This patch removes the existing telemetry files, which are now redundant
as the new version of telemetry has backward compatibility for their

Signed-off-by: Ciara Power <>
 lib/librte_metrics/rte_metrics_telemetry.c    |    9 -
 lib/librte_telemetry/Makefile                 |    5 -
 lib/librte_telemetry/              |   15 +-
 lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry.c          | 1384 -----------------
 lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry.h          |   55 +-
 lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry_internal.h |  114 --
 lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry_parser.c   |  435 ------
 lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry_parser.h   |   15 -
 .../rte_telemetry_parser_test.c               |  533 -------
 .../rte_telemetry_socket_tests.h              |   36 -
 .../                 |    6 -
 lib/librte_telemetry/telemetry.c              |   19 +-
 12 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 2603 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry.c
 delete mode 100644 lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry_internal.h
 delete mode 100644 lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry_parser.c
 delete mode 100644 lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry_parser.h
 delete mode 100644 lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry_parser_test.c
 delete mode 100644 lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry_socket_tests.h

diff --git a/lib/librte_metrics/rte_metrics_telemetry.c 
index 49de9d74b5..5ef6f765a2 100644
--- a/lib/librte_metrics/rte_metrics_telemetry.c
+++ b/lib/librte_metrics/rte_metrics_telemetry.c
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 #include <rte_ethdev.h>
 #include <rte_string_fns.h>
-#include <rte_telemetry_internal.h>
 #include <rte_telemetry_legacy.h>
@@ -527,14 +526,6 @@ handle_ports_stats_values_by_name(const char *cmd 
-       static const struct metrics_functions fns = {
-               .reg_all_ethdev = rte_metrics_tel_reg_all_ethdev,
-               .encode_json_format = rte_metrics_tel_encode_json_format,
-               .get_port_stats_ids = rte_metrics_tel_get_port_stats_ids,
-               .get_ports_stats_json = rte_metrics_tel_get_ports_stats_json,
-               .extract_data = rte_metrics_tel_extract_data
-       };
-       rte_telemetry_set_metrics_fns(&fns); /* assign them to telemetry lib */
        rte_telemetry_legacy_register("ports_all_stat_values", DATA_NOT_REQ,
        rte_telemetry_legacy_register("global_stat_values", DATA_NOT_REQ,
diff --git a/lib/librte_telemetry/Makefile b/lib/librte_telemetry/Makefile
index eea8023649..2cded733ba 100644
--- a/lib/librte_telemetry/Makefile
+++ b/lib/librte_telemetry/Makefile
@@ -15,16 +15,11 @@ CFLAGS += -I$(RTE_SDK)/lib/librte_eal/$(ARCH_DIR)/include
 CFLAGS += -pthread
 LDLIBS += -lrte_eal
-LDLIBS += -lrte_metrics
 LDLIBS += -lpthread
-LDLIBS += -ljansson
 # library source files
-SRCS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_TELEMETRY) += rte_telemetry_parser.c
-SRCS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_TELEMETRY) += rte_telemetry_parser_test.c
 SRCS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_TELEMETRY) += telemetry_legacy.c
diff --git a/lib/librte_telemetry/ b/lib/librte_telemetry/
index 752f4064d4..1139e07136 100644
--- a/lib/librte_telemetry/
+++ b/lib/librte_telemetry/
@@ -3,17 +3,8 @@
 includes = [global_inc]
-sources = files('rte_telemetry.c','rte_telemetry_parser.c', 
-       'telemetry.c', 'telemetry_legacy.c')
-headers = files('rte_telemetry.h', 'rte_telemetry_internal.h', 
'rte_telemetry_parser.h', 'rte_telemetry_json.h')
+sources = files('telemetry.c', 'telemetry_legacy.c')
+headers = files('rte_telemetry.h', 'rte_telemetry_json.h')
 includes += include_directories('../librte_metrics')
-jansson = dependency('jansson', required: false)
-if jansson.found()
-       ext_deps += jansson
-       dpdk_app_link_libraries += ['telemetry']
-       build = false
-       reason = 'missing dependency "jansson"'
+dpdk_app_link_libraries += ['telemetry']
diff --git a/lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry.c 
deleted file mode 100644
index 45b6d9d948..0000000000
--- a/lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1384 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2018 Intel Corporation
- */
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/un.h>
-#include <jansson.h>
-#include <rte_eal.h>
-#include <rte_metrics.h>
-#include <rte_option.h>
-#include <rte_string_fns.h>
-#include <rte_lcore.h>
-#include "rte_telemetry.h"
-#include "rte_telemetry_internal.h"
-#include "rte_telemetry_parser.h"
-#include "rte_telemetry_socket_tests.h"
-#define BUF_SIZE 1024
-#define ACTION_POST 1
-#define SLEEP_TIME 10
-#define SELFTEST_VALID_CLIENT "/var/run/dpdk/valid_client"
-#define SELFTEST_INVALID_CLIENT "/var/run/dpdk/invalid_client"
-#define SOCKET_TEST_CLIENT_PATH "/var/run/dpdk/client"
-static telemetry_impl *static_telemetry;
-struct telemetry_message_test {
-       const char *test_name;
-       int (*test_func_ptr)(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry, int fd);
-struct json_data {
-       char *status_code;
-       const char *data;
-       int port;
-       char *stat_name;
-       int stat_value;
-/* global array of functions pointers to metrics library */
-const struct metrics_functions *metrics_fns;
-rte_telemetry_set_metrics_fns(const struct metrics_functions *fns)
-       metrics_fns = fns;
-static void
-rte_telemetry_get_runtime_dir(char *socket_path, size_t size)
-       snprintf(socket_path, size, "%s/telemetry", rte_eal_get_runtime_dir());
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_write_to_socket(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry,
-       const char *json_string)
-       int ret;
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not initialise TELEMETRY_API");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (telemetry->request_client == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("No client has been chosen to write to");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (json_string == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid JSON string!");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       ret = send(telemetry->request_client->fd,
-                       json_string, strlen(json_string), 0);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Failed to write to socket for client: %s",
-                               telemetry->request_client->file_path);
-               return -1;
-       }
-       return 0;
-rte_telemetry_send_error_response(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry,
-       int error_type)
-       int ret;
-       const char *status_code, *json_buffer;
-       json_t *root;
-       if (error_type == -EPERM)
-               status_code = "Status Error: Unknown";
-       else if (error_type == -EINVAL)
-               status_code = "Status Error: Invalid Argument 404";
-       else if (error_type == -ENOMEM)
-               status_code = "Status Error: Memory Allocation Error";
-       else {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid error type");
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       root = json_object();
-       if (root == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not create root JSON object");
-               return -EPERM;
-       }
-       ret = json_object_set_new(root, "status_code", 
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Status code field cannot be set");
-               json_decref(root);
-               return -EPERM;
-       }
-       ret = json_object_set_new(root, "data", json_null());
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Data field cannot be set");
-               json_decref(root);
-               return -EPERM;
-       }
-       json_buffer = json_dumps(root, 0);
-       json_decref(root);
-       ret = rte_telemetry_write_to_socket(telemetry, json_buffer);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not write to socket");
-               return -EPERM;
-       }
-       return 0;
-rte_telemetry_send_global_stats_values(struct telemetry_encode_param *ep,
-       struct telemetry_impl *telemetry)
-       int ret;
-       char *json_buffer = NULL;
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid telemetry argument");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       ret = metrics_fns->encode_json_format(ep, &json_buffer);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("JSON encode function failed");
-               ret = rte_telemetry_send_error_response(telemetry, ret);
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send error");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       ret = rte_telemetry_write_to_socket(telemetry, json_buffer);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not write to socket");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       return 0;
-rte_telemetry_send_ports_stats_values(struct telemetry_encode_param *ep,
-       struct telemetry_impl *telemetry)
-       int ret;
-       char *json_buffer = NULL;
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid telemetry argument");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (ep == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid encode param argument");
-               goto einval_fail;
-       }
-       if (ep->pp.num_metric_ids < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid num_metric_ids, must be positive");
-               goto einval_fail;
-       }
-       if (ep->pp.num_port_ids < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid num_port_ids, must be positive");
-               goto einval_fail;
-       }
-       ret = metrics_fns->get_ports_stats_json(ep, telemetry->reg_index,
-                       &json_buffer);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Function for get_ports_stats_json"
-                               " failed");
-               ret = rte_telemetry_send_error_response(telemetry, ret);
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send error");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       ret = rte_telemetry_write_to_socket(telemetry, json_buffer);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not write to socket");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       return 0;
-       ret = rte_telemetry_send_error_response(telemetry, -EINVAL);
-       if (ret < 0)
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send error");
-       return -1;
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_initial_accept(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry)
-       int ret;
-       int selftest = 0;
-       ret = metrics_fns->reg_all_ethdev(&telemetry->metrics_register_done,
-                       telemetry->reg_index);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Failed to register ethdev metrics");
-               ret = rte_telemetry_send_error_response(telemetry, ret);
