From: Pete Spreadborough <>

- Add TruFlow flow memory support
- Exact Match (EM) adds the capability to manage and manipulate
  data flows using on chip memory.
- Extended Exact Match (EEM) behaves similarly to EM, but at a
  vastly increased scale by using host DDR, with performance
  tradeoff due to the need to access off-chip memory.

Signed-off-by: Pete Spreadborough <>
Reviewed-by: Randy Schacher <>
Reviewed-by: Ajit Kumar Khaparde <>
 drivers/net/bnxt/Makefile                     |    2 +
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/lookup3.h            |  161 +++
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/stack.c              |  107 ++
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/stack.h              |  107 ++
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_core.c            |   51 +
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_core.h            |  480 ++++++-
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_em.c              |  516 +++++++
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_em.h              |  117 ++
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_ext_flow_handle.h |  166 +++
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_msg.c             |  171 +++
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_msg.h             |   40 +
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_tbl.c             | 1795 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_tbl.h             |   83 ++
 13 files changed, 3789 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/lookup3.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/stack.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/stack.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_em.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_em.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_ext_flow_handle.h

diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/Makefile b/drivers/net/bnxt/Makefile
index b97abb6..c950c6d 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/Makefile
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ SRCS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_BNXT_TRUFLOW) += tf_core/tf_core.c
 SRCS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_BNXT_TRUFLOW) += tf_core/bitalloc.c
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/lookup3.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1fd2cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/lookup3.h
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ *
+ * Based on lookup3.c, by Bob Jenkins, May 2006, Public Domain.
+ *
+ *
+ * These functions for producing 32-bit hashes for has table lookup.
+ * hashword(), hashlittle(), hashlittle2(), hashbig(), mix(), and final()
+ * are externally useful functions. Routines to test the hash are included
+ * if SELF_TEST is defined. You can use this free for any purpose. It is in
+ * the public domain. It has no warranty.
+ */
+#ifndef _LOOKUP3_H_
+#define _LOOKUP3_H_
+#define rot(x, k) (((x) << (k)) | ((x) >> (32 - (k))))
+/** -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This is reversible, so any information in (a,b,c) before mix() is
+ * still in (a,b,c) after mix().
+ *
+ * If four pairs of (a,b,c) inputs are run through mix(), or through
+ * mix() in reverse, there are at least 32 bits of the output that
+ * are sometimes the same for one pair and different for another pair.
+ * This was tested for:
+ *   pairs that differed by one bit, by two bits, in any combination
+ *   of top bits of (a,b,c), or in any combination of bottom bits of
+ *   (a,b,c).
+ *   "differ" is defined as +, -, ^, or ~^.  For + and -, I transformed
+ *   the output delta to a Gray code (a^(a>>1)) so a string of 1's (as
+ *   is commonly produced by subtraction) look like a single 1-bit
+ *   difference.
+ *   the base values were pseudorandom, all zero but one bit set, or
+ *   all zero plus a counter that starts at zero.
+ *
+ * Some k values for my "a-=c; a^=rot(c,k); c+=b;" arrangement that
+ * satisfy this are
+ *     4  6  8 16 19  4
+ *     9 15  3 18 27 15
+ *    14  9  3  7 17  3
+ * Well, "9 15 3 18 27 15" didn't quite get 32 bits diffing
+ * for "differ" defined as + with a one-bit base and a two-bit delta.  I
+ * used to choose
+ * the operations, constants, and arrangements of the variables.
+ *
+ * This does not achieve avalanche.  There are input bits of (a,b,c)
+ * that fail to affect some output bits of (a,b,c), especially of a.  The
+ * most thoroughly mixed value is c, but it doesn't really even achieve
+ * avalanche in c.
+ *
+ * This allows some parallelism.  Read-after-writes are good at doubling
+ * the number of bits affected, so the goal of mixing pulls in the opposite
+ * direction as the goal of parallelism.  I did what I could.  Rotates
+ * seem to cost as much as shifts on every machine I could lay my hands
+ * on, and rotates are much kinder to the top and bottom bits, so I used
+ * rotates.
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#define mix(a, b, c) \
+{ \
+       (a) -= (c); (a) ^= rot((c), 4);  (c) += b; \
+       (b) -= (a); (b) ^= rot((a), 6);  (a) += c; \
+       (c) -= (b); (c) ^= rot((b), 8);  (b) += a; \
+       (a) -= (c); (a) ^= rot((c), 16); (c) += b; \
+       (b) -= (a); (b) ^= rot((a), 19); (a) += c; \
+       (c) -= (b); (c) ^= rot((b), 4);  (b) += a; \
+/** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * final -- final mixing of 3 32-bit values (a,b,c) into c
+ *
+ * Pairs of (a,b,c) values differing in only a few bits will usually
+ * produce values of c that look totally different.  This was tested for
+ *  pairs that differed by one bit, by two bits, in any combination
+ *   of top bits of (a,b,c), or in any combination of bottom bits of
+ *   (a,b,c).
+ *   "differ" is defined as +, -, ^, or ~^.  For + and -, I transformed
+ *   the output delta to a Gray code (a^(a>>1)) so a string of 1's (as
+ *   is commonly produced by subtraction) look like a single 1-bit
+ *   difference.
+ *   the base values were pseudorandom, all zero but one bit set, or
+ *   all zero plus a counter that starts at zero.
+ *
+ * These constants passed:
+ *  14 11 25 16 4 14 24
+ *  12 14 25 16 4 14 24
+ * and these came close:
+ *   4  8 15 26 3 22 24
+ *  10  8 15 26 3 22 24
+ *  11  8 15 26 3 22 24
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#define final(a, b, c) \
+{ \
+       (c) ^= (b); (c) -= rot((b), 14); \
+       (a) ^= (c); (a) -= rot((c), 11); \
+       (b) ^= (a); (b) -= rot((a), 25); \
+       (c) ^= (b); (c) -= rot((b), 16); \
+       (a) ^= (c); (a) -= rot((c), 4);  \
+       (b) ^= (a); (b) -= rot((a), 14); \
+       (c) ^= (b); (c) -= rot((b), 24); \
+/** --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *  This works on all machines.  To be useful, it requires
+ *  -- that the key be an array of uint32_t's, and
+ *  -- that the length be the number of uint32_t's in the key
+ *  The function hashword() is identical to hashlittle() on little-endian
+ *  machines, and identical to hashbig() on big-endian machines,
+ *  except that the length has to be measured in uint32_ts rather than in
+ *  bytes. hashlittle() is more complicated than hashword() only because
+ *  hashlittle() has to dance around fitting the key bytes into registers.
+ *
+ *  Input Parameters:
+ *      key: an array of uint32_t values
+ *      length: the length of the key, in uint32_ts
+ *      initval: the previous hash, or an arbitrary value
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static inline uint32_t hashword(const uint32_t *k,
+                               size_t length,
+                               uint32_t initval) {
+       uint32_t a, b, c;
+       int index = 12;
+       /* Set up the internal state */
+       a = 0xdeadbeef + (((uint32_t)length) << 2) + initval;
+       b = a;
+       c = a;
+       /*-------------------------------------------- handle most of the key */
+       while (length > 3) {
+               a += k[index];
+               b += k[index - 1];
+               c += k[index - 2];
+               mix(a, b, c);
+               length -= 3;
+               index -= 3;
+       }
+       /*-------------------------------------- handle the last 3 uint32_t's */
+       switch (length) {             /* all the case statements fall through */
+       case 3:
+               c += k[index - 2];
+               /* Falls through. */
+       case 2:
+               b += k[index - 1];
+               /* Falls through. */
+       case 1:
+               a += k[index];
+               final(a, b, c);
+               /* Falls through. */
+       case 0:     /* case 0: nothing left to add */
+               break;
+       }
+       /*------------------------------------------------- report the result */
+       return c;
+#endif /* _LOOKUP3_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/stack.c b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/stack.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3337073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/stack.c
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2019-2020 Broadcom
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include "stack.h"
+#define STACK_EMPTY -1
+/* Initialize stack
+ */
+stack_init(int num_entries, uint32_t *items, struct stack *st)
+       if (items == NULL || st == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       st->max = num_entries;
+       st->top = STACK_EMPTY;
+       st->items = items;
+       return 0;
+/* Return the size of the stack
+ */
+stack_size(struct stack *st)
+       return st->top + 1;
+/* Check if the stack is empty
+ */
+stack_is_empty(struct stack *st)
+       return st->top == STACK_EMPTY;
+/* Check if the stack is full
+ */
+stack_is_full(struct stack *st)
+       return st->top == st->max - 1;
+/* Add  element x to  the stack
+ */
+stack_push(struct stack *st, uint32_t x)
+       if (stack_is_full(st))
+               return -EOVERFLOW;
+       /* add an element and increments the top index
+        */
+       st->items[++st->top] = x;
+       return 0;
+/* Pop top element x from the stack and return
+ * in user provided location.
+ */
+stack_pop(struct stack *st, uint32_t *x)
+       if (stack_is_empty(st))
+               return -ENODATA;
+       *x = st->items[st->top];
+       st->top--;
+       return 0;
+/* Dump the stack
+ */
+void stack_dump(struct stack *st)
+       int i, j;
+       printf("top=%d\n", st->top);
+       printf("max=%d\n", st->max);
+       if (st->top == -1) {
+               printf("stack is empty\n");
+               return;
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < st->max + 7 / 8; i++) {
+               printf("item[%d] 0x%08x", i, st->items[i]);
+               for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
+                       if (i++ < st->max - 1)
+                               printf(" 0x%08x", st->items[i]);
+               }
+               printf("\n");
+       }
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/stack.h b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/stack.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fe8829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/stack.h
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2019-2020 Broadcom
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef _STACK_H_
+#define _STACK_H_
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** Stack data structure
+ */
+struct stack {
+       int max;         /**< Maximum number of entries */
+       int top;         /**< maximum value in stack */
+       uint32_t *items; /**< items in the stack */
+/** Initialize stack of uint32_t elements
+ *
+ *  [in] num_entries
+ *    maximum number of elemnts in the stack
+ *
+ *  [in] items
+ *    pointer to items (must be sized to (uint32_t * num_entries)
+ *
+ *  s[in] st
+ *    pointer to the stack structure
+ *
+ *  return
+ *    0 for success
+ */
+int stack_init(int num_entries,
+              uint32_t *items,
+              struct stack *st);
+/** Return the size of the stack
+ *
+ *  [in] st
+ *    pointer to the stack
+ *
+ *  return
+ *    number of elements
+ */
+int32_t stack_size(struct stack *st);
+/** Check if the stack is empty
+ *
+ * [in] st
+ *   pointer to the stack
+ *
+ * return
+ *   true or false
+ */
+bool stack_is_empty(struct stack *st);
+/** Check if the stack is full
+ *
+ * [in] st
+ *   pointer to the stack
+ *
+ * return
+ *   true or false
+ */
+bool stack_is_full(struct stack *st);
+/** Add  element x to  the stack
+ *
+ * [in] st
+ *   pointer to the stack
+ *
+ * [in] x
+ *   value to push on the stack
+ * return
+ *  0 for success
+ */
+int stack_push(struct stack *st, uint32_t x);
+/** Pop top element x from the stack and return
+ * in user provided location.
+ *
+ * [in] st
+ *   pointer to the stack
+ *
+ * [in, out] x
+ *  pointer to where the value popped will be written
+ *
+ * return
+ *  0 for success
+ */
+int stack_pop(struct stack *st, uint32_t *x);
+/** Dump stack information
+ *
+ * Warning: Don't use for large stacks due to prints
+ *
+ * [in] st
+ *   pointer to the stack
+ *
+ * return
+ *    none
+ */
+void stack_dump(struct stack *st);
+#endif /* _STACK_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_core.c 
index 2833de2..8f037a2 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_core.c
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_core.c
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 #include "tf_core.h"
 #include "tf_session.h"
 #include "tf_tbl.h"
+#include "tf_em.h"
 #include "tf_rm.h"
 #include "tf_msg.h"
 #include "tfp.h"
@@ -288,6 +289,56 @@ tf_close_session(struct tf *tfp)
        return rc_close;
+/** insert EM hash entry API
+ *
+ *    returns:
+ *    0       - Success
+ *    -EINVAL - Error
+ */
+int tf_insert_em_entry(struct tf *tfp,
+                      struct tf_insert_em_entry_parms *parms)
+       struct tf_tbl_scope_cb     *tbl_scope_cb;
+       if (tfp == NULL || parms == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       tbl_scope_cb = tbl_scope_cb_find(
+               (struct tf_session *)(tfp->session->core_data),
+               parms->tbl_scope_id);
+       if (tbl_scope_cb == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       /* Process the EM entry per Table Scope type */
+       return tf_insert_eem_entry(
+               (struct tf_session *)(tfp->session->core_data),
+               tbl_scope_cb,
+               parms);
+/** Delete EM hash entry API
+ *
+ *    returns:
+ *    0       - Success
+ *    -EINVAL - Error
+ */
+int tf_delete_em_entry(struct tf *tfp,
+                      struct tf_delete_em_entry_parms *parms)
+       struct tf_tbl_scope_cb     *tbl_scope_cb;
+       if (tfp == NULL || parms == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       tbl_scope_cb = tbl_scope_cb_find(
+               (struct tf_session *)(tfp->session->core_data),
+               parms->tbl_scope_id);
+       if (tbl_scope_cb == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       return tf_delete_eem_entry(tfp, parms);
 /** allocate identifier resource
  * Returns success or failure code.
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_core.h 
index 4c90677..34e643c 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_core.h
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_core.h
@@ -21,6 +21,10 @@
 /********** BEGIN Truflow Core DEFINITIONS **********/
+#define TF_KILOBYTE  1024
+#define TF_MEGABYTE  (1024 * 1024)
  * direction
@@ -31,6 +35,27 @@ enum tf_dir {
+ * memory choice
+ */
+enum tf_mem {
+       TF_MEM_INTERNAL, /**< Internal */
+       TF_MEM_EXTERNAL, /**< External */
+       TF_MEM_MAX
+ * The size of the external action record (Wh+/Brd2)
+ *
+ * Currently set to 512.
+ *
+ * AR (16B) + encap (256B) + stats_ptrs (8) + resvd (8)
+ * + stats (16) = 304 aligned on a 16B boundary
+ *
+ * Theoretically, the size should be smaller. ~304B
+ */
+#define TF_ACTION_RECORD_SZ 512
  * External pool size
  * Defines a single pool of external action records of
@@ -56,6 +81,23 @@ enum tf_dir {
 #define TF_EXT_POOL_0      0 /**< matches TF_TBL_TYPE_EXT   */
 #define TF_EXT_POOL_1      1 /**< matches TF_TBL_TYPE_EXT_0 */
+/** EEM record AR helper
+ *
+ * Helpers to handle the Action Record Pointer in the EEM Record Entry.
