From: Michael Wildt <>

- Add infrastructure support
- Add tf_core open session support

Signed-off-by: Michael Wildt <>
Reviewed-by: Randy Schacher <>
Reviewed-by: Ajit Kumar Khaparde <>
 drivers/net/bnxt/Makefile                |   8 +
 drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt.h                  |   7 +
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/hwrm_tf.h       | 971 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_core.c       | 145 +++++
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_core.h       | 347 +++++++++++
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_msg.c        |  79 +++
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_msg.h        |  44 ++
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_msg_common.h |  47 ++
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_project.h    |  24 +
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_resources.h  |  46 ++
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_rm.h         |  33 ++
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_session.h    |  85 +++
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tfp.c           | 163 ++++++
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tfp.h           | 188 ++++++
 14 files changed, 2187 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/hwrm_tf.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_core.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_core.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_msg.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_msg.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_msg_common.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_project.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_resources.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_rm.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_session.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tfp.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tfp.h

diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/Makefile b/drivers/net/bnxt/Makefile
index b77532b..0686988 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/Makefile
@@ -43,6 +43,14 @@ ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_ARCH_X86), y)
 SRCS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_BNXT_PMD) += bnxt_rxtx_vec_sse.c
+CFLAGS += -I$(SRCDIR) -I$(SRCDIR)/tf_core
+SRCS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_BNXT_TRUFLOW) += tf_core/tf_core.c
 # Export include files
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt.h b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt.h
index 07fb4df..0142acb 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt.h
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt.h
@@ -21,6 +21,10 @@
 #include "bnxt_cpr.h"
 #include "bnxt_util.h"
+#include "tf_core.h"
 /* Vendor ID */
 #define PCI_VENDOR_ID_BROADCOM         0x14E4
@@ -680,6 +684,9 @@ struct bnxt {
 /* TCAM and EM should be 16-bit only. Other modes not supported. */
 #define BNXT_FLOW_ID_MASK      0x0000ffff
        struct bnxt_mark_info   *mark_table;
+       struct tf               tfp;
 int bnxt_mtu_set_op(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, uint16_t new_mtu);
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/hwrm_tf.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8a5547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/hwrm_tf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,971 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2019-2020 Broadcom
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef _HWRM_TF_H_
+#define _HWRM_TF_H_
+#include "tf_core.h"
+typedef enum tf_type {
+} tf_type_t;
+typedef enum tf_subtype {
+       HWRM_TFT_TBL_SCOPE_CFG = 731,
+       HWRM_TFT_EM_RULE_INSERT = 739,
+       HWRM_TFT_EM_RULE_DELETE = 740,
+       HWRM_TFT_REG_GET = 821,
+       HWRM_TFT_REG_SET = 822,
+       HWRM_TFT_TBL_TYPE_SET = 823,
+       HWRM_TFT_TBL_TYPE_GET = 824,
+} tf_subtype_t;
+/* Request and Response compile time checking */
+/* u32_t       tlv_req_value[26]; */
+#define TF_MAX_REQ_SIZE 104
+/* u32_t       tlv_resp_value[170]; */
+#define TF_MAX_RESP_SIZE 680
+#define BUILD_BUG_ON(condition) typedef char p__LINE__[(condition) ? 1 : -1]
+/* Use this to allocate/free any kind of
+ * indexes over HWRM and fill the parms pointer
+ */
+#define TF_BULK_RECV    128
+#define TF_BULK_SEND     16
+/* EM Key value */
+/* EM Key value */
+/* L2 Context DMA Address Type */
+#define TF_DEV_DATA_TYPE_TF_L2_CTX_DMA_ADDR            0x2fe0UL
+/* L2 Context Entry */
+#define TF_DEV_DATA_TYPE_TF_L2_CTX_ENTRY               0x2fe1UL
+/* Prof tcam DMA Address Type */
+#define TF_DEV_DATA_TYPE_TF_PROF_TCAM_DMA_ADDR         0x3030UL
+/* Prof tcam Entry */
+#define TF_DEV_DATA_TYPE_TF_PROF_TCAM_ENTRY            0x3031UL
+/* WC DMA Address Type */
+#define TF_DEV_DATA_TYPE_TF_WC_DMA_ADDR                        0x30d0UL
+/* WC Entry */
+#define TF_DEV_DATA_TYPE_TF_WC_ENTRY                   0x30d1UL
+/* Action Data */
+#define TF_DEV_DATA_TYPE_TF_ACTION_DATA                        0x3170UL
+#define TF_BITS2BYTES(x) (((x) + 7) >> 3)
+#define TF_BITS2BYTES_WORD_ALIGN(x) ((((x) + 31) >> 5) * 4)
+struct tf_session_attach_input;
+struct tf_session_hw_resc_qcaps_input;
+struct tf_session_hw_resc_qcaps_output;
+struct tf_session_hw_resc_alloc_input;
+struct tf_session_hw_resc_alloc_output;
+struct tf_session_hw_resc_free_input;
+struct tf_session_hw_resc_flush_input;
+struct tf_session_sram_resc_qcaps_input;
+struct tf_session_sram_resc_qcaps_output;
+struct tf_session_sram_resc_alloc_input;
+struct tf_session_sram_resc_alloc_output;
+struct tf_session_sram_resc_free_input;
+struct tf_session_sram_resc_flush_input;
+struct tf_tbl_type_set_input;
+struct tf_tbl_type_get_input;
+struct tf_tbl_type_get_output;
+struct tf_em_internal_insert_input;
+struct tf_em_internal_insert_output;
+struct tf_em_internal_delete_input;
+/* Input params for session attach */
+typedef struct tf_session_attach_input {
+       /* Firmware session id returned when HWRM_TF_SESSION_OPEN is sent */
+       uint32_t                         fw_session_id;
+       /* Session Name */
+       char                             session_name[TF_SESSION_NAME_MAX];
+} tf_session_attach_input_t, *ptf_session_attach_input_t;
+BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(tf_session_attach_input_t) <= TF_MAX_REQ_SIZE);
+/* Input params for session resource HW qcaps */
+typedef struct tf_session_hw_resc_qcaps_input {
+       /* Firmware session id returned when HWRM_TF_SESSION_OPEN is sent */
+       uint32_t                         fw_session_id;
+       /* flags */
+       uint16_t                         flags;
+       /* When set to 0, indicates the query apply to RX */
+       /* When set to 1, indicates the query apply to TX */
+} tf_session_hw_resc_qcaps_input_t, *ptf_session_hw_resc_qcaps_input_t;
+BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(tf_session_hw_resc_qcaps_input_t) <= TF_MAX_REQ_SIZE);
+/* Output params for session resource HW qcaps */
+typedef struct tf_session_hw_resc_qcaps_output {
+       /* Control Flags */
+       uint32_t                         flags;
+       /* When set to 0, indicates Static partitioning */
+       /* When set to 1, indicates Strategy 1 */
+       /* When set to 1, indicates Strategy 2 */
+       /* When set to 1, indicates Strategy 3 */
+       /* Unused */
+       uint8_t                   unused[4];
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of L2 Ctx */
+       uint16_t                         l2_ctx_tcam_entries_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of L2 Ctx */
+       uint16_t                         l2_ctx_tcam_entries_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of profile functions */
+       uint16_t                         prof_func_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of profile functions */
+       uint16_t                         prof_func_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of profile TCAM entries */
+       uint16_t                         prof_tcam_entries_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of profile TCAM entries */
+       uint16_t                         prof_tcam_entries_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of EM profile ID */
+       uint16_t                         em_prof_id_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of EM profile ID */
+       uint16_t                         em_prof_id_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of EM records entries */
+       uint16_t                         em_record_entries_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of EM record entries */
+       uint16_t                         em_record_entries_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of WC TCAM profile ID */
+       uint16_t                         wc_tcam_prof_id_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of WC TCAM profile ID */
+       uint16_t                         wc_tcam_prof_id_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of WC TCAM entries */
+       uint16_t                         wc_tcam_entries_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of WC TCAM entries */
+       uint16_t                         wc_tcam_entries_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of meter profiles */
+       uint16_t                         meter_profiles_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of meter profiles */
+       uint16_t                         meter_profiles_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of meter instances */
+       uint16_t                         meter_inst_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of meter instances */
+       uint16_t                         meter_inst_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of mirrors */
+       uint16_t                         mirrors_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of mirrors */
+       uint16_t                         mirrors_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of UPAR */
+       uint16_t                         upar_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of UPAR */
+       uint16_t                         upar_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of SP TCAM entries */
+       uint16_t                         sp_tcam_entries_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of SP TCAM entries */
+       uint16_t                         sp_tcam_entries_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of L2 Functions */
+       uint16_t                         l2_func_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of L2 Functions */
+       uint16_t                         l2_func_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of flexible key templates */
+       uint16_t                         flex_key_templ_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of flexible key templates */
+       uint16_t                         flex_key_templ_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of table Scopes */
+       uint16_t                         tbl_scope_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of table Scopes */
+       uint16_t                         tbl_scope_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of epoch0 entries */
+       uint16_t                         epoch0_entries_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of epoch0 entries */
+       uint16_t                         epoch0_entries_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of epoch1 entries */
+       uint16_t                         epoch1_entries_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of epoch1 entries */
+       uint16_t                         epoch1_entries_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of metadata */
+       uint16_t                         metadata_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of metadata */
+       uint16_t                         metadata_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of CT states */
+       uint16_t                         ct_state_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of CT states */
+       uint16_t                         ct_state_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of range profiles */
