Thanks for the patch! 

Comments inlined:

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Dharmik Thakkar []
>Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 3:35 PM
>To: Wang, Yipeng1 <>; Gobriel, Sameh 
><>; Richardson, Bruce
><>; De Lara Guarch, Pablo 
><>; Mcnamara, John
><>; Kovacevic, Marko <>
>Cc:; Dharmik Thakkar <>
>Subject: [PATCH 1/2] hash: add lock free support for extendable bucket
>This patch enables lock-free read-write concurrency support for
>extendable bucket feature.
>Suggested-by: Honnappa Nagarahalli <>
>Signed-off-by: Dharmik Thakkar <>
>Reviewed-by: Ruifeng Wang <>
>Reviewed-by: Gavin Hu <>
>Reviewed-by: Honnappa Nagarahalli <>
> doc/guides/prog_guide/hash_lib.rst |   3 +-
> lib/librte_hash/rte_cuckoo_hash.c  | 163 ++++++++++++++++++++---------
> lib/librte_hash/rte_cuckoo_hash.h  |   7 ++
> 3 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
>diff --git a/doc/guides/prog_guide/hash_lib.rst 
>index 85a6edfa8b16..b00446e949ba 100644
>--- a/doc/guides/prog_guide/hash_lib.rst
>+++ b/doc/guides/prog_guide/hash_lib.rst
>@@ -108,8 +108,7 @@ Extendable Bucket Functionality support
> An extra flag is used to enable this functionality (flag is not set by 
> default). When the (RTE_HASH_EXTRA_FLAGS_EXT_TABLE) is set
> in the very unlikely case due to excessive hash collisions that a key has 
> failed to be inserted, the hash table bucket is extended with a
> list to insert these failed keys. This feature is important for the workloads 
> (e.g. telco workloads) that need to insert up to 100% of the
>-hash table size and can't tolerate any key insertion failure (even if very 
>few). Currently the extendable bucket is not supported
>-with the lock-free concurrency implementation 
>+hash table size and can't tolerate any key insertion failure (even if very 
[Wang, Yipeng] I am thinking maybe make it a bit more clear here by adding 
something like:
Please note that with the lock-free flag enabled, users need to promptly free 
the deleted keys, to maintain the 100% capacity guarantee.

I want to add this because of the piggy-back mechanism, one un-recycled key 
with an un-recycled ext bucket may actually makes in total
of 9 entries unavailable (8 entries in the ext bucket). So it would be useful 
to remind the user here.
>@@ -1054,7 +1059,15 @@ __rte_hash_add_key_with_hash(const struct rte_hash *h, 
>const void *key,
>                       /* Check if slot is available */
>                       if (likely(cur_bkt->key_idx[i] == EMPTY_SLOT)) {
>                               cur_bkt->sig_current[i] = short_sig;
>-                              cur_bkt->key_idx[i] = new_idx;
>+                              /* Key can be of arbitrary length, so it is
>+                               * not possible to store it atomically.
>+                               * Hence the new key element's memory stores
>+                               * (key as well as data) should be complete
>+                               * before it is referenced.
>+                               */
[Wang, Yipeng]  My understanding is this atomic store is to prevent the 
signature store leaking after the key_idx store.
But the comment does not exactly describe this reason.
>+                              __atomic_store_n(&cur_bkt->key_idx[i],
>+                                               new_idx,
>+                                               __ATOMIC_RELEASE);
>                               __hash_rw_writer_unlock(h);
>                               return new_idx - 1;
>                       }
>@@ -1545,6 +1597,14 @@ rte_hash_free_key_with_position(const struct rte_hash 
>       /* Out of bounds */
>       if (position >= total_entries)
>               return -EINVAL;
>+      if (h->ext_table_support) {
>+              uint32_t index = h->ext_bkt_to_free[position];
[Wang, Yipeng] I think user can theoretically set  
But LF flag to be 0. I think here you assume this function only called when LF 
flag is 1. You may need to
Add another condition e.g. if(h->ext_table_support && 
>+              if (index) {
>+                      /* Recycle empty ext bkt to free list. */
>+                      rte_ring_sp_enqueue(h->free_ext_bkts, (void 
>+                      h->ext_bkt_to_free[position] = 0;
>+              }
>+      }
>       if (h->use_local_cache) {
>               lcore_id = rte_lcore_id();

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