In order to support virtio queue creation by the FW, ROCE mode
should be disabled in the device.

Do it by netlink which is like the devlink tool commands:
        1. devlink dev param set pci/[pci] name enable_roce value false
           cmode driverinit
        2. devlink dev reload pci/[pci]
Or by sysfs which is like:
        echo 0 >  /sys/bus/pci/devices/[pci]/roce_enable

The IB device is matched again after ROCE disabling.

Signed-off-by: Matan Azrad <>
Acked-by: Viacheslav Ovsiienko <>
Acked-by: Maxime Coquelin <>
 drivers/vdpa/mlx5/Makefile    |   2 +-
 drivers/vdpa/mlx5/ |   2 +-
 drivers/vdpa/mlx5/mlx5_vdpa.c | 191 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 3 files changed, 160 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/vdpa/mlx5/Makefile b/drivers/vdpa/mlx5/Makefile
index d4a544c..7153217 100644
--- a/drivers/vdpa/mlx5/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/vdpa/mlx5/Makefile
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ CFLAGS += -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600
 CFLAGS += -Wno-strict-prototypes
 LDLIBS += -lrte_common_mlx5
-LDLIBS += -lrte_eal -lrte_vhost -lrte_kvargs -lrte_bus_pci -lrte_sched
+LDLIBS += -lrte_eal -lrte_vhost -lrte_kvargs -lrte_pci -lrte_bus_pci 
 # A few warnings cannot be avoided in external headers.
 CFLAGS += -Wno-error=cast-qual
diff --git a/drivers/vdpa/mlx5/ b/drivers/vdpa/mlx5/
index bb96dad..9c152e5 100644
--- a/drivers/vdpa/mlx5/
+++ b/drivers/vdpa/mlx5/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ endif
 fmt_name = 'mlx5_vdpa'
 allow_experimental_apis = true
-deps += ['hash', 'common_mlx5', 'vhost', 'bus_pci', 'eal', 'sched']
+deps += ['hash', 'common_mlx5', 'vhost', 'pci', 'bus_pci', 'eal', 'sched']
 sources = files(
diff --git a/drivers/vdpa/mlx5/mlx5_vdpa.c b/drivers/vdpa/mlx5/mlx5_vdpa.c
index 57619d2..710f305 100644
--- a/drivers/vdpa/mlx5/mlx5_vdpa.c
+++ b/drivers/vdpa/mlx5/mlx5_vdpa.c
@@ -1,15 +1,19 @@
 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  * Copyright 2019 Mellanox Technologies, Ltd
+#include <unistd.h>
 #include <rte_malloc.h>
 #include <rte_log.h>
 #include <rte_errno.h>
 #include <rte_bus_pci.h>
+#include <rte_pci.h>
 #include <mlx5_glue.h>
 #include <mlx5_common.h>
 #include <mlx5_devx_cmds.h>
 #include <mlx5_prm.h>
+#include <mlx5_nl.h>
 #include "mlx5_vdpa_utils.h"
 #include "mlx5_vdpa.h"
@@ -228,6 +232,145 @@
        .get_notify_area = NULL,
+static struct ibv_device *
+mlx5_vdpa_get_ib_device_match(struct rte_pci_addr *addr)
+       int n;
+       struct ibv_device **ibv_list = mlx5_glue->get_device_list(&n);
+       struct ibv_device *ibv_match = NULL;
+       if (!ibv_list) {
+               rte_errno = ENOSYS;
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       while (n-- > 0) {
+               struct rte_pci_addr pci_addr;
+               DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "Checking device \"%s\"..", ibv_list[n]->name);
+               if (mlx5_dev_to_pci_addr(ibv_list[n]->ibdev_path, &pci_addr))
+                       continue;
+               if (memcmp(addr, &pci_addr, sizeof(pci_addr)))
+                       continue;
+               ibv_match = ibv_list[n];
+               break;
+       }
+       if (!ibv_match)
+               rte_errno = ENOENT;
+       mlx5_glue->free_device_list(ibv_list);
+       return ibv_match;
+/* Try to disable ROCE by Netlink\Devlink. */
+static int
+mlx5_vdpa_nl_roce_disable(const char *addr)
+       int nlsk_fd = mlx5_nl_init(NETLINK_GENERIC);
+       int devlink_id;
+       int enable;
+       int ret;
+       if (nlsk_fd < 0)
+               return nlsk_fd;
+       devlink_id = mlx5_nl_devlink_family_id_get(nlsk_fd);
+       if (devlink_id < 0) {
+               ret = devlink_id;
+               DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "Failed to get devlink id for ROCE operations by"
+                       " Netlink.");
+               goto close;
+       }
+       ret = mlx5_nl_enable_roce_get(nlsk_fd, devlink_id, addr, &enable);
+       if (ret) {
+               DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "Failed to get ROCE enable by Netlink: %d.",
+                       ret);
+               goto close;
+       } else if (!enable) {
+               DRV_LOG(INFO, "ROCE has already disabled(Netlink).");
+               goto close;
+       }
+       ret = mlx5_nl_enable_roce_set(nlsk_fd, devlink_id, addr, 0);
+       if (ret)
+               DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "Failed to disable ROCE by Netlink: %d.", ret);
+       else
+               DRV_LOG(INFO, "ROCE is disabled by Netlink successfully.");
+       close(nlsk_fd);
+       return ret;
+/* Try to disable ROCE by sysfs. */
+static int
+mlx5_vdpa_sys_roce_disable(const char *addr)
+       FILE *file_o;
+       int enable;
+       int ret;
+       MKSTR(file_p, "/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/roce_enable", addr);
+       file_o = fopen(file_p, "rb");
+       if (!file_o) {
+               rte_errno = ENOTSUP;
+               return -ENOTSUP;
+       }
+       ret = fscanf(file_o, "%d", &enable);
