add fill_ip6_head()
hardcode udp destination port to 4500
handle ESP and AH pctypes in ESP-AH profile
update the i40e user guide with ESP information.
update release notes for i40e changes

Signed-off-by: Bernard Iremonger <>
Acked-by: Qi Zhang <>
 doc/guides/nics/i40e.rst               |   4 +-
 doc/guides/rel_notes/release_20_02.rst |   6 ++
 drivers/net/i40e/i40e_fdir.c           | 126 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 3 files changed, 127 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/guides/nics/i40e.rst b/doc/guides/nics/i40e.rst
index 38acf59..5cf34d9 100644
--- a/doc/guides/nics/i40e.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/nics/i40e.rst
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ which is used to configure hardware by downloading a 
profile to support
 protocols/filters which are not supported by default. The DDP
 functionality requires a NIC firmware version of 6.0 or greater.
-Current implementation supports GTP-C/GTP-U/PPPoE/PPPoL2TP,
+Current implementation supports GTP-C/GTP-U/PPPoE/PPPoL2TP/ESP,
 steering can be used with rte_flow API.
 GTPv1 package is released, and it can be downloaded from
@@ -466,6 +466,8 @@
 PPPoE package is released, and it can be downloaded from
+ESP-AH package is not released yet.
 Load a profile which supports GTP and store backup profile:
 .. code-block:: console
diff --git a/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_20_02.rst 
index 057b7ee..cd4f6eb 100644
--- a/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_20_02.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_20_02.rst
@@ -60,6 +60,12 @@ New Features
   Added support for ESP rte_flow patterns to the testpmd application.
+* **Updated i40e driver to support ESP.**
+  Updated the i40e PMD to support ESP-AH supporting profiles which can be
+  programmed by the dynamic device personalization (DDP) process.
 Removed Items
diff --git a/drivers/net/i40e/i40e_fdir.c b/drivers/net/i40e/i40e_fdir.c
index dee007d..5f85703 100644
--- a/drivers/net/i40e/i40e_fdir.c
+++ b/drivers/net/i40e/i40e_fdir.c
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@
 #define I40E_FDIR_GTP_MSG_TYPE_0X01         0x01
 #define I40E_FDIR_GTP_MSG_TYPE_0XFF         0xFF
+#define I40E_FDIR_ESP_DST_PORT              4500
 /* Wait time for fdir filter programming */
 #define I40E_FDIR_MAX_WAIT_US 10000
@@ -971,6 +973,37 @@ i40e_flow_fdir_find_customized_pctype(struct i40e_pf *pf, 
uint8_t pctype)
 static inline int
+fill_ip6_head(const struct i40e_fdir_input *fdir_input, unsigned char *raw_pkt,
+               uint8_t next_proto, uint8_t len, uint16_t *ether_type)
+       struct rte_ipv6_hdr *ip6;
+       ip6 = (struct rte_ipv6_hdr *)raw_pkt;
+       *ether_type = rte_cpu_to_be_16(RTE_ETHER_TYPE_IPV6);
+       ip6->vtc_flow = rte_cpu_to_be_32(I40E_FDIR_IPv6_DEFAULT_VTC_FLOW |
+               (fdir_input-> << I40E_FDIR_IPv6_TC_OFFSET));
+       ip6->payload_len = rte_cpu_to_be_16(I40E_FDIR_IPv6_PAYLOAD_LEN);
+       ip6->proto = fdir_input->flow.ipv6_flow.proto ?
+               fdir_input->flow.ipv6_flow.proto : next_proto;
+       ip6->hop_limits = fdir_input->flow.ipv6_flow.hop_limits ?
+               fdir_input->flow.ipv6_flow.hop_limits :
+               I40E_FDIR_IPv6_DEFAULT_HOP_LIMITS;
+       /**
+        * The source and destination fields in the transmitted packet
+        * need to be presented in a reversed order with respect
+        * to the expected received packets.
