> > [Hemant] this is working fine for pmd_dpaa but not for pmd_dpaa2
> >
> > I removed the filename_exp and introduced function based name= Now the
> > issue is  the following warning SONAME changed from
> > 'librte_pmd_dpaa2.so.20.0' to 'librte_pmd_dpaa2.so.0.200.2'
> >
> > The  primary reason is that now pmd_dpaa2 has no symbol left for 20.0
> section.
> > Following is not helping.
> > [suppress_file]
> >         soname_regexp = ^librte_pmd_dpaa2 so, it seems for now, the
> > filename_exp is the only option
> That's interesting.
> Because I wondered about this point when reviewing __rte_internal.
> For components providing only internal symbols like components providing
> only experimental symbols, the build framework will select a soname with
> .0.200.x.
> Here, your dpaa2 driver was seen as a stable library so far.
> Moving everything to internal changes this and the build framework changes
> the soname to non stable.
> You could keep an empty DPDK_20.0 block to avoid this and the soname will
> be kept as is.

[Hemant] Thanks! It worked. I am sending v5 to fix it. 

> --
> David Marchand

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