> From the step in
> https://mesonbuild.com/Quick-guide.html#installation-from-source
> I tried to compile meson by doing:
> $ git clone  https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson.git
> $ cd meson
> $ meson builddir
>  ERROR: Neither directory contains a build file meson.build.
> How do I generate a meson.build file?

I build Meson from Windows command line (not Git Bash) as pip package:

C:\src\meson> python setup.py install --user

You need write permissions for C:\Python, so use elevated command prompt or
an administrator account. To use the new version, make sure C:\Python\Scripts
is in the beginning of your PATH (assuming C:\Python being your Python 3
installation directory).

Don't forget to apply the patch, it's not in upstream yet. You can instead
clone the fork directly:

git clone -b msvc-linker-arg-prefix https://github.com/PlushBeaver/meson.git

Dmitry Kozlyuk

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