+        */
+       rte_memcpy(&ip6->src_addr, &fdir_input->flow.ipv6_flow.dst_ip,
+               IPV6_ADDR_LEN);
+       rte_memcpy(&ip6->dst_addr, &fdir_input->flow.ipv6_flow.src_ip,
+               IPV6_ADDR_LEN);
+       len += sizeof(struct rte_ipv6_hdr);
+       return len;
+static inline int
 i40e_flow_fdir_fill_eth_ip_head(struct i40e_pf *pf,
                                const struct i40e_fdir_input *fdir_input,
                                unsigned char *raw_pkt,
@@ -1045,16 +1078,29 @@ i40e_flow_fdir_fill_eth_ip_head(struct i40e_pf *pf,
                ip->src_addr = fdir_input->flow.ip4_flow.dst_ip;
                ip->dst_addr = fdir_input->flow.ip4_flow.src_ip;
-               if (!is_customized_pctype)
+               if (!is_customized_pctype) {
                        ip->next_proto_id = fdir_input->flow.ip4_flow.proto ?
                                fdir_input->flow.ip4_flow.proto :
-               else if (cus_pctype->index == I40E_CUSTOMIZED_GTPC ||
+                       len += sizeof(struct rte_ipv4_hdr);
+               } else if (cus_pctype->index == I40E_CUSTOMIZED_GTPC ||
                         cus_pctype->index == I40E_CUSTOMIZED_GTPU_IPV4 ||
                         cus_pctype->index == I40E_CUSTOMIZED_GTPU_IPV6 ||
-                        cus_pctype->index == I40E_CUSTOMIZED_GTPU)
+                        cus_pctype->index == I40E_CUSTOMIZED_GTPU) {
                        ip->next_proto_id = IPPROTO_UDP;
-               len += sizeof(struct rte_ipv4_hdr);
+                       len += sizeof(struct rte_ipv4_hdr);
+               } else if (cus_pctype->index == I40E_CUSTOMIZED_ESP_IPV4) {
+                       ip->next_proto_id = IPPROTO_ESP;
+                       len += sizeof(struct rte_ipv4_hdr);
+               } else if (cus_pctype->index == I40E_CUSTOMIZED_ESP_IPV4_UDP) {
+                       ip->next_proto_id = IPPROTO_UDP;
+                       len += sizeof(struct rte_ipv4_hdr);
+               } else if (cus_pctype->index == I40E_CUSTOMIZED_ESP_IPV6)
+                       len = fill_ip6_head(fdir_input, raw_pkt, IPPROTO_ESP,
+                                       len, ether_type);
+               else if (cus_pctype->index == I40E_CUSTOMIZED_ESP_IPV6_UDP)
+                       len = fill_ip6_head(fdir_input, raw_pkt, IPPROTO_UDP,
+                                       len, ether_type);
        } else if (pctype == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV6_TCP ||
                   pctype == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV6_UDP ||
                   pctype == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV6_SCTP ||
@@ -1088,8 +1134,7 @@ i40e_flow_fdir_fill_eth_ip_head(struct i40e_pf *pf,
                len += sizeof(struct rte_ipv6_hdr);
        } else {
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "unknown pctype %u.",
-                           fdir_input->pctype);
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "unknown pctype %u.", fdir_input->pctype);
                return -1;
@@ -1115,6 +1160,10 @@ i40e_flow_fdir_construct_pkt(struct i40e_pf *pf,
        struct rte_flow_item_gtp *gtp;
        struct rte_ipv4_hdr *gtp_ipv4;
        struct rte_ipv6_hdr *gtp_ipv6;
+       struct rte_flow_item_esp *esp;
+       struct rte_ipv4_hdr *esp_ipv4;
+       struct rte_ipv6_hdr *esp_ipv6;
        uint8_t size, dst = 0;
        uint8_t i, pit_idx, set_idx = I40E_FLXPLD_L4_IDX; /* use l4 by default*/
        int len;
@@ -1285,10 +1334,71 @@ i40e_flow_fdir_construct_pkt(struct i40e_pf *pf,
                        } else
                                payload = (unsigned char *)gtp +
                                        sizeof(struct rte_flow_item_gtp);
+               } else if (cus_pctype->index == I40E_CUSTOMIZED_ESP_IPV4 ||
+                       cus_pctype->index == I40E_CUSTOMIZED_ESP_IPV6 ||
+                       cus_pctype->index == I40E_CUSTOMIZED_ESP_IPV4_UDP ||
+                       cus_pctype->index == I40E_CUSTOMIZED_ESP_IPV6_UDP) {
