Unit test cases are added for eal vfio library.
eal_vfio_autotest added to meson build file.

Signed-off-by: Chaitanya Babu Talluri <tallurix.chaitanya.b...@intel.com>
 app/test/Makefile        |   1 +
 app/test/meson.build     |   2 +
 app/test/test_eal_vfio.c | 736 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 739 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 app/test/test_eal_vfio.c

diff --git a/app/test/Makefile b/app/test/Makefile
index 26ba6fe2b..9b9c78b4e 100644
--- a/app/test/Makefile
+++ b/app/test/Makefile
@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ SRCS-y += test_cpuflags.c
 SRCS-y += test_mp_secondary.c
 SRCS-y += test_eal_flags.c
 SRCS-y += test_eal_fs.c
+SRCS-y += test_eal_vfio.c
 SRCS-y += test_alarm.c
 SRCS-y += test_interrupts.c
 SRCS-y += test_version.c
diff --git a/app/test/meson.build b/app/test/meson.build
index ec40943bd..bd96ebb2b 100644
--- a/app/test/meson.build
+++ b/app/test/meson.build
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ test_sources = files('commands.c',
+       'test_eal_vfio.c',
@@ -175,6 +176,7 @@ fast_test_names = [
+        'eal_vfio_autotest',
diff --git a/app/test/test_eal_vfio.c b/app/test/test_eal_vfio.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca3efb034
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/test/test_eal_vfio.c
@@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2019 Intel Corporation
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <rte_vfio.h>
+#include <rte_malloc.h>
+#include <rte_eal_memconfig.h>
+#include "test.h"
+#if !defined(RTE_EXEC_ENV_LINUX) || !defined(RTE_EAL_VFIO)
+static int
+       printf("VFIO not supported, skipping test\n");
+       return TEST_SKIPPED;
+#define PAGESIZE sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)
+#define THREE_PAGES 3
+#define UNALIGNED_ADDR 0x1500
+uint64_t virtaddr_64;
+const char *name = "heap";
+size_t map_length;
+int container_fds[RTE_MAX_VFIO_CONTAINERS];
+static int
+check_get_mem(void *addr, rte_iova_t *iova)
+       const struct rte_memseg_list *msl;
+       const struct rte_memseg *ms;
+       rte_iova_t expected_iova;
+       msl = rte_mem_virt2memseg_list(addr);
+       if (!msl->external) {
+               printf("%s():%i: Memseg list is not marked as "
+                               "external\n", __func__, __LINE__);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       ms = rte_mem_virt2memseg(addr, msl);
+       if (ms == NULL) {
+               printf("%s():%i: Failed to retrieve memseg for "
+                               "external mem\n", __func__, __LINE__);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (ms->addr != addr) {
+               printf("%s():%i: VA mismatch\n", __func__, __LINE__);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       expected_iova = (iova == NULL) ? RTE_BAD_IOVA : iova[0];
+       if (ms->iova != expected_iova) {
+               printf("%s():%i: IOVA mismatch\n", __func__, __LINE__);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       return 0;
+static int
+       int i = 0;
+       if (rte_vfio_is_enabled("vfio_pci") == 0) {
+               printf("VFIO is not enabled\n");
+               return TEST_SKIPPED;
+       }
+       if (rte_vfio_iommu_type_is_set() < 0) {
+               printf("VFIO IOMMU Type is not set\n");
+               return TEST_SKIPPED;
+       }
+       /* initialize_container_fds */;
+       for (i = 0; i < RTE_MAX_VFIO_CONTAINERS; i++)
+               container_fds[i] = -1;
+       return TEST_SUCCESS;
+/* To test vfio container create */
+static int
+       int ret = 0, i = 0;
+       /* check max containers limit */
+       for (i = 1; i < RTE_MAX_VFIO_CONTAINERS; i++) {
+               container_fds[i] = rte_vfio_container_create();
+               TEST_ASSERT(container_fds[i] >  0, "Test to check "
+                               "rte_vfio_container_create with max "
+                               "containers limit: Failed\n");
+       }
+       /* check rte_vfio_container_create when exceeds max containers limit */
+       ret = rte_vfio_container_create();
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to check "
+                       "rte_vfio_container_create container "
+                       "when exceeds limit: Failed\n");
+       return TEST_SUCCESS;
+/* To test vfio container destroy */
+static int
+       int i = 0, ret = 0;
+       /* check to destroy max container limit */
+       for (i = 1; i < RTE_MAX_VFIO_CONTAINERS; i++) {
+               ret = rte_vfio_container_destroy(container_fds[i]);
+               TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Test to check "
+                               "rte_vfio_container_destroy: Failed\n");
+               container_fds[i] = -1;
+       }
+       /* check rte_vfio_container_destroy with valid but non existing value */
+       ret = rte_vfio_container_destroy(0);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to check rte_vfio_container_destroy with "
+                       "valid but non existing value: Failed\n");
+       /* check rte_vfio_container_destroy with invalid value */
+       ret = rte_vfio_container_destroy(-5);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to check rte_vfio_container_destroy "
+                       "with invalid value: Failed\n");
+       return TEST_SUCCESS;
+/* Test to bind a IOMMU group to a container*/
+static int
+       int ret = 0;
+       /* Test case to bind with invalid container fd */
+       ret = rte_vfio_container_group_bind(INVALID_CONTAINER_FD, 0);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to bind a IOMMU group to a container "
+                       "with invalid fd: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to bind with non-existing container fd */
+       ret = rte_vfio_container_group_bind(0, 0);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to bind a IOMMU group to a container "
+                       "with non existing fd: Failed\n");
+       return TEST_SUCCESS;
+/* Test to unbind a IOMMU group from a container*/
+static int
+       int ret = 0;
+       /* Test case to unbind container from invalid group*/
+       ret = rte_vfio_container_group_unbind(INVALID_CONTAINER_FD, 0);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to unbind a IOMMU group to a container "
+                       "with invalid fd: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to unbind container from group*/
