On Thu, Dec 03, 2015 at 06:01:57AM +0100, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
> Following the recent discussions, this is a proposal to have a standard
> installation process while keeping compatibility with most of the old
> behaviours.
How compatible are we looking for here. The standard way of compiling up DPDK
up till now has always been "make install T=$RTE_TARGET", but that seems to no
longer work.

bruce at silpixa00389037-Fedora:dpdk-clean$ echo $RTE_TARGET

bruce at silpixa00389037-Fedora:dpdk-clean$ make install T=$RTE_TARGET
/home/bruce/dpdk-clean/mk/rte.vars.mk:58: /home/bruce/dpdk-clean/build/.config: 
No such file or directory
/home/bruce/dpdk-clean/mk/rte.vars.mk:83: *** RTE_ARCH is not defined.  Stop.
/home/bruce/dpdk-clean/mk/rte.sdkroot.mk:98: recipe for target 'install' failed
make: *** [install] Error 2

When I look for backward compatibilty, this is the main thing I look for, as I'm
not aware of anyone (on my team here at least!) who does a make config first 
When developing, most people just do a "make install T=..."straight up.


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