+       uint16_t                         range_prof_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number range profiles */
+       uint16_t                         range_prof_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of range entries */
+       uint16_t                         range_entries_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of range entries */
+       uint16_t                         range_entries_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of LAG table entries */
+       uint16_t                         lag_tbl_entries_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of LAG table entries */
+       uint16_t                         lag_tbl_entries_max;
+} tf_session_hw_resc_qcaps_output_t, *ptf_session_hw_resc_qcaps_output_t;
+BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(tf_session_hw_resc_qcaps_output_t) <= TF_MAX_RESP_SIZE);
+/* Input params for session resource HW alloc */
+typedef struct tf_session_hw_resc_alloc_input {
+       /* Firmware session id returned when HWRM_TF_SESSION_OPEN is sent */
+       uint32_t                         fw_session_id;
+       /* flags */
+       uint16_t                         flags;
+       /* When set to 0, indicates the query apply to RX */
+       /* When set to 1, indicates the query apply to TX */
+       /* Unused */
+       uint8_t                   unused[2];
+       /* Number of L2 CTX TCAM entries to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_l2_ctx_tcam_entries;
+       /* Number of profile functions to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_prof_func_entries;
+       /* Number of profile TCAM entries to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_prof_tcam_entries;
+       /* Number of EM profile ids to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_em_prof_id;
+       /* Number of EM records entries to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_em_record_entries;
+       /* Number of WC profiles ids to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_wc_tcam_prof_id;
+       /* Number of WC TCAM entries to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_wc_tcam_entries;
+       /* Number of meter profiles to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_meter_profiles;
+       /* Number of meter instances to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_meter_inst;
+       /* Number of mirrors to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_mirrors;
+       /* Number of UPAR to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_upar;
+       /* Number of SP TCAM entries to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_sp_tcam_entries;
+       /* Number of L2 functions to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_l2_func;
+       /* Number of flexible key templates to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_flex_key_templ;
+       /* Number of table scopes to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_tbl_scope;
+       /* Number of epoch0 entries to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_epoch0_entries;
+       /* Number of epoch1 entries to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_epoch1_entries;
+       /* Number of metadata to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_metadata;
+       /* Number of CT states to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_ct_state;
+       /* Number of range profiles to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_range_prof;
+       /* Number of range Entries to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_range_entries;
+       /* Number of LAG table entries to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_lag_tbl_entries;
+} tf_session_hw_resc_alloc_input_t, *ptf_session_hw_resc_alloc_input_t;
+BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(tf_session_hw_resc_alloc_input_t) <= TF_MAX_REQ_SIZE);
+/* Output params for session resource HW alloc */
+typedef struct tf_session_hw_resc_alloc_output {
+       /* Starting index of L2 CTX TCAM entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         l2_ctx_tcam_entries_start;
+       /* Number of L2 CTX TCAM entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         l2_ctx_tcam_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of profile functions allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         prof_func_start;
+       /* Number of profile functions allocated */
+       uint16_t                         prof_func_stride;
+       /* Starting index of profile TCAM entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         prof_tcam_entries_start;
+       /* Number of profile TCAM entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         prof_tcam_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of EM profile ids allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         em_prof_id_start;
+       /* Number of EM profile ids allocated */
+       uint16_t                         em_prof_id_stride;
+       /* Starting index of EM record entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         em_record_entries_start;
+       /* Number of EM record entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         em_record_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of WC TCAM profiles ids allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         wc_tcam_prof_id_start;
+       /* Number of WC TCAM profile ids allocated */
+       uint16_t                         wc_tcam_prof_id_stride;
+       /* Starting index of WC TCAM entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         wc_tcam_entries_start;
+       /* Number of WC TCAM allocated */
+       uint16_t                         wc_tcam_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of meter profiles allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         meter_profiles_start;
+       /* Number of meter profiles allocated */
+       uint16_t                         meter_profiles_stride;
+       /* Starting index of meter instance allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         meter_inst_start;
+       /* Number of meter instance allocated */
+       uint16_t                         meter_inst_stride;
+       /* Starting index of mirrors allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         mirrors_start;
+       /* Number of mirrors allocated */
+       uint16_t                         mirrors_stride;
+       /* Starting index of UPAR allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         upar_start;
+       /* Number of UPAR allocated */
+       uint16_t                         upar_stride;
+       /* Starting index of SP TCAM entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         sp_tcam_entries_start;
+       /* Number of SP TCAM entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         sp_tcam_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of L2 functions allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         l2_func_start;
+       /* Number of L2 functions allocated */
+       uint16_t                         l2_func_stride;
+       /* Starting index of flexible key templates allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         flex_key_templ_start;
+       /* Number of flexible key templates allocated */
+       uint16_t                         flex_key_templ_stride;
+       /* Starting index of table scopes allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         tbl_scope_start;
+       /* Number of table scopes allocated */
+       uint16_t                         tbl_scope_stride;
+       /* Starting index of epoch0 entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         epoch0_entries_start;
+       /* Number of epoch0 entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         epoch0_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of epoch1 entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         epoch1_entries_start;
+       /* Number of epoch1 entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         epoch1_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of metadata allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         metadata_start;
+       /* Number of metadata allocated */
+       uint16_t                         metadata_stride;
+       /* Starting index of CT states allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         ct_state_start;
+       /* Number of CT states allocated */
+       uint16_t                         ct_state_stride;
+       /* Starting index of range profiles allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         range_prof_start;
+       /* Number range profiles allocated */
+       uint16_t                         range_prof_stride;
+       /* Starting index of range enntries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         range_entries_start;
+       /* Number of range entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         range_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of LAG table entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         lag_tbl_entries_start;
+       /* Number of LAG table entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         lag_tbl_entries_stride;
+} tf_session_hw_resc_alloc_output_t, *ptf_session_hw_resc_alloc_output_t;
+BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(tf_session_hw_resc_alloc_output_t) <= TF_MAX_RESP_SIZE);
+/* Input params for session resource HW free */
+typedef struct tf_session_hw_resc_free_input {
+       /* Firmware session id returned when HWRM_TF_SESSION_OPEN is sent */
+       uint32_t                         fw_session_id;
+       /* flags */
+       uint16_t                         flags;
+       /* When set to 0, indicates the query apply to RX */
+       /* When set to 1, indicates the query apply to TX */
+       /* Unused */
+       uint8_t                   unused[2];
+       /* Starting index of L2 CTX TCAM entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         l2_ctx_tcam_entries_start;
+       /* Number of L2 CTX TCAM entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         l2_ctx_tcam_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of profile functions allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         prof_func_start;
+       /* Number of profile functions allocated */
+       uint16_t                         prof_func_stride;
+       /* Starting index of profile TCAM entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         prof_tcam_entries_start;
+       /* Number of profile TCAM entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         prof_tcam_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of EM profile ids allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         em_prof_id_start;
+       /* Number of EM profile ids allocated */
+       uint16_t                         em_prof_id_stride;
+       /* Starting index of EM record entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         em_record_entries_start;
+       /* Number of EM record entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         em_record_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of WC TCAM profiles ids allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         wc_tcam_prof_id_start;
+       /* Number of WC TCAM profile ids allocated */
+       uint16_t                         wc_tcam_prof_id_stride;
+       /* Starting index of WC TCAM entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         wc_tcam_entries_start;
+       /* Number of WC TCAM allocated */
+       uint16_t                         wc_tcam_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of meter profiles allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         meter_profiles_start;
+       /* Number of meter profiles allocated */
+       uint16_t                         meter_profiles_stride;
+       /* Starting index of meter instance allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         meter_inst_start;
+       /* Number of meter instance allocated */
+       uint16_t                         meter_inst_stride;
+       /* Starting index of mirrors allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         mirrors_start;
+       /* Number of mirrors allocated */
+       uint16_t                         mirrors_stride;