+       ret = rte_vfio_container_group_unbind(0, 0);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to unbind a IOMMU group to a container "
+                       "with  non existing fd: Failed\n");
+       return TEST_SUCCESS;
+/* Test to get IOMMU group number for a device*/
+static int
+       int ret = 0, invalid_group_num = 0;
+       /* Test case to get IOMMU group num from invalid group */
+       ret = rte_vfio_get_group_num(NULL, NULL, &invalid_group_num);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Test to get IOMMU group num: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to get IOMMU group num from invalid device address and
+        * valid sysfs_base
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_get_group_num("/sys/bus/pci/devices/", NULL,
+                       &invalid_group_num);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Test to get IOMMU group num: Failed\n");
+       return TEST_SUCCESS;
+/* Test to perform DMA mapping for devices in a container */
+static int
+       int ret = 0, container_fd;
+       /* Test case to map device for non-existing container_fd, with
+        * non-zero map_length
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_container_dma_map(0, 0, 0, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to check map device with invalid "
+                       "container: Failed\n");
+       container_fd = rte_vfio_container_create();
+       /* Test case to map device for existing fd with no device attached and
+        * non-zero map_length
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_container_dma_map(container_fd, 0, 0, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to check  map device for existing fd "
+                       "with no device attached and non-zero "
+                       "map_length: Failed\n");
+       /* Test to destroy for container fd */
+       ret = rte_vfio_container_destroy(container_fd);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Container fd destroy failed\n");
+       return TEST_SUCCESS;
+/* Test to perform DMA unmapping for devices in a container*/
+static int
+       int ret = 0, container_fd;
+       /* Test case to unmap device for non-existing container_fd, with
+        * zero map_length
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_container_dma_unmap(0, 0, 0, 0);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to check map device with non-existing "
+                       "container fd: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to unmap device for non-existing container_fd, with
+        * non-zero map_length
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_container_dma_unmap(0, 0, 0, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to check map device with non-existing "
+                       "container fd: Failed\n");
+       container_fd = rte_vfio_container_create();
+       /* Test case to unmap device for existing fd with no device attached
+        * and with non-zero map_length
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_container_dma_unmap(container_fd, 0, 0, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to check map device with unmapped "
+                       "container fd: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to unmap device for existing fd with no device attached
+        * and with zero map_length
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_container_dma_unmap(container_fd, 0, 0, 0);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to check map device with unmapped "
+                       "container fd: Failed\n");
+       /* Test to destroy for container fd */
+       ret = rte_vfio_container_destroy(container_fd);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Container fd destroy failed\n");
+       return TEST_SUCCESS;
+/*Function to setup external memory */
+static int
+test_heap_mem_setup(size_t map_length, int n_pages)
+       rte_iova_t iova[map_length / PAGESIZE];
+       void *addr;
+       addr = mmap(NULL, map_length, PROT_WRITE | PROT_READ,
+                       MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0);
+       if (addr == MAP_FAILED) {
+               printf("%s():%i: Failed to create dummy memory area\n",
+                               __func__, __LINE__);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       rte_iova_t tmp = 0x100000000 + PAGESIZE;
+       iova[0] = tmp;
+       if (rte_malloc_heap_create(name) != 0) {
+               printf("%s():%i: Failed to Create heap with valid name\n",
+                               __func__, __LINE__);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (rte_malloc_heap_memory_add(name, addr, map_length, iova, n_pages,
+                               PAGESIZE) != 0) {
+               printf("%s():%i: Failed to add memory to heap\n",
+                               __func__, __LINE__);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (check_get_mem(addr, iova) != 0) {
+               printf("%s():%i: Failed to verify memory\n",
+                               __func__, __LINE__);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       virtaddr_64 = (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)addr;
+       return 0;
+/* Function to free the external memory */
+static void
+       if (rte_malloc_heap_memory_remove(name, (void *)virtaddr_64,
+                               map_length) != 0) {
+               printf("%s():%i: Failed to remove memory\n",
+                               __func__, __LINE__);
+               return;
+       }
+       rte_malloc_heap_destroy(name);
+       munmap((void *)virtaddr_64, map_length);
+/* Test to map memory region for use with VFIO*/
+static int
+       int ret = 0;
+       const int n_pages = 1;
+       map_length = PAGESIZE;
+       test_heap_mem_setup(map_length, n_pages);
+       /* Test case to map memory for VFIO with zero  vaddr, iova addr
+        * and map_length
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map(0, 0, 0);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to map devices within default container "
+                       "with incorrect inputs: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to map memory for VFIO with zero vaddr, iova addr
+        * and valid map_length
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map(0, 0, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to map devices within default container "