+ *
+ * Convert absolute offset to action record pointer in EEM record entry
+ * Convert action record pointer in EEM record entry to absolute offset
+ */
+#define TF_ACT_REC_OFFSET_2_PTR(offset) ((offset) >> 4)
+#define TF_ACT_REC_PTR_2_OFFSET(offset) ((offset) << 4)
+#define TF_ACT_REC_INDEX_2_OFFSET(idx) ((idx) << 9)
+ * Helper Macros
+ */
+#define TF_BITS_2_BYTES(num_bits) (((num_bits) + 7) / 8)
@@ -495,7 +537,7 @@ struct tf_alloc_tbl_scope_parms {
        uint32_t rx_num_flows_in_k;
-        * [in] SR2 only receive table access interface id
+        * [in] Brd4 only receive table access interface id
        uint32_t rx_tbl_if_id;
@@ -517,7 +559,7 @@ struct tf_alloc_tbl_scope_parms {
        uint32_t tx_num_flows_in_k;
-        * [in] SR2 only receive table access interface id
+        * [in] Brd4 only receive table access interface id
        uint32_t tx_tbl_if_id;
@@ -536,7 +578,7 @@ struct tf_free_tbl_scope_parms {
  * allocate a table scope
- * On SR2 Firmware will allocate a scope ID.  On other devices, the scope
+ * On Brd4 Firmware will allocate a scope ID.  On other devices, the scope
  * is a software construct to identify an EEM table.  This function will
  * divide the hash memory/buckets and records according to the device
  * device constraints based upon calculations using either the number of flows
@@ -546,7 +588,7 @@ struct tf_free_tbl_scope_parms {
  * This API will allocate the table region in
  * DRAM, program the PTU page table entries, and program the number of static
- * buckets (if SR2) in the RX and TX CFAs.  Buckets are assumed to start at
+ * buckets (if Brd4) in the RX and TX CFAs.  Buckets are assumed to start at
  * 0 in the EM memory for the scope.  Upon successful completion of this API,
  * hash tables are fully initialized and ready for entries to be inserted.
@@ -563,7 +605,7 @@ struct tf_free_tbl_scope_parms {
  * memory allocated based on the rx_em_hash_mb/tx_em_hash_mb parameters.  The
  * hash table buckets are stored at the beginning of that memory.
- * NOTES:  No EM internal setup is done here. On chip EM records are managed
+ * NOTE:  No EM internal setup is done here. On chip EM records are managed
  * internally by TruFlow core.
  * Returns success or failure code.
@@ -577,7 +619,7 @@ int tf_alloc_tbl_scope(struct tf *tfp,
  * Firmware checks that the table scope ID is owned by the TruFlow
  * session, verifies that no references to this table scope remains
- * (SR2 ILT) or Profile TCAM entries for either CFA (RX/TX) direction,
+ * (Brd4 ILT) or Profile TCAM entries for either CFA (RX/TX) direction,
  * then frees the table scope ID.
  * Returns success or failure code.
@@ -905,4 +947,430 @@ enum tf_tbl_type {
+/** tf_alloc_tbl_entry parameter definition
+ */
+struct tf_alloc_tbl_entry_parms {
+       /**
+        * [in] Receive or transmit direction
+        */
+       enum tf_dir dir;
+       /**
+        * [in] Type of the allocation
+        */
+       enum tf_tbl_type type;
+       /**
+        * [in] Enable search for matching entry. If the table type is
+        * internal the shadow copy will be searched before
+        * alloc. Session must be configured with shadow copy enabled.
+        */
+       uint8_t search_enable;
+       /**
+        * [in] Result data to search for (if search_enable)
+        */
+       uint8_t *result;
+       /**
+        * [in] Result data size in bytes (if search_enable)
+        */
+       uint16_t result_sz_in_bytes;
+       /**
+        * [out] If search_enable, set if matching entry found
+        */
+       uint8_t hit;
+       /**
+        * [out] Current ref count after allocation (if search_enable)
+        */
+       uint16_t ref_cnt;
+       /**
+        * [out] Idx of allocated entry or found entry (if search_enable)
+        */
+       uint32_t idx;
+/** allocate index table entries
+ *
+ * Internal types:
+ *
+ * Allocate an on chip index table entry or search for a matching
+ * entry of the indicated type for this TruFlow session.
+ *
+ * Allocates an index table record. This function will attempt to
+ * allocate an entry or search an index table for a matching entry if
+ * search is enabled (only the shadow copy of the table is accessed).
+ *
+ * If search is not enabled, the first available free entry is
+ * returned. If search is enabled and a matching entry to entry_data
+ * is found hit is set to TRUE and success is returned.
+ *
+ * External types:
+ *
+ * These are used to allocate inlined action record memory.
+ *
+ * Allocates an external index table action record.
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ * Implementation of the internals of this function will be a stack with push
+ * and pop.
+ *
+ * Returns success or failure code.
+ */
+int tf_alloc_tbl_entry(struct tf *tfp,
+                      struct tf_alloc_tbl_entry_parms *parms);
+/** tf_free_tbl_entry parameter definition
+ */
+struct tf_free_tbl_entry_parms {
+       /**
+        * [in] Receive or transmit direction
+        */
+       enum tf_dir dir;
+       /**
+        * [in] Type of the allocation type
+        */
+       enum tf_tbl_type type;
+       /**
+        * [in] Index to free
+        */
+       uint32_t idx;
+       /**
+        * [out] Reference count after free, only valid if session has been
+        * created with shadow_copy.
+        */
+       uint16_t ref_cnt;
+/** free index table entry
+ *
+ * Used to free a previously allocated table entry.
+ *
+ * Internal types:
+ *
+ * If session has shadow_copy enabled the shadow DB is searched and if
+ * found the element ref_cnt is decremented. If ref_cnt goes to
+ * zero then the element is returned to the session pool.
+ *
+ * If the session does not have a shadow DB the element is free'ed and
+ * given back to the session pool.
+ *
+ * External types:
+ *
+ * Free's an external index table action record.
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ * Implementation of the internals of this function will be a stack with push
+ * and pop.
+ *
+ * Returns success or failure code.
+ */
+int tf_free_tbl_entry(struct tf *tfp,
+                     struct tf_free_tbl_entry_parms *parms);
+/** tf_set_tbl_entry parameter definition
+ */
+struct tf_set_tbl_entry_parms {
+       /**
+        * [in] Table scope identifier
+        *
+        */
+       uint32_t tbl_scope_id;
+       /**
+        * [in] Receive or transmit direction
+        */
+       enum tf_dir dir;
+       /**
+        * [in] Type of object to set
+        */
+       enum tf_tbl_type type;
+       /**
+        * [in] Entry data
+        */
+       uint8_t *data;
+       /**
+        * [in] Entry size
+        */
+       uint16_t data_sz_in_bytes;
+       /**
+        * [in] Entry index to write to
+        */
+       uint32_t idx;
+/** set index table entry
+ *
+ * Used to insert an application programmed index table entry into a
+ * previous allocated table location.  A shadow copy of the table
+ * is maintained (if enabled) (only for internal objects)
+ *
+ * Returns success or failure code.
+ */
+int tf_set_tbl_entry(struct tf *tfp,
+                    struct tf_set_tbl_entry_parms *parms);
+/** tf_get_tbl_entry parameter definition
+ */
+struct tf_get_tbl_entry_parms {
+       /**
+        * [in] Receive or transmit direction
+        */
+       enum tf_dir dir;
+       /**
+        * [in] Type of object to get
+        */
+       enum tf_tbl_type type;
+       /**
+        * [out] Entry data
+        */
+       uint8_t *data;
+       /**
+        * [out] Entry size
+        */
+       uint16_t data_sz_in_bytes;
+       /**
+        * [in] Entry index to read
+        */
+       uint32_t idx;
+/** get index table entry
+ *
+ * Used to retrieve a previous set index table entry.
+ *
+ * Reads and compares with the shadow table copy (if enabled) (only
+ * for internal objects).
+ *
+ * Returns success or failure code. Failure will be returned if the
+ * provided data buffer is too small for the data type requested.
+ */
+int tf_get_tbl_entry(struct tf *tfp,
+                    struct tf_get_tbl_entry_parms *parms);
+ * @page exact_match Exact Match Table
+ *
+ * @ref tf_insert_em_entry
+ *
+ * @ref tf_delete_em_entry
+ *
+ * @ref tf_search_em_entry
+ *
+ */
+/** tf_insert_em_entry parameter definition
+ */
+struct tf_insert_em_entry_parms {
+       /**
+        * [in] receive or transmit direction
+        */
+       enum tf_dir dir;
+       /**
+        * [in] internal or external
+        */
+       enum tf_mem mem;
+       /**
+        * [in] ID of table scope to use (external only)
+        */
+       uint32_t tbl_scope_id;
+       /**
+        * [in] ID of table interface to use (Brd4 only)
+        */
+       uint32_t tbl_if_id;
+       /**
+        * [in] ptr to structure containing key fields
+        */
+       uint8_t *key;
+       /**
+        * [in] key bit length
+        */
+       uint16_t key_sz_in_bits;
+       /**
+        * [in] ptr to structure containing result field
+        */
+       uint8_t *em_record;
+       /**
+        * [out] result size in bits
+        */
+       uint16_t em_record_sz_in_bits;
+       /**
+        * [in] duplicate check flag
+        */
+       uint8_t dup_check;
+       /**
+        * [out] Flow handle value for the inserted entry.  This is encoded
+        * as the entries[4]:bucket[2]:hashId[1]:hash[14]
+        */
+       uint64_t flow_handle;
+       /**
+        * [out] Flow id is returned as null (internal)
+        * Flow id is the GFID value for the inserted entry (external)
+        * This is the value written to the BD and useful information for mark.
+        */
+       uint64_t flow_id;
+ * tf_delete_em_entry parameter definition
+ */
+struct tf_delete_em_entry_parms {
+       /**
+        * [in] receive or transmit direction
+        */
+       enum tf_dir dir;
+       /**
+        * [in] internal or external
+        */
+       enum tf_mem mem;
+       /**
+        * [in] ID of table scope to use (external only)
+        */
+       uint32_t tbl_scope_id;
+       /**
+        * [in] ID of table interface to use (Brd4 only)
+        */
+       uint32_t tbl_if_id;
+       /**
+        * [in] epoch group IDs of entry to delete
+        * 2 element array with 2 ids. (Brd4 only)
+        */
+       uint16_t *epochs;
+       /**
+        * [in] structure containing flow delete handle information
+        */
+       uint64_t flow_handle;
+ * tf_search_em_entry parameter definition
+ */
+struct tf_search_em_entry_parms {
+       /**
+        * [in] receive or transmit direction
+        */
+       enum tf_dir dir;
+       /**
+        * [in] internal or external
+        */
+       enum tf_mem mem;
+       /**
+        * [in] ID of table scope to use (external only)
+        */
+       uint32_t tbl_scope_id;
+       /**
+        * [in] ID of table interface to use (Brd4 only)
+        */
+       uint32_t tbl_if_id;
+       /**
+        * [in] ptr to structure containing key fields
+        */
+       uint8_t *key;
+       /**
+        * [in] key bit length
+        */
+       uint16_t key_sz_in_bits;
+       /**
+        * [in/out] ptr to structure containing EM record fields
+        */
+       uint8_t *em_record;
+       /**
+        * [out] result size in bits
+        */
+       uint16_t em_record_sz_in_bits;
+       /**
+        * [in] epoch group IDs of entry to lookup
+        * 2 element array with 2 ids. (Brd4 only)
+        */
+       uint16_t *epochs;
+       /**
+        * [in] ptr to structure containing flow delete handle
+        */
+       uint64_t flow_handle;
+/** insert em hash entry in internal table memory
+ *
+ * Internal:
+ *
+ * This API inserts an exact match entry into internal EM table memory
+ * of the specified direction.
+ *
+ * Note: The EM record is managed within the TruFlow core and not the
+ * application.
+ *
+ * Shadow copy of internal record table an association with hash and 1,2, or 4
+ * associated buckets
+ *
+ * External:
+ * This API inserts an exact match entry into DRAM EM table memory of the
+ * specified direction and table scope.
+ *
+ * When inserting an entry into an exact match table, the TruFlow library may
+ * need to allocate a dynamic bucket for the entry (Brd4 only).
+ *
+ * The insertion of duplicate entries in an EM table is not permitted. If a
+ * TruFlow application can guarantee that it will never insert duplicates, it
+ * can disable duplicate checking by passing a zero value in the  dup_check
+ * parameter to this API.  This will optimize performance. Otherwise, the
+ * TruFlow library will enforce protection against inserting duplicate entries.
+ *
+ * Flow handle is defined in this document:
+ *
+ *
+ * /document/d/1NESu7RpTN3jwxbokaPfYORQyChYRmJgs40wMIRe8_-Q/edit
+ *
+ * Returns success or busy code.
+ *
+ */
+int tf_insert_em_entry(struct tf *tfp,
+                      struct tf_insert_em_entry_parms *parms);
+/** delete em hash entry table memory
+ *
+ * Internal:
+ *
+ * This API deletes an exact match entry from internal EM table memory of the
+ * specified direction. If a valid flow ptr is passed in then that takes
+ * precedence over the pointer to the complete key passed in.
+ *
+ *
+ * External:
+ *
+ * This API deletes an exact match entry from EM table memory of the specified
+ * direction and table scope. If a valid flow handle is passed in then that
+ * takes precedence over the pointer to the complete key passed in.
+ *
+ * The TruFlow library may release a dynamic bucket when an entry is deleted.
+ *
+ *
+ * Returns success or not found code
+ *
+ *
+ */
+int tf_delete_em_entry(struct tf *tfp,
+                      struct tf_delete_em_entry_parms *parms);
+/** search em hash entry table memory
+ *
+ * Internal:
+ * This API looks up an EM entry in table memory with the specified EM
+ * key or flow (flow takes precedence) and direction.
+ *
+ * The status will be one of: success or entry not found.  If the lookup
+ * succeeds, a pointer to the matching entry and the result record associated
+ * with the matching entry will be provided.
+ *
+ * If flow_handle is set, search shadow copy.
+ *
+ * Otherwise, query the fw with key to get result.
+ *
+ * External:
+ *
+ * This API looks up an EM entry in table memory with the specified EM
+ * key or flow_handle (flow takes precedence), direction and table scope.
+ *
+ * The status will be one of: success or entry not found.  If the lookup
+ * succeeds, a pointer to the matching entry and the result record associated
+ * with the matching entry will be provided.
