The apps for testing are split between the "test" and "app" directories,
with a not-very-clear distinction between the two (at least to my mind).

Given how the apps are being built, the easiest path to having
cmdline_test, test-acl and test-pipeline build using meson is to
consolidate all these apps back into the app folder and use the logic
there. The bpf folder doesn't contain an actual application, but
rather example bpf code which can be loaded into testpmd. That is
possibly best moved to the examples folder, but I'm open to feedback
on the best place for it.

With these changes, the "test" folder then becomes the location for
unit tests only. However, we can simplify things a little by moving
that too to the app folder, eliminating the need for the separate
"test-build" make target, and aligning the output folder for the
binary from "make test-build" with the source file location in app.

V2: * Following some discussion with Thomas, moved the autotests to the
      app folder too.
    * Updated maintainers file appropriately in each patch.

Bruce Richardson (5):
  test/cmdline_test: move to app directory
  test/test-acl: move to app directory
  test/test-pipeline: move to app directory
  test/bpf: move to examples folder
  test/test: move to app folder

 GNUmakefile                                   |   1 -
 MAINTAINERS                                   | 190 +++++++++---------
 app/Makefile                                  |   4 +
 {test => app}/cmdline_test/Makefile           |   0
 {test => app}/cmdline_test/cmdline_test.c     |   0
 {test => app}/cmdline_test/cmdline_test.h     |   0
 {test => app}/cmdline_test/    |   0
 .../cmdline_test/         |   0
 {test => app}/cmdline_test/commands.c         |   0
 app/cmdline_test/                  |   5 +
 app/                               |   8 +-
 {test => app}/test-acl/Makefile               |   0
 {test => app}/test-acl/main.c                 |   0
 app/test-acl/                      |   5 +
 {test => app}/test-pipeline/Makefile          |   0
 {test => app}/test-pipeline/config.c          |   0
 {test => app}/test-pipeline/init.c            |   0
 {test => app}/test-pipeline/main.c            |   0
 {test => app}/test-pipeline/main.h            |   0
 app/test-pipeline/                 |  14 ++
 {test => app}/test-pipeline/pipeline_acl.c    |   0
 {test => app}/test-pipeline/pipeline_hash.c   |   0
 {test => app}/test-pipeline/pipeline_lpm.c    |   0
 .../test-pipeline/pipeline_lpm_ipv6.c         |   0
 {test => app}/test-pipeline/pipeline_stub.c   |   0
 {test => app}/test-pipeline/runtime.c         |   0
 {test => app}/test/Makefile                   |   0
 {test => app}/test/                |   0
 {test => app}/test/           |   0
 {test => app}/test/         |   0
 {test => app}/test/     |   0
 {test => app}/test/commands.c                 |   0
 {test => app}/test/                |   0
 {test => app}/test/packet_burst_generator.c   |   0
 {test => app}/test/packet_burst_generator.h   |   0
 {test => app}/test/process.h                  |   0
 {test => app}/test/resource.c                 |   0
 {test => app}/test/resource.h                 |   0
 {test => app}/test/sample_packet_forward.c    |   0
 {test => app}/test/sample_packet_forward.h    |   0
 {test => app}/test/test.c                     |   0
 {test => app}/test/test.h                     |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_acl.c                 |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_acl.h                 |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_alarm.c               |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_atomic.c              |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_barrier.c             |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_bitmap.c              |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_bitratestats.c        |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_bpf.c                 |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_byteorder.c           |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_cfgfile.c             |   0
 .../test/test_cfgfiles/etc/empty.ini          |   0
 .../test_cfgfiles/etc/empty_key_value.ini     |   0
 .../test_cfgfiles/etc/invalid_section.ini     |   0
 .../test/test_cfgfiles/etc/line_too_long.ini  |   0
 .../test_cfgfiles/etc/missing_section.ini     |   0
 .../test_cfgfiles/etc/realloc_sections.ini    |   0
 .../test/test_cfgfiles/etc/sample1.ini        |   0
 .../test/test_cfgfiles/etc/sample2.ini        |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_cmdline.c             |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_cmdline.h             |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_cmdline_cirbuf.c      |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_cmdline_etheraddr.c   |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_cmdline_ipaddr.c      |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_cmdline_lib.c         |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_cmdline_num.c         |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_cmdline_portlist.c    |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_cmdline_string.c      |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_common.c              |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_compressdev.c         |   0
 .../test/test_compressdev_test_buffer.h       |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_cpuflags.c            |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_crc.c                 |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev.c           |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev.h           |   0
 .../test/test_cryptodev_aead_test_vectors.h   |   0
 .../test/test_cryptodev_aes_test_vectors.h    |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev_asym.c      |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev_asym_util.h |   0
 .../test/test_cryptodev_blockcipher.c         |   0
 .../test/test_cryptodev_blockcipher.h         |   0
 .../test/test_cryptodev_des_test_vectors.h    |   0
 .../test/test_cryptodev_dh_test_vectors.h     |   0
 .../test/test_cryptodev_dsa_test_vectors.h    |   0
 .../test/test_cryptodev_hash_test_vectors.h   |   0
 .../test/test_cryptodev_hmac_test_vectors.h   |   0
 .../test_cryptodev_kasumi_hash_test_vectors.h |   0
 .../test/test_cryptodev_kasumi_test_vectors.h |   0
 .../test/test_cryptodev_mod_test_vectors.h    |   0
 .../test/test_cryptodev_rsa_test_vectors.h    |   0
 .../test_cryptodev_snow3g_hash_test_vectors.h |   0
 .../test/test_cryptodev_snow3g_test_vectors.h |   0
 .../test/test_cryptodev_zuc_test_vectors.h    |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_cycles.c              |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_debug.c               |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_distributor.c         |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_distributor_perf.c    |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_eal_flags.c           |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_eal_fs.c              |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_efd.c                 |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_efd_perf.c            |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_errno.c               |   0
 .../test/test_event_crypto_adapter.c          |   0
 .../test/test_event_eth_rx_adapter.c          |   0
 .../test/test_event_eth_tx_adapter.c          |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_event_ring.c          |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_event_timer_adapter.c |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_eventdev.c            |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_external_mem.c        |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_fbarray.c             |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_flow_classify.c       |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_flow_classify.h       |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_func_reentrancy.c     |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_hash.c                |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_hash_functions.c      |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_hash_multiwriter.c    |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_hash_perf.c           |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_hash_readwrite.c      |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_hash_readwrite_lf.c   |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_interrupts.c          |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_ipsec.c               |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_kni.c                 |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_kvargs.c              |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_latencystats.c        |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_link_bonding.c        |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_link_bonding_mode4.c  |   0