+                       "with valid map_length: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to map memory for VFIO with valid iova addr, unmapped
+        * vaddr and valid map_length
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map(1000000, 0, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to map devices within default container "
+                       "with valid map_length and "
+                       "unmapped virtual address: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to map memory for VFIO with valid iova addr, mapped
+        * vaddr and valid map_length
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map(virtaddr_64, 0, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Test to map devices within default container "
+                       "with valid map_length and "
+                       "mapped valid virtual address: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to check already mapped virtual address */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map(virtaddr_64, 0, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to map devices within default container "
+                       "with valid map_length and "
+                       "mapped valid virtual address: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to check start virtual address + length range overlaps */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map((virtaddr_64 + UNALIGNED_ADDR), 0, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to map devices within default container "
+                       "with overlapping virtual address: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to check start virtual address before
+        * existing map, overlaps
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map((virtaddr_64 - UNALIGNED_ADDR), 0, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to map devices within default container "
+                       "with start virtual address "
+                       "before existing map, overlaps: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to check invalid map length */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map((virtaddr_64 - UNALIGNED_ADDR), 0, 500);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to map devices within default container "
+                       "with invalid map length: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to check already mapped iova overlaps */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map((virtaddr_64 + 8192), 0, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to map devices within default container "
+                       "with already mapped iova overlaps: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to check start iova + length range overlaps */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map((virtaddr_64 + 8192), (0 + UNALIGNED_ADDR),
+                       map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to map devices within default container "
+                       "with start iova + length range overlaps: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to check invalid iova */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map((virtaddr_64 + 8192), (0 + 5000), map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to map devices within default container "
+                       "with invalid iova: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to check invalid map length */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map((virtaddr_64 + 8192), (0 + UNALIGNED_ADDR), 100);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to map devices within default container "
+                       "with invalid map length: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to map memory for VFIO with invalid vaddr, valid iova addr
+        * and valid map_length
+        */
+       uint64_t invalid_addr = virtaddr_64 + 1;
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map(invalid_addr, virtaddr_64, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to map devices within default container "
+                       "with mapped invalid virtual address: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to map memory for VFIO with invalid iova addr, valid vaddr
+        * and valid map_length
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map(virtaddr_64, UNALIGNED_ADDR, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to map devices within default container "
+                       "with valid map_length and "
+                       "invalid iova address: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to unmap memory region from VFIO with valid iova,
+        * mapped vaddr and valid map_length
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_unmap(virtaddr_64, 0, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Test to unmap devices in default container "
+                       "with valid map_length and "
+                       "mapped valid virtual address: Failed\n");
+       return TEST_SUCCESS;
+/* Test to unmap memory region for use with VFIO*/
+static int
+       int ret = 0;
+       const int n_pages = 1;
+       map_length = PAGESIZE;
+       test_heap_mem_setup(map_length, n_pages);
+       /* Test case to unmap memory region from VFIO with zero vaddr,
+        * iova addr and map_length
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_unmap(0, 0, 0);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to unmap devices in default container "
+                       "with incorrect input: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to unmap memory region from VFIO with zero vaddr,
+        * iova addr and valid map_length
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_unmap(0, 0, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to unmap devices in default container "
+                       "with valid map_length: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to unmap memory region from VFIO with zero iova addr,
+        * unmapped vaddr and valid map_length
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_unmap(virtaddr_64, 0, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to unmap devices in default container "
+                       "with valid map_length and unmapped addr: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to unmap memory region from VFIO with unmapped vaddr, iova
+        * and valid map_length