+ *
+ * Returns success or not found code
+ *
+ */
+int tf_search_em_entry(struct tf *tfp,
+                      struct tf_search_em_entry_parms *parms);
 #endif /* _TF_CORE_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_em.c b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_em.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7109eb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_em.c
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2019-2020 Broadcom
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <string.h>
+#include <rte_common.h>
+#include <rte_errno.h>
+#include <rte_log.h>
+#include "tf_core.h"
+#include "tf_em.h"
+#include "tf_msg.h"
+#include "tfp.h"
+#include "lookup3.h"
+#include "tf_ext_flow_handle.h"
+#include "bnxt.h"
+/* Enable EEM table dump
+ */
+#define TF_EEM_DUMP
+static struct tf_eem_64b_entry zero_key_entry;
+static uint32_t tf_em_get_key_mask(int num_entries)
+       uint32_t mask = num_entries - 1;
+       if (num_entries & 0x7FFF)
+               return 0;
+       if (num_entries > (128 * 1024 * 1024))
+               return 0;
+       return mask;
+/* CRC32i support for Key0 hash */
+#define ucrc32(ch, crc) (crc32tbl[((crc) ^ (ch)) & 0xff] ^ ((crc) >> 8))
+#define crc32(x, y) crc32i(~0, x, y)
+static const uint32_t crc32tbl[] = {   /* CRC polynomial 0xedb88320 */
+0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xee0e612c, 0x990951ba,
+0x076dc419, 0x706af48f, 0xe963a535, 0x9e6495a3,
+0x0edb8832, 0x79dcb8a4, 0xe0d5e91e, 0x97d2d988,
+0x09b64c2b, 0x7eb17cbd, 0xe7b82d07, 0x90bf1d91,
+0x1db71064, 0x6ab020f2, 0xf3b97148, 0x84be41de,
+0x1adad47d, 0x6ddde4eb, 0xf4d4b551, 0x83d385c7,
+0x136c9856, 0x646ba8c0, 0xfd62f97a, 0x8a65c9ec,
+0x14015c4f, 0x63066cd9, 0xfa0f3d63, 0x8d080df5,
+0x3b6e20c8, 0x4c69105e, 0xd56041e4, 0xa2677172,
+0x3c03e4d1, 0x4b04d447, 0xd20d85fd, 0xa50ab56b,
+0x35b5a8fa, 0x42b2986c, 0xdbbbc9d6, 0xacbcf940,
+0x32d86ce3, 0x45df5c75, 0xdcd60dcf, 0xabd13d59,
+0x26d930ac, 0x51de003a, 0xc8d75180, 0xbfd06116,
+0x21b4f4b5, 0x56b3c423, 0xcfba9599, 0xb8bda50f,
+0x2802b89e, 0x5f058808, 0xc60cd9b2, 0xb10be924,
+0x2f6f7c87, 0x58684c11, 0xc1611dab, 0xb6662d3d,
+0x76dc4190, 0x01db7106, 0x98d220bc, 0xefd5102a,
+0x71b18589, 0x06b6b51f, 0x9fbfe4a5, 0xe8b8d433,
+0x7807c9a2, 0x0f00f934, 0x9609a88e, 0xe10e9818,
+0x7f6a0dbb, 0x086d3d2d, 0x91646c97, 0xe6635c01,
+0x6b6b51f4, 0x1c6c6162, 0x856530d8, 0xf262004e,
+0x6c0695ed, 0x1b01a57b, 0x8208f4c1, 0xf50fc457,
+0x65b0d9c6, 0x12b7e950, 0x8bbeb8ea, 0xfcb9887c,
+0x62dd1ddf, 0x15da2d49, 0x8cd37cf3, 0xfbd44c65,
+0x4db26158, 0x3ab551ce, 0xa3bc0074, 0xd4bb30e2,
+0x4adfa541, 0x3dd895d7, 0xa4d1c46d, 0xd3d6f4fb,
+0x4369e96a, 0x346ed9fc, 0xad678846, 0xda60b8d0,
+0x44042d73, 0x33031de5, 0xaa0a4c5f, 0xdd0d7cc9,
+0x5005713c, 0x270241aa, 0xbe0b1010, 0xc90c2086,
+0x5768b525, 0x206f85b3, 0xb966d409, 0xce61e49f,
+0x5edef90e, 0x29d9c998, 0xb0d09822, 0xc7d7a8b4,
+0x59b33d17, 0x2eb40d81, 0xb7bd5c3b, 0xc0ba6cad,
+0xedb88320, 0x9abfb3b6, 0x03b6e20c, 0x74b1d29a,
+0xead54739, 0x9dd277af, 0x04db2615, 0x73dc1683,
+0xe3630b12, 0x94643b84, 0x0d6d6a3e, 0x7a6a5aa8,
+0xe40ecf0b, 0x9309ff9d, 0x0a00ae27, 0x7d079eb1,
+0xf00f9344, 0x8708a3d2, 0x1e01f268, 0x6906c2fe,
+0xf762575d, 0x806567cb, 0x196c3671, 0x6e6b06e7,
+0xfed41b76, 0x89d32be0, 0x10da7a5a, 0x67dd4acc,
+0xf9b9df6f, 0x8ebeeff9, 0x17b7be43, 0x60b08ed5,
+0xd6d6a3e8, 0xa1d1937e, 0x38d8c2c4, 0x4fdff252,
+0xd1bb67f1, 0xa6bc5767, 0x3fb506dd, 0x48b2364b,
+0xd80d2bda, 0xaf0a1b4c, 0x36034af6, 0x41047a60,
+0xdf60efc3, 0xa867df55, 0x316e8eef, 0x4669be79,
+0xcb61b38c, 0xbc66831a, 0x256fd2a0, 0x5268e236,
+0xcc0c7795, 0xbb0b4703, 0x220216b9, 0x5505262f,
+0xc5ba3bbe, 0xb2bd0b28, 0x2bb45a92, 0x5cb36a04,
+0xc2d7ffa7, 0xb5d0cf31, 0x2cd99e8b, 0x5bdeae1d,
+0x9b64c2b0, 0xec63f226, 0x756aa39c, 0x026d930a,
+0x9c0906a9, 0xeb0e363f, 0x72076785, 0x05005713,
+0x95bf4a82, 0xe2b87a14, 0x7bb12bae, 0x0cb61b38,
+0x92d28e9b, 0xe5d5be0d, 0x7cdcefb7, 0x0bdbdf21,
+0x86d3d2d4, 0xf1d4e242, 0x68ddb3f8, 0x1fda836e,
+0x81be16cd, 0xf6b9265b, 0x6fb077e1, 0x18b74777,
+0x88085ae6, 0xff0f6a70, 0x66063bca, 0x11010b5c,
+0x8f659eff, 0xf862ae69, 0x616bffd3, 0x166ccf45,
+0xa00ae278, 0xd70dd2ee, 0x4e048354, 0x3903b3c2,
+0xa7672661, 0xd06016f7, 0x4969474d, 0x3e6e77db,
+0xaed16a4a, 0xd9d65adc, 0x40df0b66, 0x37d83bf0,
+0xa9bcae53, 0xdebb9ec5, 0x47b2cf7f, 0x30b5ffe9,
+0xbdbdf21c, 0xcabac28a, 0x53b39330, 0x24b4a3a6,
+0xbad03605, 0xcdd70693, 0x54de5729, 0x23d967bf,
+0xb3667a2e, 0xc4614ab8, 0x5d681b02, 0x2a6f2b94,
+0xb40bbe37, 0xc30c8ea1, 0x5a05df1b, 0x2d02ef8d
+static uint32_t crc32i(uint32_t crc, const uint8_t *buf, size_t len)
+       int l;
+       for (l = (len - 1); l >= 0; l--) {
+               crc = ucrc32(buf[l], crc);
+       }
+       return ~crc;
+static uint32_t tf_em_lkup_get_crc32_hash(struct tf_session *session,
+                                         uint8_t *key,
+                                         enum tf_dir dir)
+       int i;
+       uint32_t index;
+       uint32_t val1, val2;
+       uint8_t temp[4];
+       uint8_t *kptr = key;
+       /* Do byte-wise XOR of the 52-byte HASH key first. */
+       index = *key;
+       kptr--;
+       for (i = TF_HW_EM_KEY_MAX_SIZE - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
+               index = index ^ *kptr;
+               kptr--;
+       }
+       /* Get seeds */
+       val1 = session->lkup_em_seed_mem[dir][index * 2];
+       val2 = session->lkup_em_seed_mem[dir][index * 2 + 1];
+       temp[3] = (uint8_t)(val1 >> 24);
+       temp[2] = (uint8_t)(val1 >> 16);
+       temp[1] = (uint8_t)(val1 >> 8);
+       temp[0] = (uint8_t)(val1 & 0xff);
+       val1 = 0;
+       /* Start with seed */
+       if (!(val2 & 0x1))
+               val1 = crc32i(~val1, temp, 4);
+       val1 = crc32i(~val1,
+                     (key - (TF_HW_EM_KEY_MAX_SIZE - 1)),
+                     TF_HW_EM_KEY_MAX_SIZE);
+       /* End with seed */
+       if (val2 & 0x1)
+               val1 = crc32i(~val1, temp, 4);
+       return val1;
+static uint32_t tf_em_lkup_get_lookup3_hash(uint32_t lookup3_init_value,
+                                           uint8_t *in_key)
+       uint32_t val1;
+       val1 = hashword(((uint32_t *)in_key) + 1,
+                        TF_HW_EM_KEY_MAX_SIZE / (sizeof(uint32_t)),
+                        lookup3_init_value);
+       return val1;
+void *tf_em_get_table_page(struct tf_tbl_scope_cb *tbl_scope_cb,
+                          enum tf_dir dir,
+                          uint32_t offset,
+                          enum tf_em_table_type table_type)
+       int level = 0;
+       int page = offset / TF_EM_PAGE_SIZE;
+       void *addr = NULL;
+       struct tf_em_ctx_mem_info *ctx = &tbl_scope_cb->em_ctx_info[dir];
+       if (ctx == NULL)
+               return NULL;
+       if (dir != TF_DIR_RX && dir != TF_DIR_TX)
+               return NULL;
+       if (table_type < KEY0_TABLE || table_type > EFC_TABLE)
+               return NULL;
+       /*
+        * Use the level according to the num_level of page table
+        */
+       level = ctx->em_tables[table_type].num_lvl - 1;
+       addr = (void *)ctx->em_tables[table_type].pg_tbl[level].pg_va_tbl[page];
+       return addr;
+/** Read Key table entry
+ *
+ * Entry is read in to entry
+ */
+static int tf_em_read_entry(struct tf_tbl_scope_cb *tbl_scope_cb,
+                                struct tf_eem_64b_entry *entry,
+                                uint32_t entry_size,
+                                uint32_t index,
+                                enum tf_em_table_type table_type,
+                                enum tf_dir dir)
+       void *page;
+       uint32_t entry_offset = (index * entry_size) % TF_EM_PAGE_SIZE;
+       page = tf_em_get_table_page(tbl_scope_cb,
+                                   dir,
+                                   (index * entry_size),
+                                   table_type);
+       if (page == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       memcpy((uint8_t *)entry, (uint8_t *)page + entry_offset, entry_size);
+       return 0;
+static int tf_em_write_entry(struct tf_tbl_scope_cb *tbl_scope_cb,
+                                struct tf_eem_64b_entry *entry,
+                                uint32_t entry_size,
+                                uint32_t index,
+                                enum tf_em_table_type table_type,
+                                enum tf_dir dir)
+       void *page;
+       uint32_t entry_offset = (index * entry_size) % TF_EM_PAGE_SIZE;
+       page = tf_em_get_table_page(tbl_scope_cb,
+                                   dir,
+                                   (index * entry_size),
+                                   table_type);
+       if (page == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       memcpy((uint8_t *)page + entry_offset, entry, entry_size);
+       return 0;
+static int tf_em_entry_exists(struct tf_tbl_scope_cb *tbl_scope_cb,
+                              struct tf_eem_64b_entry *entry,
+                              uint32_t index,
+                              enum tf_em_table_type table_type,
+                              enum tf_dir dir)
+       int rc;
+       struct tf_eem_64b_entry table_entry;
+       rc = tf_em_read_entry(tbl_scope_cb,
+                             &table_entry,
+                             TF_EM_KEY_RECORD_SIZE,
+                             index,
+                             table_type,
+                             dir);
+       if (rc != 0)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       if (table_entry.hdr.word1 & (1 << TF_LKUP_RECORD_VALID_SHIFT)) {
+               if (entry != NULL) {
+                       if (memcmp(&table_entry,
+                                  entry,
+                                  TF_EM_KEY_RECORD_SIZE) == 0)
+                               return -EEXIST;
+               } else {
+                       return -EEXIST;
+               }
+               return -EBUSY;
+       }
+       return 0;
+static void tf_em_create_key_entry(struct tf_eem_entry_hdr *result,
+                                   uint8_t            *in_key,
+                                   struct tf_eem_64b_entry *key_entry)
+       key_entry->hdr.word1 = result->word1;
+       if (result->word1 & TF_LKUP_RECORD_ACT_REC_INT_MASK)
+               key_entry->hdr.pointer = result->pointer;
+       else
+               key_entry->hdr.pointer = result->pointer;
+       memcpy(key_entry->key, in_key, TF_HW_EM_KEY_MAX_SIZE + 4);
+/* tf_em_select_inject_table
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * 0 - Key does not exist in either table and can be inserted
+ *             at "index" in table "table".
+ * EEXIST  - Key does exist in table at "index" in table "table".
+ * TF_ERR     - Something went horribly wrong.
+ */
+static int tf_em_select_inject_table(struct tf_tbl_scope_cb    *tbl_scope_cb,
+                                         enum tf_dir dir,
+                                         struct tf_eem_64b_entry *entry,
+                                         uint32_t key0_hash,
+                                         uint32_t key1_hash,
+                                         uint32_t *index,
+                                         enum tf_em_table_type *table)
+       int key0_entry;
+       int key1_entry;
+       /*
+        * Check KEY0 table.
+        */
+       key0_entry = tf_em_entry_exists(tbl_scope_cb,
+                                        entry,
+                                        key0_hash,
+                                        KEY0_TABLE,
+                                        dir);
+       /*
+        * Check KEY1 table.
+        */
+       key1_entry = tf_em_entry_exists(tbl_scope_cb,
+                                        entry,
+                                        key1_hash,
+                                        KEY1_TABLE,
+                                        dir);
+       if (key0_entry == -EEXIST) {
+               *table = KEY0_TABLE;
+               *index = key0_hash;
+               return -EEXIST;
+       } else if (key1_entry == -EEXIST) {
+               *table = KEY1_TABLE;
+               *index = key1_hash;
+               return -EEXIST;
+       } else if (key0_entry == 0) {
+               *table = KEY0_TABLE;
+               *index = key0_hash;
+               return 0;
+       } else if (key1_entry == 0) {
+               *table = KEY1_TABLE;
+               *index = key1_hash;
+               return 0;
+       }
+       return -EINVAL;
+/** insert EEM entry API
+ *
+ * returns:
+ *  0
+ *  TF_ERR         - unable to get lock
+ *
+ * insert callback returns:
+ *   0
+ *   TF_ERR_EM_DUP  - key is already in table
+ */
+int tf_insert_eem_entry(struct tf_session         *session,
+                       struct tf_tbl_scope_cb     *tbl_scope_cb,
+                       struct tf_insert_em_entry_parms *parms)
+       uint32_t           mask;
+       uint32_t           key0_hash;
+       uint32_t           key1_hash;
+       uint32_t           key0_index;
+       uint32_t           key1_index;
+       struct tf_eem_64b_entry key_entry;
+       uint32_t           index;
+       enum tf_em_table_type table_type;
+       uint32_t           gfid;
+       int                num_of_entry;
+       /* Get mask to use on hash */
+       mask = 
+       if (!mask)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       num_of_entry = TF_HW_EM_KEY_MAX_SIZE + 4;
+       key0_hash = tf_em_lkup_get_crc32_hash(session,
+                                     &parms->key[num_of_entry] - 1,
+                                     parms->dir);
+       key0_index = key0_hash & mask;
+       key1_hash =
+          tf_em_lkup_get_lookup3_hash(session->lkup_lkup3_init_cfg[parms->dir],
+                                       parms->key);
+       key1_index = key1_hash & mask;
+       /*
+        * Use the "result" arg to populate all of the key entry then
+        * store the byte swapped "raw" entry in a local copy ready
+        * for insertion in to the table.
