Signed-off-by: Wenzhuo Lu <>
 doc/guides/rel_notes/release_19_05.rst |   4 +
 drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx.c             |  13 ++-
 drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx.h             |   2 +
 drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx_vec_avx2.c    | 158 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_19_05.rst 
index 61a2c73..610c4cd 100644
--- a/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_19_05.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_19_05.rst
@@ -91,6 +91,10 @@ New Features
   * Added promiscuous mode support.
+* **Added support of vector instructions on ICE.**
+   Added support of SSE and AVX2 instructions in ICE RX and TX path.
 Removed Items
diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx.c b/drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx.c
index d8c3cdc..aa7722e 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx.c
@@ -2354,15 +2354,24 @@ void __attribute__((cold))
 #ifdef RTE_ARCH_X86
        struct ice_tx_queue *txq;
        int i;
+       bool use_avx2 = false;
        if (!ice_tx_vec_dev_check(dev)) {
                for (i = 0; i < dev->data->nb_tx_queues; i++) {
                        txq = dev->data->tx_queues[i];
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "Using Vector Tx (port %d).",
+               if (rte_cpu_get_flag_enabled(RTE_CPUFLAG_AVX2) == 1 ||
+                   rte_cpu_get_flag_enabled(RTE_CPUFLAG_AVX512F) == 1)
+                       use_avx2 = true;
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "Using %sVector Tx (port %d).",
+                           use_avx2 ? "avx2 " : "",
-               dev->tx_pkt_burst = ice_xmit_pkts_vec;
+               dev->tx_pkt_burst = use_avx2 ?
+                                   ice_xmit_pkts_vec_avx2 :
+                                   ice_xmit_pkts_vec;
                dev->tx_pkt_prepare = NULL;
diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx.h b/drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx.h
index a918646..c5ac02d 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx.h
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx.h
@@ -187,5 +187,7 @@ uint16_t ice_recv_pkts_vec_avx2(void *rx_queue, struct 
rte_mbuf **rx_pkts,
 uint16_t ice_recv_scattered_pkts_vec_avx2(void *rx_queue,
                                          struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts,
                                          uint16_t nb_pkts);
+uint16_t ice_xmit_pkts_vec_avx2(void *tx_queue, struct rte_mbuf **tx_pkts,
+                               uint16_t nb_pkts);
 #endif /* _ICE_RXTX_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx_vec_avx2.c 
index a5f9b85..985125d 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx_vec_avx2.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx_vec_avx2.c
@@ -675,3 +675,161 @@
        return retval + ice_recv_scattered_burst_vec_avx2(rx_queue,
                                rx_pkts + retval, nb_pkts);
+static inline void
+ice_vtx1(volatile struct ice_tx_desc *txdp,
+        struct rte_mbuf *pkt, uint64_t flags)
+       uint64_t high_qw =
+               (ICE_TX_DESC_DTYPE_DATA |
+                ((uint64_t)flags  << ICE_TXD_QW1_CMD_S) |
+                ((uint64_t)pkt->data_len << ICE_TXD_QW1_TX_BUF_SZ_S));
+       __m128i descriptor = _mm_set_epi64x(high_qw,
+                               pkt->buf_physaddr + pkt->data_off);
+       _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)txdp, descriptor);
+static inline void
+ice_vtx(volatile struct ice_tx_desc *txdp,
+       struct rte_mbuf **pkt, uint16_t nb_pkts,  uint64_t flags)
+       const uint64_t hi_qw_tmpl = (ICE_TX_DESC_DTYPE_DATA |
+                       ((uint64_t)flags  << ICE_TXD_QW1_CMD_S));
+       /* if unaligned on 32-bit boundary, do one to align */
+       if (((uintptr_t)txdp & 0x1F) != 0 && nb_pkts != 0) {
+               ice_vtx1(txdp, *pkt, flags);
+               nb_pkts--, txdp++, pkt++;
+       }
+       /* do two at a time while possible, in bursts */
+       for (; nb_pkts > 3; txdp += 4, pkt += 4, nb_pkts -= 4) {
+               uint64_t hi_qw3 =
+                       hi_qw_tmpl |
+                       ((uint64_t)pkt[3]->data_len <<