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_unmap(virtaddr_64, virtaddr_64, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to unmap devices in default container "
+                       "with valid map_length and "
+                       "unmapped addr, iova: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to map memory region from VFIO with valid iova,
+        * mapped vaddr and valid map_length
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map(virtaddr_64, 0, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Test to unmap devices in default container "
+                       "with valid map_length and "
+                       "mapped valid virtual address: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to unmap memory region from VFIO with mapped invalid vaddr,
+        * valid IOVA and valid map_length
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_unmap((virtaddr_64 + 1), 0, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to unmap devices in default container "
+                       "with valid map_length and mapped "
+                       "invalid virtual address: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to unmap memory region from VFIO with mapped
+        * valid iova addr, vaddr and valid map_length
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_unmap(virtaddr_64, 0, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Test to unmap devices in default container "
+                        "with valid map_length and mapped "
+                        "valid virtual address: Failed\n");
+       return TEST_SUCCESS;
+static int
+       int ret = 0;
+       const int n_pages = THREE_PAGES;
+       map_length = PAGESIZE * THREE_PAGES;
+       test_heap_mem_setup(map_length, n_pages);
+       /* Test case to map 1st page */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map(virtaddr_64, 0, PAGESIZE);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Test to map device in default container "
+                       "with valid address:Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to map same start virtual address and
+        * extend beyond end virtual address
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map(virtaddr_64, 0, (PAGESIZE * 2));
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to map device in default container "
+                       "with same start virtual address and extend beyond end "
+                       "virtual address: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to map same start virtual address and same end address*/
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map(virtaddr_64, 0, PAGESIZE);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to map device in default container "
+                       "with same start virtual address and "
+                       "same end address: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to unmap 1st page */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_unmap(virtaddr_64, 0, PAGESIZE);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Test to unmap device in default container "
+                       "with valid map_length and "
+               "mapped valid virtual address: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to map different virtual address */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map((virtaddr_64 + PAGESIZE), (0 + PAGESIZE),
+                       (PAGESIZE * 2));
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Test to map device in default container "
+                       "with different virtual address: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to map different start virtual address and
+        * ends with same address
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map((virtaddr_64 + (PAGESIZE * 2)),
+                       (0 + (PAGESIZE * 2)), PAGESIZE);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to map device in default container "
+                       "with different start virtual address and "
+                       "ends with same address: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to map three pages */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map(virtaddr_64, 0, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to map device in default container "
+                       "with overlapping virtual address range: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to map middle overlapping virtual address */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map((virtaddr_64 + PAGESIZE), (0 + PAGESIZE),
+                       PAGESIZE);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to map device in default container "
+                       "with overlapping virtual address: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to unmap 1st page */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_unmap(virtaddr_64, 0, PAGESIZE);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to unmap 1st page: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to map 1st and 2nd page overlaps */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map(virtaddr_64, 0, (PAGESIZE * 2));
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to map device in default container "
+                       "with 1st and 2nd page overlaps: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to map 3rd and 4th pages */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map((virtaddr_64 + (PAGESIZE * 2)),
+                       (0 + (PAGESIZE * 2)), (PAGESIZE * 2));
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to map device in default container "
+                       "with 3rd and 4th pages: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to unmap 3rd page */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_unmap((virtaddr_64 + (PAGESIZE * 2)),
+                       (0 + (PAGESIZE * 2)), PAGESIZE);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Test to unmap 3rd page: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to map 1st page with total length
+        * that overlaps middle page
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map(virtaddr_64, 0, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to map device in default container "
+                       "with 1st page with total length "