+       /* Starting index of UPAR allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         upar_start;
+       /* Number of UPAR allocated */
+       uint16_t                         upar_stride;
+       /* Starting index of SP TCAM entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         sp_tcam_entries_start;
+       /* Number of SP TCAM entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         sp_tcam_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of L2 functions allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         l2_func_start;
+       /* Number of L2 functions allocated */
+       uint16_t                         l2_func_stride;
+       /* Starting index of flexible key templates allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         flex_key_templ_start;
+       /* Number of flexible key templates allocated */
+       uint16_t                         flex_key_templ_stride;
+       /* Starting index of table scopes allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         tbl_scope_start;
+       /* Number of table scopes allocated */
+       uint16_t                         tbl_scope_stride;
+       /* Starting index of epoch0 entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         epoch0_entries_start;
+       /* Number of epoch0 entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         epoch0_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of epoch1 entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         epoch1_entries_start;
+       /* Number of epoch1 entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         epoch1_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of metadata allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         metadata_start;
+       /* Number of metadata allocated */
+       uint16_t                         metadata_stride;
+       /* Starting index of CT states allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         ct_state_start;
+       /* Number of CT states allocated */
+       uint16_t                         ct_state_stride;
+       /* Starting index of range profiles allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         range_prof_start;
+       /* Number range profiles allocated */
+       uint16_t                         range_prof_stride;
+       /* Starting index of range enntries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         range_entries_start;
+       /* Number of range entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         range_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of LAG table entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         lag_tbl_entries_start;
+       /* Number of LAG table entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         lag_tbl_entries_stride;
+} tf_session_hw_resc_free_input_t, *ptf_session_hw_resc_free_input_t;
+BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(tf_session_hw_resc_free_input_t) <= TF_MAX_REQ_SIZE);
+/* Input params for session resource HW flush */
+typedef struct tf_session_hw_resc_flush_input {
+       /* Firmware session id returned when HWRM_TF_SESSION_OPEN is sent */
+       uint32_t                         fw_session_id;
+       /* flags */
+       uint16_t                         flags;
+       /* When set to 0, indicates the flush apply to RX */
+       /* When set to 1, indicates the flush apply to TX */
+       /* Unused */
+       uint8_t                   unused[2];
+       /* Starting index of L2 CTX TCAM entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         l2_ctx_tcam_entries_start;
+       /* Number of L2 CTX TCAM entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         l2_ctx_tcam_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of profile functions allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         prof_func_start;
+       /* Number of profile functions allocated */
+       uint16_t                         prof_func_stride;
+       /* Starting index of profile TCAM entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         prof_tcam_entries_start;
+       /* Number of profile TCAM entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         prof_tcam_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of EM profile ids allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         em_prof_id_start;
+       /* Number of EM profile ids allocated */
+       uint16_t                         em_prof_id_stride;
+       /* Starting index of EM record entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         em_record_entries_start;
+       /* Number of EM record entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         em_record_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of WC TCAM profiles ids allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         wc_tcam_prof_id_start;
+       /* Number of WC TCAM profile ids allocated */
+       uint16_t                         wc_tcam_prof_id_stride;
+       /* Starting index of WC TCAM entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         wc_tcam_entries_start;
+       /* Number of WC TCAM allocated */
+       uint16_t                         wc_tcam_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of meter profiles allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         meter_profiles_start;
+       /* Number of meter profiles allocated */
+       uint16_t                         meter_profiles_stride;
+       /* Starting index of meter instance allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         meter_inst_start;
+       /* Number of meter instance allocated */
+       uint16_t                         meter_inst_stride;
+       /* Starting index of mirrors allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         mirrors_start;
+       /* Number of mirrors allocated */
+       uint16_t                         mirrors_stride;
+       /* Starting index of UPAR allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         upar_start;
+       /* Number of UPAR allocated */
+       uint16_t                         upar_stride;
+       /* Starting index of SP TCAM entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         sp_tcam_entries_start;
+       /* Number of SP TCAM entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         sp_tcam_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of L2 functions allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         l2_func_start;
+       /* Number of L2 functions allocated */
+       uint16_t                         l2_func_stride;
+       /* Starting index of flexible key templates allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         flex_key_templ_start;
+       /* Number of flexible key templates allocated */
+       uint16_t                         flex_key_templ_stride;
+       /* Starting index of table scopes allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         tbl_scope_start;
+       /* Number of table scopes allocated */
+       uint16_t                         tbl_scope_stride;
+       /* Starting index of epoch0 entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         epoch0_entries_start;
+       /* Number of epoch0 entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         epoch0_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of epoch1 entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         epoch1_entries_start;
+       /* Number of epoch1 entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         epoch1_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of metadata allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         metadata_start;
+       /* Number of metadata allocated */
+       uint16_t                         metadata_stride;
+       /* Starting index of CT states allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         ct_state_start;
+       /* Number of CT states allocated */
+       uint16_t                         ct_state_stride;
+       /* Starting index of range profiles allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         range_prof_start;
+       /* Number range profiles allocated */
+       uint16_t                         range_prof_stride;
+       /* Starting index of range enntries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         range_entries_start;
+       /* Number of range entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         range_entries_stride;
+       /* Starting index of LAG table entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         lag_tbl_entries_start;
+       /* Number of LAG table entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         lag_tbl_entries_stride;
+} tf_session_hw_resc_flush_input_t, *ptf_session_hw_resc_flush_input_t;
+BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(tf_session_hw_resc_flush_input_t) <= TF_MAX_REQ_SIZE);
+/* Input params for session resource SRAM qcaps */
+typedef struct tf_session_sram_resc_qcaps_input {
+       /* Firmware session id returned when HWRM_TF_SESSION_OPEN is sent */
+       uint32_t                         fw_session_id;
+       /* flags */
+       uint16_t                         flags;
+       /* When set to 0, indicates the query apply to RX */
+       /* When set to 1, indicates the query apply to TX */
+} tf_session_sram_resc_qcaps_input_t, *ptf_session_sram_resc_qcaps_input_t;
+BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(tf_session_sram_resc_qcaps_input_t) <= TF_MAX_REQ_SIZE);
+/* Output params for session resource SRAM qcaps */
+typedef struct tf_session_sram_resc_qcaps_output {
+       /* Flags */
+       uint32_t                         flags;
+       /* When set to 0, indicates Static partitioning */
+       /* When set to 1, indicates Strategy 1 */
+       /* When set to 1, indicates Strategy 2 */
+       /* When set to 1, indicates Strategy 3 */
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of Full Action */
+       uint16_t                         full_action_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of Full Action */
+       uint16_t                         full_action_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of MCG */
+       uint16_t                         mcg_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of MCG */
+       uint16_t                         mcg_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of Encap 8B */
+       uint16_t                         encap_8b_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of Encap 8B */
+       uint16_t                         encap_8b_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of Encap 16B */
+       uint16_t                         encap_16b_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of Encap 16B */
+       uint16_t                         encap_16b_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of Encap 64B */
+       uint16_t                         encap_64b_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of Encap 64B */
+       uint16_t                         encap_64b_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of SP SMAC */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of SP SMAC */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of SP SMAC IPv4 */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_ipv4_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of SP SMAC IPv4 */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_ipv4_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of SP SMAC IPv6 */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_ipv6_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of SP SMAC IPv6 */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_ipv6_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of Counter 64B */
+       uint16_t                         counter_64b_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of Counter 64B */
+       uint16_t                         counter_64b_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of NAT SPORT */
+       uint16_t                         nat_sport_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of NAT SPORT */
+       uint16_t                         nat_sport_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of NAT DPORT */
+       uint16_t                         nat_dport_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of NAT DPORT */
