On Tue, 08 Dec 2015 21:30:03 +0100
Thomas Monjalon <thomas.monjalon at 6wind.com> wrote:

> 2015-12-08 20:29, Jan Viktorin:
> > (I considered to not add the cover-letter as this is just a single small 
> > patch.
> > I hope it does not matter a lot. Is there any convention how to do this?)  
> The main interest of splitting patches or adding a cover letter it to have
> a place to explain the changes. When you have several changes, they deserve
> several patches to provide an accurate explanation. In such case, you may
> need a cover letter to describe the global idea of the series. A cover letter
> is also helpful for mail threading and acking all the series.
> When you have only one change, one email is enough.

That's good. Should there be a way how to separate the "inline-cover"
and the commit?

> John, should we add this explanation in the contributing guide?

  Jan Viktorin                E-mail: Viktorin at RehiveTech.com
  System Architect            Web:    www.RehiveTech.com
  Brno, Czech Republic

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