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send error");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (selftest) {
-               ret = 
-                               telemetry->server_fd);
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       return -1;
-               ret = rte_telemetry_parser_test(telemetry);
-               if (ret < 0) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Parser Tests Failed");
-                       return -1;
-               }
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Success - All Parser Tests Passed");
-       }
-       return 0;
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_read_client(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry)
-       char buf[BUF_SIZE];
-       int ret, buffer_read;
-       buffer_read = read(telemetry->accept_fd, buf, BUF_SIZE-1);
-       if (buffer_read == -1) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Read error");
-               return -1;
-       } else if (buffer_read == 0) {
-               goto close_socket;
-       } else {
-               buf[buffer_read] = '\0';
-               ret = rte_telemetry_parse_client_message(telemetry, buf);
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Parse message failed");
-               goto close_socket;
-       }
-       if (close(telemetry->accept_fd) < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Close TELEMETRY socket failed");
-               free(telemetry);
-               return -EPERM;
-       }
-       telemetry->accept_fd = 0;
-       return 0;
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_accept_new_client(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry)
-       int ret;
-       if (telemetry->accept_fd <= 0) {
-               ret = listen(telemetry->server_fd, 1);
-               if (ret < 0) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Listening error with server fd");
-                       return -1;
-               }
-               telemetry->accept_fd = accept(telemetry->server_fd, NULL, NULL);
-               if (telemetry->accept_fd >= 0 &&
-                       telemetry->metrics_register_done == 0) {
-                       ret = rte_telemetry_initial_accept(telemetry);
-                       if (ret < 0) {
-                               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Failed to run initial 
-                               return -1;
-                       }
-               }
-       } else {
-               ret = rte_telemetry_read_client(telemetry);
-               if (ret < 0) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Failed to read socket buffer");
-                       return -1;
-               }
-       }
-       return 0;
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_read_client_sockets(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry)
-       int ret;
-       telemetry_client *client;
-       char client_buf[BUF_SIZE];
-       int bytes;
-       TAILQ_FOREACH(client, &telemetry->client_list_head, client_list) {
-               bytes = read(client->fd, client_buf, BUF_SIZE-1);
-               if (bytes > 0) {
-                       client_buf[bytes] = '\0';
-                       telemetry->request_client = client;
-                       ret = rte_telemetry_parse(telemetry, client_buf);
-                       if (ret < 0) {
-                               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Parse socket input failed: 
-                                               ret);
-                               return -1;
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       return 0;
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_run(void *userdata)
-       int ret;
-       struct telemetry_impl *telemetry = userdata;
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("TELEMETRY could not be initialised");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       ret = rte_telemetry_accept_new_client(telemetry);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Accept and read new client failed");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       ret = rte_telemetry_read_client_sockets(telemetry);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Client socket read failed");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       return 0;
-static void
-*rte_telemetry_run_thread_func(void *userdata)
-       int ret;
-       struct telemetry_impl *telemetry = userdata;
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("%s passed a NULL instance", __func__);
-               pthread_exit(0);
-       }
-       while (telemetry->thread_status) {
-               rte_telemetry_run(telemetry);
-               ret = usleep(SLEEP_TIME);
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Calling thread could not be put to 
-       }
-       pthread_exit(0);
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_set_socket_nonblock(int fd)
-       int flags;
-       if (fd < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid fd provided");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0);
-       if (flags < 0)
-               flags = 0;
-       return fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_create_socket(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry)
-       int ret;
-       struct sockaddr_un addr;
-       char socket_path[BUF_SIZE];
-       if (telemetry == NULL)
-               return -1;
-       telemetry->server_fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0);
-       if (telemetry->server_fd == -1) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Failed to open socket");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       ret  = rte_telemetry_set_socket_nonblock(telemetry->server_fd);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not set socket to NONBLOCK");
-               goto close_socket;
-       }
-       addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
-       rte_telemetry_get_runtime_dir(socket_path, sizeof(socket_path));
-       strlcpy(addr.sun_path, socket_path, sizeof(addr.sun_path));
-       unlink(socket_path);
-       if (bind(telemetry->server_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr,
-               sizeof(addr)) < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Socket binding error");
-               goto close_socket;
-       }
-       return 0;
-       if (close(telemetry->server_fd) < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Close TELEMETRY socket failed");
-               return -EPERM;
-       }
-       return -1;
-       int ret;
-       pthread_attr_t attr;
-       const char *telemetry_ctrl_thread = "telemetry";
-       if (static_telemetry) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("TELEMETRY structure already initialised");
-               return -EALREADY;
-       }
-       static_telemetry = calloc(1, sizeof(struct telemetry_impl));
-       if (static_telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Memory could not be allocated");
-               return -ENOMEM;
-       }
-       static_telemetry->socket_id = rte_socket_id();
-       ret = pthread_attr_init(&attr);
-       if (ret != 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Pthread attribute init failed");
-               return -EPERM;
-       }
-       ret = rte_telemetry_create_socket(static_telemetry);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               ret = rte_telemetry_cleanup();
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("TELEMETRY cleanup failed");
-               return -EPERM;
-       }
-       TAILQ_INIT(&static_telemetry->client_list_head);
-       ret = rte_ctrl_thread_create(&static_telemetry->thread_id,
-               telemetry_ctrl_thread, &attr, rte_telemetry_run_thread_func,
-               (void *)static_telemetry);
-       static_telemetry->thread_status = 1;
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               ret = rte_telemetry_cleanup();
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("TELEMETRY cleanup failed");
-               return -EPERM;
-       }
-       if (rte_telemetry_new_init() != 0)
-               return -1;
-       return 0;
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_client_cleanup(struct telemetry_client *client)
-       int ret;
-       ret = close(client->fd);
-       free(client->file_path);
-       free(client);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Close client socket failed");
-               return -EPERM;
-       }
-       return 0;
-       int ret;
-       struct telemetry_impl *telemetry = static_telemetry;
-       telemetry_client *client, *temp_client;
-       TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(client, &telemetry->client_list_head, client_list,
-               temp_client) {
-               TAILQ_REMOVE(&telemetry->client_list_head, client, client_list);
-               ret = rte_telemetry_client_cleanup(client);
-               if (ret < 0) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Client cleanup failed");
-                       return -EPERM;
-               }
-       }
-       ret = close(telemetry->server_fd);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Close TELEMETRY socket failed");
-               free(telemetry);
-               return -EPERM;
-       }
-       telemetry->thread_status = 0;
-       pthread_join(telemetry->thread_id, NULL);
-       free(telemetry);
-       static_telemetry = NULL;
-       return 0;
-rte_telemetry_unregister_client(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry,
-       const char *client_path)
-       int ret;
-       telemetry_client *client, *temp_client;
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("TELEMETRY is not initialised");
-               return -ENODEV;
-       }
-       if (client_path == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid client path");
-               goto einval_fail;
-       }
-       if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&telemetry->client_list_head)) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("There are no clients currently registered");
-               return -EPERM;
-       }
-       TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(client, &telemetry->client_list_head, client_list,
-                       temp_client) {
-               if (strcmp(client_path, client->file_path) == 0) {
-                       TAILQ_REMOVE(&telemetry->client_list_head, client,
-                               client_list);
-                       ret = rte_telemetry_client_cleanup(client);
-                       if (ret < 0) {
-                               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Client cleanup failed");
-                               return -EPERM;
-                       }
-                       return 0;
-               }
-       }
-       TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Couldn't find client, possibly not registered 
-       return -1;
-       ret = rte_telemetry_send_error_response(telemetry, -EINVAL);
-       if (ret < 0)
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send error");
