On 1/10/2020 3:00 AM, alvinx.zh...@intel.com wrote:
> From: Alvin Zhang <alvinx.zh...@intel.com>
> Add shared code source files to support basic operations to be
> called in poll mode driver.
> Signed-off-by: Alvin Zhang <alvinx.zh...@intel.com>

Hi Alvin,

I would suggest a different organization of the patches.

Currently first patch dumps all shared code, second all the DPDK driver files.
Later patches does in each patch, Makefile based build system, meson based build
system and documentation.

First question if all shared code are used, if not please drop the ones that are
not used as much as possible.

Second please try to split into the logical pieces, like a logical piece can be
setting MTU (just a sample) and you can put shared code, dpdk code and
documentation related to it in same patch.

Also can you please start the series with a skeleton, which introduces the build
system files, configs, Maintainer file update, generic docs. At this stage code
can be empty, and the driver can be disabled by default.
And if you have to, second patch can have a minimum required shared code drop.
After this the driver can be built gradually feature by feature, perhaps
starting from the probe/remove support.


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