+        */
+       tf_em_create_key_entry((struct tf_eem_entry_hdr *)parms->em_record,
+                               ((uint8_t *)parms->key),
+                               &key_entry);
+       /*
+        * Find which table to use
+        */
+       if (tf_em_select_inject_table(tbl_scope_cb,
+                                     parms->dir,
+                                     &key_entry,
+                                     key0_index,
+                                     key1_index,
+                                     &index,
+                                     &table_type) == 0) {
+               if (table_type == KEY0_TABLE) {
+                       TF_SET_GFID(gfid,
+                                   key0_index,
+                                   KEY0_TABLE);
+               } else {
+                       TF_SET_GFID(gfid,
+                                   key1_index,
+                                   KEY1_TABLE);
+               }
+               /*
+                * Inject
+                */
+               if (tf_em_write_entry(tbl_scope_cb,
+                                     &key_entry,
+                                     TF_EM_KEY_RECORD_SIZE,
+                                     index,
+                                     table_type,
+                                     parms->dir) == 0) {
+                       TF_SET_FLOW_ID(parms->flow_id,
+                                      gfid,
+                                      TF_GFID_TABLE_EXTERNAL,
+                                      parms->dir);
+                       TF_SET_FIELDS_IN_FLOW_HANDLE(parms->flow_handle,
+                                                    0,
+                                                    0,
+                                                    0,
+                                                    index,
+                                                    0,
+                                                    table_type);
+                       return 0;
+               }
+       }
+       return -EINVAL;
+/** delete EEM hash entry API
+ *
+ * returns:
+ *   0
+ *   -EINVAL     - parameter error
+ *   TF_NO_SESSION    - bad session ID
+ *   TF_ERR_TBL_SCOPE - invalid table scope
+ *   TF_ERR_TBL_IF    - invalid table interface
+ *
+ * insert callback returns
+ *   0
+ *   TF_NO_EM_MATCH - entry not found
+ */
+int tf_delete_eem_entry(struct tf *tfp,
+                       struct tf_delete_em_entry_parms *parms)
+       struct tf_session          *session;
+       struct tf_tbl_scope_cb     *tbl_scope_cb;
+       enum tf_em_table_type hash_type;
+       uint32_t index;
+       if (parms == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       session = (struct tf_session *)tfp->session->core_data;
+       if (session == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       tbl_scope_cb = tbl_scope_cb_find(session,
+                                        parms->tbl_scope_id);
+       if (tbl_scope_cb == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       if (parms->flow_handle == 0)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       TF_GET_HASH_TYPE_FROM_FLOW_HANDLE(parms->flow_handle, hash_type);
+       TF_GET_INDEX_FROM_FLOW_HANDLE(parms->flow_handle, index);
+       if (tf_em_entry_exists(tbl_scope_cb,
+                              NULL,
+                              index,
+                              hash_type,
+                              parms->dir) == -EEXIST) {
+               tf_em_write_entry(tbl_scope_cb,
+                                 &zero_key_entry,
+                                 TF_EM_KEY_RECORD_SIZE,
+                                 index,
+                                 hash_type,
+                                 parms->dir);
+               return 0;
+       }
+       return -EINVAL;
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_em.h b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_em.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a3584f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_em.h
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2019-2020 Broadcom
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef _TF_EM_H_
+#define _TF_EM_H_
+#include "tf_core.h"
+#include "tf_session.h"
+#define TF_HW_EM_KEY_MAX_SIZE 52
+/** EEM Entry header
+ *
+ */
+struct tf_eem_entry_hdr {
+       uint32_t pointer;
+       uint32_t word1;  /*
+                         * The header is made up of two words,
+                         * this is the first word. This field has multiple
+                         * subfields, there is no suitable single name for
+                         * it so just going with word1.
+                         */
+#define TF_LKUP_RECORD_VALID_MASK 0x80000000
+#define TF_LKUP_RECORD_L1_CACHEABLE_MASK 0x40000000
+#define TF_LKUP_RECORD_STRENGTH_MASK 0x30000000
+#define TF_LKUP_RECORD_ACT_REC_INT_MASK 0x00000004
+#define TF_LKUP_RECORD_EXT_FLOW_CTR_MASK 0x00000002
+#define TF_LKUP_RECORD_ACT_PTR_MSB_MASK 0x00000001
+/** EEM Entry
+ *  Each EEM entry is 512-bit (64-bytes)
+ */
+struct tf_eem_64b_entry {
+       /** Key is 448 bits - 56 bytes */
+       uint8_t key[TF_EM_KEY_RECORD_SIZE - sizeof(struct tf_eem_entry_hdr)];
+       /** Header is 8 bytes long */
+       struct tf_eem_entry_hdr hdr;
+ * Allocates EEM Table scope
+ *
+ * [in] tfp
+ *   Pointer to TruFlow handle
+ *
+ * [in] parms
+ *   Pointer to input parameters
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *   0       - Success
+ *   -EINVAL - Parameter error
+ *   -ENOMEM - Out of memory
+ */
+int tf_alloc_eem_tbl_scope(struct tf *tfp,
+                          struct tf_alloc_tbl_scope_parms *parms);
+ * Free's EEM Table scope control block
+ *
+ * [in] tfp
+ *   Pointer to TruFlow handle
+ *
+ * [in] parms
+ *   Pointer to input parameters
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *   0       - Success
+ *   -EINVAL - Parameter error
+ */
+int tf_free_eem_tbl_scope_cb(struct tf *tfp,
+                            struct tf_free_tbl_scope_parms *parms);
+ * Function to search for table scope control block structure
+ * with specified table scope ID.
+ *
+ * [in] session
+ *   Session to use for the search of the table scope control block
+ * [in] tbl_scope_id
+ *   Table scope ID to search for
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *  Pointer to the found table scope control block struct or NULL if
+ *  table scope control block struct not found
+ */
+struct tf_tbl_scope_cb *tbl_scope_cb_find(struct tf_session *session,
+                                         uint32_t tbl_scope_id);
+int tf_insert_eem_entry(struct tf_session *session,
+                       struct tf_tbl_scope_cb *tbl_scope_cb,
+                       struct tf_insert_em_entry_parms *parms);
+int tf_delete_eem_entry(struct tf *tfp,
+                       struct tf_delete_em_entry_parms *parms);
+void *tf_em_get_table_page(struct tf_tbl_scope_cb *tbl_scope_cb,
+                          enum tf_dir dir,
+                          uint32_t offset,
+                          enum tf_em_table_type table_type);
+#endif /* _TF_EM_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_ext_flow_handle.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..417a99c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_ext_flow_handle.h
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2019-2020 Broadcom
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#define TF_NUM_KEY_ENTRIES_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK    0x00000000F0000000ULL
+#define TF_FLOW_TYPE_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK          0x00000000000000F0ULL
+#define TF_FLOW_TYPE_FLOW_HANDLE_SFT           4
+#define TF_FLAGS_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK              0x000000000000000FULL
+#define TF_FLAGS_FLOW_HANDLE_SFT               0
+#define TF_INDEX_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK              0xFFFFFFF000000000ULL
+#define TF_INDEX_FLOW_HANDLE_SFT               36
+#define TF_ENTRY_NUM_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK          0x0000000E00000000ULL
+#define TF_ENTRY_NUM_FLOW_HANDLE_SFT           33
+#define TF_HASH_TYPE_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK          0x0000000100000000ULL
+#define TF_HASH_TYPE_FLOW_HANDLE_SFT           32
+                               TF_FLOW_TYPE_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK |         \
+                               TF_FLAGS_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK |             \
+                               TF_INDEX_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK |             \
+                               TF_ENTRY_NUM_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK |         \
+                               TF_HASH_TYPE_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK)
+#define TF_GET_FIELDS_FROM_FLOW_HANDLE(flow_handle,                    \
+                                      num_key_entries,                 \
+                                      flow_type,                       \
+                                      flags,                           \
+                                      index,                           \
+                                      entry_num,                       \
+                                      hash_type)                       \
+do {                                                                   \
+       (num_key_entries) = \
+               (((flow_handle) & TF_NUM_KEY_ENTRIES_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK) >> \
+                TF_NUM_KEY_ENTRIES_FLOW_HANDLE_SFT);                   \
+       (flow_type) = (((flow_handle) & TF_FLOW_TYPE_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK) >> \
+                    TF_FLOW_TYPE_FLOW_HANDLE_SFT);                     \
+       (flags) = (((flow_handle) & TF_FLAGS_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK) >>       \
+                    TF_FLAGS_FLOW_HANDLE_SFT);                         \
+       (index) = (((flow_handle) & TF_INDEX_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK) >>       \
+                    TF_INDEX_FLOW_HANDLE_SFT);                         \
+       (entry_num) = (((flow_handle) & TF_ENTRY_NUM_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK) >> \
+                    TF_ENTRY_NUM_FLOW_HANDLE_SFT);                     \
+       (hash_type) = (((flow_handle) & TF_HASH_TYPE_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK) >> \
+                    TF_HASH_TYPE_FLOW_HANDLE_SFT);                     \
+} while (0)
+#define TF_SET_FIELDS_IN_FLOW_HANDLE(flow_handle,                      \
+                                    num_key_entries,                   \
+                                    flow_type,                         \
+                                    flags,                             \
+                                    index,                             \
+                                    entry_num,                         \
+                                    hash_type)                         \
+do {                                                                   \
+       (flow_handle) &= ~TF_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK;                          \
+       (flow_handle) |= \
+               (((num_key_entries) << TF_NUM_KEY_ENTRIES_FLOW_HANDLE_SFT) & \
+                TF_NUM_KEY_ENTRIES_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK);                  \
+       (flow_handle) |= (((flow_type) << TF_FLOW_TYPE_FLOW_HANDLE_SFT) & \
+                       TF_FLOW_TYPE_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK);                 \
+       (flow_handle) |= (((flags) << TF_FLAGS_FLOW_HANDLE_SFT) &       \
+                       TF_FLAGS_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK);                     \
+       (flow_handle) |= ((((uint64_t)index) << TF_INDEX_FLOW_HANDLE_SFT) & \
+                       TF_INDEX_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK);                     \
+       (flow_handle) |=                                                \
+               ((((uint64_t)entry_num) << TF_ENTRY_NUM_FLOW_HANDLE_SFT) & \
+                TF_ENTRY_NUM_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK);                        \
+       (flow_handle) |=                                                \
+               ((((uint64_t)hash_type) << TF_HASH_TYPE_FLOW_HANDLE_SFT) & \
+                TF_HASH_TYPE_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK);                        \
+} while (0)
+#define TF_GET_INDEX_FROM_FLOW_HANDLE(flow_handle,                     \
+                                     index)                            \
+do {                                                                   \
+       index = (((flow_handle) & TF_INDEX_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK) >>         \
+                    TF_INDEX_FLOW_HANDLE_SFT);                         \
+} while (0)
+#define TF_GET_HASH_TYPE_FROM_FLOW_HANDLE(flow_handle,                 \
+                                         hash_type)                    \
+do {                                                                   \
+       hash_type = (((flow_handle) & TF_HASH_TYPE_FLOW_HANDLE_MASK) >> \
+                    TF_HASH_TYPE_FLOW_HANDLE_SFT);                     \
+} while (0)
+ * 32 bit Flow ID handlers
+ */
+#define TF_GFID_FLOW_ID_MASK           0xFFFFFFF0UL
+#define TF_GFID_FLOW_ID_SFT            4
+#define TF_FLAG_FLOW_ID_MASK           0x00000002UL
+#define TF_FLAG_FLOW_ID_SFT            1
+#define TF_DIR_FLOW_ID_MASK            0x00000001UL
+#define TF_DIR_FLOW_ID_SFT             0
+#define TF_SET_FLOW_ID(flow_id, gfid, flag, dir)                       \
+do {                                                                   \
+       (flow_id) &= ~(TF_GFID_FLOW_ID_MASK |                           \
+                    TF_FLAG_FLOW_ID_MASK |                             \
+                    TF_DIR_FLOW_ID_MASK);                              \
+       (flow_id) |= (((gfid) << TF_GFID_FLOW_ID_SFT) &                 \
+                   TF_GFID_FLOW_ID_MASK) |                             \
+               (((flag) << TF_FLAG_FLOW_ID_SFT) &                      \
+                TF_FLAG_FLOW_ID_MASK) |                                \
+               (((dir) << TF_DIR_FLOW_ID_SFT) &                        \
+                TF_DIR_FLOW_ID_MASK);                                  \
+} while (0)
+#define TF_GET_GFID_FROM_FLOW_ID(flow_id, gfid)                                
+do {                                                                   \
+       gfid = (((flow_id) & TF_GFID_FLOW_ID_MASK) >>                   \
+               TF_GFID_FLOW_ID_SFT);                                   \
+} while (0)
+#define TF_GET_DIR_FROM_FLOW_ID(flow_id, dir)                          \
+do {                                                                   \
+       dir = (((flow_id) & TF_DIR_FLOW_ID_MASK) >>                     \
+               TF_DIR_FLOW_ID_SFT);                                    \
+} while (0)
+#define TF_GET_FLAG_FROM_FLOW_ID(flow_id, flag)                                
+do {                                                                   \
+       flag = (((flow_id) & TF_FLAG_FLOW_ID_MASK) >>                   \
+               TF_FLAG_FLOW_ID_SFT);                                   \
+} while (0)
+ * 32 bit GFID handlers
+ */
+#define TF_HASH_TYPE_GFID_MASK 0x08000000UL
+#define TF_HASH_TYPE_GFID_SFT  27
+#define TF_SET_GFID(gfid, index, type)                                 \
+do {                                                                   \
+       gfid = (((index) << TF_HASH_INDEX_GFID_SFT) &                   \
+               TF_HASH_INDEX_GFID_MASK) |                              \
+               (((type) << TF_HASH_TYPE_GFID_SFT) &                    \
+                TF_HASH_TYPE_GFID_MASK);                               \
+} while (0)
+#define TF_GET_HASH_INDEX_FROM_GFID(gfid, index)                       \
+do {                                                                   \
+       index = (((gfid) & TF_HASH_INDEX_GFID_MASK) >>                  \
+               TF_HASH_INDEX_GFID_SFT);                                \
+} while (0)
+#define TF_GET_HASH_TYPE_FROM_GFID(gfid, type)                         \
+do {                                                                   \
+       type = (((gfid) & TF_HASH_TYPE_GFID_MASK) >>                    \
+               TF_HASH_TYPE_GFID_SFT);                                 \