 .../test/test_link_bonding_rssconf.c          |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_logs.c                |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_lpm.c                 |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_lpm6.c                |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_lpm6_data.h           |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_lpm6_perf.c           |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_lpm_perf.c            |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_malloc.c              |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_mbuf.c                |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_member.c              |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_member_perf.c         |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_memcpy.c              |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_memcpy_perf.c         |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_memory.c              |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_mempool.c             |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_mempool_perf.c        |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_memzone.c             |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_meter.c               |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_metrics.c             |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_mp_secondary.c        |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_pdump.c               |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_pdump.h               |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_per_lcore.c           |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_pmd_perf.c            |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_pmd_ring.c            |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_pmd_ring_perf.c       |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_power.c               |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_power_acpi_cpufreq.c  |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_power_kvm_vm.c        |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_prefetch.c            |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_rawdev.c              |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_reciprocal_division.c |   0
 .../test/test_reciprocal_division_perf.c      |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_red.c                 |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_reorder.c             |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_resource.c            |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_ring.c                |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_ring_perf.c           |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_rwlock.c              |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_sched.c               |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_service_cores.c       |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_spinlock.c            |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_string_fns.c          |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_table.c               |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_table.h               |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_table_acl.c           |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_table_acl.h           |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_table_combined.c      |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_table_combined.h      |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_table_pipeline.c      |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_table_pipeline.h      |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_table_ports.c         |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_table_ports.h         |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_table_tables.c        |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_table_tables.h        |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_tailq.c               |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_thash.c               |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_timer.c               |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_timer_perf.c          |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_timer_racecond.c      |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_version.c             |   0
 {test => app}/test/test_xmmt_ops.h            |   0
 {test => app}/test/virtual_pmd.c              |   0
 {test => app}/test/virtual_pmd.h              |   0
 devtools/                        |   3 -
 doc/guides/compressdevs/octeontx.rst          |   2 +-
 doc/guides/cryptodevs/qat.rst                 |   4 +-
 doc/guides/cryptodevs/virtio.rst              |   2 +-
 doc/guides/mempool/octeontx.rst               |   2 +-
 doc/guides/prog_guide/compressdev.rst         |   2 +-
 doc/guides/sample_app_ug/test_pipeline.rst    |   2 +-
 doc/guides/testpmd_app_ug/testpmd_funcs.rst   |   8 +-
 examples/bpf/README                           |   8 +
 {test => examples}/bpf/dummy.c                |   0
 {test => examples}/bpf/mbuf.h                 |   0
 examples/bpf/                      |   6 +
 {test => examples}/bpf/t1.c                   |   0
 {test => examples}/bpf/t2.c                   |   0
 {test => examples}/bpf/t3.c                   |   0                                   |   1 -
 mk/                            |   3 -
 mk/                             |   6 +-
 mk/                             |   8 +-
 test/Makefile                                 |  11 -
 test/                              |   4 -
 212 files changed, 161 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-)
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 rename {test => app}/cmdline_test/cmdline_test.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/cmdline_test/cmdline_test.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/cmdline_test/ (100%)
 rename {test => app}/cmdline_test/ (100%)
 rename {test => app}/cmdline_test/commands.c (100%)
 create mode 100644 app/cmdline_test/
 rename {test => app}/test-acl/Makefile (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test-acl/main.c (100%)
 create mode 100644 app/test-acl/
 rename {test => app}/test-pipeline/Makefile (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test-pipeline/config.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test-pipeline/init.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test-pipeline/main.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test-pipeline/main.h (100%)
 create mode 100644 app/test-pipeline/
 rename {test => app}/test-pipeline/pipeline_acl.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test-pipeline/pipeline_hash.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test-pipeline/pipeline_lpm.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test-pipeline/pipeline_lpm_ipv6.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test-pipeline/pipeline_stub.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test-pipeline/runtime.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/Makefile (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/ (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/ (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/ (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/ (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/commands.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/ (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/packet_burst_generator.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/packet_burst_generator.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/process.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/resource.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/resource.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/sample_packet_forward.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/sample_packet_forward.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_acl.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_acl.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_alarm.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_atomic.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_barrier.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_bitmap.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_bitratestats.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_bpf.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_byteorder.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cfgfile.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cfgfiles/etc/empty.ini (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cfgfiles/etc/empty_key_value.ini (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cfgfiles/etc/invalid_section.ini (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cfgfiles/etc/line_too_long.ini (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cfgfiles/etc/missing_section.ini (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cfgfiles/etc/realloc_sections.ini (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cfgfiles/etc/sample1.ini (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cfgfiles/etc/sample2.ini (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cmdline.