From: Pavan Nikhilesh <>

Fix HW race condition observed when timeout resolution is low (<5us).
When HW traverses a given TIM bucket it will clear chunk_remainder,
but since SW always decreases the chunk_remainder at the start of the
arm routine it might cause a race where SW updates chunk_remainder
after HW has cleared it that lead to nasty side effects.

Fixes: 95e4e4ec7469 ("event/octeontx2: add timer arm timeout burst")

Signed-off-by: Pavan Nikhilesh <>
 v2 Changes:
 - Fix x86_x32 build.

 drivers/event/octeontx2/otx2_tim_worker.h | 141 +++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 124 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/event/octeontx2/otx2_tim_worker.h 
index 50db6543c..c896b5433 100644
--- a/drivers/event/octeontx2/otx2_tim_worker.h
+++ b/drivers/event/octeontx2/otx2_tim_worker.h
@@ -7,6 +7,13 @@

 #include "otx2_tim_evdev.h"

+static inline uint8_t
+tim_bkt_fetch_lock(uint64_t w1)
+       return (w1 >> TIM_BUCKET_W1_S_LOCK) &
+               TIM_BUCKET_W1_M_LOCK;
 static inline int16_t
 tim_bkt_fetch_rem(uint64_t w1)
@@ -188,7 +195,6 @@ tim_insert_chunk(struct otx2_tim_bkt * const bkt,
        } else {
                bkt->first_chunk = (uintptr_t)chunk;
        return chunk;

@@ -208,11 +214,38 @@ tim_add_entry_sp(struct otx2_tim_ring * const tim_ring,

        /* Get Bucket sema*/
-       lock_sema = tim_bkt_fetch_sema(bkt);
+       lock_sema = tim_bkt_fetch_sema_lock(bkt);

        /* Bucket related checks. */
-       if (unlikely(tim_bkt_get_hbt(lock_sema)))
-               goto __retry;
+       if (unlikely(tim_bkt_get_hbt(lock_sema))) {
+               if (tim_bkt_get_nent(lock_sema) != 0) {
+                       uint64_t hbt_state;
+#ifdef RTE_ARCH_ARM64
+                       asm volatile(
+                                       "       ldaxr %[hbt], [%[w1]]   \n"
+                                       "       tbz %[hbt], 33, dne%=   \n"
+                                       "       sevl                    \n"
+                                       "rty%=: wfe                     \n"
+                                       "       ldaxr %[hbt], [%[w1]]   \n"
+                                       "       tbnz %[hbt], 33, rty%=  \n"
+                                       "dne%=:                         \n"
+                                       : [hbt] "=&r" (hbt_state)
+                                       : [w1] "r" ((&bkt->w1))
+                                       : "memory"
+                                       );
+                       do {
+                               hbt_state = __atomic_load_n(&bkt->w1,
+                                               __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE);
+                       } while (hbt_state & BIT_ULL(33));
+                       if (!(hbt_state & BIT_ULL(34))) {
+                               tim_bkt_dec_lock(bkt);
+                               goto __retry;
+                       }
+               }
+       }

        /* Insert the work. */
        rem = tim_bkt_fetch_rem(lock_sema);
@@ -224,14 +257,15 @@ tim_add_entry_sp(struct otx2_tim_ring * const tim_ring,
                        chunk = tim_insert_chunk(bkt, tim_ring);

                if (unlikely(chunk == NULL)) {
-                       tim_bkt_set_rem(bkt, 0);
+                       bkt->chunk_remainder = 0;
+                       tim_bkt_dec_lock(bkt);
                        tim->impl_opaque[0] = 0;
                        tim->impl_opaque[1] = 0;
                        tim->state = RTE_EVENT_TIMER_ERROR;
                        return -ENOMEM;
                bkt->current_chunk = (uintptr_t)chunk;
-               tim_bkt_set_rem(bkt, tim_ring->nb_chunk_slots - 1);
+               bkt->chunk_remainder = tim_ring->nb_chunk_slots - 1;
        } else {
                chunk = (struct otx2_tim_ent *)(uintptr_t)bkt->current_chunk;
                chunk += tim_ring->nb_chunk_slots - rem;
@@ -241,6 +275,7 @@ tim_add_entry_sp(struct otx2_tim_ring * const tim_ring,
        *chunk = *pent;

+       tim_bkt_dec_lock(bkt);

        tim->impl_opaque[0] = (uintptr_t)chunk;
        tim->impl_opaque[1] = (uintptr_t)bkt;
@@ -263,19 +298,60 @@ tim_add_entry_mp(struct otx2_tim_ring * const tim_ring,

        bkt = tim_get_target_bucket(tim_ring, rel_bkt, flags);
        /* Get Bucket sema*/
        lock_sema = tim_bkt_fetch_sema_lock(bkt);

