08/04/2020 18:49, Ciara Power:
> This patchset extensively reworks the telemetry library adding new
> functionality and simplifying much of the existing code, while
> maintaining backward compatibility.
> This work is based on the previously sent RFC for a "process info"
> library: https://patchwork.dpdk.org/project/dpdk/list/?series=7741
> However, rather than creating a new library, this patchset takes
> that work and merges it into the existing telemetry library, as
> mentioned above.
> The telemetry library as shipped in 19.11 is based upon the metrics
> library and outputs all statistics based on that as a source. However,
> this limits the telemetry output to only port-level statistics
> information, rather than allowing it to be used as a general scheme for
> telemetry information across all DPDK libraries.
> With this patchset applied, rather than the telemetry library being
> responsible for pulling ethdev stats and pushing them into the metrics
> library for retrieval later, each library e.g. ethdev, rawdev, and even
> the metrics library itself (for backwards compatiblity) now handle their
> own stats.  Any library or app can register a callback function with
> telemetry, which will be called if requested by the client connected via
> the telemetry socket. The callback function in the library/app then
> formats its stats, or other data, into a JSON string, and returns it to
> telemetry to be sent to the client.

I think this is a global need in DPDK, and it is usually called RPC,
IPC or control messaging.
We had a similar need for multi-process communication, thus rte_mp IPC.
We also need a control channel for user configuration applications.
We also need to control some features like logging or tracing.

In my opinion, it is time to introduce a general control channel in DPDK.
The application must be in the loop of the control mechanism.
Making such channel standard will ease application adoption.

Please read some comments here:

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