+                       "that overlaps middle page: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to unmap 2nd page  */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_unmap((virtaddr_64 + PAGESIZE), (0 + PAGESIZE),
+                       PAGESIZE);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Test to unmap 2nd page: Failed\n");
+       return TEST_SUCCESS;
+/*allocate three pages */
+static int
+       int ret = 0;
+       const int n_pages = THREE_PAGES;
+       map_length = PAGESIZE * THREE_PAGES;
+       uint64_t page1_va, page2_va, page3_va;
+       rte_iova_t page1_iova, page2_iova, page3_iova;
+       page1_va = virtaddr_64;
+       page2_va = virtaddr_64 + PAGESIZE;
+       page3_va = virtaddr_64 + (PAGESIZE * 2);
+       page1_iova = 0;
+       page2_iova = 0 + PAGESIZE;
+       page3_iova = 0 + (PAGESIZE * 2);
+       test_heap_mem_setup(map_length, n_pages);
+       /* Test case to map three pages */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map(page1_va, page1_iova, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Test to map device in default container "
+                       "with valid map_length and "
+                       "mapped valid virtual address: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to unmap 1st page */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_unmap(page1_va, page1_iova, PAGESIZE);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Test to unmap device in default container "
+                       "with valid 1st page map_length and "
+                       "mapped valid virtual address: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to map 1st page */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map(page1_va, page1_iova, PAGESIZE);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Test to map device in default container "
+                       "with valid map_length and "
+                       "mapped valid virtual address: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to unmap 2nd page */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_unmap(page2_va, page2_iova, PAGESIZE);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Test to unmap device in default container "
+                       "with valid map_length and mapped "
+                       "valid 2nd page virtual address: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to map 2nd page */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map(page2_va, page2_iova, PAGESIZE);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Test to map device in default container "
+                       "with valid map_length and mapped "
+                       "valid 2nd page virtual address: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to unmap 3rd page */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_unmap(page3_va, page3_iova, PAGESIZE);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Test to unmap device in default container "
+                       "with valid map_length and mapped "
+                       "valid 3rd page virtual address: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to map 3rd page */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_map(page3_va, page3_iova, PAGESIZE);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Test to map device in default container "
+                       "with valid map_length and "
+                       "mapped 3rd page valid virtual address: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to unmap 1st page, but used IOVA address of 2nd page */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_unmap(page1_va, page2_iova, PAGESIZE);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == -1, "Test to unmap devices in default container "
+                       "with valid map_length and mapped "
+                       "valid virtual address: Failed\n");
+       /* Test case to unmap memory region from VFIO with mapped
+        * valid iova addr, vaddr and valid map_length
+        */
+       ret = rte_vfio_dma_unmap(page1_va, page1_iova, map_length);
+       TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Test to unmap devices in default container "
+                        "with valid map_length and mapped "
+                        "valid virtual address: Failed\n");
+       return TEST_SUCCESS;
+static struct
+unit_test_suite eal_vfio_testsuite  = {
+       .suite_name = "EAL VFIO Unit Test Suite",
+       .setup = check_vfio_exist_and_initialize,
+       .teardown = NULL,
+       .unit_test_cases = {
+               /* Test Case 1: To check vfio container create test cases */
+               TEST_CASE(test_vfio_container_create),
+               /* Test Case 2: To check vfio container destroy */
+               TEST_CASE(test_vfio_container_destroy),
+               /* Test Case 3: To  bind a IOMMU group to a container.*/
+               TEST_CASE(test_rte_vfio_container_group_bind),
+               /* Test Case 4: To get IOMMU group number for a device*/
+               TEST_CASE(test_rte_vfio_get_group_num),
+               /* Test Case 5: To unbind a IOMMU group to a container.*/
+               TEST_CASE(test_rte_vfio_container_group_unbind),
+               /* Test Case 6: To perform DMA mapping for devices in default
+                * container
+                */
+               TEST_CASE_ST(NULL, test_heap_mem_free, test_rte_vfio_dma_map),
+               /* Test Case 7: To perform DMA unmapping for devices in default
+                * container
+                */
+               TEST_CASE_ST(NULL, test_heap_mem_free,
+                               test_rte_vfio_dma_unmap),
+               /* Test Case 8: To perform map devices in specific container */
+               TEST_CASE(test_rte_vfio_container_dma_map),
+               /* Test Case 9: To perform unmap devices in specific container
+                */
+               TEST_CASE(test_rte_vfio_container_dma_unmap),
+               /* Test Case 10: To perform three pages */
+               TEST_CASE_ST(NULL, test_heap_mem_free,
+                               test_rte_vfio_dma_map_threepages),
+               /* Test Case 11: To check DMA overlaps */
+               TEST_CASE_ST(NULL, test_heap_mem_free,
+                               test_rte_vfio_dma_map_overlaps),
+               TEST_CASES_END()
+       }
+static int
+       return unit_test_suite_runner(&eal_vfio_testsuite);
+REGISTER_TEST_COMMAND(eal_vfio_autotest, test_eal_vfio);

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