+} while (0)
+#endif /* _TF_EXT_FLOW_HANDLE_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_msg.c 
index b9ed127..c507ec7 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_msg.c
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_msg.c
@@ -869,6 +869,177 @@ tf_msg_session_sram_resc_flush(struct tf *tfp,
        return tfp_le_to_cpu_32(parms.tf_resp_code);
+ * Sends EM mem register request to Firmware
+ */
+int tf_msg_em_mem_rgtr(struct tf *tfp,
+                      int           page_lvl,
+                      int           page_size,
+                      uint64_t      dma_addr,
+                      uint16_t     *ctx_id)
+       int rc;
+       struct hwrm_tf_ctxt_mem_rgtr_input req = { 0 };
+       struct hwrm_tf_ctxt_mem_rgtr_output resp = { 0 };
+       struct tfp_send_msg_parms parms = { 0 };
+       req.page_level = page_lvl;
+       req.page_size = page_size;
+       req.page_dir = tfp_cpu_to_le_64(dma_addr);
+       parms.tf_type = HWRM_TF_CTXT_MEM_RGTR;
+       parms.req_data = (uint32_t *)&req;
+       parms.req_size = sizeof(req);
+       parms.resp_data = (uint32_t *)&resp;
+       parms.resp_size = sizeof(resp);
+       parms.mailbox = TF_KONG_MB;
+       rc = tfp_send_msg_direct(tfp,
+                                &parms);
+       if (rc)
+               return rc;
+       *ctx_id = tfp_le_to_cpu_16(resp.ctx_id);
+       return rc;
+ * Sends EM mem unregister request to Firmware
+ */
+int tf_msg_em_mem_unrgtr(struct tf *tfp,
+                        uint16_t  *ctx_id)
+       int rc;
+       struct hwrm_tf_ctxt_mem_unrgtr_input req = {0};
+       struct hwrm_tf_ctxt_mem_unrgtr_output resp = {0};
+       struct tfp_send_msg_parms parms = { 0 };
+       req.ctx_id = tfp_cpu_to_le_32(*ctx_id);
+       parms.tf_type = HWRM_TF_CTXT_MEM_UNRGTR;
+       parms.req_data = (uint32_t *)&req;
+       parms.req_size = sizeof(req);
+       parms.resp_data = (uint32_t *)&resp;
+       parms.resp_size = sizeof(resp);
+       parms.mailbox = TF_KONG_MB;
+       rc = tfp_send_msg_direct(tfp,
+                                &parms);
+       return rc;
+ * Sends EM qcaps request to Firmware
+ */
+int tf_msg_em_qcaps(struct tf *tfp,
+                   int dir,
+                   struct tf_em_caps *em_caps)
+       int rc;
+       struct hwrm_tf_ext_em_qcaps_input  req = {0};
+       struct hwrm_tf_ext_em_qcaps_output resp = { 0 };
+       uint32_t             flags;
+       struct tfp_send_msg_parms parms = { 0 };
+       flags = (dir == TF_DIR_TX ? HWRM_TF_EXT_EM_QCAPS_INPUT_FLAGS_DIR_TX :
+       req.flags = tfp_cpu_to_le_32(flags);
+       parms.tf_type = HWRM_TF_EXT_EM_QCAPS;
+       parms.req_data = (uint32_t *)&req;
+       parms.req_size = sizeof(req);
+       parms.resp_data = (uint32_t *)&resp;
+       parms.resp_size = sizeof(resp);
+       parms.mailbox = TF_KONG_MB;
+       rc = tfp_send_msg_direct(tfp,
+                                &parms);
+       if (rc)
+               return rc;
+       em_caps->supported = tfp_le_to_cpu_32(resp.supported);
+       em_caps->max_entries_supported =
+               tfp_le_to_cpu_32(resp.max_entries_supported);
+       em_caps->key_entry_size = tfp_le_to_cpu_16(resp.key_entry_size);
+       em_caps->record_entry_size =
+               tfp_le_to_cpu_16(resp.record_entry_size);
+       em_caps->efc_entry_size = tfp_le_to_cpu_16(resp.efc_entry_size);
+       return rc;
+ * Sends EM config request to Firmware
+ */
+int tf_msg_em_cfg(struct tf *tfp,
+                 uint32_t   num_entries,
+                 uint16_t   key0_ctx_id,
+                 uint16_t   key1_ctx_id,
+                 uint16_t   record_ctx_id,
+                 uint16_t   efc_ctx_id,
+                 int        dir)
+       int rc;
+       struct hwrm_tf_ext_em_cfg_input  req = {0};
+       struct hwrm_tf_ext_em_cfg_output resp = {0};
+       uint32_t flags;
+       struct tfp_send_msg_parms parms = { 0 };
+       flags = (dir == TF_DIR_TX ? HWRM_TF_EXT_EM_CFG_INPUT_FLAGS_DIR_TX :
+       req.flags = tfp_cpu_to_le_32(flags);
+       req.num_entries = tfp_cpu_to_le_32(num_entries);
+       req.key0_ctx_id = tfp_cpu_to_le_16(key0_ctx_id);
+       req.key1_ctx_id = tfp_cpu_to_le_16(key1_ctx_id);
+       req.record_ctx_id = tfp_cpu_to_le_16(record_ctx_id);
+       req.efc_ctx_id = tfp_cpu_to_le_16(efc_ctx_id);
+       parms.tf_type = HWRM_TF_EXT_EM_CFG;
+       parms.req_data = (uint32_t *)&req;
+       parms.req_size = sizeof(req);
+       parms.resp_data = (uint32_t *)&resp;
+       parms.resp_size = sizeof(resp);
+       parms.mailbox = TF_KONG_MB;
+       rc = tfp_send_msg_direct(tfp,
+                                &parms);
+       return rc;
+ * Sends EM operation request to Firmware
+ */
+int tf_msg_em_op(struct tf *tfp,
+                int        dir,
+                uint16_t   op)
+       int rc;
+       struct hwrm_tf_ext_em_op_input  req = {0};
+       struct hwrm_tf_ext_em_op_output resp = {0};
+       uint32_t flags;
+       struct tfp_send_msg_parms parms = { 0 };
+       flags = (dir == TF_DIR_TX ? HWRM_TF_EXT_EM_CFG_INPUT_FLAGS_DIR_TX :
+       req.flags = tfp_cpu_to_le_32(flags);
+       req.op = tfp_cpu_to_le_16(op);
+       parms.tf_type = HWRM_TF_EXT_EM_OP;
+       parms.req_data = (uint32_t *)&req;
+       parms.req_size = sizeof(req);
+       parms.resp_data = (uint32_t *)&resp;
+       parms.resp_size = sizeof(resp);
+       parms.mailbox = TF_KONG_MB;
+       rc = tfp_send_msg_direct(tfp,
+                                &parms);
+       return rc;
 tf_msg_set_tbl_entry(struct tf *tfp,
                     enum tf_dir dir,
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_msg.h 
index 9055b16..b8d8c1e 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_msg.h
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_msg.h
@@ -122,6 +122,46 @@ int tf_msg_session_sram_resc_flush(struct tf *tfp,
                                   struct tf_rm_entry *sram_entry);
+ * Sends EM mem register request to Firmware
+ */
+int tf_msg_em_mem_rgtr(struct tf *tfp,
+                      int           page_lvl,
+                      int           page_size,
+                      uint64_t      dma_addr,
+                      uint16_t     *ctx_id);
+ * Sends EM mem unregister request to Firmware
+ */
+int tf_msg_em_mem_unrgtr(struct tf *tfp,
+                        uint16_t     *ctx_id);
+ * Sends EM qcaps request to Firmware
+ */
+int tf_msg_em_qcaps(struct tf *tfp,
+                   int dir,
+                   struct tf_em_caps *em_caps);
+ * Sends EM config request to Firmware
+ */
+int tf_msg_em_cfg(struct tf *tfp,
+                 uint32_t      num_entries,
+                 uint16_t      key0_ctx_id,
+                 uint16_t      key1_ctx_id,
+                 uint16_t      record_ctx_id,
+                 uint16_t      efc_ctx_id,
+                 int           dir);
+ * Sends EM operation request to Firmware
+ */
+int tf_msg_em_op(struct tf *tfp,
+                int        dir,
+                uint16_t   op);
  * Sends tcam entry 'set' to the Firmware.
  * [in] tfp
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_tbl.c 
index 14bf4ef..632df4b 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_tbl.c
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_tbl.c
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 #include "hsi_struct_def_dpdk.h"
 #include "tf_core.h"
-#include "tf_session.h"
+#include "tf_em.h"
 #include "tf_msg.h"
 #include "tfp.h"
 #include "hwrm_tf.h"
@@ -30,6 +30,1366 @@
 /* Number of pointers per page_size */
 #define        MAX_PAGE_PTRS(page_size)  ((page_size) / sizeof(void *))
+#define TF_EM_PG_SZ_4K        (1 << 12)
+#define TF_EM_PG_SZ_8K        (1 << 13)
+#define TF_EM_PG_SZ_64K       (1 << 16)
+#define TF_EM_PG_SZ_256K      (1 << 18)
+#define TF_EM_PG_SZ_1M        (1 << 20)
+#define TF_EM_PG_SZ_2M        (1 << 21)
+#define TF_EM_PG_SZ_4M        (1 << 22)
+#define TF_EM_PG_SZ_1G        (1 << 30)
+#define        TF_EM_CTX_ID_INVALID   0xFFFF
+#define        TF_EM_MIN_ENTRIES     (1 << 15) /* 32K */
+#define        TF_EM_MAX_ENTRIES     (1 << 27) /* 128M */
+ * Function to free a page table
+ *
+ * [in] tp
+ *   Pointer to the page table to free
+ */
+static void
+tf_em_free_pg_tbl(struct tf_em_page_tbl *tp)
+       uint32_t i;
+       for (i = 0; i < tp->pg_count; i++) {
+               if (!tp->pg_va_tbl[i]) {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(WARNING,
+                                   "No mapping for page: %d table: %016" 
PRIu64 "\n",
+                                   i,
+                                   (uint64_t)tp);
+                       continue;
+               }
+               tfp_free(tp->pg_va_tbl[i]);
+               tp->pg_va_tbl[i] = NULL;
+       }
+       tp->pg_count = 0;
+       tfp_free(tp->pg_va_tbl);
+       tp->pg_va_tbl = NULL;
+       tfp_free(tp->pg_pa_tbl);
+       tp->pg_pa_tbl = NULL;
+ * Function to free an EM table
+ *
+ * [in] tbl
+ *   Pointer to the EM table to free
+ */
+static void
+tf_em_free_page_table(struct tf_em_table *tbl)
+       struct tf_em_page_tbl *tp;
+       int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < tbl->num_lvl; i++) {
+               tp = &tbl->pg_tbl[i];
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(INFO,
+                          "EEM: Freeing page table: size %u lvl %d cnt %u\n",
+                          TF_EM_PAGE_SIZE,
+                           i,
+                           tp->pg_count);
+               tf_em_free_pg_tbl(tp);
+       }
+       tbl->l0_addr = NULL;
+       tbl->l0_dma_addr = 0;
+       tbl->num_lvl = 0;
+       tbl->num_data_pages = 0;
+ * Allocation of page tables
+ *
+ * [in] tfp
+ *   Pointer to a TruFlow handle
+ *
+ * [in] pg_count
+ *   Page count to allocate
+ *
+ * [in] pg_size
+ *   Size of each page
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *   0       - Success
+ *   -ENOMEM - Out of memmory
+ */
+static int
+tf_em_alloc_pg_tbl(struct tf_em_page_tbl *tp,
+                  uint32_t pg_count,
+                  uint32_t pg_size)
+       uint32_t i;
+       struct tfp_calloc_parms parms;
+       parms.nitems = pg_count;
+       parms.size = sizeof(void *);
+       parms.alignment = 0;
+       if (tfp_calloc(&parms) != 0)
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       tp->pg_va_tbl = parms.mem_va;
+       if (tfp_calloc(&parms) != 0) {
+               tfp_free(tp->pg_va_tbl);
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       tp->pg_pa_tbl = parms.mem_va;
+       tp->pg_count = 0;
+       tp->pg_size = pg_size;
+       for (i = 0; i < pg_count; i++) {
+               parms.nitems = 1;
+               parms.size = pg_size;
+               parms.alignment = TF_EM_PAGE_ALIGNMENT;
+               if (tfp_calloc(&parms) != 0)
+                       goto cleanup;
+               tp->pg_pa_tbl[i] = (uint64_t)parms.mem_pa;
+               tp->pg_va_tbl[i] = parms.mem_va;
+               memset(tp->pg_va_tbl[i], 0, pg_size);
+               tp->pg_count++;
+       }
+       return 0;
+       tf_em_free_pg_tbl(tp);
+       return -ENOMEM;
+ * Allocates EM page tables
+ *
+ * [in] tbl
+ *   Table to allocate pages for
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *   0       - Success
+ *   -ENOMEM - Out of memmory
+ */
+static int
+tf_em_alloc_page_table(struct tf_em_table *tbl)
+       struct tf_em_page_tbl *tp;
+       int rc = 0;
+       int i;
+       uint32_t j;
+       for (i = 0; i < tbl->num_lvl; i++) {
+               tp = &tbl->pg_tbl[i];
+               rc = tf_em_alloc_pg_tbl(tp,
+                                       tbl->page_cnt[i],
+                                       TF_EM_PAGE_SIZE);
+               if (rc) {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(WARNING,
+                               "Failed to allocate page table: lvl: %d\n",
+                               i);
+                       goto cleanup;
+               }
+               for (j = 0; j < tp->pg_count; j++) {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(INFO,
+                               "EEM: Allocated page table: size %u lvl %d cnt"
+                               " %u VA:%p PA:%p\n",
+                               TF_EM_PAGE_SIZE,
+                               i,
+                               tp->pg_count,
+                               (uint32_t *)tp->pg_va_tbl[j],
+                               (uint32_t *)tp->pg_pa_tbl[j]);
+               }
+       }
+       return rc;
+       tf_em_free_page_table(tbl);
+       return rc;
+ * Links EM page tables
+ *
+ * [in] tp
+ *   Pointer to page table
+ *
+ * [in] tp_next
+ *   Pointer to the next page table
+ *
+ * [in] set_pte_last
+ *   Flag controlling if the page table is last
+ */
+static void
+tf_em_link_page_table(struct tf_em_page_tbl *tp,
+                     struct tf_em_page_tbl *tp_next,
+                     bool set_pte_last)
+       uint64_t *pg_pa = tp_next->pg_pa_tbl;
+       uint64_t *pg_va;
+       uint64_t valid;
+       uint32_t k = 0;
+       uint32_t i;
+       uint32_t j;
+       for (i = 0; i < tp->pg_count; i++) {
+               pg_va = tp->pg_va_tbl[i];
+               for (j = 0; j < MAX_PAGE_PTRS(tp->pg_size); j++) {
+                       if (k == tp_next->pg_count - 2 && set_pte_last)
+                               valid = PTU_PTE_NEXT_TO_LAST | PTU_PTE_VALID;
+                       else if (k == tp_next->pg_count - 1 && set_pte_last)
+                               valid = PTU_PTE_LAST | PTU_PTE_VALID;
+                       else
+                               valid = PTU_PTE_VALID;
+                       pg_va[j] = tfp_cpu_to_le_64(pg_pa[k] | valid);
+                       if (++k >= tp_next->pg_count)
+                               return;
+               }
+       }
+ * Setup a EM page table
+ *
+ * [in] tbl
+ *   Pointer to EM page table
+ */
+static void
+tf_em_setup_page_table(struct tf_em_table *tbl)
+       struct tf_em_page_tbl *tp_next;
+       struct tf_em_page_tbl *tp;
+       bool set_pte_last = 0;
+       int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < tbl->num_lvl - 1; i++) {
+               tp = &tbl->pg_tbl[i];
+               tp_next = &tbl->pg_tbl[i + 1];
+               if (i == tbl->num_lvl - 2)
+                       set_pte_last = 1;
+               tf_em_link_page_table(tp, tp_next, set_pte_last);
+       }
+       tbl->l0_addr = tbl->pg_tbl[PT_LVL_0].pg_va_tbl[0];
+       tbl->l0_dma_addr = tbl->pg_tbl[PT_LVL_0].pg_pa_tbl[0];
+ * Given the page size, size of each data item (entry size),
+ * and the total number of entries needed, determine the number
+ * of page table levels and the number of data pages required.
+ *
+ * [in] page_size
+ *   Page size
+ *
+ * [in] entry_size
+ *   Entry size
+ *
+ * [in] num_entries
+ *   Number of entries needed
+ *
+ * [out] num_data_pages
+ *   Number of pages required
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *   Success  - Number of EM page levels required
+ *   -ENOMEM  - Out of memory
+ */
+static int
+tf_em_size_page_tbl_lvl(uint32_t page_size,
+                       uint32_t entry_size,
+                       uint32_t num_entries,
+                       uint64_t *num_data_pages)
+       uint64_t lvl_data_size = page_size;
+       int lvl = PT_LVL_0;
+       uint64_t data_size;
+       *num_data_pages = 0;
+       data_size = (uint64_t)num_entries * entry_size;
+       while (lvl_data_size < data_size) {
+               lvl++;
+               if (lvl == PT_LVL_1)
+                       lvl_data_size = (uint64_t)MAX_PAGE_PTRS(page_size) *
+                               page_size;
+               else if (lvl == PT_LVL_2)
+                       lvl_data_size = (uint64_t)MAX_PAGE_PTRS(page_size) *
+                               MAX_PAGE_PTRS(page_size) * page_size;
+               else
+                       return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       *num_data_pages = roundup(data_size, page_size) / page_size;
+       return lvl;
+ * Return the number of page table pages needed to
+ * reference the given number of next level pages.
+ *
+ * [in] num_pages
+ *   Number of EM pages
+ *
+ * [in] page_size
+ *   Size of each EM page
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *   Number of EM page table pages
+ */
+static uint32_t
+tf_em_page_tbl_pgcnt(uint32_t num_pages,
+                    uint32_t page_size)
+       return roundup(num_pages, MAX_PAGE_PTRS(page_size)) /
+                      MAX_PAGE_PTRS(page_size);
+       return 0;
+ * Given the number of data pages, page_size and the maximum
+ * number of page table levels (already determined), size
+ * the number of page table pages required at each level.
