Hi Thomas,

I haven't figured out how to send out patches via Notes so I sent them via
Gmail server.  I set up "git send-email" to send as my IBM email but Gmail
changed that when the patches get sent out.  I have to see if there are
another server I can use to send patches.

Right I don't expect these to go in 19.05.  I wanted to follow the
contribution doc and update documentation.


Vivian Kong
Linux on IBM Z Open Source Ecosystem
IBM Canada Toronto Lab

Thomas Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net> wrote on 2019/04/09 04:12:01 PM:

> From: Thomas Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net>
> To: vivk...@ca.ibm.com
> Cc: dev@dpdk.org
> Date: 2019/04/09 04:12 PM
> Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [RFC 09/12] doc: introduce s390x architecture
> 09/04/2019 21:06, Vivian Kong:
> > +Linux on IBM Z (s390x)
> What is specific to Linux?
> If it's supported only with Linux, better to say it in the doc
> than in the MAINTAINERS file.
> > +M: Vivian Kong <vivk...@ca.ibm.com.com>
> Your email above is wrong.
> > --- a/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_19_05.rst
> > +++ b/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_19_05.rst
> > +* **Added support for Linux on IBM Z (s390x).**
> > +
> > +  Added initial support for Linux on IBM Z (s390x).
> No way we add it in 19.05 while we are in release candidate phase.
> I will discuss more about it in the reply to the cover letter.

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