Adding a bit more definitions to better understand. A "stable" library exports at least one symbol in the current stable ABI. Its soname is suffixed with the current ABI version. If the library exports no symbol in the current ABI, but has a symbol in the next ABI, the soname is suffixed also with the current ABI version.
A "pure experimental" library exports only experimental symbols. Its soname is suffixed with 0. and the stable ABI version. A "pure internal" library has only internal symbols, or no exported symbols at all, like in most PMDs. Its soname is suffixed with the current ABI version. An "experimental & internal" library exports experimental and internal symbols, but none in current or next stable ABI. We don't have such case yet. I think the original intent was to use the suffix 0.x for libs which export no stable ABI. But it is inconsistent currently. Please read the options below, and give your opinion. Thanks 15/05/2020 11:26, Thomas Monjalon: > Now the question is: what to do in v20.11? > This question will have to be voted in the Technical Board which voted > the "pure experimental" versioning rule. > We have 3 options: > > a) "Pure internal" libs are versioned as "stable" libs, > while "pure experimental" libs have version 0.x. > It looks inconsistent and non-sense. > > b) "Pure internal" libs are versioned as > "pure experimental" libs: version 0.x. > It makes "pure internal" libs version decreasing in 20.11. > > c) Forget about the different versioning scheme, > i.e. increase 0.x versions to x as "stable" libs. > > Of course, I vote for option c.