+ *
+ * [in] max_lvl
+ *   Max number of levels
+ *
+ * [in] num_data_pages
+ *   Number of EM data pages
+ *
+ * [in] page_size
+ *   Size of an EM page
+ *
+ * [out] *page_cnt
+ *   EM page count
+ */
+static void
+tf_em_size_page_tbls(int max_lvl,
+                    uint64_t num_data_pages,
+                    uint32_t page_size,
+                    uint32_t *page_cnt)
+       if (max_lvl == PT_LVL_0) {
+               page_cnt[PT_LVL_0] = num_data_pages;
+       } else if (max_lvl == PT_LVL_1) {
+               page_cnt[PT_LVL_1] = num_data_pages;
+               page_cnt[PT_LVL_0] =
+               tf_em_page_tbl_pgcnt(page_cnt[PT_LVL_1], page_size);
+       } else if (max_lvl == PT_LVL_2) {
+               page_cnt[PT_LVL_2] = num_data_pages;
+               page_cnt[PT_LVL_1] =
+               tf_em_page_tbl_pgcnt(page_cnt[PT_LVL_2], page_size);
+               page_cnt[PT_LVL_0] =
+               tf_em_page_tbl_pgcnt(page_cnt[PT_LVL_1], page_size);
+       } else {
+               return;
+       }
+ * Size the EM table based on capabilities
+ *
+ * [in] tbl
+ *   EM table to size
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *   0        - Success
+ *   - EINVAL - Parameter error
+ *   - ENOMEM - Out of memory
+ */
+static int
+tf_em_size_table(struct tf_em_table *tbl)
+       uint64_t num_data_pages;
+       uint32_t *page_cnt;
+       int max_lvl;
+       uint32_t num_entries;
+       uint32_t cnt = TF_EM_MIN_ENTRIES;
+       /* Ignore entry if both size and number are zero */
+       if (!tbl->entry_size && !tbl->num_entries)
+               return 0;
+       /* If only one is set then error */
+       if (!tbl->entry_size || !tbl->num_entries)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       /* Determine number of page table levels and the number
+        * of data pages needed to process the given eem table.
+        */
+       if (tbl->type == RECORD_TABLE) {
+               /*
+                * For action records just a memory size is provided. Work
+                * backwards to resolve to number of entries
+                */
+               num_entries = tbl->num_entries / tbl->entry_size;
+               if (num_entries < TF_EM_MIN_ENTRIES) {
+                       num_entries = TF_EM_MIN_ENTRIES;
+               } else {
+                       while (num_entries > cnt && cnt <= TF_EM_MAX_ENTRIES)
+                               cnt *= 2;
+                       num_entries = cnt;
+               }
+       } else {
+               num_entries = tbl->num_entries;
+       }
+       max_lvl = tf_em_size_page_tbl_lvl(TF_EM_PAGE_SIZE,
+                                         tbl->entry_size,
+                                         tbl->num_entries,
+                                         &num_data_pages);
+       if (max_lvl < 0) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(WARNING, "EEM: Failed to size page table levels\n");
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(WARNING,
+                           "table: %d data-sz: %016" PRIu64 " page-sz: %u\n",
+                           tbl->type,
+                           (uint64_t)num_entries * tbl->entry_size,
+                           TF_EM_PAGE_SIZE);
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       tbl->num_lvl = max_lvl + 1;
+       tbl->num_data_pages = num_data_pages;
+       /* Determine the number of pages needed at each level */
+       page_cnt = tbl->page_cnt;
+       memset(page_cnt, 0, sizeof(tbl->page_cnt));
+       tf_em_size_page_tbls(max_lvl, num_data_pages, TF_EM_PAGE_SIZE,
+                               page_cnt);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(INFO, "EEM: Sized page table: %d\n", tbl->type);
+                   "EEM: lvls: %d sz: %016" PRIu64 " pgs: %016" PRIu64 " l0: 
%u l1: %u l2: %u\n",
+                   max_lvl + 1,
+                   (uint64_t)num_data_pages * TF_EM_PAGE_SIZE,
+                   num_data_pages,
+                   page_cnt[PT_LVL_0],
+                   page_cnt[PT_LVL_1],
+                   page_cnt[PT_LVL_2]);
+       return 0;
+ * Unregisters EM Ctx in Firmware
+ *
+ * [in] tfp
+ *   Pointer to a TruFlow handle
+ *
+ * [in] tbl_scope_cb
+ *   Pointer to a table scope control block
+ *
+ * [in] dir
+ *   Receive or transmit direction
+ */
+static void
+tf_em_ctx_unreg(struct tf *tfp,
+               struct tf_tbl_scope_cb *tbl_scope_cb,
+               int dir)
+       struct tf_em_ctx_mem_info *ctxp = &tbl_scope_cb->em_ctx_info[dir];
+       struct tf_em_table *tbl;
+       int i;
+       for (i = KEY0_TABLE; i < MAX_TABLE; i++) {
+               tbl = &ctxp->em_tables[i];
+               if (tbl->num_entries != 0 && tbl->entry_size != 0) {
+                       tf_msg_em_mem_unrgtr(tfp, &tbl->ctx_id);
+                       tf_em_free_page_table(tbl);
+               }
+       }
+ * Registers EM Ctx in Firmware
+ *
+ * [in] tfp
+ *   Pointer to a TruFlow handle
+ *
+ * [in] tbl_scope_cb
+ *   Pointer to a table scope control block
+ *
+ * [in] dir
+ *   Receive or transmit direction
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *   0       - Success
+ *   -ENOMEM - Out of Memory
+ */
+static int
+tf_em_ctx_reg(struct tf *tfp,
+             struct tf_tbl_scope_cb *tbl_scope_cb,
+             int dir)
+       struct tf_em_ctx_mem_info *ctxp = &tbl_scope_cb->em_ctx_info[dir];
+       struct tf_em_table *tbl;
+       int rc;
+       int i;
+       for (i = KEY0_TABLE; i < MAX_TABLE; i++) {
+               tbl = &ctxp->em_tables[i];
+               if (tbl->num_entries && tbl->entry_size) {
+                       rc = tf_em_size_table(tbl);
+                       if (rc)
+                               goto cleanup;
+                       rc = tf_em_alloc_page_table(tbl);
+                       if (rc)
+                               goto cleanup;
+                       tf_em_setup_page_table(tbl);
+                       rc = tf_msg_em_mem_rgtr(tfp,
+                                               tbl->num_lvl - 1,
+                                               TF_EM_PAGE_SIZE_ENUM,
+                                               tbl->l0_dma_addr,
+                                               &tbl->ctx_id);
+                       if (rc)
+                               goto cleanup;
+               }
+       }
+       return rc;
+       tf_em_ctx_unreg(tfp, tbl_scope_cb, dir);
+       return rc;
+ * Validates EM number of entries requested
+ *
+ * [in] tbl_scope_cb
+ *   Pointer to table scope control block to be populated
+ *
+ * [in] parms
+ *   Pointer to input parameters
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *   0       - Success
+ *   -EINVAL - Parameter error
+ */
+static int
+tf_em_validate_num_entries(struct tf_tbl_scope_cb *tbl_scope_cb,
+                          struct tf_alloc_tbl_scope_parms *parms)
+       uint32_t cnt;
+       if (parms->rx_mem_size_in_mb != 0) {
+               uint32_t key_b = 2 * ((parms->rx_max_key_sz_in_bits / 8) + 1);
+               uint32_t action_b = ((parms->rx_max_action_entry_sz_in_bits / 8)
+                                    + 1);
+               uint32_t num_entries = (parms->rx_mem_size_in_mb *
+                                       TF_MEGABYTE) / (key_b + action_b);
+               if (num_entries < TF_EM_MIN_ENTRIES) {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "EEM: Insufficient memory requested:"
+                                   "%uMB\n",
+                                   parms->rx_mem_size_in_mb);
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+               cnt = TF_EM_MIN_ENTRIES;
+               while (num_entries > cnt &&
+                      cnt <= TF_EM_MAX_ENTRIES)
+                       cnt *= 2;
+               if (cnt > TF_EM_MAX_ENTRIES) {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "EEM: Invalid number of Tx requested: "
+                                   "%u\n",
+                      (parms->tx_num_flows_in_k * TF_KILOBYTE));
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+               parms->rx_num_flows_in_k = cnt / TF_KILOBYTE;
+       } else {
+               if ((parms->rx_num_flows_in_k * TF_KILOBYTE) <
+                   TF_EM_MIN_ENTRIES ||
+                   (parms->rx_num_flows_in_k * TF_KILOBYTE) >
+                   tbl_scope_cb->em_caps[TF_DIR_RX].max_entries_supported) {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                                   "EEM: Invalid number of Rx flows "
+                                   "requested:%u max:%u\n",
+                                   parms->rx_num_flows_in_k * TF_KILOBYTE,
+                       tbl_scope_cb->em_caps[TF_DIR_RX].max_entries_supported);
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+               /* must be a power-of-2 supported value
+                * in the range 32K - 128M
+                */
+               cnt = TF_EM_MIN_ENTRIES;
+               while ((parms->rx_num_flows_in_k * TF_KILOBYTE) != cnt &&
+                      cnt <= TF_EM_MAX_ENTRIES)
+                       cnt *= 2;
+               if (cnt > TF_EM_MAX_ENTRIES) {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                                   "EEM: Invalid number of Rx requested: %u\n",
+                                   (parms->rx_num_flows_in_k * TF_KILOBYTE));
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+       }
+       if (parms->tx_mem_size_in_mb != 0) {
+               uint32_t key_b = 2 * (parms->tx_max_key_sz_in_bits / 8 + 1);
+               uint32_t action_b = ((parms->tx_max_action_entry_sz_in_bits / 8)
+                                    + 1);
+               uint32_t num_entries = (parms->tx_mem_size_in_mb *
+                                       (TF_KILOBYTE * TF_KILOBYTE)) /
+                       (key_b + action_b);
+               if (num_entries < TF_EM_MIN_ENTRIES) {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                                   "EEM: Insufficient memory requested:%uMB\n",
+                                   parms->rx_mem_size_in_mb);
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+               cnt = TF_EM_MIN_ENTRIES;
+               while (num_entries > cnt &&
+                      cnt <= TF_EM_MAX_ENTRIES)
+                       cnt *= 2;
+               if (cnt > TF_EM_MAX_ENTRIES) {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                                   "EEM: Invalid number of Tx requested: %u\n",
+                      (parms->tx_num_flows_in_k * TF_KILOBYTE));
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+               parms->tx_num_flows_in_k = cnt / TF_KILOBYTE;
+       } else {
+               if ((parms->tx_num_flows_in_k * TF_KILOBYTE) <
+                   TF_EM_MIN_ENTRIES ||
+                   (parms->tx_num_flows_in_k * TF_KILOBYTE) >
+                   tbl_scope_cb->em_caps[TF_DIR_TX].max_entries_supported) {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                                   "EEM: Invalid number of Tx flows "
+                                   "requested:%u max:%u\n",
+                                   (parms->tx_num_flows_in_k * TF_KILOBYTE),
+                       tbl_scope_cb->em_caps[TF_DIR_TX].max_entries_supported);
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+               cnt = TF_EM_MIN_ENTRIES;
+               while ((parms->tx_num_flows_in_k * TF_KILOBYTE) != cnt &&
+                      cnt <= TF_EM_MAX_ENTRIES)
+                       cnt *= 2;
+               if (cnt > TF_EM_MAX_ENTRIES) {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                                   "EEM: Invalid number of Tx requested: %u\n",
+                      (parms->tx_num_flows_in_k * TF_KILOBYTE));
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+       }
+       /* Rx */
+       tbl_scope_cb->em_ctx_info[TF_DIR_RX].em_tables[KEY0_TABLE].num_entries =
+               parms->rx_num_flows_in_k * TF_KILOBYTE;
+       tbl_scope_cb->em_ctx_info[TF_DIR_RX].em_tables[KEY0_TABLE].entry_size =
+               parms->rx_max_key_sz_in_bits / 8;
+       tbl_scope_cb->em_ctx_info[TF_DIR_RX].em_tables[KEY1_TABLE].num_entries =
+               parms->rx_num_flows_in_k * TF_KILOBYTE;
+       tbl_scope_cb->em_ctx_info[TF_DIR_RX].em_tables[KEY1_TABLE].entry_size =
+               parms->rx_max_key_sz_in_bits / 8;
+       tbl_scope_cb->em_ctx_info[TF_DIR_RX].em_tables[RECORD_TABLE].num_entries
+               = parms->rx_num_flows_in_k * TF_KILOBYTE;
+       tbl_scope_cb->em_ctx_info[TF_DIR_RX].em_tables[RECORD_TABLE].entry_size
+               = parms->tx_max_action_entry_sz_in_bits / 8;
+       tbl_scope_cb->em_ctx_info[TF_DIR_RX].em_tables[EFC_TABLE].num_entries
+               = 0;
+       /* Tx */
+       tbl_scope_cb->em_ctx_info[TF_DIR_TX].em_tables[KEY0_TABLE].num_entries =
+               parms->tx_num_flows_in_k * TF_KILOBYTE;
+       tbl_scope_cb->em_ctx_info[TF_DIR_TX].em_tables[KEY0_TABLE].entry_size =
+               parms->tx_max_key_sz_in_bits / 8;
+       tbl_scope_cb->em_ctx_info[TF_DIR_TX].em_tables[KEY1_TABLE].num_entries =
+               parms->tx_num_flows_in_k * TF_KILOBYTE;
+       tbl_scope_cb->em_ctx_info[TF_DIR_TX].em_tables[KEY1_TABLE].entry_size =
+               parms->tx_max_key_sz_in_bits / 8;
+       tbl_scope_cb->em_ctx_info[TF_DIR_TX].em_tables[RECORD_TABLE].num_entries
+               = parms->tx_num_flows_in_k * TF_KILOBYTE;
+       tbl_scope_cb->em_ctx_info[TF_DIR_TX].em_tables[RECORD_TABLE].entry_size
+               = parms->tx_max_action_entry_sz_in_bits / 8;
+       tbl_scope_cb->em_ctx_info[TF_DIR_TX].em_tables[EFC_TABLE].num_entries
+               = 0;
+       return 0;
+ * Internal function to set a Table Entry. Supports all internal Table Types
+ *
+ * [in] tfp
+ *   Pointer to TruFlow handle
+ *
+ * [in] parms
+ *   Pointer to input parameters
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *   0       - Success
+ *   -EINVAL - Parameter error
+ */
+static int
+tf_set_tbl_entry_internal(struct tf *tfp,
+                         struct tf_set_tbl_entry_parms *parms)
+       int rc;
+       int id;
+       uint32_t index;
+       struct bitalloc *session_pool;
+       struct tf_session *tfs = (struct tf_session *)(tfp->session->core_data);
+       /* Lookup the pool using the table type of the element */
+       rc = tf_rm_lookup_tbl_type_pool(tfs,
+                                       parms->dir,
+                                       parms->type,
+                                       &session_pool);
+       /* Error logging handled by tf_rm_lookup_tbl_type_pool */
+       if (rc)
+               return rc;
+       index = parms->idx;
+       if (parms->type != TF_TBL_TYPE_FULL_ACT_RECORD &&
+           parms->type != TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_SP_SMAC_IPV4) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                           "dir:%d, Type not supported, type:%d\n",
+                           parms->dir,
+                           parms->type);
+               return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+       }
+       /* Adjust the returned index/offset as there is no guarantee
+        * that the start is 0 at time of RM allocation
+        */
+       tf_rm_convert_index(tfs,
+                           parms->dir,
+                           parms->type,
+                           TF_RM_CONVERT_RM_BASE,
+                           parms->idx,
+                           &index);
+       /* Verify that the entry has been previously allocated */
+       id = ba_inuse(session_pool, index);
+       if (id != 1) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                  "dir:%d, Invalid or not allocated index, type:%d, idx:%d\n",
+                  parms->dir,
+                  parms->type,
+                  index);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       /* Set the entry */
+       rc = tf_msg_set_tbl_entry(tfp,
+                                 parms->dir,
+                                 parms->type,
+                                 parms->data_sz_in_bytes,
+                                 parms->data,
+                                 parms->idx);
+       if (rc) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                           "dir:%d, Set failed, type:%d, rc:%d\n",
+                           parms->dir,
+                           parms->type,
+                           rc);
+       }
+       return rc;
+ * Internal function to get a Table Entry. Supports all Table Types
+ * except the TF_TBL_TYPE_EXT as that is handled as a table scope.