+       uint16_t                         nat_dport_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of NAT S_IPV4 */
+       uint16_t                         nat_s_ipv4_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of NAT S_IPV4 */
+       uint16_t                         nat_s_ipv4_max;
+       /* Minimum guaranteed number of NAT D_IPV4 */
+       uint16_t                         nat_d_ipv4_min;
+       /* Maximum non-guaranteed number of NAT D_IPV4 */
+       uint16_t                         nat_d_ipv4_max;
+} tf_session_sram_resc_qcaps_output_t, *ptf_session_sram_resc_qcaps_output_t;
+BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(tf_session_sram_resc_qcaps_output_t) <= TF_MAX_RESP_SIZE);
+/* Input params for session resource SRAM alloc */
+typedef struct tf_session_sram_resc_alloc_input {
+       /* FW Session Id */
+       uint32_t                         fw_session_id;
+       /* flags */
+       uint16_t                         flags;
+       /* When set to 0, indicates the query apply to RX */
+       /* When set to 1, indicates the query apply to TX */
+       /* Unused */
+       uint8_t                   unused[2];
+       /* Number of full action SRAM entries to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_full_action;
+       /* Number of multicast groups to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_mcg;
+       /* Number of Encap 8B entries to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_encap_8b;
+       /* Number of Encap 16B entries to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_encap_16b;
+       /* Number of Encap 64B entries to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_encap_64b;
+       /* Number of SP SMAC entries to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_sp_smac;
+       /* Number of SP SMAC IPv4 entries to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_sp_smac_ipv4;
+       /* Number of SP SMAC IPv6 entries to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_sp_smac_ipv6;
+       /* Number of Counter 64B entries to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_counter_64b;
+       /* Number of NAT source ports to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_nat_sport;
+       /* Number of NAT destination ports to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_nat_dport;
+       /* Number of NAT source iPV4 addresses to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_nat_s_ipv4;
+       /* Number of NAT destination IPV4 addresses to be allocated */
+       uint16_t                         num_nat_d_ipv4;
+} tf_session_sram_resc_alloc_input_t, *ptf_session_sram_resc_alloc_input_t;
+BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(tf_session_sram_resc_alloc_input_t) <= TF_MAX_REQ_SIZE);
+/* Output params for session resource SRAM alloc */
+typedef struct tf_session_sram_resc_alloc_output {
+       /* Unused */
+       uint8_t                   unused[2];
+       /* Starting index of full action SRAM entries allocated to the session 
+       uint16_t                         full_action_start;
+       /* Number of full action SRAM entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         full_action_stride;
+       /* Starting index of multicast groups allocated to this session */
+       uint16_t                         mcg_start;
+       /* Number of multicast groups allocated */
+       uint16_t                         mcg_stride;
+       /* Starting index of encap 8B entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         encap_8b_start;
+       /* Number of encap 8B entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         encap_8b_stride;
+       /* Starting index of encap 16B entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         encap_16b_start;
+       /* Number of encap 16B entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         encap_16b_stride;
+       /* Starting index of encap 64B entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         encap_64b_start;
+       /* Number of encap 64B entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         encap_64b_stride;
+       /* Starting index of SP SMAC entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_start;
+       /* Number of SP SMAC entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_stride;
+       /* Starting index of SP SMAC IPv4 entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_ipv4_start;
+       /* Number of SP SMAC IPv4 entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_ipv4_stride;
+       /* Starting index of SP SMAC IPv6 entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_ipv6_start;
+       /* Number of SP SMAC IPv6 entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_ipv6_stride;
+       /* Starting index of Counter 64B entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         counter_64b_start;
+       /* Number of Counter 64B entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         counter_64b_stride;
+       /* Starting index of NAT source ports allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         nat_sport_start;
+       /* Number of NAT source ports allocated */
+       uint16_t                         nat_sport_stride;
+       /* Starting index of NAT destination ports allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         nat_dport_start;
+       /* Number of NAT destination ports allocated */
+       uint16_t                         nat_dport_stride;
+       /* Starting index of NAT source IPV4 addresses allocated to the session 
+       uint16_t                         nat_s_ipv4_start;
+       /* Number of NAT source IPV4 addresses allocated */
+       uint16_t                         nat_s_ipv4_stride;
+       /*
+        * Starting index of NAT destination IPV4 addresses allocated to the
+        * session
+        */
+       uint16_t                         nat_d_ipv4_start;
+       /* Number of NAT destination IPV4 addresses allocated */
+       uint16_t                         nat_d_ipv4_stride;
+} tf_session_sram_resc_alloc_output_t, *ptf_session_sram_resc_alloc_output_t;
+BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(tf_session_sram_resc_alloc_output_t) <= TF_MAX_RESP_SIZE);
+/* Input params for session resource SRAM free */
+typedef struct tf_session_sram_resc_free_input {
+       /* Firmware session id returned when HWRM_TF_SESSION_OPEN is sent */
+       uint32_t                         fw_session_id;
+       /* flags */
+       uint16_t                         flags;
+       /* When set to 0, indicates the query apply to RX */
+       /* When set to 1, indicates the query apply to TX */
+       /* Starting index of full action SRAM entries allocated to the session 
+       uint16_t                         full_action_start;
+       /* Number of full action SRAM entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         full_action_stride;
+       /* Starting index of multicast groups allocated to this session */
+       uint16_t                         mcg_start;
+       /* Number of multicast groups allocated */
+       uint16_t                         mcg_stride;
+       /* Starting index of encap 8B entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         encap_8b_start;
+       /* Number of encap 8B entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         encap_8b_stride;
+       /* Starting index of encap 16B entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         encap_16b_start;
+       /* Number of encap 16B entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         encap_16b_stride;
+       /* Starting index of encap 64B entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         encap_64b_start;
+       /* Number of encap 64B entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         encap_64b_stride;
+       /* Starting index of SP SMAC entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_start;
+       /* Number of SP SMAC entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_stride;
+       /* Starting index of SP SMAC IPv4 entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_ipv4_start;
+       /* Number of SP SMAC IPv4 entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_ipv4_stride;
+       /* Starting index of SP SMAC IPv6 entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_ipv6_start;
+       /* Number of SP SMAC IPv6 entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_ipv6_stride;
+       /* Starting index of Counter 64B entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         counter_64b_start;
+       /* Number of Counter 64B entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         counter_64b_stride;
+       /* Starting index of NAT source ports allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         nat_sport_start;
+       /* Number of NAT source ports allocated */
+       uint16_t                         nat_sport_stride;
+       /* Starting index of NAT destination ports allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         nat_dport_start;
+       /* Number of NAT destination ports allocated */
+       uint16_t                         nat_dport_stride;
+       /* Starting index of NAT source IPV4 addresses allocated to the session 
+       uint16_t                         nat_s_ipv4_start;
+       /* Number of NAT source IPV4 addresses allocated */
+       uint16_t                         nat_s_ipv4_stride;
+       /*
+        * Starting index of NAT destination IPV4 addresses allocated to the
+        * session
+        */
+       uint16_t                         nat_d_ipv4_start;
+       /* Number of NAT destination IPV4 addresses allocated */
+       uint16_t                         nat_d_ipv4_stride;
+} tf_session_sram_resc_free_input_t, *ptf_session_sram_resc_free_input_t;
+BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(tf_session_sram_resc_free_input_t) <= TF_MAX_REQ_SIZE);
+/* Input params for session resource SRAM flush */
+typedef struct tf_session_sram_resc_flush_input {
+       /* Firmware session id returned when HWRM_TF_SESSION_OPEN is sent */
+       uint32_t                         fw_session_id;
+       /* flags */
+       uint16_t                         flags;
+       /* When set to 0, indicates the flush apply to RX */
+       /* When set to 1, indicates the flush apply to TX */
+       /* Starting index of full action SRAM entries allocated to the session 
+       uint16_t                         full_action_start;
+       /* Number of full action SRAM entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         full_action_stride;
+       /* Starting index of multicast groups allocated to this session */
+       uint16_t                         mcg_start;
+       /* Number of multicast groups allocated */
+       uint16_t                         mcg_stride;
+       /* Starting index of encap 8B entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         encap_8b_start;
+       /* Number of encap 8B entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         encap_8b_stride;
+       /* Starting index of encap 16B entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         encap_16b_start;
+       /* Number of encap 16B entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         encap_16b_stride;
+       /* Starting index of encap 64B entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         encap_64b_start;
+       /* Number of encap 64B entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         encap_64b_stride;
+       /* Starting index of SP SMAC entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_start;
+       /* Number of SP SMAC entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_stride;
+       /* Starting index of SP SMAC IPv4 entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_ipv4_start;
+       /* Number of SP SMAC IPv4 entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_ipv4_stride;
+       /* Starting index of SP SMAC IPv6 entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_ipv6_start;
+       /* Number of SP SMAC IPv6 entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         sp_smac_ipv6_stride;
+       /* Starting index of Counter 64B entries allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         counter_64b_start;
+       /* Number of Counter 64B entries allocated */
