On 12/03/2015 02:14 PM, Mcnamara, John wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces at dpdk.org] On Behalf Of Panu Matilainen
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2015 4:51 PM
>> To: dev at dpdk.org
>> Subject: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH] scripts: support any legal git revisions as
>> abi validation range
>> In addition to git tags, support validating abi between any legal
>> gitrevisions(7) syntaxes, such as "validate-abi.sh . -1 <target>"
>> "validate-abi.sh master mybrach <target>" etc in addition to validating
>> between tags. Makes it easier to run the validator for in-development
>> work.
> Hi Panu,
> +1 for this.
> You might also change the ABI validation section of the docs to go along
> with this. Something like the patch below. If not I'll submit it
> afterwards.

Good points, including changing the usage message to REV instead of TAG. 
I'll send an improved version based on this, thanks.

> Also, if someone has some bandwidth it would be good to add an option
> to pass -j with an optional number to "make" in the script.

Can do, although I'm still waiting fo my previous, semi-related 
validate-abi patches from September to be applied...

        - Panu -

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