        /* Bucket related checks. */
        if (unlikely(tim_bkt_get_hbt(lock_sema))) {
-               tim_bkt_dec_lock(bkt);
-               goto __retry;
+               if (tim_bkt_get_nent(lock_sema) != 0) {
+                       uint64_t hbt_state;
+#ifdef RTE_ARCH_ARM64
+                       asm volatile(
+                                       "       ldaxr %[hbt], [%[w1]]   \n"
+                                       "       tbz %[hbt], 33, dne%=   \n"
+                                       "       sevl                    \n"
+                                       "rty%=: wfe                     \n"
+                                       "       ldaxr %[hbt], [%[w1]]   \n"
+                                       "       tbnz %[hbt], 33, rty%=  \n"
+                                       "dne%=:                         \n"
+                                       : [hbt] "=&r" (hbt_state)
+                                       : [w1] "r" ((&bkt->w1))
+                                       : "memory"
+                                       );
+                       do {
+                               hbt_state = __atomic_load_n(&bkt->w1,
+                                               __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE);
+                       } while (hbt_state & BIT_ULL(33));
+                       if (!(hbt_state & BIT_ULL(34))) {
+                               tim_bkt_dec_lock(bkt);
+                               goto __retry;
+                       }
+               }

        rem = tim_bkt_fetch_rem(lock_sema);
        if (rem < 0) {
+#ifdef RTE_ARCH_ARM64
+               asm volatile(
+                               "       ldaxrh %w[rem], [%[crem]]       \n"
+                               "       tbz %w[rem], 15, dne%=          \n"
+                               "       sevl                            \n"
+                               "rty%=: wfe                             \n"
+                               "       ldaxrh %w[rem], [%[crem]]       \n"
+                               "       tbnz %w[rem], 15, rty%=         \n"
+                               "dne%=:                                 \n"
+                               : [rem] "=&r" (rem)
+                               : [crem] "r" (&bkt->chunk_remainder)
+                               : "memory"
+                           );
+               while (__atomic_load_n(&bkt->chunk_remainder,
+                                      __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE) < 0)
+                       ;
                /* Goto diff bucket. */
                goto __retry;
@@ -294,17 +370,23 @@ tim_add_entry_mp(struct otx2_tim_ring * const tim_ring,
                        tim->state = RTE_EVENT_TIMER_ERROR;
                        return -ENOMEM;
-               bkt->current_chunk = (uintptr_t)chunk;
-               tim_bkt_set_rem(bkt, tim_ring->nb_chunk_slots - 1);
+               *chunk = *pent;
+               while (tim_bkt_fetch_lock(lock_sema) !=
+                               (-tim_bkt_fetch_rem(lock_sema)))
+                       lock_sema = __atomic_load_n(&bkt->w1, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE);
+               bkt->current_chunk =  (uintptr_t)chunk;
+               __atomic_store_n(&bkt->chunk_remainder,
+                               tim_ring->nb_chunk_slots - 1, __ATOMIC_RELEASE);
        } else {
-               chunk = (struct otx2_tim_ent *)(uintptr_t)bkt->current_chunk;
+               chunk = (struct otx2_tim_ent *)bkt->current_chunk;
                chunk += tim_ring->nb_chunk_slots - rem;
+               *chunk = *pent;

        /* Copy work entry. */
-       *chunk = *pent;
-       tim_bkt_dec_lock(bkt);
+       tim_bkt_dec_lock(bkt);
        tim->impl_opaque[0] = (uintptr_t)chunk;
        tim->impl_opaque[1] = (uintptr_t)bkt;
        tim->state = RTE_EVENT_TIMER_ARMED;
@@ -360,8 +442,33 @@ tim_add_entry_brst(struct otx2_tim_ring * const tim_ring,

        /* Bucket related checks. */
        if (unlikely(tim_bkt_get_hbt(lock_sema))) {
-               tim_bkt_dec_lock(bkt);
-               goto __retry;
+               if (tim_bkt_get_nent(lock_sema) != 0) {
+                       uint64_t hbt_state;
+#ifdef RTE_ARCH_ARM64
+                       asm volatile(
+                                       "       ldaxr %[hbt], [%[w1]]   \n"
+                                       "       tbz %[hbt], 33, dne%=   \n"
+                                       "       sevl                    \n"
+                                       "rty%=: wfe                     \n"
+                                       "       ldaxr %[hbt], [%[w1]]   \n"
+                                       "       tbnz %[hbt], 33, rty%=  \n"
+                                       "dne%=:                         \n"
+                                       : [hbt] "=&r" (hbt_state)
+                                       : [w1] "r" ((&bkt->w1))
+                                       : "memory"
+                                       );
+                       do {
+                               hbt_state = __atomic_load_n(&bkt->w1,
+                                               __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE);
+                       } while (hbt_state & BIT_ULL(33));
+                       if (!(hbt_state & BIT_ULL(34))) {
+                               tim_bkt_dec_lock(bkt);
+                               goto __retry;
+                       }
+               }

        chunk_remainder = tim_bkt_fetch_rem(lock_sema);

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