+       uint16_t                         counter_64b_stride;
+       /* Starting index of NAT source ports allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         nat_sport_start;
+       /* Number of NAT source ports allocated */
+       uint16_t                         nat_sport_stride;
+       /* Starting index of NAT destination ports allocated to the session */
+       uint16_t                         nat_dport_start;
+       /* Number of NAT destination ports allocated */
+       uint16_t                         nat_dport_stride;
+       /* Starting index of NAT source IPV4 addresses allocated to the session 
+       uint16_t                         nat_s_ipv4_start;
+       /* Number of NAT source IPV4 addresses allocated */
+       uint16_t                         nat_s_ipv4_stride;
+       /*
+        * Starting index of NAT destination IPV4 addresses allocated to the
+        * session
+        */
+       uint16_t                         nat_d_ipv4_start;
+       /* Number of NAT destination IPV4 addresses allocated */
+       uint16_t                         nat_d_ipv4_stride;
+} tf_session_sram_resc_flush_input_t, *ptf_session_sram_resc_flush_input_t;
+BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(tf_session_sram_resc_flush_input_t) <= TF_MAX_REQ_SIZE);
+/* Input params for table type get */
+typedef struct tf_tbl_type_get_input {
+       /* Session Id */
+       uint32_t                         fw_session_id;
+       /* flags */
+       uint16_t                         flags;
+       /* When set to 0, indicates the get apply to RX */
+#define TF_TBL_TYPE_GET_INPUT_FLAGS_DIR_RX                     (0x0)
+       /* When set to 1, indicates the get apply to TX */
+#define TF_TBL_TYPE_GET_INPUT_FLAGS_DIR_TX                     (0x1)
+       /* Type of the object to set */
+       uint32_t                         type;
+       /* Index to get */
+       uint32_t                         index;
+} tf_tbl_type_get_input_t, *ptf_tbl_type_get_input_t;
+BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(tf_tbl_type_get_input_t) <= TF_MAX_REQ_SIZE);
+/* Output params for table type get */
+typedef struct tf_tbl_type_get_output {
+       /* Size of the data read in bytes */
+       uint16_t                         size;
+       /* Data read */
+       uint8_t                   data[TF_BULK_RECV];
+} tf_tbl_type_get_output_t, *ptf_tbl_type_get_output_t;
+BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(tf_tbl_type_get_output_t) <= TF_MAX_RESP_SIZE);
+/* Input params for EM internal rule insert */
+typedef struct tf_em_internal_insert_input {
+       /* Firmware Session Id */
+       uint32_t                         fw_session_id;
+       /* flags */
+       uint16_t                         flags;
+       /* When set to 0, indicates the get apply to RX */
+       /* When set to 1, indicates the get apply to TX */
+       /* strength */
+       uint16_t                         strength;
+       /* index to action */
+       uint32_t                         action_ptr;
+       /* index of em record */
+       uint32_t                         em_record_idx;
+       /* EM Key value */
+       uint64_t                         em_key[8];
+       /* number of bits in em_key */
+       uint16_t                         em_key_bitlen;
+} tf_em_internal_insert_input_t, *ptf_em_internal_insert_input_t;
+BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(tf_em_internal_insert_input_t) <= TF_MAX_REQ_SIZE);
+/* Output params for EM internal rule insert */
+typedef struct tf_em_internal_insert_output {
+       /* EM record pointer index */
+       uint16_t                         rptr_index;
+       /* EM record offset 0~3 */
+       uint8_t                   rptr_entry;
+} tf_em_internal_insert_output_t, *ptf_em_internal_insert_output_t;
+BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(tf_em_internal_insert_output_t) <= TF_MAX_RESP_SIZE);
+/* Input params for EM INTERNAL rule delete */
+typedef struct tf_em_internal_delete_input {
+       /* Session Id */
+       uint32_t                         tf_session_id;
+       /* flags */
+       uint16_t                         flags;
+       /* When set to 0, indicates the get apply to RX */
+       /* When set to 1, indicates the get apply to TX */
+       /* EM internal flow hanndle */
+       uint64_t                         flow_handle;
+       /* EM Key value */
+       uint64_t                         em_key[8];
+       /* number of bits in em_key */
+       uint16_t                         em_key_bitlen;
+} tf_em_internal_delete_input_t, *ptf_em_internal_delete_input_t;
+BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(tf_em_internal_delete_input_t) <= TF_MAX_REQ_SIZE);
+#endif /* _HWRM_TF_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_core.c 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bafae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_core.c
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2019-2020 Broadcom
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "tf_core.h"
+#include "tf_session.h"
+#include "tf_msg.h"
+#include "tfp.h"
+#include "bnxt.h"
+tf_open_session(struct tf                    *tfp,
+               struct tf_open_session_parms *parms)
+       int rc;
+       struct tf_session *session;
+       struct tfp_calloc_parms alloc_parms;
+       unsigned int domain, bus, slot, device;
+       uint8_t fw_session_id;
+       if (tfp == NULL || parms == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       /* Filter out any non-supported device types on the Core
+        * side. It is assumed that the Firmware will be supported if
+        * firmware open session succeeds.
+        */
+       if (parms->device_type != TF_DEVICE_TYPE_WH)
+               return -ENOTSUP;
+       /* Build the beginning of session_id */
+       rc = sscanf(parms->ctrl_chan_name,
+                   "%x:%x:%x.%d",
+                   &domain,
+                   &bus,
+                   &slot,
+                   &device);
+       if (rc != 4) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                           "Failed to scan device ctrl_chan_name\n");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       /* open FW session and get a new session_id */
+       rc = tf_msg_session_open(tfp,
+                                parms->ctrl_chan_name,
+                                &fw_session_id);
+       if (rc) {
+               /* Log error */
+               if (rc == -EEXIST)
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                                   "Session is already open, rc:%d\n",
+                                   rc);
+               else
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                                   "Open message send failed, rc:%d\n",
+                                   rc);
+               parms-> = TF_FW_SESSION_ID_INVALID;
+               return rc;
+       }
+       /* Allocate session */
+       alloc_parms.nitems = 1;
+       alloc_parms.size = sizeof(struct tf_session_info);
+       alloc_parms.alignment = 0;
+       rc = tfp_calloc(&alloc_parms);
+       if (rc) {
+               /* Log error */
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                           "Failed to allocate session info, rc:%d\n",
+                           rc);
+               goto cleanup;
+       }
+       tfp->session = (struct tf_session_info *)alloc_parms.mem_va;
+       /* Allocate core data for the session */
+       alloc_parms.nitems = 1;
+       alloc_parms.size = sizeof(struct tf_session);
+       alloc_parms.alignment = 0;
+       rc = tfp_calloc(&alloc_parms);
+       if (rc) {
+               /* Log error */
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                           "Failed to allocate session data, rc:%d\n",
+                           rc);
+               goto cleanup;
+       }
+       tfp->session->core_data = alloc_parms.mem_va;
+       session = (struct tf_session *)tfp->session->core_data;
+       tfp_memcpy(session->ctrl_chan_name,
+                  parms->ctrl_chan_name,
+                  TF_SESSION_NAME_MAX);
+       /* Initialize Session */
+       session->device_type = parms->device_type;
+       /* Construct the Session ID */
+       session->session_id.internal.domain = domain;
+       session->session_id.internal.bus = bus;
+       session->session_id.internal.device = device;
+       session->session_id.internal.fw_session_id = fw_session_id;
+       rc = tf_msg_session_qcfg(tfp);
+       if (rc) {
+               /* Log error */
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                           "Query config message send failed, rc:%d\n",
+                           rc);
+               goto cleanup_close;
+       }
+       session->ref_count++;
+       /* Return session ID */
+       parms->session_id = session->session_id;
+                   "Session created, session_id:%d\n",
+                   parms->;
+                   "domain:%d, bus:%d, device:%d, fw_session_id:%d\n",
+                   parms->session_id.internal.domain,
+                   parms->session_id.internal.bus,
+                   parms->session_id.internal.device,
+                   parms->session_id.internal.fw_session_id);
+       return 0;
+ cleanup:
+       tfp_free(tfp->session->core_data);
+       tfp_free(tfp->session);
+       tfp->session = NULL;
+       return rc;
+ cleanup_close:
+       return -EINVAL;
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_core.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69433ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_core.h
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2019-2020 Broadcom
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef _TF_CORE_H_
+#define _TF_CORE_H_
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "tf_project.h"
+ * @file
+ *
+ * Truflow Core API Header File
+ */
+/********** BEGIN Truflow Core DEFINITIONS **********/
+ * direction
+ */
+enum tf_dir {
+       TF_DIR_RX,  /**< Receive */
+       TF_DIR_TX,  /**< Transmit */
+       TF_DIR_MAX
+ * @page general General
+ *
+ * @ref tf_open_session
+ *
+ * @ref tf_attach_session
+ *
+ * @ref tf_close_session
+ */
+/** Session Version defines
+ *
+ * The version controls the format of the tf_session and
+ * tf_session_info structure. This is to assure upgrade between
+ * versions can be supported.
+ */
+#define TF_SESSION_VER_MAJOR  1   /**< Major Version */
+#define TF_SESSION_VER_MINOR  0   /**< Minor Version */
+#define TF_SESSION_VER_UPDATE 0   /**< Update Version */
+/** Session Name
+ *
+ * Name of the TruFlow control channel interface.  Expects
+ * format to be RTE Name specific, i.e. rte_eth_dev_get_name_by_port()
+ */
+#define TF_SESSION_NAME_MAX       64
+#define TF_FW_SESSION_ID_INVALID  0xFF  /**< Invalid FW Sesssion ID define */
+/** Session Identifier
+ *
+ * Unique session identifier which includes PCIe bus info to
+ * distinguish the PF and session info to identify the associated
+ * TruFlow session. Session ID is constructed from the passed in
+ * ctrl_chan_name in tf_open_session() together with an allocated
+ * fw_session_id. Done by TruFlow on tf_open_session().
+ */
+union tf_session_id {
+       uint32_t id;
+       struct {
+               uint8_t domain;
+               uint8_t bus;
+               uint8_t device;
+               uint8_t fw_session_id;
+       } internal;
+/** Session Version
+ *
+ * The version controls the format of the tf_session and
+ * tf_session_info structure. This is to assure upgrade between
+ * versions can be supported.
+ *
+ * Please see the TF_VER_MAJOR/MINOR and UPDATE defines.
+ */
+struct tf_session_version {
+       uint8_t major;
+       uint8_t minor;
+       uint8_t update;
+/** Session supported device types
+ *
+ */
+enum tf_device_type {
+       TF_DEVICE_TYPE_WH = 0, /**< Whitney+  */
+       TF_DEVICE_TYPE_BRD2,   /**< TBD       */
+       TF_DEVICE_TYPE_BRD3,   /**< TBD       */
+       TF_DEVICE_TYPE_BRD4,   /**< TBD       */
+       TF_DEVICE_TYPE_MAX     /**< Maximum   */
+/** TruFlow Session Information
+ *
+ * Structure defining a TruFlow Session, also known as a Management
+ * session. This structure is initialized at time of
+ * tf_open_session(). It is passed to all of the TruFlow APIs as way
+ * to prescribe and isolate resources between different TruFlow ULP
+ * Applications.
