19/11/2019 12:22, Bruce Richardson: > On Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 11:03:57AM +0000, Reshma Pattan wrote: > > --- a/doc/guides/contributing/patches.rst > > +++ b/doc/guides/contributing/patches.rst > > - git config alias.fixline "log -1 --abbrev=12 --format='Fixes: %h > > (\"%s\")%nCc: %ae'" > > + git config alias.fixline "log -1 --abbrev=12 --format='Fixes: %h > > (\"%s\")%nCc: %ae%nCc: sta...@dpdk.org'" > > > > The output of ``git fixline <SHA>`` must then be added to the commit > > message:: > > While a good idea, we don't always want to CC stable for all fixes, as > fixes for commits in the current release obviously don't need backports.
I've done something which proposes some Cc, some time ago: fixline = "!f () { git log -1 --abbrev=12 --format='Fixes: %h (\"%s\")%nCc: %ae' $1 ; ( git tag -l --contains $1 | head -n1 | sed 's,^v,,' | sed 's,-rc.*,,' ; for i in 1 2 ; do make showversion | cut -d'.' -f-2 ; done ) | uniq -u | head -n1 | sed 's,.*,Cc: sta...@dpdk.org,' ;}; f" > I suggest the stable maintainers comment on whether receiving these > additional patches would be a problem for them, or if their tooling is > sufficiency advanced for them to ignore these without issue... Anyway, the developer must think about when backport is really needed. It is a bad idea to document it as automatic.