On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 05:42:02PM +0100, Maxime Coquelin wrote:
It seems check-git-log.sh returns an error for this one.

On 12/13/18 1:34 PM, Jens Freimann wrote:
Until we have support for ctrl virtqueues let's disable it and
exit if specified as a parameter.

Signed-off-by: Jens Freimann <jfreim...@redhat.com>
 drivers/net/virtio/virtio_user/virtio_user_dev.c | 8 ++++++--
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/virtio/virtio_user/virtio_user_dev.c 
index 697ba4ae8..f9b83c423 100644
--- a/drivers/net/virtio/virtio_user/virtio_user_dev.c
+++ b/drivers/net/virtio/virtio_user/virtio_user_dev.c
@@ -467,10 +467,14 @@ virtio_user_dev_init(struct virtio_user_dev *dev, char 
*path, int queues,
        if (!in_order)
                dev->unsupported_features |= (1ull << VIRTIO_F_IN_ORDER);
-       if (packed_vq)
+       if (packed_vq) {
+               if (cq)
+                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE,
+                               "control vq not supported with packed 

Sorry if I wasn't clear, but you should return -1 and not exit the
application using the DPDK lib.

Ha, I did this first, but then I thought, no that doesn't seem useful because 
notice you get is easy to miss between all the other output and then
you run something that will not really work as expected :)
But okay, I can change it to return -1.


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