+       if (ret != 1) {
+               rte_errno = EINVAL;
+               ret = EINVAL;
+               goto close;
+       } else if (!enable) {
+               ret = 0;
+               DRV_LOG(INFO, "ROCE has already disabled(sysfs).");
+               goto close;
+       }
+       fclose(file_o);
+       file_o = fopen(file_p, "wb");
+       if (!file_o) {
+               rte_errno = ENOTSUP;
+               return -ENOTSUP;
+       }
+       fprintf(file_o, "0\n");
+       ret = 0;
+       if (ret)
+               DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "Failed to disable ROCE by sysfs: %d.", ret);
+       else
+               DRV_LOG(INFO, "ROCE is disabled by sysfs successfully.");
+       fclose(file_o);
+       return ret;
+#define MLX5_VDPA_USEC 1000
+static int
+mlx5_vdpa_roce_disable(struct rte_pci_addr *addr, struct ibv_device **ibv)
+       char addr_name[64] = {0};
+       rte_pci_device_name(addr, addr_name, sizeof(addr_name));
+       /* Firstly try to disable ROCE by Netlink and fallback to sysfs. */
+       if (mlx5_vdpa_nl_roce_disable(addr_name) == 0 ||
+           mlx5_vdpa_sys_roce_disable(addr_name) == 0) {
+               /*
+                * Succeed to disable ROCE, wait for the IB device to appear
+                * again after reload.
+                */
+               int r;
+               struct ibv_device *ibv_new;
+               for (r = MLX5_VDPA_MAX_RETRIES; r; r--) {
+                       ibv_new = mlx5_vdpa_get_ib_device_match(addr);
+                       if (ibv_new) {
+                               *ibv = ibv_new;
+                               return 0;
+                       }
+                       usleep(MLX5_VDPA_USEC);
+               }
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "Cannot much device %s after ROCE disable, "
+                       "retries exceed %d", addr_name, MLX5_VDPA_MAX_RETRIES);
+               rte_errno = EAGAIN;
+       }
+       return -rte_errno;
  * DPDK callback to register a PCI device.
@@ -246,8 +389,7 @@
 mlx5_vdpa_pci_probe(struct rte_pci_driver *pci_drv __rte_unused,
                    struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev __rte_unused)
-       struct ibv_device **ibv_list;
-       struct ibv_device *ibv_match = NULL;
+       struct ibv_device *ibv;
        struct mlx5_vdpa_priv *priv = NULL;
        struct ibv_context *ctx = NULL;
        struct mlx5_hca_attr attr;
@@ -258,42 +400,25 @@
                        " driver.");
                return 1;
-       errno = 0;
-       ibv_list = mlx5_glue->get_device_list(&ret);
-       if (!ibv_list) {
-               rte_errno = ENOSYS;
-               DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to get device list, is ib_uverbs loaded?");
+       ibv = mlx5_vdpa_get_ib_device_match(&pci_dev->addr);
+       if (!ibv) {
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "No matching IB device for PCI slot "
+                       PCI_PRI_FMT ".", pci_dev->addr.domain,
+                       pci_dev->addr.bus, pci_dev->addr.devid,
+                       pci_dev->addr.function);
                return -rte_errno;
-       }
-       while (ret-- > 0) {
-               struct rte_pci_addr pci_addr;
-               DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "Checking device \"%s\"..", ibv_list[ret]->name);
-               if (mlx5_dev_to_pci_addr(ibv_list[ret]->ibdev_path, &pci_addr))
-                       continue;
-               if (pci_dev->addr.domain != pci_addr.domain ||
-                   pci_dev->addr.bus != pci_addr.bus ||
-                   pci_dev->addr.devid != pci_addr.devid ||
-                   pci_dev->addr.function != pci_addr.function)
-                       continue;
+       } else {
                DRV_LOG(INFO, "PCI information matches for device \"%s\".",
-                       ibv_list[ret]->name);
-               ibv_match = ibv_list[ret];
-               break;
+                       ibv->name);
-       mlx5_glue->free_device_list(ibv_list);
-       if (!ibv_match) {
-               DRV_LOG(ERR, "No matching IB device for PCI slot "
-                       "%" SCNx32 ":%" SCNx8 ":%" SCNx8 ".%" SCNx8 ".",
-                       pci_dev->addr.domain, pci_dev->addr.bus,
-                       pci_dev->addr.devid, pci_dev->addr.function);
-               rte_errno = ENOENT;
-               return -rte_errno;
+       if (mlx5_vdpa_roce_disable(&pci_dev->addr, &ibv) != 0) {
+               DRV_LOG(WARNING, "Failed to disable ROCE for \"%s\".",
+                       ibv->name);
+               //return -rte_errno;
-       ctx = mlx5_glue->dv_open_device(ibv_match);
+       ctx = mlx5_glue->dv_open_device(ibv);
        if (!ctx) {
-               DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to open IB device \"%s\".",
-                       ibv_match->name);
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to open IB device \"%s\".", ibv->name);
                rte_errno = ENODEV;
                return -rte_errno;

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