+ *
+ * [in] tfp
+ *   Pointer to TruFlow handle
+ *
+ * [in] parms
+ *   Pointer to input parameters
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *   0       - Success
+ *   -EINVAL - Parameter error
+ */
+static int
+tf_get_tbl_entry_internal(struct tf *tfp,
+                         struct tf_get_tbl_entry_parms *parms)
+       int rc;
+       int id;
+       uint32_t index;
+       struct bitalloc *session_pool;
+       struct tf_session *tfs = (struct tf_session *)(tfp->session->core_data);
+       /* Lookup the pool using the table type of the element */
+       rc = tf_rm_lookup_tbl_type_pool(tfs,
+                                       parms->dir,
+                                       parms->type,
+                                       &session_pool);
+       /* Error logging handled by tf_rm_lookup_tbl_type_pool */
+       if (rc)
+               return rc;
+       index = parms->idx;
+       /* Adjust the returned index/offset as there is no guarantee
+        * that the start is 0 at time of RM allocation
+        */
+       tf_rm_convert_index(tfs,
+                           parms->dir,
+                           parms->type,
+                           TF_RM_CONVERT_RM_BASE,
+                           parms->idx,
+                           &index);
+       /* Verify that the entry has been previously allocated */
+       id = ba_inuse(session_pool, index);
+       if (id != 1) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                  "dir:%d, Invalid or not allocated index, type:%d, idx:%d\n",
+                  parms->dir,
+                  parms->type,
+                  index);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       /* Get the entry */
+       rc = tf_msg_get_tbl_entry(tfp,
+                                 parms->dir,
+                                 parms->type,
+                                 parms->data_sz_in_bytes,
+                                 parms->data,
+                                 parms->idx);
+       if (rc) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                           "dir:%d, Get failed, type:%d, rc:%d\n",
+                           parms->dir,
+                           parms->type,
+                           rc);
+       }
+       return rc;
+#if (TF_SHADOW == 1)
+ * Allocate Tbl entry from the Shadow DB. Shadow DB is searched for
+ * the requested entry. If found the ref count is incremente and
+ * returned.
+ *
+ * [in] tfs
+ *   Pointer to session
+ * [in] parms
+ *   Allocation parameters
+ *
+ * Return:
+ *  0       - Success, entry found and ref count incremented
+ *  -ENOENT - Failure, entry not found
+ */
+static int
+tf_alloc_tbl_entry_shadow(struct tf_session *tfs __rte_unused,
+                         struct tf_alloc_tbl_entry_parms *parms __rte_unused)
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                   "dir:%d, Entry Alloc with search not supported\n",
+                   parms->dir);
+       return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+ * Free Tbl entry from the Shadow DB. Shadow DB is searched for
+ * the requested entry. If found the ref count is decremente and
+ * new ref_count returned.
+ *
+ * [in] tfs
+ *   Pointer to session
+ * [in] parms
+ *   Allocation parameters
+ *
+ * Return:
+ *  0       - Success, entry found and ref count decremented
+ *  -ENOENT - Failure, entry not found
+ */
+static int
+tf_free_tbl_entry_shadow(struct tf_session *tfs,
+                        struct tf_free_tbl_entry_parms *parms)
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                   "dir:%d, Entry Free with search not supported\n",
+                   parms->dir);
+       return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+#endif /* TF_SHADOW */
+ * Create External Tbl pool of memory indexes.
+ *
+ * [in] session
+ *   Pointer to session
+ * [in] dir
+ *   direction
+ * [in] tbl_scope_cb
+ *   pointer to the table scope
+ * [in] tbl_scope_id
+ *   id of the table scope
+ * [in] num_entries
+ *   number of entries to write
+ * [in] entry_sz_bytes
+ *   size of each entry
+ *
+ * Return:
+ *  0       - Success, entry allocated - no search support
+ *          - Failure, entry not allocated, out of resources
+ */
+static int
+tf_create_tbl_pool_external(struct tf_session *session,
+                           enum tf_dir dir,
+                           struct tf_tbl_scope_cb *tbl_scope_cb,
+                           uint32_t table_scope_id,
+                           uint32_t num_entries,
+                           uint32_t entry_sz_bytes)
+       struct tfp_calloc_parms parms;
+       uint32_t i, j;
+       int rc = 0;
+       struct stack *pool = &tbl_scope_cb->ext_pool[dir][TF_EXT_POOL_0];
+       parms.nitems = num_entries;
+       parms.size = sizeof(uint32_t);
+       parms.alignment = 0;
+       if (tfp_calloc(&parms) != 0) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "%d: TBL: external pool failure %s\n",
+                           dir, strerror(-ENOMEM));
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       /* Create empty stack
+        */
+       rc = stack_init(num_entries, parms.mem_va, pool);
+       if (rc != 0) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "%d: TBL: stack init failure %s\n",
+                           dir, strerror(-rc));
+               goto cleanup;
+       }
+       /* Save the  malloced memory address so that it can
+        * be freed when the table scope is freed.
+        */
+       tbl_scope_cb->ext_pool_mem[dir][TF_EXT_POOL_0] =
+               (uint32_t *)parms.mem_va;
+       /* Fill pool with indexes
+        */
+       j = num_entries * entry_sz_bytes - 1;
+       for (i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) {
+               rc = stack_push(pool, j);
+               if (rc != 0) {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "%d TBL: stack failure %s\n",
+                                   dir, strerror(-rc));
+                       goto cleanup;
+               }
+               j -= entry_sz_bytes;
+       }
+       if (!stack_is_full(pool)) {
+               rc = -EINVAL;
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "%d TBL: stack failure %s\n",
+                           dir, strerror(-rc));
+               goto cleanup;
+       }
+       /* Set the table scope associated with the pool
+        */
+       session->ext_pool_2_scope[dir][TF_EXT_POOL_0] = table_scope_id;
+       return 0;
+       tfp_free((void *)parms.mem_va);
+       return rc;
+ * Destroy External Tbl pool of memory indexes.
+ *
+ * [in] session
+ *   Pointer to session
+ * [in] dir
+ *   direction
+ * [in] tbl_scope_cb
+ *   pointer to the table scope
+ *
+ */
+static void
+tf_destroy_tbl_pool_external(struct tf_session *session,
+                           enum tf_dir dir,
+                           struct tf_tbl_scope_cb *tbl_scope_cb)
+       uint32_t *ext_pool_mem =
+               tbl_scope_cb->ext_pool_mem[dir][TF_EXT_POOL_0];
+       tfp_free(ext_pool_mem);
+       /* Set the table scope associated with the pool
+        */
+       session->ext_pool_2_scope[dir][TF_EXT_POOL_0] = TF_TBL_SCOPE_INVALID;
+ * Allocate External Tbl entry from the Session Pool.
+ *
+ * [in] tfp
+ *   Pointer to Truflow Handle
+ * [in] parms
+ *   Allocation parameters
+ *
+ * Return:
+ *  0       - Success, entry allocated - no search support
+ *          - Failure, entry not allocated, out of resources
+ */
+static int
+tf_alloc_tbl_entry_pool_external(struct tf *tfp,
+                                struct tf_alloc_tbl_entry_parms *parms)
+       int rc;
+       uint32_t index;
+       struct tf_session *tfs;
+       uint32_t tbl_scope_id;
+       struct tf_tbl_scope_cb *tbl_scope_cb;
+       struct stack *pool;
+       /* Check parameters */
+       if (tfp == NULL || parms == NULL) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Invalid parameters\n");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (tfp->session == NULL || tfp->session->core_data == NULL) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                           "dir:%d, Session info invalid\n",
+                           parms->dir);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       tfs = (struct tf_session *)(tfp->session->core_data);
+       if (parms->type != TF_TBL_TYPE_EXT) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                           "dir:%d, Type not supported, type:%d\n",
+                           parms->dir,
+                           parms->type);
+               return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+       }
+       /* Get the pool info from the table scope
+        */
+       tbl_scope_id = tfs->ext_pool_2_scope[parms->dir][TF_EXT_POOL_0];
+       tbl_scope_cb = tbl_scope_cb_find(tfs, tbl_scope_id);
+       if (tbl_scope_cb == NULL) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                           "dir:%d, table scope not allocated\n",
+                           parms->dir);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       pool = &tbl_scope_cb->ext_pool[parms->dir][TF_EXT_POOL_0];
+       /* Allocate an element
+        */
+       rc = stack_pop(pool, &index);
+       if (rc != 0) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                  "dir:%d, Allocation failed, type:%d\n",
+                  parms->dir,
+                  parms->type);
+               return rc;
+       }
+       parms->idx = index;
+       return rc;
+ * Allocate Internal Tbl entry from the Session Pool.
+ *
+ * [in] tfp
+ *   Pointer to Truflow Handle
+ * [in] parms
+ *   Allocation parameters
+ *
+ * Return:
+ *  0       - Success, entry found and ref count decremented
+ *  -ENOMEM - Failure, entry not allocated, out of resources
+ */
+static int
+tf_alloc_tbl_entry_pool_internal(struct tf *tfp,
+                                struct tf_alloc_tbl_entry_parms *parms)
+       int rc;
+       int id;
+       int free_cnt;
+       uint32_t index;
+       struct bitalloc *session_pool;
+       struct tf_session *tfs;
+       /* Check parameters */
+       if (tfp == NULL || parms == NULL) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Invalid parameters\n");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (tfp->session == NULL || tfp->session->core_data == NULL) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                           "dir:%d, Session info invalid\n",
+                           parms->dir);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       tfs = (struct tf_session *)(tfp->session->core_data);
+       if (parms->type != TF_TBL_TYPE_FULL_ACT_RECORD &&
+           parms->type != TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_SP_SMAC &&
+           parms->type != TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_SP_SMAC_IPV4 &&
+           parms->type != TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_8B &&
+           parms->type != TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_16B &&
+           parms->type != TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_64B) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                           "dir:%d, Type not supported, type:%d\n",
+                           parms->dir,
+                           parms->type);
+               return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+       }
+       /* Lookup the pool using the table type of the element */
+       rc = tf_rm_lookup_tbl_type_pool(tfs,
+                                       parms->dir,
+                                       parms->type,
+                                       &session_pool);
+       /* Error logging handled by tf_rm_lookup_tbl_type_pool */
+       if (rc)
+               return rc;
+       id = ba_alloc(session_pool);
+       if (id == -1) {
+               free_cnt = ba_free_count(session_pool);
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                  "dir:%d, Allocation failed, type:%d, free:%d\n",
+                  parms->dir,
+                  parms->type,
+                  free_cnt);
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       /* Adjust the returned index/offset as there is no guarantee
+        * that the start is 0 at time of RM allocation
+        */
+       tf_rm_convert_index(tfs,
+                           parms->dir,
+                           parms->type,
+                           TF_RM_CONVERT_ADD_BASE,
+                           id,
+                           &index);
+       parms->idx = index;
+       return rc;
+ * Free External Tbl entry to the session pool.
+ *
+ * [in] tfp
+ *   Pointer to Truflow Handle
+ * [in] parms
+ *   Allocation parameters
+ *
+ * Return:
+ *  0       - Success, entry freed
+ *
+ * - Failure, entry not successfully freed for these reasons
+ *  -ENOMEM
+ *  -EINVAL
+ */
+static int
+tf_free_tbl_entry_pool_external(struct tf *tfp,
+                      struct tf_free_tbl_entry_parms *parms)
+       int rc = 0;
+       struct tf_session *tfs;
+       uint32_t index;
+       uint32_t tbl_scope_id;
+       struct tf_tbl_scope_cb *tbl_scope_cb;
+       struct stack *pool;
+       /* Check parameters */
+       if (tfp == NULL || parms == NULL) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Invalid parameters\n");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (tfp->session == NULL || tfp->session->core_data == NULL) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                           "dir:%d, Session info invalid\n",
+                           parms->dir);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       tfs = (struct tf_session *)(tfp->session->core_data);
+       if (parms->type != TF_TBL_TYPE_EXT) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                           "dir:%d, Type not supported, type:%d\n",
+                           parms->dir,
+                           parms->type);
+               return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+       }
+       /* Get the pool info from the table scope
+        */
+       tbl_scope_id = tfs->ext_pool_2_scope[parms->dir][TF_EXT_POOL_0];
+       tbl_scope_cb = tbl_scope_cb_find(tfs, tbl_scope_id);
+       if (tbl_scope_cb == NULL) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                           "dir:%d, table scope error\n",
+                           parms->dir);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       pool = &tbl_scope_cb->ext_pool[parms->dir][TF_EXT_POOL_0];
+       index = parms->idx;
+       rc = stack_push(pool, index);
+       if (rc != 0) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                  "dir:%d, consistency error, stack full, type:%d, idx:%d\n",
+                  parms->dir,
+                  parms->type,
+                  index);
+       }
+       return rc;
+ * Free Internal Tbl entry from the Session Pool.
