When we use profile rule as swicth rule to download, if
we download 2 different rules one by one, there will be
rejection from function ice_aq_sw_rules(), for example:

"flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv6 / ah
/ end actions queue index 3 / end"
"flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv6 / esp
/ end actions queue index 2 / end"

That is because the 2 rules has the same s_rule input set
except action queue index, so it will be rejected by
hardware. So we have to use different recipes for them.

Also, we need to add recipe_id to keep record of recipe
index, which will be used in rule remove, if not, there
will be error when search recipe in function
ice_rem_adv_rule() if we create 2 or more profile rule.
For example:

"flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp
/ pfcp s_field is 1 / end actions queue index 4 / end"
"flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp
/ pfcp s_field is 0 / end actions queue index 5 / end"


"flow flush 0"

you will find only the first rule will be delete,
because ice_find_recp() will always return recipe
id of the first rule.

Signed-off-by: Wei Zhao <wei.zh...@intel.com>
 drivers/net/ice/base/ice_switch.c | 15 ++++++++++-----
 drivers/net/ice/base/ice_switch.h |  1 +
 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_switch.c 
index bc0c368d7..d8eec7f51 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_switch.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_switch.c
@@ -4983,7 +4983,8 @@ static const struct ice_protocol_entry 
ice_prot_id_tbl[ICE_PROTOCOL_LAST] = {
  * Returns index of matching recipe, or ICE_MAX_NUM_RECIPES if not found.
-static u16 ice_find_recp(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_prot_lkup_ext 
+static u16 ice_find_recp(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_prot_lkup_ext 
+                        enum ice_sw_tunnel_type tun_type)
        bool refresh_required = true;
        struct ice_sw_recipe *recp;
@@ -5042,7 +5043,10 @@ static u16 ice_find_recp(struct ice_hw *hw, struct 
ice_prot_lkup_ext *lkup_exts)
                        /* If for "i"th recipe the found was never set to false
                         * then it means we found our match
-                       if (found)
+                       if (ice_is_prof_rule(tun_type) &&
+                           tun_type == recp[i].tun_type && found)
+                               return i; /* Return the recipe ID */
+                       else if (!ice_is_prof_rule(tun_type) && found)
                                return i; /* Return the recipe ID */
@@ -5798,7 +5802,7 @@ ice_get_compat_fv_bitmap(struct ice_hw *hw, struct 
ice_adv_rule_info *rinfo,
  * if the rule type is a profile rule, that means that there no field value
  * match required, in this case just a profile hit is required.
-static bool ice_is_prof_rule(enum ice_sw_tunnel_type type)
+bool ice_is_prof_rule(enum ice_sw_tunnel_type type)
        switch (type) {
        case ICE_SW_TUN_PROFID_IPV6_ESP:
@@ -5952,11 +5956,12 @@ ice_add_adv_recipe(struct ice_hw *hw, struct 
ice_adv_lkup_elem *lkups,
                goto err_free_lkup_exts;
        /* Look for a recipe which matches our requested fv / mask list */
-       *rid = ice_find_recp(hw, lkup_exts);
+       *rid = ice_find_recp(hw, lkup_exts, rinfo->tun_type);
        if (*rid < ICE_MAX_NUM_RECIPES)
                /* Success if found a recipe that match the existing criteria */
                goto err_unroll;
+       rm->tun_type = rinfo->tun_type;
        /* Recipe we need does not exist, add a recipe */
        status = ice_add_sw_recipe(hw, rm, match_tun, profiles);
        if (status)
@@ -6873,7 +6878,7 @@ ice_rem_adv_rule(struct ice_hw *hw, struct 
ice_adv_lkup_elem *lkups,
        if (status)
                return status;
-       rid = ice_find_recp(hw, &lkup_exts);
+       rid = ice_find_recp(hw, &lkup_exts, rinfo->tun_type);
        /* If did not find a recipe that match the existing criteria */
        if (rid == ICE_MAX_NUM_RECIPES)
                return ICE_ERR_PARAM;
diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_switch.h 
index f7ae5c741..9666422f7 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_switch.h
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_switch.h
@@ -483,5 +483,6 @@ bool ice_is_vsi_valid(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 vsi_handle);
 enum ice_status ice_replay_vsi_all_fltr(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 vsi_handle);
 void ice_rm_all_sw_replay_rule_info(struct ice_hw *hw);
+bool ice_is_prof_rule(enum ice_sw_tunnel_type type);
 #endif /* _ICE_SWITCH_H_ */

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