-       return -EINVAL;
-rte_telemetry_register_client(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry,
-       const char *client_path)
-       int ret, fd;
-       struct sockaddr_un addrs;
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not initialize TELEMETRY API");
-               return -ENODEV;
-       }
-       if (client_path == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid client path");
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       telemetry_client *client;
-       TAILQ_FOREACH(client, &telemetry->client_list_head, client_list) {
-               if (strcmp(client_path, client->file_path) == 0) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("'%s' already registered",
-                                       client_path);
-                       return -EINVAL;
-               }
-       }
-       fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0);
-       if (fd == -1) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Client socket error");
-               return -EACCES;
-       }
-       ret = rte_telemetry_set_socket_nonblock(fd);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not set socket to NONBLOCK");
-               return -EPERM;
-       }
-       addrs.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
-       strlcpy(addrs.sun_path, client_path, sizeof(addrs.sun_path));
-       telemetry_client *new_client = malloc(sizeof(telemetry_client));
-       new_client->file_path = strdup(client_path);
-       new_client->fd = fd;
-       if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addrs, sizeof(addrs)) == -1) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("TELEMETRY client connect to %s didn't work",
-                               client_path);
-               ret = rte_telemetry_client_cleanup(new_client);
-               if (ret < 0) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Client cleanup failed");
-                       return -EPERM;
-               }
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&telemetry->client_list_head, new_client, 
-       return 0;
-rte_telemetry_parse_client_message(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry, char *buf)
-       int ret, action_int;
-       json_error_t error;
-       json_t *root = json_loads(buf, 0, &error);
-       if (root == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Could not load JSON object from data passed 
in : %s",
-                               error.text);
-               goto fail;
-       } else if (!json_is_object(root)) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("JSON Request is not a JSON object");
-               goto fail;
-       }
-       json_t *action = json_object_get(root, "action");
-       if (action == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Request does not have action field");
-               goto fail;
-       } else if (!json_is_integer(action)) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Action value is not an integer");
-               goto fail;
-       }
-       json_t *command = json_object_get(root, "command");
-       if (command == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Request does not have command field");
-               goto fail;
-       } else if (!json_is_string(command)) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Command value is not a string");
-               goto fail;
-       }
-       action_int = json_integer_value(action);
-       if (action_int != ACTION_POST) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Invalid action code");
-               goto fail;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(json_string_value(command), "clients") != 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Invalid command");
-               goto fail;
-       }
-       json_t *data = json_object_get(root, "data");
-       if (data == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Request does not have data field");
-               goto fail;
-       }
-       json_t *client_path = json_object_get(data, "client_path");
-       if (client_path == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Request does not have client_path field");
-               goto fail;
-       }
-       if (!json_is_string(client_path)) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Client_path value is not a string");
-               goto fail;
-       }
-       ret = rte_telemetry_register_client(telemetry,
-                       json_string_value(client_path));
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not register client");
-               telemetry->register_fail_count++;
-               goto fail;
-       }
-       return 0;
-       TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Client attempted to register with invalid message");
-       json_decref(root);
-       return -1;
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_dummy_client_socket(const char *valid_client_path)
-       int sockfd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0);
-       struct sockaddr_un addr = {0};
-       if (sockfd < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Test socket creation failure");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
-       strlcpy(addr.sun_path, valid_client_path, sizeof(addr.sun_path));
-       unlink(valid_client_path);
-       if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Test socket binding failure");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (listen(sockfd, 1) < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Listen failure");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       return sockfd;
-       const char *invalid_client_path = SELFTEST_INVALID_CLIENT;
-       const char *valid_client_path = SELFTEST_VALID_CLIENT;
-       int ret, sockfd;
-       TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Selftest");
-       ret = rte_telemetry_init();
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Valid initialisation test failed");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Success - Valid initialisation test passed");
-       ret = rte_telemetry_init();
-       if (ret != -EALREADY) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid initialisation test failed");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Success - Invalid initialisation test passed");
-       ret = rte_telemetry_unregister_client(static_telemetry,
-                       invalid_client_path);
-       if (ret != -EPERM) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid unregister test failed");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Success - Invalid unregister test passed");
-       sockfd = rte_telemetry_dummy_client_socket(valid_client_path);
-       if (sockfd < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Test socket creation failed");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       ret = rte_telemetry_register_client(static_telemetry, 
-       if (ret != 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Valid register test failed: %i", ret);
-               return -1;
-       }
-       accept(sockfd, NULL, NULL);
-       TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Success - Valid register test passed");
-       ret = rte_telemetry_register_client(static_telemetry, 
-       if (ret != -EINVAL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid register test failed: %i", ret);
-               return -1;
-       }
-       TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Success - Invalid register test passed");
-       ret = rte_telemetry_unregister_client(static_telemetry,
-               invalid_client_path);
-       if (ret != -1) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid unregister test failed: %i", ret);
-               return -1;
-       }
-       TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Success - Invalid unregister test passed");
-       ret = rte_telemetry_unregister_client(static_telemetry, 
-       if (ret != 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Valid unregister test failed: %i", ret);
-               return -1;
-       }
-       TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Success - Valid unregister test passed");
-       ret = rte_telemetry_cleanup();
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Cleanup test failed");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Success - Valid cleanup test passed");
-       return 0;
-rte_telemetry_socket_messaging_testing(int index, int socket)
-       struct telemetry_impl *telemetry = calloc(1, sizeof(telemetry_impl));
-       int fd, bad_send_fd, send_fd, bad_fd, bad_recv_fd, recv_fd, ret;
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not initialize Telemetry API");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       telemetry->server_fd = socket;
-       telemetry->reg_index[0] = index;
-       TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Beginning Telemetry socket message Selftest");
-       rte_telemetry_socket_test_setup(telemetry, &send_fd, &recv_fd);
-       TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Register valid client test");
-       ret = rte_telemetry_socket_register_test(telemetry, &fd, send_fd,
-               recv_fd);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Register valid client test failed!");
-               free(telemetry);
-               return -1;
-       }
-       TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Success - Register valid client test passed!");
-       TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Register invalid/same client test");
-       ret = rte_telemetry_socket_test_setup(telemetry, &bad_send_fd,
-               &bad_recv_fd);
-       ret = rte_telemetry_socket_register_test(telemetry, &bad_fd,
-               bad_send_fd, bad_recv_fd);
-       if (!ret) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Register invalid/same client test failed!");
-               free(telemetry);
-               return -1;
-       }
-       TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Success - Register invalid/same client test 
-       ret = rte_telemetry_json_socket_message_test(telemetry, fd);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               free(telemetry);
-               return -1;
-       }
-       free(telemetry);
-       return 0;
-rte_telemetry_socket_register_test(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry, int *fd,
-       int send_fd, int recv_fd)
-       int ret;
-       char good_req_string[BUF_SIZE];
-       snprintf(good_req_string, sizeof(good_req_string),
-       "{\"action\":1,\"command\":\"clients\",\"data\":{\"client_path\""
-               ":\"%s\"}}", SOCKET_TEST_CLIENT_PATH);
-       listen(recv_fd, 1);
-       ret = send(send_fd, good_req_string, strlen(good_req_string), 0);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send message over socket");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       rte_telemetry_run(telemetry);
-       if (telemetry->register_fail_count != 0)
-               return -1;
