On 2/3/20 1:44 PM, Matan Azrad wrote:
> From: Maxime Coquelin
>> Sent: Monday, February 3, 2020 1:00 PM
>> To: Matan Azrad <ma...@mellanox.com>; dev@dpdk.org; Slava Ovsiienko
>> <viachesl...@mellanox.com>
>> Subject: Re: [PATCH v3 13/13] vdpa/mlx5: disable ROCE
>> On 2/3/20 10:27 AM, Maxime Coquelin wrote:
>>> Hi Matan,
>>> On 2/2/20 5:03 PM, Matan Azrad wrote:
>>>> In order to support virtio queue creation by the FW, ROCE mode should
>>>> be disabled in the device.
>>>> Do it by netlink which is like the devlink tool commands:
>>>>    1. devlink dev param set pci/[pci] name enable_roce value false
>>>>       cmode driverinit
>>>>            2. devlink dev reload pci/[pci]
>>>> Or by sysfs which is like:
>>>>    echo 0 >  /sys/bus/pci/devices/[pci]/roce_enable
>>>> The IB device is matched again after ROCE disabling.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Matan Azrad <ma...@mellanox.com>
>>>> Acked-by: Viacheslav Ovsiienko <viachesl...@mellanox.com>
>>>> Acked-by: Maxime Coquelin <maxime.coque...@redhat.com>
>>>> ---
>>>>  drivers/vdpa/mlx5/Makefile    |   2 +-
>>>>  drivers/vdpa/mlx5/meson.build |   2 +-
>>>>  drivers/vdpa/mlx5/mlx5_vdpa.c | 191
>>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
>>>>  3 files changed, 160 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
>>> ...
>>>> diff --git a/drivers/vdpa/mlx5/mlx5_vdpa.c
>>>> b/drivers/vdpa/mlx5/mlx5_vdpa.c index 57619d2..710f305 100644
>>>> --- a/drivers/vdpa/mlx5/mlx5_vdpa.c
>>>> +++ b/drivers/vdpa/mlx5/mlx5_vdpa.c
>>> ...
>>>> @@ -246,8 +389,7 @@
>>>>  mlx5_vdpa_pci_probe(struct rte_pci_driver *pci_drv __rte_unused,
>>>>                struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev __rte_unused)  {
>>>> -  struct ibv_device **ibv_list;
>>>> -  struct ibv_device *ibv_match = NULL;
>>>> +  struct ibv_device *ibv;
>>>>    struct mlx5_vdpa_priv *priv = NULL;
>>>>    struct ibv_context *ctx = NULL;
>>>>    struct mlx5_hca_attr attr;
>>>> @@ -258,42 +400,25 @@
>>>>                    " driver.");
>>>>            return 1;
>>>>    }
>>>> -  errno = 0;
>>>> -  ibv_list = mlx5_glue->get_device_list(&ret);
>>>> -  if (!ibv_list) {
>>>> -          rte_errno = ENOSYS;
>>>> -          DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to get device list, is ib_uverbs
>> loaded?");
>>>> +  ibv = mlx5_vdpa_get_ib_device_match(&pci_dev->addr);
>>>> +  if (!ibv) {
>>>> +          DRV_LOG(ERR, "No matching IB device for PCI slot "
>>>> +                  PCI_PRI_FMT ".", pci_dev->addr.domain,
>>>> +                  pci_dev->addr.bus, pci_dev->addr.devid,
>>>> +                  pci_dev->addr.function);
>>>>            return -rte_errno;
>>>> -  }
>>>> -  while (ret-- > 0) {
>>>> -          struct rte_pci_addr pci_addr;
>>>> -
>>>> -          DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "Checking device \"%s\"..", ibv_list[ret]-
>>> name);
>>>> -          if (mlx5_dev_to_pci_addr(ibv_list[ret]->ibdev_path,
>> &pci_addr))
>>>> -                  continue;
>>>> -          if (pci_dev->addr.domain != pci_addr.domain ||
>>>> -              pci_dev->addr.bus != pci_addr.bus ||
>>>> -              pci_dev->addr.devid != pci_addr.devid ||
>>>> -              pci_dev->addr.function != pci_addr.function)
>>>> -                  continue;
>>>> +  } else {
>>>>            DRV_LOG(INFO, "PCI information matches for device
>> \"%s\".",
>>>> -                  ibv_list[ret]->name);
>>>> -          ibv_match = ibv_list[ret];
>>>> -          break;
>>>> +                  ibv->name);
>>>>    }
>>>> -  mlx5_glue->free_device_list(ibv_list);
>>>> -  if (!ibv_match) {
>>>> -          DRV_LOG(ERR, "No matching IB device for PCI slot "
>>>> -                  "%" SCNx32 ":%" SCNx8 ":%" SCNx8 ".%" SCNx8 ".",
>>>> -                  pci_dev->addr.domain, pci_dev->addr.bus,
>>>> -                  pci_dev->addr.devid, pci_dev->addr.function);
>>>> -          rte_errno = ENOENT;
>>>> -          return -rte_errno;
>>>> +  if (mlx5_vdpa_roce_disable(&pci_dev->addr, &ibv) != 0) {
>>>> +          DRV_LOG(WARNING, "Failed to disable ROCE for \"%s\".",
>>>> +                  ibv->name);
>>>> +          //return -rte_errno;
>>>>    }
>>> Is that commented return expected?
>> Please let me know if I should remove the comment, or remove the return.
> Sorry, forgot the comment , good catch!
> It should not be comment just need to remove "//".

Thanks Matan.

> Can you do it in integration?
Sure, will do now.


>> Thanks,
>> Maxime

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