> On Nov 25, 2019, at 4:44 PM, Thomas Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net> wrote:
> 25/11/2019 23:02, Wang, Yipeng1:
>> From: Thomas Monjalon [mailto:tho...@monjalon.net]
>>> 25/11/2019 19:49, Wang, Yipeng1:
>>>> From: Dharmik Thakkar [mailto:dharmik.thak...@arm.com]
>>>>> Remove __hash_rw_reader_unlock() calls from lock free hash lookup
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Dharmik Thakkar <dharmik.thak...@arm.com>
>>>>> Reviewed-by: Gavin Hu <gavin...@arm.com>
>>>>> Reviewed-by: Honnappa Nagarahalli <honnappa.nagaraha...@arm.com>
>>>>> ---
>>>> Acked-by: Yipeng Wang <yipeng1.w...@intel.com>
>>>> Thanks for the patch!
>>> Excuse me, there is no motivation (the why) in this patch.
>>> Is it critical? which gain?
>> [Wang, Yipeng]
>> Thomas, do you mean the commit message is not clear enough?
>> I think it is self-explained that in the "lock-free" implementation, we 
>> don't need
>> "read_unlock()" and the subject line also says that.
>> But it is always better to be more explicit.
> I understand that it is not needed.
> But it doesn't say what is the impact of having this unlock.
> Is there a real performance impact?
> Is it critical enough to be merged in 19.11-rc4?
> If it is not candidate for 19.11, it is better to prepend the title with 
> [20.02].
Thomas, I don’t think there is any performance impact. This is more of a 
clean-up patch.
It is not critical as those “read_unlock()” don’t cause any error.
Should I update the patch title with [20.02]?

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