+                        ICE_TXD_QW1_TX_BUF_SZ_S);
+               uint64_t hi_qw2 =
+                       hi_qw_tmpl |
+                       ((uint64_t)pkt[2]->data_len <<
+                        ICE_TXD_QW1_TX_BUF_SZ_S);
+               uint64_t hi_qw1 =
+                       hi_qw_tmpl |
+                       ((uint64_t)pkt[1]->data_len <<
+                        ICE_TXD_QW1_TX_BUF_SZ_S);
+               uint64_t hi_qw0 =
+                       hi_qw_tmpl |
+                       ((uint64_t)pkt[0]->data_len <<
+                        ICE_TXD_QW1_TX_BUF_SZ_S);
+               __m256i desc2_3 =
+                       _mm256_set_epi64x
+                               (hi_qw3,
+                                pkt[3]->buf_physaddr + pkt[3]->data_off,
+                                hi_qw2,
+                                pkt[2]->buf_physaddr + pkt[2]->data_off);
+               __m256i desc0_1 =
+                       _mm256_set_epi64x
+                               (hi_qw1,
+                                pkt[1]->buf_physaddr + pkt[1]->data_off,
+                                hi_qw0,
+                                pkt[0]->buf_physaddr + pkt[0]->data_off);
+               _mm256_store_si256((void *)(txdp + 2), desc2_3);
+               _mm256_store_si256((void *)txdp, desc0_1);
+       }
+       /* do any last ones */
+       while (nb_pkts) {
+               ice_vtx1(txdp, *pkt, flags);
+               txdp++, pkt++, nb_pkts--;
+       }
+static inline uint16_t
+ice_xmit_fixed_burst_vec_avx2(void *tx_queue, struct rte_mbuf **tx_pkts,
+                             uint16_t nb_pkts)
+       struct ice_tx_queue *txq = (struct ice_tx_queue *)tx_queue;
+       volatile struct ice_tx_desc *txdp;
+       struct ice_tx_entry *txep;
+       uint16_t n, nb_commit, tx_id;
+       uint64_t flags = ICE_TD_CMD;
+       uint64_t rs = ICE_TX_DESC_CMD_RS | ICE_TD_CMD;
+       /* cross rx_thresh boundary is not allowed */
+       nb_pkts = RTE_MIN(nb_pkts, txq->tx_rs_thresh);
+       if (txq->nb_tx_free < txq->tx_free_thresh)
+               ice_tx_free_bufs(txq);
+       nb_commit = nb_pkts = (uint16_t)RTE_MIN(txq->nb_tx_free, nb_pkts);
+       if (unlikely(nb_pkts == 0))
+               return 0;
+       tx_id = txq->tx_tail;
+       txdp = &txq->tx_ring[tx_id];
+       txep = &txq->sw_ring[tx_id];
+       txq->nb_tx_free = (uint16_t)(txq->nb_tx_free - nb_pkts);
+       n = (uint16_t)(txq->nb_tx_desc - tx_id);
+       if (nb_commit >= n) {
+               tx_backlog_entry(txep, tx_pkts, n);
+               ice_vtx(txdp, tx_pkts, n - 1, flags);
+               tx_pkts += (n - 1);
+               txdp += (n - 1);
+               ice_vtx1(txdp, *tx_pkts++, rs);
+               nb_commit = (uint16_t)(nb_commit - n);
+               tx_id = 0;
+               txq->tx_next_rs = (uint16_t)(txq->tx_rs_thresh - 1);
+               /* avoid reach the end of ring */
+               txdp = &txq->tx_ring[tx_id];
+               txep = &txq->sw_ring[tx_id];
+       }
+       tx_backlog_entry(txep, tx_pkts, nb_commit);
+       ice_vtx(txdp, tx_pkts, nb_commit, flags);
+       tx_id = (uint16_t)(tx_id + nb_commit);
+       if (tx_id > txq->tx_next_rs) {
+               txq->tx_ring[txq->tx_next_rs].cmd_type_offset_bsz |=
+                       rte_cpu_to_le_64(((uint64_t)ICE_TX_DESC_CMD_RS) <<
+                                        ICE_TXD_QW1_CMD_S);
+               txq->tx_next_rs =
+                       (uint16_t)(txq->tx_next_rs + txq->tx_rs_thresh);
+       }
+       txq->tx_tail = tx_id;
+       ICE_PCI_REG_WRITE(txq->qtx_tail, txq->tx_tail);
+       return nb_pkts;
+ice_xmit_pkts_vec_avx2(void *tx_queue, struct rte_mbuf **tx_pkts,
+                      uint16_t nb_pkts)
+       uint16_t nb_tx = 0;
+       struct ice_tx_queue *txq = (struct ice_tx_queue *)tx_queue;
+       while (nb_pkts) {
+               uint16_t ret, num;
+               num = (uint16_t)RTE_MIN(nb_pkts, txq->tx_rs_thresh);
+               ret = ice_xmit_fixed_burst_vec_avx2(tx_queue, &tx_pkts[nb_tx],
+                                                   num);
+               nb_tx += ret;
+               nb_pkts -= ret;
+               if (ret < num)
+                       break;
+       }
+       return nb_tx;

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