-       *fd = accept(recv_fd, NULL, NULL);
-       return 0;
-rte_telemetry_socket_test_setup(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry, int *send_fd,
-       int *recv_fd)
-       int ret;
-       const char *client_path = SOCKET_TEST_CLIENT_PATH;
-       char socket_path[BUF_SIZE];
-       struct sockaddr_un addr = {0};
-       struct sockaddr_un addrs = {0};
-       *send_fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0);
-       *recv_fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0);
-       listen(telemetry->server_fd, 5);
-       addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
-       rte_telemetry_get_runtime_dir(socket_path, sizeof(socket_path));
-       strlcpy(addr.sun_path, socket_path, sizeof(addr.sun_path));
-       ret = connect(*send_fd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr));
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not connect socket");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       telemetry->accept_fd = accept(telemetry->server_fd, NULL, NULL);
-       addrs.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
-       strlcpy(addrs.sun_path, client_path, sizeof(addrs.sun_path));
-       unlink(client_path);
-       ret = bind(*recv_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addrs, sizeof(addrs));
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not bind socket");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       return 0;
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_stat_parse(char *buf, struct json_data *json_data_struct)
-       json_error_t error;
-       json_t *root = json_loads(buf, 0, &error);
-       int arraylen, i;
-       json_t *status, *dataArray, *port, *stats, *name, *value, *dataArrayObj,
-              *statsArrayObj;
-       stats = NULL;
-       port = NULL;
-       name = NULL;
-       if (buf == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("JSON message is NULL");
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       if (root == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not load JSON object from data passed 
in : %s",
-                               error.text);
-               return -EPERM;
-       } else if (!json_is_object(root)) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("JSON Request is not a JSON object");
-               json_decref(root);
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       status = json_object_get(root, "status_code");
-       if (!status) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Request does not have status field");
-               return -EINVAL;
-       } else if (!json_is_string(status)) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Status value is not a string");
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       json_data_struct->status_code = strdup(json_string_value(status));
-       dataArray = json_object_get(root, "data");
-       if (dataArray == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Request does not have data field");
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       arraylen = json_array_size(dataArray);
-       if (arraylen == 0) {
-               json_data_struct->data = "null";
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       for (i = 0; i < arraylen; i++) {
-               dataArrayObj = json_array_get(dataArray, i);
-               port = json_object_get(dataArrayObj, "port");
-               stats = json_object_get(dataArrayObj, "stats");
-       }
-       if (port == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Request does not have port field");
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       if (!json_is_integer(port)) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Port value is not an integer");
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       json_data_struct->port = json_integer_value(port);
-       if (stats == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Request does not have stats field");
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       arraylen = json_array_size(stats);
-       for (i = 0; i < arraylen; i++) {
-               statsArrayObj = json_array_get(stats, i);
-               name = json_object_get(statsArrayObj, "name");
-               value = json_object_get(statsArrayObj, "value");
-       }
-       if (name == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Request does not have name field");
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       if (!json_is_string(name)) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Stat name value is not a string");
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       json_data_struct->stat_name = strdup(json_string_value(name));
-       if (value == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Request does not have value field");
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       if (!json_is_integer(value)) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Stat value is not an integer");
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       json_data_struct->stat_value = json_integer_value(value);
-       return 0;
-static void
-rte_telemetry_free_test_data(struct json_data *data)
-       free(data->status_code);
-       free(data->stat_name);
-       free(data);
-rte_telemetry_valid_json_test(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry, int fd)
-       int ret;
-       int port = 0;
-       int value = 0;
-       int fail_count = 0;
-       int buffer_read = 0;
-       char buf[BUF_SIZE];
-       struct json_data *data_struct;
-       errno = 0;
-       const char *status = "Status OK: 200";
-       const char *name = "rx_good_packets";
-       const char *valid_json_message = "{\"action\":0,\"command\":"
-       "\"ports_stats_values_by_name\",\"data\":{\"ports\""
-       ":[0],\"stats\":[\"rx_good_packets\"]}}";
-       ret = send(fd, valid_json_message, strlen(valid_json_message), 0);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send message over socket");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       rte_telemetry_run(telemetry);
-       buffer_read = recv(fd, buf, BUF_SIZE-1, 0);
-       if (buffer_read == -1) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Read error");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       buf[buffer_read] = '\0';
-       data_struct = calloc(1, sizeof(struct json_data));
-       ret = rte_telemetry_stat_parse(buf, data_struct);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not parse stats");
-               fail_count++;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(data_struct->status_code, status) != 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Status code is invalid");
-               fail_count++;
-       }
-       if (data_struct->port != port) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Port is invalid");
-               fail_count++;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(data_struct->stat_name, name) != 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Stat name is invalid");
-               fail_count++;
-       }
-       if (data_struct->stat_value != value) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Stat value is invalid");
-               fail_count++;
-       }
-       rte_telemetry_free_test_data(data_struct);
-       if (fail_count > 0)
-               return -1;
-       TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Success - Passed valid JSON message test passed");
-       return 0;
-rte_telemetry_invalid_json_test(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry, int fd)
-       int ret;
-       char buf[BUF_SIZE];
-       int fail_count = 0;
-       const char *invalid_json = "{]";
-       const char *status = "Status Error: Unknown";
-       const char *data = "null";
-       struct json_data *data_struct;
-       int buffer_read = 0;
-       errno = 0;
-       ret = send(fd, invalid_json, strlen(invalid_json), 0);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send message over socket");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       rte_telemetry_run(telemetry);
-       buffer_read = recv(fd, buf, BUF_SIZE-1, 0);
-       if (buffer_read == -1) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Read error");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       buf[buffer_read] = '\0';
-       data_struct = calloc(1, sizeof(struct json_data));
-       ret = rte_telemetry_stat_parse(buf, data_struct);
-       if (ret < 0)
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not parse stats");
-       if (strcmp(data_struct->status_code, status) != 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Status code is invalid");
-               fail_count++;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(data_struct->data, data) != 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Data status is invalid");
-               fail_count++;
-       }
-       rte_telemetry_free_test_data(data_struct);
-       if (fail_count > 0)
-               return -1;
-       TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Success - Passed invalid JSON message test");
-       return 0;
-rte_telemetry_json_contents_test(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry, int fd)
-       int ret;
-       char buf[BUF_SIZE];
-       int fail_count = 0;
-       const char *status = "Status Error: Invalid Argument 404";
-       const char *data = "null";
-       struct json_data *data_struct;
-       const char *invalid_contents = "{\"action\":0,\"command\":"
-       "\"ports_stats_values_by_name\",\"data\":{\"ports\""
-       ":[0],\"stats\":[\"some_invalid_param\","
-       "\"another_invalid_param\"]}}";
-       int buffer_read = 0;
-       errno = 0;
-       ret = send(fd, invalid_contents, strlen(invalid_contents), 0);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send message over socket");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       rte_telemetry_run(telemetry);
-       buffer_read = recv(fd, buf, BUF_SIZE-1, 0);
-       if (buffer_read == -1) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Read error");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       buf[buffer_read] = '\0';
-       data_struct = calloc(1, sizeof(struct json_data));
-       ret = rte_telemetry_stat_parse(buf, data_struct);
-       if (ret < 0)
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not parse stats");
-       if (strcmp(data_struct->status_code, status) != 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Status code is invalid");
-               fail_count++;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(data_struct->data, data) != 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Data status is invalid");
-               fail_count++;
-       }
-       rte_telemetry_free_test_data(data_struct);
-       if (fail_count > 0)
-               return -1;
-       TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Success - Passed invalid JSON content test");
-       return 0;
-rte_telemetry_json_empty_test(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry, int fd)
