Good news!

About the format of this email, no need to Cc techboard.
I think it would be easier to find if sent as a reply of the release candidate 

Thank you

26/11/2018 16:11, Pei Zhang:
> Hi all, 
> dpdk 18.11-rc5 testing: PASS . As no regression bugs were found. 
> Testing scenarios: 
> (1)Guest with device assignment(PF) throughput testing(1G hugepage size) PASS 
> (2)Guest with device assignment(PF) throughput testing(2M hugepage size) PASS 
> (3)Guest with device assignment(VF) throughput testing PASS 
> (4)PVP(host testpmd as vswitch) vhost-user 1Q throughput testing PASS 
> (5)PVP(host testpmd as vswitch) vhost-user 2Q throughput testing PASS 
> (6)PVP(host testpmd as vswitch) vhost-user 2Q & cross numa node throughput 
> testing PASS 
> (7)vhost-user reconnect with dpdk-client, qemu-server: ovs reconnect PASS 
> (8)Guest with vhost-user hot plug throughput testing PASS 
> (9)PVP(host testpmd as vswitch)vhost-user 1Q live migration testing PASS 
> (10)Guest with ovs+dpdk+vhost-user single queue live migration testing PASS 
> Testing NICs: X540-AT2(ixgbe). 

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