+                       if (cus_pctype->index == I40E_CUSTOMIZED_ESP_IPV4) {
+                               esp_ipv4 = (struct rte_ipv4_hdr *)
+                                       (raw_pkt + len);
+                               esp = (struct rte_flow_item_esp *)esp_ipv4;
+                               esp->hdr.spi =
+                                       fdir_input->flow.esp_ipv4_flow.spi;
+                               payload = (unsigned char *)esp +
+                                       sizeof(struct rte_esp_hdr);
+                               len += sizeof(struct rte_esp_hdr);
+                       } else if (cus_pctype->index ==
+                                       I40E_CUSTOMIZED_ESP_IPV4_UDP) {
+                               esp_ipv4 = (struct rte_ipv4_hdr *)
+                                       (raw_pkt + len);
+                               udp = (struct rte_udp_hdr *)esp_ipv4;
+                               udp->dst_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16
+                                       (I40E_FDIR_ESP_DST_PORT);
+                               udp->dgram_len = rte_cpu_to_be_16
+                                               (I40E_FDIR_UDP_DEFAULT_LEN);
+                               esp = (struct rte_flow_item_esp *)
+                                       ((unsigned char *)esp_ipv4 +
+                                               sizeof(struct rte_udp_hdr));
+                               esp->hdr.spi =
+                                       fdir_input->flow.esp_ipv4_udp_flow.spi;
+                               payload = (unsigned char *)esp +
+                                       sizeof(struct rte_esp_hdr);
+                               len += sizeof(struct rte_udp_hdr) +
+                                               sizeof(struct rte_esp_hdr);
+                       } else if (cus_pctype->index ==
+                                       I40E_CUSTOMIZED_ESP_IPV6) {
+                               esp_ipv6 = (struct rte_ipv6_hdr *)
+                                       (raw_pkt + len);
+                               esp = (struct rte_flow_item_esp *)esp_ipv6;
+                               esp->hdr.spi =
+                                       fdir_input->flow.esp_ipv6_flow.spi;
+                               payload = (unsigned char *)esp +
+                                       sizeof(struct rte_esp_hdr);
+                               len += sizeof(struct rte_esp_hdr);
+                       } else if (cus_pctype->index ==
+                                       I40E_CUSTOMIZED_ESP_IPV6_UDP) {
+                               esp_ipv6 = (struct rte_ipv6_hdr *)
+                                       (raw_pkt + len);
+                               udp = (struct rte_udp_hdr *)esp_ipv6;
+                               udp->dst_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16
+                                       (I40E_FDIR_ESP_DST_PORT);
+                               udp->dgram_len = rte_cpu_to_be_16
+                                       (I40E_FDIR_UDP_DEFAULT_LEN);
+                               esp = (struct rte_flow_item_esp *)
+                                       ((unsigned char *)esp_ipv6 +
+                                               sizeof(struct rte_udp_hdr));
+                               esp->hdr.spi =
+                                       fdir_input->flow.esp_ipv6_udp_flow.spi;
+                               payload = (unsigned char *)esp +
+                                       sizeof(struct rte_esp_hdr);
+                               len += sizeof(struct rte_udp_hdr) +
+                                               sizeof(struct rte_esp_hdr);
+                       }
        } else {
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "unknown pctype %u.",
-                           fdir_input->pctype);
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "unknown pctype %u.", fdir_input->pctype);
                return -1;

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