-       int ret;
-       char buf[BUF_SIZE];
-       int fail_count = 0;
-       const char *status = "Status Error: Invalid Argument 404";
-       const char *data = "null";
-       struct json_data *data_struct;
-       const char *empty_json  = "{}";
-       int buffer_read = 0;
-       errno = 0;
-       ret = (send(fd, empty_json, strlen(empty_json), 0));
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send message over socket");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       rte_telemetry_run(telemetry);
-       buffer_read = recv(fd, buf, BUF_SIZE-1, 0);
-       if (buffer_read == -1) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Read error");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       buf[buffer_read] = '\0';
-       data_struct = calloc(1, sizeof(struct json_data));
-       ret = rte_telemetry_stat_parse(buf, data_struct);
-       if (ret < 0)
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not parse stats");
-       if (strcmp(data_struct->status_code, status) != 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Status code is invalid");
-               fail_count++;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(data_struct->data, data) != 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Data status is invalid");
-               fail_count++;
-       }
-       rte_telemetry_free_test_data(data_struct);
-       if (fail_count > 0)
-               return -1;
-       TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Success - Passed JSON empty message test");
-       return 0;
-rte_telemetry_json_socket_message_test(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry, int 
-       uint16_t i;
-       int ret, fail_count;
-       fail_count = 0;
-       struct telemetry_message_test socket_json_tests[] = {
-               {.test_name = "Invalid JSON test",
-                       .test_func_ptr = rte_telemetry_invalid_json_test},
-               {.test_name = "Valid JSON test",
-                       .test_func_ptr = rte_telemetry_valid_json_test},
-               {.test_name = "JSON contents test",
-                       .test_func_ptr = rte_telemetry_json_contents_test},
-               {.test_name = "JSON empty tests",
-                       .test_func_ptr = rte_telemetry_json_empty_test}
-               };
-#define NUM_TESTS RTE_DIM(socket_json_tests)
-       for (i = 0; i < NUM_TESTS; i++) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("%s", socket_json_tests[i].test_name);
-               ret = (socket_json_tests[i].test_func_ptr)
-                       (telemetry, fd);
-               if (ret < 0) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("%s failed",
-                                       socket_json_tests[i].test_name);
-                       fail_count++;
-               }
-       }
-       if (fail_count > 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Failed %i JSON socket message test(s)",
-                               fail_count);
-               return -1;
-       }
-       TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Success - All JSON tests passed");
-       return 0;
-int telemetry_log_level;
-static struct rte_option option = {
-       .name = "telemetry",
-       .usage = "Enable telemetry backend",
-       .cb = &rte_telemetry_init,
-       .enabled = 0
-       telemetry_log_level = rte_log_register("lib.telemetry");
-       if (telemetry_log_level >= 0)
-               rte_log_set_level(telemetry_log_level, RTE_LOG_ERR);
-       rte_option_register(&option);
diff --git a/lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry.h 
index 7ecd1814ed..cbabf3cd85 100644
--- a/lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry.h
+++ b/lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
  * The telemetry library provides a method to retrieve statistics from
  * DPDK by sending a request message over a socket. DPDK will send
  * a JSON encoded response containing telemetry data.
+ *
@@ -57,56 +58,6 @@ typedef int (*telemetry_cb)(const char *cmd, const char 
 typedef void * (*handler)(void *sock_id);
- * @warning
- * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
- *
- * Initialize Telemetry
- *
- * @return
- *  0 on successful initialisation.
- * @return
- *  -ENOMEM on memory allocation error
- * @return
- *  -EPERM on unknown error failure
- * @return
- *  -EALREADY if Telemetry is already initialised.
- */
- * @warning
- * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
- *
- * Clean up and free memory.
- *
- * @return
- *  0 on success
- * @return
- *  -EPERM on failure
- */
- * @warning
- * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
- *
- * Runs various tests to ensure telemetry initialisation and 
- * functions are working correctly.
- *
- * @return
- *  0 on success when all tests have passed
- * @return
- *  -1 on failure when the test has failed
- */
  * Used when registering a command and callback function with telemetry.
@@ -126,7 +77,7 @@ __rte_experimental
 int rte_telemetry_register_cmd(const char *cmd, telemetry_cb fn);
- * Initialize new version of Telemetry.
+ * Initialize Telemetry.
  * @return
  *  0 on success.
@@ -134,6 +85,6 @@ int rte_telemetry_register_cmd(const char *cmd, telemetry_cb 
  *  -1 on failure.
-int rte_telemetry_new_init(void);
+int rte_telemetry_init(void);
diff --git a/lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry_internal.h 
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ef72b1ec3..0000000000
--- a/lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry_internal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2018 Intel Corporation
- */
-#include <rte_log.h>
-#include <rte_tailq.h>
-#include <rte_metrics.h>
-#include <rte_metrics_telemetry.h>
-/* function types for the functions coming from metrics library */
-typedef int32_t (*metrics_tel_reg_all_ethdev_t)(int *metrics_register_done,
-               int *reg_index_list);
-typedef int32_t (*metrics_tel_encode_json_format_t)(
-               struct telemetry_encode_param *ep, char **json_buffer);
-typedef int32_t (*metrics_tel_get_port_stats_ids_t)(
-               struct telemetry_encode_param *ep);
-typedef int32_t (*metrics_tel_get_ports_stats_json_t)(
-               struct telemetry_encode_param *ep,
-               int *reg_index, char **json_buffer);
-typedef int32_t (*metrics_tel_extract_data_t)(struct telemetry_encode_param 
-               json_t *data);
-struct metrics_functions {
-       metrics_tel_reg_all_ethdev_t reg_all_ethdev;
-       metrics_tel_encode_json_format_t encode_json_format;
-       metrics_tel_get_port_stats_ids_t get_port_stats_ids;
-       metrics_tel_get_ports_stats_json_t get_ports_stats_json;
-       metrics_tel_extract_data_t extract_data;
-extern const struct metrics_functions *metrics_fns;
-/* API for use by metrics libraries to provide the functions to use */
-void rte_telemetry_set_metrics_fns(const struct metrics_functions *fns);
-/* Logging Macros */
-extern int telemetry_log_level;
-#define TELEMETRY_LOG(level, fmt, args...) \
-       rte_log(RTE_LOG_ ##level, telemetry_log_level, "%s(): "fmt "\n", \
-               __func__, ##args)
-#define TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR(fmt, args...) \
-       TELEMETRY_LOG(ERR, fmt, ## args)
-#define TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN(fmt, args...) \
-       TELEMETRY_LOG(WARNING, fmt, ## args)
-#define TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO(fmt, args...) \
-       TELEMETRY_LOG(INFO, fmt, ## args)
-#define MAX_METRICS 256
-typedef struct telemetry_client {
-       char *file_path;
-       int fd;
-       TAILQ_ENTRY(telemetry_client) client_list;
-} telemetry_client;
-typedef struct telemetry_impl {
-       int accept_fd;
-       int server_fd;
-       pthread_t thread_id;
-       int thread_status;
-       uint32_t socket_id;
-       int reg_index[RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS];
-       int metrics_register_done;
-       TAILQ_HEAD(, telemetry_client) client_list_head;
-       struct telemetry_client *request_client;
-       int register_fail_count;
-} telemetry_impl;
-enum rte_telemetry_parser_actions {
-       ACTION_GET = 0,
-       ACTION_DELETE = 2
-rte_telemetry_parse_client_message(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry, char 
-rte_telemetry_send_error_response(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry,
-       int error_type);
-rte_telemetry_register_client(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry,
-       const char *client_path);
-rte_telemetry_unregister_client(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry,
-       const char *client_path);
-rte_telemetry_send_ports_stats_values(struct telemetry_encode_param *ep,
-       struct telemetry_impl *telemetry);
-rte_telemetry_socket_messaging_testing(int index, int socket);
-rte_telemetry_send_global_stats_values(struct telemetry_encode_param *ep,
-       struct telemetry_impl *telemetry);
-rte_telemetry_parser_test(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry);
diff --git a/lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry_parser.c 
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dc84c2cf3..0000000000
--- a/lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry_parser.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2018 Intel Corporation
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <jansson.h>
-#include <rte_metrics.h>
-#include <rte_common.h>
-#include <rte_metrics_telemetry.h>
-#include "rte_telemetry_internal.h"
-#include "rte_telemetry_parser.h"
-typedef int (*command_func)(struct telemetry_impl *, int, json_t *);
-struct rte_telemetry_command {
-       const char *text;
-       command_func fn;
-} command;
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_command_clients(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry, int action,
-       json_t *data)
-       int ret;
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid telemetry argument");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (action != ACTION_DELETE) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Invalid action for this command");
-               goto einval_fail;
-       }
-       if (!json_is_object(data)) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Invalid data provided for this command");
-               goto einval_fail;
-       }
-       json_t *client_path = json_object_get(data, "client_path");
-       if (!json_is_string(client_path)) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Command value is not a string");
-               goto einval_fail;
-       }
-       ret = rte_telemetry_unregister_client(telemetry,
-                       json_string_value(client_path));
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not unregister client");
-               goto einval_fail;
-       }
-       return 0;
-       ret = rte_telemetry_send_error_response(telemetry, -EINVAL);
-       if (ret < 0)
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send error");
-       return -1;