+ */
+struct tf_session_info {
+       /**
+        * TrueFlow Version. Used to control the structure layout when
+        * sharing sessions. No guarantee that a secondary process
+        * would come from the same version of an executable.
+        * TruFlow initializes this variable on tf_open_session().
+        *
+        * Owner:  TruFlow
+        * Access: TruFlow
+        */
+       struct tf_session_version ver;
+       /**
+        * will be STAILQ_ENTRY(tf_session_info) next
+        *
+        * Owner:  ULP
+        * Access: ULP
+        */
+       void                 *next;
+       /**
+        * Session ID is a unique identifier for the session. TruFlow
+        * initializes this variable during tf_open_session()
+        * processing.
+        *
+        * Owner:  TruFlow
+        * Access: Truflow & ULP
+        */
+       union tf_session_id   session_id;
+       /**
+        * Protects access to core_data. Lock is initialized and owned
+        * by ULP. TruFlow can access the core_data without checking
+        * the lock.
+        *
+        * Owner:  ULP
+        * Access: ULP
+        */
+       uint8_t               spin_lock;
+       /**
+        * The core_data holds the TruFlow tf_session data
+        * structure. This memory is allocated and owned by TruFlow on
+        * tf_open_session().
+        *
+        * TruFlow uses this memory for session management control
+        * until the session is closed by ULP. Access control is done
+        * by the spin_lock which ULP controls ahead of TruFlow API
+        * calls.
+        *
+        * Please see tf_open_session_parms for specification details
+        * on this variable.
+        *
+        * Owner:  TruFlow
+        * Access: TruFlow
+        */
+       void                 *core_data;
+       /**
+        * The core_data_sz_bytes specifies the size of core_data in
+        * bytes.
+        *
+        * The size is set by TruFlow on tf_open_session().
+        *
+        * Please see tf_open_session_parms for specification details
+        * on this variable.
+        *
+        * Owner:  TruFlow
+        * Access: TruFlow
+        */
+       uint32_t              core_data_sz_bytes;
+/** TruFlow handle
+ *
+ * Contains a pointer to the session info. Allocated by ULP and passed
+ * to TruFlow using tf_open_session(). TruFlow will populate the
+ * session info at that time. Additional 'opens' can be done using
+ * same session_info by using tf_attach_session().
+ *
+ * It is expected that ULP allocates this memory as shared memory.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This struct must be within the BNXT PMD struct bnxt
+ *       (bp). This allows use of container_of() to get access to the PMD.
+ */
+struct tf {
+       struct tf_session_info *session;
+ * tf_open_session parameters definition.
+ */
+struct tf_open_session_parms {
+       /** [in] ctrl_chan_name
+        *
+        * String containing name of control channel interface to be
+        * used for this session to communicate with firmware.
+        *
+        * The ctrl_chan_name can be looked up by using
+        * rte_eth_dev_get_name_by_port() within the ULP.
+        *
+        * ctrl_chan_name will be used as part of a name for any
+        * shared memory allocation.
+        */
+       char ctrl_chan_name[TF_SESSION_NAME_MAX];
+       /** [in] shadow_copy
+        *
+        * Boolean controlling the use and availability of shadow
+        * copy. Shadow copy will allow the TruFlow to keep track of
+        * resource content on the firmware side without having to
+        * query firmware. Additional private session core_data will
+        * be allocated if this boolean is set to 'true', default
+        * 'false'.
+        *
+        * Size of memory depends on the NVM Resource settings for the
+        * control channel.
+        */
+       bool shadow_copy;
+       /** [in/out] session_id
+        *
+        * Session_id is unique per session.
+        *
+        * Session_id is composed of domain, bus, device and
+        * fw_session_id. The construction is done by parsing the
+        * ctrl_chan_name together with allocation of a fw_session_id.
+        *
+        * The session_id allows a session to be shared between devices.
+        */
+       union tf_session_id session_id;
+       /** [in] device type
+        *
+        * Device type is passed, one of Wh+, Brd2, Brd3, Brd4
+        */
+       enum tf_device_type device_type;
+ * Opens a new TruFlow management session.
+ *
+ * TruFlow will allocate session specific memory, shared memory, to
+ * hold its session data. This data is private to TruFlow.
+ *
+ * Multiple PFs can share the same session. An association, refcount,
+ * between session and PFs is maintained within TruFlow. Thus, a PF
+ * can attach to an existing session, see tf_attach_session().
+ *
+ * No other TruFlow APIs will succeed unless this API is first called and
+ * succeeds.
+ *
+ * tf_open_session() returns a session id that can be used on attach.
+ *
+ * [in] tfp
+ *   Pointer to TF handle
+ * [in] parms
+ *   Pointer to open parameters
+ *
+ * Returns
+ *   - (0) if successful.
+ *   - (-EINVAL) on failure.
+ */
+int tf_open_session(struct tf *tfp,
+                   struct tf_open_session_parms *parms);
+struct tf_attach_session_parms {
+       /** [in] ctrl_chan_name
+        *
+        * String containing name of control channel interface to be
+        * used for this session to communicate with firmware.
+        *
+        * The ctrl_chan_name can be looked up by using
+        * rte_eth_dev_get_name_by_port() within the ULP.
+        *
+        * ctrl_chan_name will be used as part of a name for any
+        * shared memory allocation.
+        */
+       char ctrl_chan_name[TF_SESSION_NAME_MAX];
+       /** [in] attach_chan_name
+        *
+        * String containing name of attach channel interface to be
+        * used for this session.
+        *
+        * The attach_chan_name must be given to a 2nd process after
+        * the primary process has been created. This is the
+        * ctrl_chan_name of the primary process and is used to find
+        * the shared memory for the session that the attach is going
+        * to use.
+        */
+       char attach_chan_name[TF_SESSION_NAME_MAX];
+       /** [in] session_id
+        *
+        * Session_id is unique per session. For Attach the session_id
+        * should be the session_id that was returned on the first
+        * open.
+        *
+        * Session_id is composed of domain, bus, device and
+        * fw_session_id. The construction is done by parsing the
+        * ctrl_chan_name together with allocation of a fw_session_id
+        * during tf_open_session().
+        *
+        * A reference count will be incremented on attach. A session
+        * is first fully closed when reference count is zero by
+        * calling tf_close_session().
+        */
+       union tf_session_id session_id;
+ * Attaches to an existing session. Used when more than one PF wants
+ * to share a single session. In that case all TruFlow management
+ * traffic will be sent to the TruFlow firmware using the 'PF' that
+ * did the attach not the session ctrl channel.
+ *
+ * Attach will increment a ref count as to manage the shared session data.
+ *
+ * [in] tfp, pointer to TF handle
+ * [in] parms, pointer to attach parameters
+ *
+ * Returns
+ *   - (0) if successful.
+ *   - (-EINVAL) on failure.
+ */
+int tf_attach_session(struct tf *tfp,
+                     struct tf_attach_session_parms *parms);
+ * Closes an existing session. Cleans up all hardware and firmware
+ * state associated with the TruFlow application session when the last
+ * PF associated with the session results in refcount to be zero.
+ *
+ * Returns success or failure code.
