On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 12:05 PM Jerin Jacob <jerinjac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 1:49 PM David Marchand <david.march...@redhat.com> 
> wrote:
> > - Regardless of the trace framework, the ALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL_API flag
> > gates access to APIs so that external users are aware of their status.
> > I have been considering setting this flag unconditionally for internal
> > users in the top Makefile/meson for app/ lib/ and drivers/.
> > I could look at this and prepare a patch about this, but this is not
> > enough here.
> It makes sense to me. Let me know when you are planning to send that patch,
> I will rebase this series on top of that.

Feel free to take over, thanks.

> If you don't have time then I can send the patch too.
> I assume the patch content will be:
> 1) Removing experimental API from app, lib, drivers, examples with
> make and meson
> 2) Have it enabled at the global level.

examples are a special case as they can be compiled out of the dpdk sources.
This is why I excluded them of the list in my mail before.

> > How about:
> > * we introduce a global config switch that enables/disables the trace
> > framework (off by default): the people who want to test it and help
> > stabilize it will have to deal with the experimental flag for now,
> > * in 20.11, the trace points are put into the stable ABI, and the
> > option is removed,
> IMO, the better alternative  would be:
> Since the trace changes in the "inline" functions of the specific
> library already
> disabled under _compile time_ RTE_ENABLE_TRACE_DP flag and
> it is using RTE_TRACE_POINT_DP() to define the trace unlike slow path
> trace like RTE_TRACE_POINT().

Ah indeed.
Note: RTE_ENABLE_TRACE_DP is not plugged with meson.

> So I can improve RTE_TRACE_POINT_DP() to make absolute NOP if
> On the upside,
> The tracing code will be enabled by default(runtime it is disabled by
> default anyway).
> If some need to fastpath API tracing then  ALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL_API need
> to enable.
> So this won't break applications.

So either keep the RTE_ENABLE_TRACE_DP flag or use

> > - With the patchset rebased on the current master (could be my fault,
> > so take it with a grain of salt), the ALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL_API flag is
> > not passed when compiling the l3fwd example against an installed dpdk.
> I will check. We have added ALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL_API flag where we got
> compilation issues.

No compilation issue, just big fat warnings reporting that l3fwd did
not enable ALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL_API and it is not built with -Werror.
I caught it with ./devtools/test-*build*.sh scripts.

David Marchand

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