>> How these options are managed with meson?
>> As per my understanding, currently, this is not implemented with meson.
>> With ‘make’, the configuration options are saved within 
>> ./build/include/rte_config.h ( which gets generated during make config …).
>> But this file (rte_config.h) does not get generated when using meson.
> That's also my understanding.
> There is a gap which needs to be fixed, not sure what is the best approach.

IMO, for now, it is best to replicate what is being done for ‘make’.

> Can it be made a runtime option?

Yes, it can be made a runtime option but that will be a separate patch.


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