+ */
+int tf_close_session(struct tf *tfp);
+#endif /* _TF_CORE_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_msg.c 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b68681
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_msg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2019-2020 Broadcom
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "bnxt.h"
+#include "tf_core.h"
+#include "tf_session.h"
+#include "tfp.h"
+#include "tf_msg_common.h"
+#include "tf_msg.h"
+#include "hsi_struct_def_dpdk.h"
+#include "hwrm_tf.h"
+ * Sends session open request to TF Firmware
+ */
+tf_msg_session_open(struct tf *tfp,
+                   char *ctrl_chan_name,
+                   uint8_t *fw_session_id)
+       int rc;
+       struct hwrm_tf_session_open_input req = { 0 };
+       struct hwrm_tf_session_open_output resp = { 0 };
+       struct tfp_send_msg_parms parms = { 0 };
+       /* Populate the request */
+       memcpy(&req.session_name, ctrl_chan_name, TF_SESSION_NAME_MAX);
+       parms.tf_type = HWRM_TF_SESSION_OPEN;
+       parms.req_data = (uint32_t *)&req;
+       parms.req_size = sizeof(req);
+       parms.resp_data = (uint32_t *)&resp;
+       parms.resp_size = sizeof(resp);
+       parms.mailbox = TF_KONG_MB;
+       rc = tfp_send_msg_direct(tfp,
+                                &parms);
+       if (rc)
+               return rc;
+       *fw_session_id = resp.fw_session_id;
+       return rc;
+ * Sends session query config request to TF Firmware
+ */
+tf_msg_session_qcfg(struct tf *tfp)
+       int rc;
+       struct hwrm_tf_session_qcfg_input  req = { 0 };
+       struct hwrm_tf_session_qcfg_output resp = { 0 };
+       struct tf_session *tfs = (struct tf_session *)(tfp->session->core_data);
+       struct tfp_send_msg_parms parms = { 0 };
+       /* Populate the request */
+       req.fw_session_id =
+               tfp_cpu_to_le_32(tfs->session_id.internal.fw_session_id);
+       parms.tf_type = HWRM_TF_SESSION_QCFG,
+       parms.req_data = (uint32_t *)&req;
+       parms.req_size = sizeof(req);
+       parms.resp_data = (uint32_t *)&resp;
+       parms.resp_size = sizeof(resp);
+       parms.mailbox = TF_KONG_MB;
+       rc = tfp_send_msg_direct(tfp,
+                                &parms);
+       return rc;
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_msg.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20ebf2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_msg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2019-2020 Broadcom
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef _TF_MSG_H_
+#define _TF_MSG_H_
+#include "tf_rm.h"
+struct tf;
+ * Sends session open request to Firmware
+ *
+ * [in] session
+ *   Pointer to session handle
+ *
+ * [in] ctrl_chan_name
+ *   PCI name of the control channel
+ *
+ * [in/out] fw_session_id
+ *   Pointer to the fw_session_id that is allocated on firmware side
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *
+ */
+int tf_msg_session_open(struct tf *tfp,
+                       char *ctrl_chan_name,
+                       uint8_t *fw_session_id);
+ * Sends session query config request to TF Firmware
+ */
+int tf_msg_session_qcfg(struct tf *tfp);
+ * Sends session HW resource query capability request to TF Firmware
+ */
+int tf_msg_session_hw_resc_qcaps(struct tf *tfp,
+                                enum tf_dir dir,
+                                struct tf_rm_hw_query *hw_query);
+#endif  /* _TF_MSG_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_msg_common.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a4e825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_msg_common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2019-2020 Broadcom
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef _TF_MSG_COMMON_H_
+#define _TF_MSG_COMMON_H_
+/* Communication Mailboxes */
+#define TF_CHIMP_MB 0
+#define TF_KONG_MB  1
+/* Helper to fill in the parms structure */
+#define MSG_PREP(parms, mb, type, subtype, req, resp) do {     \
+               parms.mailbox = mb;                             \
+               parms.tf_type = type;                           \
+               parms.tf_subtype = subtype;                     \
+               parms.tf_resp_code = 0;                         \
+               parms.req_size = sizeof(req);                   \
+               parms.req_data = (uint32_t *)&(req);            \
+               parms.resp_size = sizeof(resp);                 \
+               parms.resp_data = (uint32_t *)&(resp);          \
+       } while (0)
+#define MSG_PREP_NO_REQ(parms, mb, type, subtype, resp) do {   \
+               parms.mailbox = mb;                             \
+               parms.tf_type = type;                           \
+               parms.tf_subtype = subtype;                     \
+               parms.tf_resp_code = 0;                         \
+               parms.req_size  = 0;                            \
+               parms.req_data  = NULL;                         \
+               parms.resp_size = sizeof(resp);                 \
+               parms.resp_data = (uint32_t *)&(resp);          \
+       } while (0)
+#define MSG_PREP_NO_RESP(parms, mb, type, subtype, req) do {   \
+               parms.mailbox = mb;                             \
+               parms.tf_type = type;                           \
+               parms.tf_subtype = subtype;                     \
+               parms.tf_resp_code = 0;                         \
+               parms.req_size = sizeof(req);                   \
+               parms.req_data = (uint32_t *)&(req);            \
+               parms.resp_size = 0;                            \
+               parms.resp_data = NULL;                         \
+       } while (0)
+#endif /* _TF_MSG_COMMON_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_project.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab5f113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_project.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2019-2020 Broadcom
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef _TF_PROJECT_H_
+#define _TF_PROJECT_H_
+/* Wh+ support enabled */
+#ifndef TF_SUPPORT_P4
+#define TF_SUPPORT_P4 1
+/* Shadow DB Support */
+#ifndef TF_SHADOW
+#define TF_SHADOW 0
+/* Shared memory for session */
+#ifndef TF_SHARED
+#define TF_SHARED 0
+#endif /* _TF_PROJECT_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_resources.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..160abac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_resources.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2019-2020 Broadcom
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef _TF_RESOURCES_H_
+#define _TF_RESOURCES_H_
+ * Hardware specific MAX values
+ * NOTE: Should really come from the chip_cfg.h in some MAX form or HCAPI
+ */
+/** HW Resource types
+ */
+enum tf_resource_type_hw {
+       /* Common HW resources for all chip variants */
+       /* Wh+/Brd2 specific HW resources */
+       /* Brd2/Brd4 specific HW resources */
+       /* Brd3, Brd4 common HW resources */
+       /* Brd4 specific HW resources */
+#endif /* _TF_RESOURCES_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_rm.h b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_rm.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5164d6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_rm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2019-2020 Broadcom
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef TF_RM_H_
+#define TF_RM_H_
+#include "tf_resources.h"
+#include "tf_core.h"
+struct tf;
+struct tf_session;
+ * Resource query single entry
+ */
+struct tf_rm_query_entry {
+       /** Minimum guaranteed number of elements */
+       uint16_t min;
+       /** Maximum non-guaranteed number of elements */
+       uint16_t max;
+ * Resource query array of HW entities
+ */
+struct tf_rm_hw_query {
+       /** array of HW resource entries */
+       struct tf_rm_query_entry hw_query[TF_RESC_TYPE_HW_MAX];
+#endif /* TF_RM_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_session.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c30ebbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tf_session.h
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2019-2020 Broadcom
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef _TF_SESSION_H_
+#define _TF_SESSION_H_
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "tf_core.h"
+#include "tf_rm.h"
+/** Session defines
+ */
+#define TF_SESSIONS_MAX                  1          /** max # sessions */
+#define TF_SESSION_ID_INVALID     0xFFFFFFFF /** Invalid Session ID define */
+/** Session
+ *
+ * Shared memory containing private TruFlow session information.
+ * Through this structure the session can keep track of resource
+ * allocations and (if so configured) any shadow copy of flow
+ * information.
+ *
+ * Memory is assigned to the Truflow instance by way of
+ * tf_open_session. Memory is allocated and owned by i.e. ULP.
+ *
+ * Access control to this shared memory is handled by the spin_lock in
+ * tf_session_info.
+ */
+struct tf_session {
+       /** TrueFlow Version. Used to control the structure layout
+        * when sharing sessions. No guarantee that a secondary
+        * process would come from the same version of an executable.
+        */
+       struct tf_session_version ver;
+       /** Device type, provided by tf_open_session().
+        */
+       enum tf_device_type device_type;
+       /** Session ID, allocated by FW on tf_open_session().
+        */
+       union tf_session_id session_id;
+       /**
+        * String containing name of control channel interface to be
+        * used for this session to communicate with firmware.
+        *
+        * ctrl_chan_name will be used as part of a name for any
+        * shared memory allocation.
+        */
+       char ctrl_chan_name[TF_SESSION_NAME_MAX];
+       /**
+        * Boolean controlling the use and availability of shadow
+        * copy. Shadow copy will allow the TruFlow Core to keep track
+        * of resource content on the firmware side without having to
+        * query firmware. Additional private session core_data will
+        * be allocated if this boolean is set to 'true', default
+        * 'false'.
+        *
+        * Size of memory depends on the NVM Resource settings for the
+        * control channel.
+        */
+       bool shadow_copy;
+       /** 
+        * Session Reference Count. To keep track of functions per
+        * session the ref_count is incremented. There is also a
+        * parallel TruFlow Firmware ref_count in case the TruFlow
+        * Core goes away without informing the Firmware.
+        */
+       uint8_t ref_count;
+       /** CRC32 seed table */
+#define TF_LKUP_SEED_MEM_SIZE 512
+       uint32_t lkup_em_seed_mem[TF_DIR_MAX][TF_LKUP_SEED_MEM_SIZE];
+       /** Lookup3 init values */
+       uint32_t lkup_lkup3_init_cfg[TF_DIR_MAX];
+#endif /* _TF_SESSION_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tfp.c b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tfp.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb5c297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tfp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * see the individual elements.
+ * Copyright(c) 2019-2020 Broadcom
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <rte_memcpy.h>
+#include <rte_byteorder.h>
+#include <rte_config.h>
+#include <rte_mbuf.h>
+#include <rte_ethdev.h>
+#include <rte_lcore.h>
+#include <rte_log.h>
+#include <rte_errno.h>
+#include <rte_malloc.h>
+#include <rte_spinlock.h>
+#include "tf_core.h"
+#include "tfp.h"
+#include "bnxt.h"
+#include "bnxt_hwrm.h"
+#include "tf_msg_common.h"
+ * Sends TruFlow msg to the TruFlow Firmware using
+ * a message specific HWRM message type.
+ *
+ * Returns success or failure code.