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cmdline.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cmdline_cirbuf.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cmdline_etheraddr.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cmdline_ipaddr.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cmdline_lib.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cmdline_num.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cmdline_portlist.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cmdline_string.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_common.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_compressdev.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_compressdev_test_buffer.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cpuflags.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_crc.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev_aead_test_vectors.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev_aes_test_vectors.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev_asym.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev_asym_util.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev_blockcipher.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev_blockcipher.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev_des_test_vectors.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev_dh_test_vectors.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev_dsa_test_vectors.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev_hash_test_vectors.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev_hmac_test_vectors.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev_kasumi_hash_test_vectors.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev_kasumi_test_vectors.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev_mod_test_vectors.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev_rsa_test_vectors.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev_snow3g_hash_test_vectors.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev_snow3g_test_vectors.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cryptodev_zuc_test_vectors.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_cycles.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_debug.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_distributor.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_distributor_perf.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_eal_flags.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_eal_fs.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_efd.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_efd_perf.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_errno.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_event_crypto_adapter.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_event_eth_rx_adapter.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_event_eth_tx_adapter.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_event_ring.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_event_timer_adapter.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_eventdev.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_external_mem.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_fbarray.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_flow_classify.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_flow_classify.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_func_reentrancy.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_hash.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_hash_functions.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_hash_multiwriter.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_hash_perf.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_hash_readwrite.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_hash_readwrite_lf.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_interrupts.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_ipsec.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_kni.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_kvargs.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_latencystats.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_link_bonding.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_link_bonding_mode4.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_link_bonding_rssconf.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_logs.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_lpm.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_lpm6.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_lpm6_data.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_lpm6_perf.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_lpm_perf.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_malloc.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_mbuf.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_member.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_member_perf.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_memcpy.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_memcpy_perf.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_memory.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_mempool.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_mempool_perf.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_memzone.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_meter.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_metrics.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_mp_secondary.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_pdump.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_pdump.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_per_lcore.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_pmd_perf.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_pmd_ring.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_pmd_ring_perf.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_power.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_power_acpi_cpufreq.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_power_kvm_vm.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_prefetch.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_rawdev.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_reciprocal_division.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_reciprocal_division_perf.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_red.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_reorder.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_resource.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_ring.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_ring_perf.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_rwlock.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_sched.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_service_cores.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_spinlock.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_string_fns.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_table.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_table.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_table_acl.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_table_acl.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_table_combined.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_table_combined.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_table_pipeline.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_table_pipeline.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_table_ports.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_table_ports.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_table_tables.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_table_tables.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_tailq.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_thash.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_timer.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_timer_perf.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_timer_racecond.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_version.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/test_xmmt_ops.h (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/virtual_pmd.c (100%)
 rename {test => app}/test/virtual_pmd.h (100%)
 create mode 100644 examples/bpf/README
 rename {test => examples}/bpf/dummy.c (100%)
 rename {test => examples}/bpf/mbuf.h (100%)
 create mode 100644 examples/bpf/
 rename {test => examples}/bpf/t1.c (100%)
 rename {test => examples}/bpf/t2.c (100%)
 rename {test => examples}/bpf/t3.c (100%)
 delete mode 100644 test/Makefile
 delete mode 100644 test/


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