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_command_ports(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry, int action,
-       json_t *data)
-       int ret;
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid telemetry argument");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (!json_is_null(data)) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Data should be NULL JSON object for 'ports' 
-               goto einval_fail;
-       }
-       if (action != ACTION_GET) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Invalid action for this command");
-               goto einval_fail;
-       }
-       return 0;
-       ret = rte_telemetry_send_error_response(telemetry, -EINVAL);
-       if (ret < 0)
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send error");
-       return -1;
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_command_ports_details(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry,
-       int action, json_t *data)
-       json_t *value, *port_ids_json = json_object_get(data, "ports");
-       uint64_t num_port_ids = json_array_size(port_ids_json);
-       int ret, port_ids[num_port_ids];
-       RTE_SET_USED(port_ids);
-       size_t index;
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid telemetry argument");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (action != ACTION_GET) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Invalid action for this command");
-               goto einval_fail;
-       }
-       if (!json_is_object(data)) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Invalid data provided for this command");
-               goto einval_fail;
-       }
-       if (!json_is_array(port_ids_json)) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Invalid Port ID array");
-               goto einval_fail;
-       }
-       json_array_foreach(port_ids_json, index, value) {
-               if (!json_is_integer(value)) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Port ID given is invalid");
-                       goto einval_fail;
-               }
-               port_ids[index] = json_integer_value(value);
-       }
-       return 0;
-       ret = rte_telemetry_send_error_response(telemetry, -EINVAL);
-       if (ret < 0)
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send error");
-       return -1;
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_command_port_stats(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry, int action,
-       json_t *data)
-       int ret;
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid telemetry argument");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (!json_is_null(data)) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Data should be NULL JSON object for 
'port_stats' command");
-               goto einval_fail;
-       }
-       if (action != ACTION_GET) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Invalid action for this command");
-               goto einval_fail;
-       }
-       return 0;
-       ret = rte_telemetry_send_error_response(telemetry, -EINVAL);
-       if (ret < 0)
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send error");
-       return -1;
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_command_ports_all_stat_values(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry,
-        int action, json_t *data)
-       int ret;
-       struct telemetry_encode_param ep;
-       memset(&ep, 0, sizeof(ep));
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid telemetry argument");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (action != ACTION_GET) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Invalid action for this command");
-               ret = rte_telemetry_send_error_response(telemetry, -EINVAL);
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send error");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (json_is_object(data)) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Invalid data provided for this command");
-               ret = rte_telemetry_send_error_response(telemetry, -EINVAL);
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send error");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       ret = metrics_fns->get_port_stats_ids(&ep);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not get ports stat values");
-               ret = rte_telemetry_send_error_response(telemetry, ret);
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send error");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       ret = rte_telemetry_send_ports_stats_values(&ep, telemetry);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Sending ports stats values failed");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       return 0;
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_command_global_stat_values(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry,
-        int action, json_t *data)
-       int ret;
-       struct telemetry_encode_param ep = { .type = GLOBAL_STATS };
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid telemetry argument");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (action != ACTION_GET) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Invalid action for this command");
-               ret = rte_telemetry_send_error_response(telemetry, -EINVAL);
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send error");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (json_is_object(data)) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Invalid data provided for this command");
-               ret = rte_telemetry_send_error_response(telemetry, -EINVAL);
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send error");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       ret = rte_telemetry_send_global_stats_values(&ep, telemetry);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Sending global stats values failed");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       return 0;
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_command_ports_stats_values_by_name(struct telemetry_impl
-       *telemetry, int action, json_t *data)
-       int ret;
-       struct telemetry_encode_param ep;
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid telemetry argument");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (action != ACTION_GET) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Invalid action for this command");
-               ret = rte_telemetry_send_error_response(telemetry, -EINVAL);
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send error");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       ret = metrics_fns->extract_data(&ep, data);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Extracting JSON data failed");
-               ret = rte_telemetry_send_error_response(telemetry, ret);
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send error");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       ret = rte_telemetry_send_ports_stats_values(&ep, telemetry);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Sending ports stats values failed");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       return 0;
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_parse_command(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry, int action,
-       const char *command, json_t *data)
-       int ret;
-       uint32_t i;
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid telemetry argument");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       struct rte_telemetry_command commands[] = {
-               {
-                       .text = "clients",
-                       .fn = &rte_telemetry_command_clients
-               },
-               {
-                       .text = "ports",
-                       .fn = &rte_telemetry_command_ports
-               },
-               {
-                       .text = "ports_details",
-                       .fn = &rte_telemetry_command_ports_details
-               },
-               {
-                       .text = "port_stats",
-                       .fn = &rte_telemetry_command_port_stats
-               },
-               {
-                       .text = "ports_stats_values_by_name",
-                       .fn = &rte_telemetry_command_ports_stats_values_by_name
-               },
-               {
-                       .text = "ports_all_stat_values",
-                       .fn = &rte_telemetry_command_ports_all_stat_values
-               },
-               {
-                       .text = "global_stat_values",
-                       .fn = &rte_telemetry_command_global_stat_values
-               }
-       };
-       const uint32_t num_commands = RTE_DIM(commands);
-       for (i = 0; i < num_commands; i++) {
-               if (strcmp(command, commands[i].text) == 0) {
-                       ret = commands[i].fn(telemetry, action, data);
-                       if (ret < 0) {
-                               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Command Function for %s 
-                                       commands[i].text);
-                               return -1;
-                       }
-                       return 0;
-               }
-       }
-       TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("\"%s\" command not found", command);
-       ret = rte_telemetry_send_error_response(telemetry, -EINVAL);
-       if (ret < 0)
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send error");
-       return -1;
-rte_telemetry_parse(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry, char *socket_rx_data)
-       int ret, action_int;
-       json_error_t error;
-       json_t *root, *action, *command, *data;
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Invalid telemetry argument");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       root = json_loads(socket_rx_data, 0, &error);
-       if (root == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Could not load JSON object from data passed 
in : %s",
-                               error.text);
-               ret = rte_telemetry_send_error_response(telemetry, -EPERM);
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send error");
-               return -EPERM;
-       } else if (!json_is_object(root)) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("JSON Request is not a JSON object");
-               json_decref(root);
-               goto einval_fail;
-       }
-       action = json_object_get(root, "action");
-       if (action == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Request does not have action field");
-               goto einval_fail;
-       } else if (!json_is_integer(action)) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Action value is not an integer");
-               goto einval_fail;
-       }
-       command = json_object_get(root, "command");
-       if (command == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Request does not have command field");
-               goto einval_fail;
-       } else if (!json_is_string(command)) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Command value is not a string");