+ */
+tfp_send_msg_direct(struct tf *tfp,
+                   struct tfp_send_msg_parms *parms)
+       int      rc = 0;
+       uint8_t  use_kong_mb = 1;
+       if (parms == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       if (parms->mailbox == TF_CHIMP_MB)
+               use_kong_mb = 0;
+       rc = bnxt_hwrm_tf_message_direct(container_of(tfp,
+                                              struct bnxt,
+                                              tfp),
+                                        use_kong_mb,
+                                        parms->tf_type,
+                                        parms->req_data,
+                                        parms->req_size,
+                                        parms->resp_data,
+                                        parms->resp_size);
+       return rc;
+ * Sends preformatted TruFlow msg to the TruFlow Firmware using
+ * the Truflow tunnel HWRM message type.
+ *
+ * Returns success or failure code.
+ */
+tfp_send_msg_tunneled(struct tf *tfp,
+                     struct tfp_send_msg_parms *parms)
+       int      rc = 0;
+       uint8_t  use_kong_mb = 1;
+       if (parms == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       if (parms->mailbox == TF_CHIMP_MB)
+               use_kong_mb = 0;
+       rc = bnxt_hwrm_tf_message_tunneled(container_of(tfp,
+                                                 struct bnxt,
+                                                 tfp),
+                                          use_kong_mb,
+                                          parms->tf_type,
+                                          parms->tf_subtype,
+                                          &parms->tf_resp_code,
+                                          parms->req_data,
+                                          parms->req_size,
+                                          parms->resp_data,
+                                          parms->resp_size);
+       return rc;
+ * Allocates zero'ed memory from the heap.
+ *
+ * Returns success or failure code.
+ */
+tfp_calloc(struct tfp_calloc_parms *parms)
+       if (parms == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       parms->mem_va = rte_zmalloc("tf",
+                                   (parms->nitems * parms->size),
+                                   parms->alignment);
+       if (parms->mem_va == NULL) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Allocate failed mem_va\n");
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       parms->mem_pa = (void *)rte_mem_virt2iova(parms->mem_va);
+       if (parms->mem_pa == (void *)RTE_BAD_IOVA) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Allocate failed mem_pa\n");
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       return 0;
+ * Frees the memory space pointed to by the provided pointer. The
+ * pointer must have been returned from the tfp_calloc().
+ */
+tfp_free(void *addr)
+       rte_free(addr);
+ * Copies n bytes from src memory to dest memory. The memory areas
+ * must not overlap.
+ */
+tfp_memcpy(void *dest, void *src, size_t n)
+       rte_memcpy(dest, src, n);
+ * Used to initialize portable spin lock
+ */
+tfp_spinlock_init(struct tfp_spinlock_parms *parms)
+       rte_spinlock_init(&parms->slock);
+ * Used to lock portable spin lock
+ */
+tfp_spinlock_lock(struct tfp_spinlock_parms *parms)
+       rte_spinlock_lock(&parms->slock);
+ * Used to unlock portable spin lock
+ */
+tfp_spinlock_unlock(struct tfp_spinlock_parms *parms)
+       rte_spinlock_unlock(&parms->slock);
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tfp.h b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tfp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d5e94e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_core/tfp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2019-2020 Broadcom
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+/* This header file defines the Portability structures and APIs for
+ * TruFlow.
+ */
+#ifndef _TFP_H_
+#define _TFP_H_
+#include <rte_spinlock.h>
+/** Spinlock
+ */
+struct tfp_spinlock_parms {
+       rte_spinlock_t slock;
+ * @file
+ *
+ * TrueFlow Portability API Header File
+ */
+/** send message parameter definition
+ */
+struct tfp_send_msg_parms {
+       /**
+        * [in] mailbox, specifying the Mailbox to send the command on.
+        */
+       uint32_t  mailbox;
+       /**
+        * [in] tlv_subtype, specifies the tlv_type.
+        */
+       uint16_t  tf_type;
+       /**
+        * [in] tlv_subtype, specifies the tlv_subtype.
+        */
+       uint16_t  tf_subtype;
+       /**
+        * [out] tf_resp_code, response code from the internal tlv
+        *       message. Only supported on tunneled messages.
+        */
+       uint32_t tf_resp_code;
+       /**
+        * [out] size, number specifying the request size of the data in bytes
+        */
+       uint32_t req_size;
+       /**
+        * [in] data, pointer to the data to be sent within the HWRM command
+        */
+       uint32_t *req_data;
+       /**
+        * [out] size, number specifying the response size of the data in bytes
+        */
+       uint32_t resp_size;
+       /**
+        * [out] data, pointer to the data to be sent within the HWRM command
+        */
+       uint32_t *resp_data;
+/** calloc parameter definition
+ */
+struct tfp_calloc_parms {
+       /**
+        * [in] nitems, number specifying number of items to allocate.
+        */
+       size_t nitems;
+       /**
+        * [in] size, number specifying the size of each memory item
+        *      requested. Size is in bytes.
+        */
+       size_t size;
+       /**
+        * [in] alignment, number indicates byte alignment required. 0
+        *      - don't care, 16 - 16 byte alignment, 4K - 4K alignment etc
+        */
+       size_t alignment;
+       /**
+        * [out] mem_va, pointer to the allocated memory.
+        */
+       void *mem_va;
+       /**
+        * [out] mem_pa, physical address of the allocated memory.
+        */
+       void *mem_pa;
+ * @page Portability
+ *
+ * @ref tfp_send_direct
+ * @ref tfp_send_msg_tunneled
+ *
+ * @ref tfp_calloc
+ * @ref tfp_free
+ * @ref tfp_memcpy
+ *
+ * @ref tfp_spinlock_init
+ * @ref tfp_spinlock_lock
+ * @ref tfp_spinlock_unlock
+ *
+ * @ref tfp_cpu_to_le_16
+ * @ref tfp_le_to_cpu_16
+ * @ref tfp_cpu_to_le_32
+ * @ref tfp_le_to_cpu_32
+ * @ref tfp_cpu_to_le_64
+ * @ref tfp_le_to_cpu_64
+ * @ref tfp_cpu_to_be_16
+ * @ref tfp_be_to_cpu_16
+ * @ref tfp_cpu_to_be_32
+ * @ref tfp_be_to_cpu_32
+ * @ref tfp_cpu_to_be_64
+ * @ref tfp_be_to_cpu_64
+ */
+#define tfp_cpu_to_le_16(val) rte_cpu_to_le_16(val)
+#define tfp_le_to_cpu_16(val) rte_le_to_cpu_16(val)
+#define tfp_cpu_to_le_32(val) rte_cpu_to_le_32(val)
+#define tfp_le_to_cpu_32(val) rte_le_to_cpu_32(val)
+#define tfp_cpu_to_le_64(val) rte_cpu_to_le_64(val)
+#define tfp_le_to_cpu_64(val) rte_le_to_cpu_64(val)
+#define tfp_cpu_to_be_16(val) rte_cpu_to_be_16(val)
+#define tfp_be_to_cpu_16(val) rte_be_to_cpu_16(val)
+#define tfp_cpu_to_be_32(val) rte_cpu_to_be_32(val)
+#define tfp_be_to_cpu_32(val) rte_be_to_cpu_32(val)
+#define tfp_cpu_to_be_64(val) rte_cpu_to_be_64(val)
+#define tfp_be_to_cpu_64(val) rte_be_to_cpu_64(val)
+#define tfp_bswap_16(val) rte_bswap16(val)
+#define tfp_bswap_32(val) rte_bswap32(val)
+#define tfp_bswap_64(val) rte_bswap64(val)
+ * Provides communication capability from the TrueFlow API layer to
+ * the TrueFlow firmware. The portability layer internally provides
+ * the transport to the firmware.
+ *
+ * [in] session, pointer to session handle
+ * [in] parms, parameter structure
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *   0              - Success
+ *   -1             - Global error like not supported
+ *   -EINVAL        - Parameter Error
+ */
+int tfp_send_msg_direct(struct tf *tfp,
+                       struct tfp_send_msg_parms *parms);
+ * Provides communication capability from the TrueFlow API layer to
+ * the TrueFlow firmware. The portability layer internally provides
+ * the transport to the firmware.
+ *
+ * [in] session, pointer to session handle
+ * [in] parms, parameter structure
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *   0              - Success
+ *   -1             - Global error like not supported
+ *   -EINVAL        - Parameter Error
+ */
+int tfp_send_msg_tunneled(struct tf                 *tfp,
+                         struct tfp_send_msg_parms *parms);
+ * Allocates zero'ed memory from the heap.
+ *
+ * NOTE: Also performs virt2phy address conversion by default thus is
+ * can be expensive to invoke.
+ *
+ * [in] parms, parameter structure
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *   0              - Success
+ *   -ENOMEM        - No memory available
+ *   -EINVAL        - Parameter error
+ */
+int tfp_calloc(struct tfp_calloc_parms *parms);
+void tfp_free(void *addr);
+void tfp_memcpy(void *dest, void *src, size_t n);
+void tfp_spinlock_init(struct tfp_spinlock_parms *slock);
+void tfp_spinlock_lock(struct tfp_spinlock_parms *slock);
+void tfp_spinlock_unlock(struct tfp_spinlock_parms *slock);
+#endif /* _TFP_H_ */

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