+ *
+ * [in] tfp
+ *   Pointer to Truflow Handle
+ * [in] parms
+ *   Allocation parameters
+ *
+ * Return:
+ *  0       - Success, entry found and ref count decremented
+ *  -ENOMEM - Failure, entry not allocated, out of resources
+ */
+static int
+tf_free_tbl_entry_pool_internal(struct tf *tfp,
+                      struct tf_free_tbl_entry_parms *parms)
+       int rc = 0;
+       int id;
+       struct bitalloc *session_pool;
+       struct tf_session *tfs;
+       uint32_t index;
+       /* Check parameters */
+       if (tfp == NULL || parms == NULL) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Invalid parameters\n");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (tfp->session == NULL || tfp->session->core_data == NULL) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                           "dir:%d, Session info invalid\n",
+                           parms->dir);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       tfs = (struct tf_session *)(tfp->session->core_data);
+       if (parms->type != TF_TBL_TYPE_FULL_ACT_RECORD &&
+           parms->type != TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_SP_SMAC &&
+           parms->type != TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_SP_SMAC_IPV4 &&
+           parms->type != TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_8B &&
+           parms->type != TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_16B &&
+           parms->type != TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_64B) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                           "dir:%d, Type not supported, type:%d\n",
+                           parms->dir,
+                           parms->type);
+               return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+       }
+       /* Lookup the pool using the table type of the element */
+       rc = tf_rm_lookup_tbl_type_pool(tfs,
+                                       parms->dir,
+                                       parms->type,
+                                       &session_pool);
+       /* Error logging handled by tf_rm_lookup_tbl_type_pool */
+       if (rc)
+               return rc;
+       index = parms->idx;
+       /* Adjust the returned index/offset as there is no guarantee
+        * that the start is 0 at time of RM allocation
+        */
+       tf_rm_convert_index(tfs,
+                           parms->dir,
+                           parms->type,
+                           TF_RM_CONVERT_RM_BASE,
+                           parms->idx,
+                           &index);
+       /* Check if element was indeed allocated */
+       id = ba_inuse_free(session_pool, index);
+       if (id == -1) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                  "dir:%d, Element not previously alloc'ed, type:%d, idx:%d\n",
+                  parms->dir,
+                  parms->type,
+                  index);
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       return rc;
 /* API defined in tf_tbl.h */
 tf_init_tbl_pool(struct tf_session *session)
@@ -41,3 +1401,436 @@ tf_init_tbl_pool(struct tf_session *session)
+/* API defined in tf_em.h */
+struct tf_tbl_scope_cb *
+tbl_scope_cb_find(struct tf_session *session,
+                 uint32_t tbl_scope_id)
+       int i;
+       /* Check that id is valid */
+       i = ba_inuse(session->tbl_scope_pool_rx, tbl_scope_id);
+       if (i < 0)
+               return NULL;
+       for (i = 0; i < TF_NUM_TBL_SCOPE; i++) {
+               if (session->tbl_scopes[i].tbl_scope_id == tbl_scope_id)
+                       return &session->tbl_scopes[i];
+       }
+       return NULL;
+/* API defined in tf_core.h */
+tf_free_eem_tbl_scope_cb(struct tf *tfp,
+                        struct tf_free_tbl_scope_parms *parms)
+       int rc = 0;
+       enum tf_dir  dir;
+       struct tf_tbl_scope_cb *tbl_scope_cb;
+       struct tf_session *session;
+       session = (struct tf_session *)(tfp->session->core_data);
+       tbl_scope_cb = tbl_scope_cb_find(session,
+                                        parms->tbl_scope_id);
+       if (tbl_scope_cb == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       /* Free Table control block */
+       ba_free(session->tbl_scope_pool_rx, tbl_scope_cb->index);
+       /* free table scope locks */
+       for (dir = 0; dir < TF_DIR_MAX; dir++) {
+               /* Free associated external pools
+                */
+               tf_destroy_tbl_pool_external(session,
+                                            dir,
+                                            tbl_scope_cb);
+               tf_msg_em_op(tfp,
+                            dir,
+                            HWRM_TF_EXT_EM_OP_INPUT_OP_EXT_EM_DISABLE);
+               /* free table scope and all associated resources */
+               tf_em_ctx_unreg(tfp, tbl_scope_cb, dir);
+       }
+       return rc;
+/* API defined in tf_em.h */
+tf_alloc_eem_tbl_scope(struct tf *tfp,
+                      struct tf_alloc_tbl_scope_parms *parms)
+       int rc;
+       enum tf_dir dir;
+       struct tf_tbl_scope_cb *tbl_scope_cb;
+       struct tf_em_table *em_tables;
+       int index;
+       struct tf_session *session;
+       struct tf_free_tbl_scope_parms free_parms;
+       /* check parameters */
+       if (parms == NULL || tfp->session == NULL) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "TBL: Invalid parameters\n");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       session = (struct tf_session *)tfp->session->core_data;
+       /* Get Table Scope control block from the session pool */
+       index = ba_alloc(session->tbl_scope_pool_rx);
+       if (index == -1) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "EEM: Unable to allocate table scope "
+                           "Control Block\n");
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       tbl_scope_cb = &session->tbl_scopes[index];
+       tbl_scope_cb->index = index;
+       tbl_scope_cb->tbl_scope_id = index;
+       parms->tbl_scope_id = index;
+       for (dir = 0; dir < TF_DIR_MAX; dir++) {
+               rc = tf_msg_em_qcaps(tfp,
+                                    dir,
+                                    &tbl_scope_cb->em_caps[dir]);
+               if (rc) {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                               "EEM: Unable to query for EEM capability\n");
+                       goto cleanup;
+               }
+       }
+       /*
+        * Validate and setup table sizes
+        */
+       if (tf_em_validate_num_entries(tbl_scope_cb, parms))
+               goto cleanup;
+       for (dir = 0; dir < TF_DIR_MAX; dir++) {
+               /*
+                * Allocate tables and signal configuration to FW
+                */
+               rc = tf_em_ctx_reg(tfp, tbl_scope_cb, dir);
+               if (rc) {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                                   "EEM: Unable to register for EEM ctx\n");
+                       goto cleanup;
+               }
+               em_tables = tbl_scope_cb->em_ctx_info[dir].em_tables;
+               rc = tf_msg_em_cfg(tfp,
+                                  em_tables[KEY0_TABLE].num_entries,
+                                  em_tables[KEY0_TABLE].ctx_id,
+                                  em_tables[KEY1_TABLE].ctx_id,
+                                  em_tables[RECORD_TABLE].ctx_id,
+                                  em_tables[EFC_TABLE].ctx_id,
+                                  dir);
+               if (rc) {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                               "TBL: Unable to configure EEM in firmware\n");
+                       goto cleanup_full;
+               }
+               rc = tf_msg_em_op(tfp,
+                                 dir,
+                                 HWRM_TF_EXT_EM_OP_INPUT_OP_EXT_EM_ENABLE);
+               if (rc) {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                                   "EEM: Unable to enable EEM in firmware\n");
+                       goto cleanup_full;
+               }
+               /* Allocate the pool of offsets of the external memory.
+                * Initially, this is a single fixed size pool for all external
+                * actions related to a single table scope.
+                */
+               rc = tf_create_tbl_pool_external(session,
+                                                dir,
+                                                tbl_scope_cb,
+                                                index,
+                                                TF_EXT_POOL_ENTRY_CNT,
+                                                TF_EXT_POOL_ENTRY_SZ_BYTES);
+               if (rc) {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                                   "%d TBL: Unable to allocate idx pools %s\n",
+                                   dir,
+                                   strerror(-rc));
+                       goto cleanup_full;
+               }
+       }
+       return 0;
+       free_parms.tbl_scope_id = index;
+       tf_free_eem_tbl_scope_cb(tfp, &free_parms);
+       return -EINVAL;
+       /* Free Table control block */
+       ba_free(session->tbl_scope_pool_rx, tbl_scope_cb->index);
+       return -EINVAL;
+/* API defined in tf_core.h */
+tf_set_tbl_entry(struct tf *tfp,
+                struct tf_set_tbl_entry_parms *parms)
+       int rc = 0;
+       struct tf_tbl_scope_cb *tbl_scope_cb;
+       struct tf_session *session;
+       if (tfp == NULL || parms == NULL || parms->data == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       if (tfp->session == NULL || tfp->session->core_data == NULL) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                           "dir:%d, Session info invalid\n",
+                           parms->dir);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (parms->type == TF_TBL_TYPE_EXT) {
+               void *base_addr;
+               uint32_t offset = TF_ACT_REC_INDEX_2_OFFSET(parms->idx);
+               uint32_t tbl_scope_id;
+               session = (struct tf_session *)(tfp->session->core_data);
+               tbl_scope_id =
+                       session->ext_pool_2_scope[parms->dir][TF_EXT_POOL_0];
+               if (tbl_scope_id == TF_TBL_SCOPE_INVALID)  {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                                   "dir:%d, Table scope not allocated\n",
+                                   parms->dir);
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+               /* Get the table scope control block associated with the
+                * external pool
+                */
+               tbl_scope_cb = tbl_scope_cb_find(session, tbl_scope_id);
+               if (tbl_scope_cb == NULL)
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               /* External table, implicitly the Action table */
+               base_addr = tf_em_get_table_page(tbl_scope_cb,
+                                                parms->dir,
+                                                offset,
+                                                RECORD_TABLE);
+               if (base_addr == NULL) {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                                   "dir:%d, Base address lookup failed\n",
+                                   parms->dir);
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+               offset %= TF_EM_PAGE_SIZE;
+               rte_memcpy((char *)base_addr + offset,
+                          parms->data,
+                          parms->data_sz_in_bytes);
+       } else {
+               /* Internal table type processing */
+               rc = tf_set_tbl_entry_internal(tfp, parms);
+               if (rc) {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                                   "dir:%d, Set failed, type:%d, rc:%d\n",
+                                   parms->dir,
+                                   parms->type,
+                                   rc);
+               }
+       }
+       return rc;
+/* API defined in tf_core.h */
+tf_get_tbl_entry(struct tf *tfp,
+                struct tf_get_tbl_entry_parms *parms)
+       int rc = 0;
+       if (tfp == NULL || parms == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       if (tfp->session == NULL || tfp->session->core_data == NULL) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                           "dir:%d, Session info invalid\n",
+                           parms->dir);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (parms->type == TF_TBL_TYPE_EXT) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                           "dir:%d, External table type not supported\n",
+                           parms->dir);
+               rc = -EOPNOTSUPP;
+       } else {
+               /* Internal table type processing */
+               rc = tf_get_tbl_entry_internal(tfp, parms);
+               if (rc)
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                                   "dir:%d, Get failed, type:%d, rc:%d\n",
+                                   parms->dir,
+                                   parms->type,
+                                   rc);
+       }
+       return rc;
+/* API defined in tf_core.h */
+tf_alloc_tbl_scope(struct tf *tfp,
+                  struct tf_alloc_tbl_scope_parms *parms)
+       int rc;
+       /* check parameters */
+       if (parms == NULL || tfp == NULL) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "TBL: Invalid parameters\n");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       rc = tf_alloc_eem_tbl_scope(tfp, parms);
+       return rc;
+/* API defined in tf_core.h */
+tf_free_tbl_scope(struct tf *tfp,
+                 struct tf_free_tbl_scope_parms *parms)
+       int rc;
+       /* check parameters */
+       if (parms == NULL || tfp == NULL) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "TBL: Invalid parameters\n");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       /* free table scope and all associated resources */
+       rc = tf_free_eem_tbl_scope_cb(tfp, parms);
+       return rc;
+/* API defined in tf_core.h */
+tf_alloc_tbl_entry(struct tf *tfp,
+                  struct tf_alloc_tbl_entry_parms *parms)
+       int rc;
+#if (TF_SHADOW == 1)
+       struct tf_session *tfs;
+#endif /* TF_SHADOW */
+       /* Check parameters */
+       if (parms == NULL || tfp == NULL) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "TBL: Invalid parameters\n");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       /*
+        * No shadow copy support for external tables, allocate and return
+        */
+       if (parms->type == TF_TBL_TYPE_EXT) {
+               rc = tf_alloc_tbl_entry_pool_external(tfp, parms);
+               return rc;
+       }
+#if (TF_SHADOW == 1)
+       if (tfp->session == NULL || tfp->session->core_data == NULL) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                           "dir:%d, Session info invalid\n",
+                           parms->dir);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       tfs = (struct tf_session *)(tfp->session->core_data);
+       /* Search the Shadow DB for requested element. If not found go
+        * allocate one from the Session Pool
+        */
+       if (parms->search_enable && tfs->shadow_copy) {
+               rc = tf_alloc_tbl_entry_shadow(tfs, parms);
+               /* Entry found and parms populated with return data */
+               if (rc == 0)
+                       return rc;
+       }
+#endif /* TF_SHADOW */
+       rc = tf_alloc_tbl_entry_pool_internal(tfp, parms);
+       if (rc)
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "dir%d, Alloc failed, rc:%d\n",
+                           parms->dir,
+                           rc);
+       return rc;
+/* API defined in tf_core.h */
+tf_free_tbl_entry(struct tf *tfp,
+                 struct tf_free_tbl_entry_parms *parms)
+       int rc;
+#if (TF_SHADOW == 1)
+       struct tf_session *tfs;
+#endif /* TF_SHADOW */
+       /* Check parameters */
+       if (parms == NULL || tfp == NULL) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "TBL: Invalid parameters\n");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       /*
+        * No shadow of external tables so just free the entry
+        */
+       if (parms->type == TF_TBL_TYPE_EXT) {
+               rc = tf_free_tbl_entry_pool_external(tfp, parms);
+               return rc;
+       }
+#if (TF_SHADOW == 1)
+       if (tfp->session == NULL || tfp->session->core_data == NULL) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                           "dir:%d, Session info invalid\n",
+                           parms->dir);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       tfs = (struct tf_session *)(tfp->session->core_data);
+       /* Search the Shadow DB for requested element. If not found go
+        * allocate one from the Session Pool
+        */
+       if (parms->search_enable && tfs->shadow_copy) {
+               rc = tf_free_tbl_entry_shadow(tfs, parms);
+               /* Entry free'ed and parms populated with return data */
+               if (rc == 0)
+                       return rc;
+       }
+#endif /* TF_SHADOW */
+       rc = tf_free_tbl_entry_pool_internal(tfp, parms);
+       if (rc)
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "dir:%d, Alloc failed, rc:%d\n",
+                           parms->dir,
+                           rc);
+       return rc;
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_tbl.h 
index 5a5e72f..cb7ce9d 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_tbl.h
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_tbl.h
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 #define _TF_TBL_H_
 #include <stdint.h>
+#include "stack.h"
 enum tf_pg_tbl_lvl {
@@ -15,6 +16,48 @@ enum tf_pg_tbl_lvl {
+enum tf_em_table_type {
+       KEY0_TABLE,
+       KEY1_TABLE,
+       EFC_TABLE,
+       MAX_TABLE
+struct tf_em_page_tbl {
+       uint32_t        pg_count;
+       uint32_t        pg_size;
+       void            **pg_va_tbl;
+       uint64_t        *pg_pa_tbl;
+struct tf_em_table {
+       int                             type;
+       uint32_t                        num_entries;
+       uint16_t                        ctx_id;
+       uint32_t                        entry_size;
+       int                             num_lvl;
+       uint32_t                        page_cnt[PT_LVL_MAX];
+       uint64_t                        num_data_pages;
+       void                            *l0_addr;
+       uint64_t                        l0_dma_addr;
+       struct tf_em_page_tbl pg_tbl[PT_LVL_MAX];
+struct tf_em_ctx_mem_info {
+       struct tf_em_table              em_tables[MAX_TABLE];
+/** table scope control block content */
+struct tf_em_caps {
+       uint32_t flags;
+       uint32_t supported;
+       uint32_t max_entries_supported;
+       uint16_t key_entry_size;
+       uint16_t record_entry_size;
+       uint16_t efc_entry_size;
 /** Invalid table scope id */
 #define TF_TBL_SCOPE_INVALID 0xffffffff
@@ -27,9 +70,49 @@ enum tf_pg_tbl_lvl {
 struct tf_tbl_scope_cb {
        uint32_t tbl_scope_id;
        int index;
+       struct tf_em_ctx_mem_info  em_ctx_info[TF_DIR_MAX];
+       struct tf_em_caps          em_caps[TF_DIR_MAX];
+       struct stack               ext_pool[TF_DIR_MAX][TF_EXT_POOL_CNT_MAX];
        uint32_t              *ext_pool_mem[TF_DIR_MAX][TF_EXT_POOL_CNT_MAX];
+/** Hardware Page sizes supported for EEM: 4K, 8K, 64K, 256K, 1M, 2M, 4M, 1G.
+ * Round-down other page sizes to the lower hardware page size supported.
+ */
+#define PAGE_SHIFT 22 /** 2M */
+#if (PAGE_SHIFT < 12)                          /** < 4K >> 4K */
+#define TF_EM_PAGE_SHIFT 12
+#elif (PAGE_SHIFT <= 13)                       /** 4K, 8K */
+#define TF_EM_PAGE_SHIFT 13
+#elif (PAGE_SHIFT < 16)                                /** 16K, 32K >> 8K */
+#define TF_EM_PAGE_SHIFT 15
+#elif (PAGE_SHIFT <= 17)                       /** 64K, 128K >> 64K */
+#define TF_EM_PAGE_SHIFT 16
+#elif (PAGE_SHIFT <= 19)                       /** 256K, 512K >> 256K */
+#define TF_EM_PAGE_SHIFT 18
+#elif (PAGE_SHIFT <= 21)                       /** 1M */
+#define TF_EM_PAGE_SHIFT 20
+#elif (PAGE_SHIFT <= 22)                       /** 2M, 4M */
+#define TF_EM_PAGE_SHIFT 21
+#elif (PAGE_SHIFT <= 29)                       /** 8M ... 512M >> 4M */
+#define TF_EM_PAGE_SHIFT 22
+#else                                          /** >= 1G >> 1G */
+#define TF_EM_PAGE_SHIFT       30
+#define TF_EM_PAGE_SIZE        (1 << TF_EM_PAGE_SHIFT)
  * Initialize table pool structure to indicate
  * no table scope has been associated with the

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