-               goto einval_fail;
-       }
-       action_int = json_integer_value(action);
-       if (action_int != ACTION_GET && action_int != ACTION_DELETE) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Invalid action code");
-               goto einval_fail;
-       }
-       const char *command_string = json_string_value(command);
-       data = json_object_get(root, "data");
-       if (data == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Request does not have data field");
-               goto einval_fail;
-       }
-       ret = rte_telemetry_parse_command(telemetry, action_int, command_string,
-               data);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Could not parse command");
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       return 0;
-       ret = rte_telemetry_send_error_response(telemetry, -EINVAL);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not send error");
-               return -EPERM;
-       }
-       return -EINVAL;
diff --git a/lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry_parser.h 
deleted file mode 100644
index 28b808d8ad..0000000000
--- a/lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry_parser.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2018 Intel Corporation
- */
-#include "rte_telemetry_internal.h"
-#include "rte_compat.h"
-rte_telemetry_parse(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry, char *socket_rx_data);
diff --git a/lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry_parser_test.c 
deleted file mode 100644
index 6164ef83ec..0000000000
--- a/lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry_parser_test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,533 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2018 Intel Corporation
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <jansson.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/un.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <rte_common.h>
-#include <rte_tailq.h>
-#include <rte_string_fns.h>
-#include "rte_telemetry_parser.h"
-#include "rte_telemetry_internal.h"
-enum choices {
-       INV_DATA_VAL,
-       VALID_REQ
-#define TEST_CLIENT "/var/run/dpdk/test_client"
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_create_test_socket(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry,
-       const char *test_client_path)
-       int ret, sockfd;
-       struct sockaddr_un addr = {0};
-       struct telemetry_client *client;
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Telemetry argument has not been 
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       sockfd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0);
-       if (sockfd < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Test socket creation failure");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
-       strlcpy(addr.sun_path, test_client_path, sizeof(addr.sun_path));
-       unlink(test_client_path);
-       if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Test socket binding failure");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (listen(sockfd, 1) < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Listen failure");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       ret = rte_telemetry_register_client(telemetry, test_client_path);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Register dummy client failed: %i", ret);
-               return -1;
-       }
-       ret = accept(sockfd, NULL, NULL);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Socket accept failed");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       TAILQ_FOREACH(client, &telemetry->client_list_head, client_list)
-               telemetry->request_client = client;
-       return 0;
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_format_port_stat_ids(int *port_ids, int num_port_ids,
-       const char * const *stat_names, int num_stat_names, json_t **data)
-       int ret;
-       json_t *stat_names_json_array = NULL;
-       json_t *port_ids_json_array = NULL;
-       uint32_t i;
-       if (num_port_ids < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Port Ids Count invalid");
-               goto fail;
-       }
-       *data = json_object();
-       if (*data == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Data json object creation failed");
-               goto fail;
-       }
-       port_ids_json_array = json_array();
-       if (port_ids_json_array == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("port_ids_json_array creation failed");
-               goto fail;
-       }
-       for (i = 0; i < (uint32_t)num_port_ids; i++) {
-               ret = json_array_append(port_ids_json_array,
-                               json_integer(port_ids[i]));
-               if (ret < 0) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("JSON array creation failed");
-                       goto fail;
-               }
-       }
-       ret = json_object_set_new(*data, "ports", port_ids_json_array);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Setting 'ports' value in data object 
-               goto fail;
-       }
-       if (stat_names) {
-               if (num_stat_names < 0) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Stat Names Count invalid");
-                       goto fail;
-               }
-               stat_names_json_array = json_array();
-               if (stat_names_json_array == NULL) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("stat_names_json_array creation 
-                       goto fail;
-               }
-               uint32_t i;
-               for (i = 0; i < (uint32_t)num_stat_names; i++) {
-                       ret = json_array_append(stat_names_json_array,
-                                json_string(stat_names[i]));
-                       if (ret < 0) {
-                               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("JSON array creation failed");
-                               goto fail;
-                       }
-               }
-               ret = json_object_set_new(*data, "stats", 
-               if (ret < 0) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Setting 'stats' value in data object 
-                       goto fail;
-               }
-       }
-       return 0;
-       if (*data)
-               json_decref(*data);
-       if (stat_names_json_array)
-               json_decref(stat_names_json_array);
-       if (port_ids_json_array)
-               json_decref(port_ids_json_array);
-       return -1;
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_create_json_request(int action, const char *command,
-       const char *client_path, int *port_ids, int num_port_ids,
-       const char * const *stat_names, int num_stat_names, char **request,
-       int inv_choice)
-       int ret;
-       json_t *root = json_object();
-       json_t *data;
-       if (root == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not create root json object");
-               goto fail;
-       }
-       if (inv_choice == INV_ACTION_FIELD) {
-               ret = json_object_set_new(root, "ac--on", json_integer(action));
-               if (ret < 0) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Setting invalid action field in root 
object failed");
-                       goto fail;
-               }
-       } else {
-               ret = json_object_set_new(root, "action", json_integer(action));
-               if (ret < 0) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Setting valid action field in root 
object failed");
-                       goto fail;
-               }
-       }
-       if (inv_choice == INV_COMMAND_FIELD) {
-               ret = json_object_set_new(root, "co---nd", 
-               if (ret < 0) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Setting invalid command field in 
root object failed");
-                       goto fail;
-               }
-       } else {
-               ret = json_object_set_new(root, "command", 
-               if (ret < 0) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Setting valid command field in root 
object failed");
-                       goto fail;
-               }
-       }
-       data = json_null();
-       if (client_path) {
-               data = json_object();
-               if (data == NULL) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Data json object creation failed");
-                       goto fail;
-               }
-               ret = json_object_set_new(data, "client_path",
-                               json_string(client_path));
-               if (ret < 0) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Setting valid client_path field in 
data object failed");
-                       goto fail;
-               }
-       } else if (port_ids) {
-               ret = rte_telemetry_format_port_stat_ids(port_ids, num_port_ids,
-                               stat_names, num_stat_names, &data);
-               if (ret < 0) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Formatting Port/Stat arrays failed");
-                       goto fail;
-               }
-       }
-       if (inv_choice == INV_DATA_FIELD) {
-               ret = json_object_set_new(root, "d--a", data);
-               if (ret < 0) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Setting invalid data field in data 
object failed");
-                       goto fail;
-               }
-       } else {
-               ret = json_object_set_new(root, "data", data);
-               if (ret < 0) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Setting valid data field in data 
object failed");
-                       goto fail;
-               }
-       }
-       *request = json_dumps(root, 0);
-       if (*request == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Converting JSON root object to char* 
-               goto fail;
-       }
-       json_decref(root);
-       return 0;
-       if (root)
-               json_decref(root);
-       return -1;
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_send_get_ports_and_stats_request(struct telemetry_impl 
-       int action_choice, const char *command_choice, int inv_choice)
-       int ret;
-       char *request;
-       const char *client_path_data = NULL;
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Telemetry argument has not been 
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       if (inv_choice == INV_ACTION_VAL)
-               action_choice = -1;
-       else if (inv_choice == INV_COMMAND_VAL)
-               command_choice = "INVALID_COMMAND";
-       else if (inv_choice == INV_DATA_VAL)
-               client_path_data = "INVALID_DATA";
-       ret = rte_telemetry_create_json_request(action_choice, command_choice,
-               client_path_data, NULL, -1, NULL, -1, &request, inv_choice);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not create JSON Request");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (inv_choice == INV_JSON_FORMAT)
-               request++;
-       ret = rte_telemetry_parse(telemetry, request);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Could not parse JSON Request");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       return 0;
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_send_get_ports_details_request(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry,
-       int action_choice, int *port_ids, int num_port_ids, int inv_choice)
-       int ret;
-       char *request;
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Telemetry argument has not been 
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       const char *command = "ports_details";
-       if (inv_choice == INV_ACTION_VAL)
-               action_choice = -1;
-       else if (inv_choice == INV_COMMAND_VAL)
-               command = "INVALID_COMMAND";
-       else if (inv_choice == INV_DATA_VAL)
-               port_ids = NULL;
-       ret = rte_telemetry_create_json_request(action_choice, command, NULL,
-               port_ids, num_port_ids, NULL, -1, &request, inv_choice);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not create JSON Request");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (inv_choice == INV_JSON_FORMAT)
-               request++;
-       ret = rte_telemetry_parse(telemetry, request);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Could not parse JSON Request");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       return 0;
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_send_stats_values_by_name_request(struct telemetry_impl
-       *telemetry, int action_choice, int *port_ids, int num_port_ids,
-       const char * const *stat_names, int num_stat_names,
-       int inv_choice)
-       int ret;
-       char *request;
-       const char *command = "ports_stats_values_by_name";
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Telemetry argument has not been 
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       if (inv_choice == INV_ACTION_VAL)
-               action_choice = -1;
-       else if (inv_choice == INV_COMMAND_VAL)
-               command = "INVALID_COMMAND";
-       else if (inv_choice == INV_DATA_VAL) {
-               port_ids = NULL;
-               stat_names = NULL;
-       }
-       ret = rte_telemetry_create_json_request(action_choice, command, NULL,
-               port_ids, num_port_ids, stat_names, num_stat_names, &request,
-               inv_choice);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not create JSON Request");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (inv_choice == INV_JSON_FORMAT)
-               request++;
-       ret = rte_telemetry_parse(telemetry, request);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Could not parse JSON Request");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       return 0;
-static int32_t
-rte_telemetry_send_unreg_request(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry,
-       int action_choice, const char *client_path, int inv_choice)
-       int ret;
-       char *request;
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Telemetry argument has not been 
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       const char *command = "clients";
-       if (inv_choice == INV_ACTION_VAL)
-               action_choice = -1;
-       else if (inv_choice == INV_COMMAND_VAL)
-               command = "INVALID_COMMAND";
-       else if (inv_choice == INV_DATA_VAL)
-               client_path = NULL;
-       ret = rte_telemetry_create_json_request(action_choice, command,
-               client_path, NULL, -1, NULL, -1, &request, inv_choice);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not create JSON Request");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (inv_choice == INV_JSON_FORMAT)
-               request++;
-       ret = rte_telemetry_parse(telemetry, request);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_WARN("Could not parse JSON Request");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       return 0;
-rte_telemetry_parser_test(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry)
-       int ret;
-       const char *client_path = TEST_CLIENT;
-       if (telemetry == NULL) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Telemetry argument has not been 
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       ret = rte_telemetry_create_test_socket(telemetry, client_path);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Could not create test request client 
-               return -1;
-       }
-       int port_ids[] = {0, 1};
-       int num_port_ids = RTE_DIM(port_ids);
-       static const char * const stat_names[] = {"tx_good_packets",
-               "rx_good_packets"};
-       int num_stat_names = RTE_DIM(stat_names);
-       static const char * const test_types[] = {
-               "INVALID DATA VALUE TESTS",
-               "INVALID DATA FIELD TESTS",
-               "INVALID JSON FORMAT TESTS",
-               "VALID TESTS"
-       };
-       uint32_t i;
-       for (i = 0; i < RTE_DIM(test_types); i++) {
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("%s", test_types[i]);
-               ret = rte_telemetry_send_get_ports_and_stats_request(telemetry,
-                       ACTION_GET, "ports", i);
-               if (ret != 0 && i == VALID_REQ) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Get ports valid test failed");
-                       return -EPERM;
-               } else if (ret != -1 && i != VALID_REQ) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Get ports invalid test failed");
-                       return -EPERM;
-               }
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Success - Get ports test passed");
-               ret = rte_telemetry_send_get_ports_details_request(telemetry,
-                       ACTION_GET, port_ids, num_port_ids, i);
-               if (ret != 0 && i == VALID_REQ) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Get ports details valid");
-                       return -EPERM;
-               } else if (ret != -1 && i != VALID_REQ) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Get ports details invalid");
-                       return -EPERM;
-               }
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Success - Get ports details test passed");
-               ret = rte_telemetry_send_get_ports_and_stats_request(telemetry,
-                       ACTION_GET, "port_stats", i);
-               if (ret != 0  && i == VALID_REQ) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Get port stats valid test");
-                       return -EPERM;
-               } else if (ret != -1 && i != VALID_REQ) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Get ports stats invalid test 
-                       return -EPERM;
-               }
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Success - Get ports stats test passed");
-               ret = rte_telemetry_send_stats_values_by_name_request(telemetry,
-                       ACTION_GET, port_ids, num_port_ids, stat_names,
-                       num_stat_names, i);
-               if (ret != 0 && i == VALID_REQ) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Get ports stats values by name valid 
test failed");
-                       return -EPERM;
-               } else if (ret != -1 && i != VALID_REQ) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Get ports stats values by name 
invalid test failed");
-                       return -EPERM;
-               }
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Success - Get ports stats values by name 
test passed");
-               ret = rte_telemetry_send_unreg_request(telemetry, ACTION_DELETE,
-                       client_path, i);
-               if (ret != 0 && i == VALID_REQ) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Deregister valid test failed");
-                       return -EPERM;
-               } else if (ret != -1 && i != VALID_REQ) {
-                       TELEMETRY_LOG_ERR("Deregister invalid test failed");
-                       return -EPERM;
-               }
-               TELEMETRY_LOG_INFO("Success - Deregister test passed");
-       }
-       return 0;
diff --git a/lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry_socket_tests.h 
deleted file mode 100644
index db9167c5d5..0000000000
--- a/lib/librte_telemetry/rte_telemetry_socket_tests.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2018 Intel Corporation
- */
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include "rte_telemetry_internal.h"
-rte_telemetry_json_socket_message_test(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry,
-       int fd);
-rte_telemetry_invalid_json_test(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry, int fd);
-rte_telemetry_valid_json_test(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry, int fd);
-rte_telemetry_json_contents_test(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry, int fd);
-rte_telemetry_json_empty_test(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry, int fd);
-rte_telemetry_socket_register_test(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry, int *fd,
-       int send_fd, int recv_fd);
-rte_telemetry_socket_test_setup(struct telemetry_impl *telemetry, int *send_fd,
-       int *recv_fd);
diff --git a/lib/librte_telemetry/ 
index 2db0a5a443..d7ed1fe115 100644
--- a/lib/librte_telemetry/
+++ b/lib/librte_telemetry/
@@ -1,14 +1,8 @@
-       rte_telemetry_cleanup;
-       rte_telemetry_parse;
-       rte_telemetry_selftest;
-       rte_telemetry_set_metrics_fns;
-       rte_telemetry_new_init;
-       rte_telemetry_legacy_init;
        local: *;
diff --git a/lib/librte_telemetry/telemetry.c b/lib/librte_telemetry/telemetry.c
index f77e541ea2..dd2050f57a 100644
--- a/lib/librte_telemetry/telemetry.c
+++ b/lib/librte_telemetry/telemetry.c
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include <rte_common.h>
 #include <rte_spinlock.h>
 #include <rte_version.h>
+#include <rte_option.h>
 #include "rte_telemetry.h"
 #include "rte_telemetry_legacy.h"
@@ -244,7 +245,7 @@ create_socket(char *path)
        return -1;
-static int __rte_unused /* will be used in future commit */
+static int
 telemetry_legacy_init(const char *runtime_dir, const char **err_str)
        pthread_t t_old;
@@ -299,12 +300,26 @@ telemetry_v2_init(const char *runtime_dir, const char 
        const char *error_str;
        if (telemetry_v2_init(rte_eal_get_runtime_dir(), &error_str) != 0) {
                printf("Error initialising telemetry - %s", error_str);
                return -1;
+       if (telemetry_legacy_init(rte_eal_get_runtime_dir(), &error_str)
+                       != 0)
+               printf("No telemetry legacy support- %s", error_str);
        return 0;
+static struct rte_option option = {
+       .name = "telemetry",
+       .usage = "Enable telemetry backend",
+       .cb = &rte_telemetry_init,
+       .enabled = 0
+RTE_INIT(telemetry_register_op) {
+       rte_option_register(&option);

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